214 research outputs found

    Developing green: A case for the Brazilian manufacturing industry

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    The recent IPCC Special Report on global warming of 1.5 °C emphasizes that rapid action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is vital to achieving the climate mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement. The most-needed substantial upscaling of investments in GHG mitigation options in all sectors, and particularly in manufacturing sectors, can be an opportunity for a green economic development leap in developing countries. Here, we use the Brazilian manufacturing sectors as an example to explore a transformation of its economy while contributing to the Paris targets. Projections of Brazil's economic futures with and without a portfolio of fiscal policies to induce low carbon investments are produced up to 2030 (end year of Brazil's Nationally Determined Contribution-NDC), by employing the large-scale macro econometric Energy-Environment-Economy Model, E3ME. Our findings highlight that the correct mix of green stimulus can help modernize and decarbonize the Brazilian manufacturing sectors and allow the country's economy to grow faster (by up to 0.42% compared to baseline) while its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions decline (by up to 14.5% in relation to baseline). Investment levels increase, thereby strengthening exports' competitiveness and alleviating external constraints to long-term economic growth in net terms

    Fast fluid registration of medical images

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    . This paper offers a new fast algorithm for non-rigid Viscous Fluid Registration of medical images that is at least an order of magnitude faster than the previous method by Christensen et al. [4]. The core algorithm in the fluid registration method is based on a linear elastic deformation of the velocity field of the fluid. Using the linearity of this deformation we derive a convolution filter which we use in a scalespace framework. We also demonstrate that the 'demon'-based registration method of Thirion [13] can be seen as an approximation to the fluid registration method and point to possible problems. 1 Introduction Non-rigid registration of two medical images is performed by applying global and/or local transformations to one of the images (which we will call the template T ) in such a way that it matches the other image (the study S). It is important to understand that the aim of the transformation is to map the template completely onto the study in such a way that informatio..

    Nutrient Content of Summer-Planted Oats after Corn Harvest and Grazing Performance

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    Annual forages provide producers with an alternative grazing source in the fall. A cover crop grazing study was conducted following corn harvest to evaluate the steer ADG and yield of summer sown oats and turnips planted after either high moisture corn or corn silage production. Th e gain of steers grazing oats aft er silage was 1.29 lb/day, while the gain of steers grazing corn residue and oats aft er high moisture corn was 0.72 lb/day. Average oat forage production aft er silage harvest was 2857 lb/acre, while oat production following corn harvest was 523 lb/ acre. Fall forage production of oats following corn silage harvest provided 133 lb of steer gain per acre, while corn residue plus oats following corn harvest provided 57 lb of steer gain per acre. Utilizing oats following silage harvest provides an opportunity for greater forage production and grazing as compared to following corn grain harvest

    Effect of Harvest Method on Digestibility of Corn Residue

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    Corn residues can be an economical forage source for producers and advanced harvest methods have increased the quality of baled residue. A digestion study was conducted to evaluate the effects of harvest method of corn residues (low- stem, highstem, and conventional) on digestibility in lambs. Samples from total fecal collection were dried 1 of 3 ways to determine effects on digestibility estimates. Corn residue containing low- stem had greatest overall digestibility with high- stem residue being intermediate and conventional harvesting having the lowest digestibility. Drying method had no effect on digestibility estimates

