24 research outputs found

    Gestión del conocimiento y desafíos en PyMEs proveedoras de la cadena de hidrocarburos en la Cuenca Neuquina. Avance de investigación y reflexión para el diseño de políticas

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    El documento aborda un conjunto de aspectos que destacan en el desenvolvimiento de las PyMEs de hidrocarburos de la Cuenca Neuquina, en la Norpatagonia argentina. La indagación está motivada, por un lado, en los cambios recientes del sector energético en general, e hidrocarburífero en particular, la caída de los precios del petróleo y una tendencia hacia energías más limpias. Y por otro, a nivel estructural, por la dinámica de innovación que se ha abierto con el desarrollo de los reservorios no convencionales para las firmas del segmento PYME, que integran las cadenas globales de valor del gas y el petróleo. La nueva fase de desarrollo de los hidrocarburos exige nuevos sistemas técnicos en la perforación y terminación de pozos y nuevos procedimientos en la extracción, así como cambios en los insumos, componentes y equipos. Ellos movilizan una nueva organización del trabajo, la introducción creciente de las TICs, la toma de información ad hoc, capacitación específica, y una rigurosa coordinación de procesos que se traduce en una nueva división del trabajo aguas arriba. En este marco, desde un enfoque evolucionista de la economía, se analizan un conjunto de problemáticas que enfrentan grupos de PyMEs regionales proveedoras de bienes y servicios del rubro electrónica y metalmecánica. Se indagó acerca de las rutinas de las firmas en la construcción de capacidades tecnológicas, el desarrollo de nuevos procesos y productos, los vínculos externos y las mejoras de gestión internas, los cambios en la productividad, y la competencia comercial en el nuevo escenario de volatilidad de los precios del petróleo

    Gerenciamento de conhecimento e desafios em fornecedores de PME da cadeia de hidrocarbonetos na bacia de Neuquén. Avançando pesquisa e reflexão para o desenho de políticas

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    The document refers to a set of aspects that stand out in the development of the small and medium enterprises of hydrocarbons in the Neuquén Basin, in the Argentine Norpatagonia. The investigation is motivated, on the one hand, by recent changes in the energy sector in general, and hydrocarbons in particular, the fall in oil prices and a trend towards cleaner energies. And on the other hand, at a structural level, due to the dynamics of innovation that has opened up with the development of unconventional reservoirs for companies in the SME segment, which make up the global value chains for gas and oil. The new development phase of hydrocarbons requires new technical systems in the drilling and completion of wells and new extraction procedures, as well as changes in inputs, components and equipment. They mobilize a new organization of work, the increasing introduction of ICTs, the taking of ad hoc information, specific training, and a rigorous coordination that generated a new division of work upstream. In this framework, from an evolutionary approach to the economy, a set of problems faced by groups of regional SMEs that provide goods and services from the electronic and metal-mechanical sector are analyzed. It inquired about the routines of firms in the construction of technological capabilities, the development of new processes and products, external links and internal management improvements, changes in productivity, and commercial competition in the new scenario of volatility of oil prices.El documento aborda un conjunto de aspectos que destacan en el desenvolvimiento de las PyMEs de hidrocarburos de la Cuenca Neuquina, en la Norpatagonia argentina. La indagación está motivada, por un lado, en los cambios recientes del sector energético en general, e hidrocarburífero en particular, la caída de los precios del petróleo y una tendencia hacia energías más limpias. Y por otro, a nivel estructural, por la dinámica de innovación que se ha abierto con el desarrollo de los reservorios no convencionales para las firmas del segmento PYME, que integran las cadenas globales de valor del gas y el petróleo. La nueva fase de desarrollo de los hidrocarburos exige nuevos sistemas técnicos en la perforación y terminación de pozos y nuevos procedimientos en la extracción, así como cambios en los insumos, componentes y equipos. Ellos movilizan una nueva organización del trabajo, la introducción creciente de las TICs, la toma de información ad hoc, capacitación específica, y una rigurosa coordinación de procesos que se traduce en una nueva división del trabajo aguas arriba. En este marco, desde un enfoque evolucionista de la economía, se analizan un conjunto de problemáticas que enfrentan grupos de PyMEs regionales proveedoras de bienes y servicios del rubro electrónica y metalmecánica. Se indagó acerca de las rutinas de las firmas en la construcción de capacidades tecnológicas, el desarrollo de nuevos procesos y productos, los vínculos externos y las mejoras de gestión internas, los cambios en la productividad, y la competencia comercial en el nuevo escenario de volatilidad de los precios del petróleo.O documento aborda um conjunto de aspectos que se destacam no desenvolvimento das PyMEs de hidrocarbonetos na Bacia do Neuquén, na Norpatonia da Argentina. A investigação está motivada, por um lado, pelas mudanças recentes no setor de energia em geral, e os hidrocarbonetos em particular, a queda nos preços do petróleo e uma tendência para energias mais limpas. E, por outro lado, a nível estrutural, devido à dinâmica da inovação que se abriu com o desenvolvimento de reservatórios não convencionais para empresas do segmento de PMEs, que compõem as cadeias de valor globais de gás e petróleo. A nova fase de desenvolvimento de hidrocarbonetos requer novos sistemas técnicos na perfuração e conclusão de poços e novos procedimentos de extração, bem como mudanças em insumos, componentes e equipamentos. Eles mobilizam uma nova organização de trabalho, a introdução crescente de TICs, a tomada de informações ad hoc, treinamento específico e uma coordenação de processo rigorosa que se traduz em uma nova divisão de trabalho no upstream. Neste contexto, a partir de uma abordagem evolutiva para a economia, um conjunto de problemas enfrentados pelos grupos de PME regionais que fornecem bens e serviços do setor eletrônico e metal mecânico são analisados. Preguntou sobre as rotinas das empresas na construção de capacidades tecnológicas, o desenvolvimento de novos processos e produtos, links externos e melhorias na gestão interna, mudanças na produtividade e concorrência comercial no novo cenário de volatilidade dos preços do petróleo