    Liderança complexa em uma equipe de desenvolvimento de software

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016.Os estudos sobre liderança vêm se desenvolvendo e aprimorando conforme as necessidades e desafios organizacionais, bem como imbricando com outros assuntos correlatos e formando novas discussões e construções teóricas. Uma dessas construções refere-se à Teoria da Liderança Complexa (TLC). Esta teoria mostra que a dinâmica da complexidade representa uma nova forma de pensar a teoria da liderança. Utiliza como base a relação e interação entre os elementos: (a) sistemas adaptativos complexos; (b) comportamento de interação, correlação e imprevisibilidade; (c) dinâmica da emergência; (d) funções administrativa, adaptativa e promotora, para explicar o processo de liderança no contexto organizacional. Esse processo, sob a ótica da TLC, demonstra que a ciência da complexidade afasta as noções burocráticas de controle e previsibilidade para aproximar-se da percepção de uma liderança em rede, complexa, adaptativa e não linear, uma liderança como processo interativo, que emerge no contexto e na história. As organizações possuem algum grau de complexidade, em função das características do ambiente onde estão inseridas. As organizações inseridas em ambientes de mudança constante, rápida inovação e alta competitividade possuem um grau elevado de complexidade. Um exemplo desse tipo organizacional são as empresas e equipes de desenvolvimento de software. Nesse contexto, para serem bem sucedidas, essas organizações necessitam de uma forma de liderança diferente da tradicional. Nesse sentido, nesta pesquisa, meu objetivo foi compreender a liderança sob a ótica da Teoria da Liderança Complexa (TLC), em uma equipe de desenvolvimento de software. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, utilizei a metodologia qualitativa, de cunho interpretativista, tendo como método a etnografia informada pela teoria da liderança complexa. A etnografia informada é um método baseado no uso de uma teoria definida e delineada para investigação de um grupo e sua cultura. Os resultados demonstram que a liderança ocorre através de um processo dinâmico e compartilhado. Ouso dizer que, em alguns momentos, ela tem características coletivas, e o resultado não pode ser resguardado apenas a um indivíduo, mas à interação entre indivíduos. Outro aspecto que observei foi a importância da função promotora, um dos componentes da TLC, no alcance dos resultados da equipe estudada (EDS1). Nesse aspecto, destaco o entrelaçamento entre as funções da liderança, tendo como protagonista a função promotora, até por se tratar de sua peculiaridade. No campo deste estudo, a EDS1, uma equipe jovem e com pouca experiência, a função promotora se destaca por elevar o resultado da equipe proporcionalmente à maior efetividade da atuação dessa função. Devido a essas observações, proponho, como contribuição empírica, uma releitura no modelo da Teoria da Liderança Complexa, em que a função promotora pode ser comparada a um atractor que avança ou retrocede em uma nova órbita, conforme vão ocorrendo os pontos de intersecção em seu movimento. Essas novas órbitas na EDS1 derivam do desenvolvimento de formas mais eficientes de atuação da equipe, portanto, caracterizam-se como avanços e não retrocessos. Em função de algumas lacunas conceituais, senti a necessidade de construir definições de alguns elementos que compõem o contexto e os mecanismos da dinâmica da emergência, sendo esta uma contribuição conceitual deste trabalho. Espero que as contribuições desta tese sirvam de incentivo para pesquisas futuras.Abstract : Leadership studies have been developing and improving according to organizational needs and challenges, as well as overlapping with other related issues and forming new discussions and theoretical constructs. One of these constructs refers to the Complex Leadership Theory (CLT). This theory shows that the dynamics of complexity represents a new way of thinking for the theory of leadership. It uses as a base the relation and interaction between the elements: (a) complex adaptive systems, (b) behaviors of interaction, correlation and unpredictability, (c) emergency dynamic, (d) administrative, adaptive and enabling functions to explain the process of organizational context. This process, from the viewpoint of CLT, demonstrates that the science of complexity moves away bureaucratic notions of control and predictability to approach the perception of complex, adaptive and nonlinear network leadership, a leadership as an interactive process that emerges in the context and history. The organizations have some degree of complexity depending on the characteristics of the environment where they are inserted. Organizations embedded in environments of constant change, rapid innovation and high competitiveness have a high degree of complexity. An example of this organizational type are software development companies. In this context, to be successful, these organizations need a form of leadership different from the traditional one. This research aims to understand the leadership, from the perspective of the Complex Leadership Theory (CLT), in a software development team. In order to reach the objective proposed in this work, I used the qualitative methodology, with an interpretative nature, using ethnography informed by the complex leadership theory. The results I found demonstrate that leadership occurs through a dynamic and shared process, I dare to say that at times it has collective characteristics and the result can not be safeguarded only to an individual, but to the interaction between individuals. Another aspect that I observed was the importance of the enabling function, one of the components of CLT, in achieving the results of the team studied. In this respect, I highlight the intertwining of leadership roles, with the role of promoter as its protagonist, even if it is its peculiarity. In the field of study studied, a young and inexperienced team, the enabling function is highlighted because it provides greater team result, the more effective the performance of this function. Due to these observations, I propose, as an empirical contribution, a re-reading in the CLT model, in which the enabling function can be compared to an attractor that, as the intersection points in its movement occur, it moves forward or backward in a new orbit. These new orbits in time derive from the development of more efficient forms of team performance, so they are characterized as advances rather than setbacks. Due to a conceptual gap, definitions of some elements that make up the context and mechanisms of emergency dynamic were constructed, and this is a conceptual contribution of this work. I hope that the contributions of this thesis serve as an incentive for future research

    Nutrient Digestibility and Fermentation of Brown Midrib Corn Fed to Growing Beef Steers

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    A digestion study evaluated three corn silage hybrids for growing crossbred steers. The three hybrids were: a standard corn silage hybrid which served as the control, a brown midrib hybrid (bm3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with a softer endosperm. Both bm3 hybrids had greater organic matter and fiber digestibility compared to the control corn silage. However, no differences were observed between the two bm3 hybrids. Rumen pH was reduced for BM3 and BM3-EXP compared to the control suggesting greater rumen fermentation. In vitro gas production was increased for the bm3 hybrids compared to the control further supporting greater rumen fermentation

    Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains With or Without Oil Removal As Well As Supplemental Corn Oil on Nutrient Digestibility by Finishing Cattle

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    A digestion trial was conducted to determine the effects of the removal of corn oil from modified distillers grains plus solubles (MDGS) and the impact of supplemental corn oil on finishing cattle nutrient digestion. Four treatments were evaluated: a corn control diet (CON), 40% de-oiled MDGS (DO MDGS), or 38% de-oiled MDGS plus 2% corn oil (MDGS + Oil) formulated to equal the fat content of FF MDGS, or 40% full fat MDGS (FF MDGS). Treatment differences were observed for digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and fiber, but not for fat. When oil was added to de-oiled MDGS, digestibility was decreased for dry matter, organic matter, and fiber when compared to de-oiled or full fat MDGS. Digestibility values from feeding DGS relative to corn control diets do not follow the same trend, digestible energy increases with DGS feeding, but OM digestibility decreases with DGS feeding

    Gestão de risco nas instituições bancárias e as ferramentas utilizadas

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    Orientador : Luiz Rogério FariasMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Auditoria IntegralInclui referênciasResumo : Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral identificar os riscos que estão presentes nas instituições bancárias e conhecer as ferramentas e métodos disponíveis que são utilizados pelos bancos para o gerenciamento deles, constatando a sua aplicação em uma instituição que atualmente está entre as três maiores do Brasil