    Proyectos de producción de biogás en la Región Pampeana y su contribución a los desafíos energéticos del Siglo XXI

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    In the 21st century, global society confronts energy challenges related to the availability of resources, environmental impacts resulting from the use of fossil fuels and inequity in access to energy. A new energy transition is suggested focused on, changes in the use and supply of energy, in the development and implementation of renewable sources, including environmental, political, economic and cultural aspects. Argentina is no stranger to this global energy scenario. In recent years, policies and strategies have been implemented to promote renewable energies, democratize their use and improve access to them. In this context, rural spaces are re-visualized and appropriated as energy producers. In particular, the spaces where livestock activities are developed have the potential for renewable generation from animal waste, also contributing to their proper management. The objective of this work is to explore the global and national energy challenges to determine the contributions of biogas production projects in the Pampas Region, identifying factors, obstacles and challenges. For this purpose, mainly secondary information was used, resorting to different sources. Sixteen projects for the production of biogas from cattle waste were identified in the Pampas region, most of them are feedlot. Argentina has the potential for the implementation of this technology, which would contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gasemissions, renewable energy generation and circular economy, among other issues. The main barriers to the development of this type of projects are economic, so the implementation and continuity of programs that guarantee the purchase of renewable energy and financing are essential.La sociedad global enfrenta desafíos energéticos por la escasez de recursos, los impactos ambientales asociados y la inequidad en el acceso. Se plantea una nueva transición energética centrada en cambios en el uso y provisión, en el desarrollo e implementación de fuentes renovables, abarcando aspectos ambientales, políticos, económicos y culturales. En Argentina se ejecutaron políticas y estrategias para la promoción de las energías renovables, la democratización de su uso y la mejora en el acceso. En este contexto, los espacios rurales son re-visualizados y apropiados como territorios productores de energía; los espacios donde se desarrollan actividades ganaderas presentan potencial de generación a partir de los residuos pecuarios. El objetivo del trabajo es explorar los desafíos energéticos a nivel global y nacional para determinar los aportes de proyectos de producción de biogás en la Región Pampeana, identificando factores, obstáculos y desafíos. Se empleó principalmente información secundaria, recurriendo a diversas fuentes. Se identificaron 16 proyectos de producción de biogás a partir de residuos pecuarios bovinos en la Región Pampeana. Argentina presenta potencial para la implementación de esta tecnología, la cual brinda numerosas oportunidades. Las principales barreras para el desarrollo son económicas; la implementación y continuidad de programas y financiamiento son fundamentales

    Does a Seasonal Developmental Rhythm Exist in Tropical Living Populations?

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    The main aim of this work concerns the answer a question whether the general regularity of seasonal differences in changes of height, weight and body components during ontogeny exist. If so, whether this phenomenon depends on cyclic changes in nature or this rather is an adjustment to local conditions and mode of life. To answer this question the studies took place in the tropical climate of Yucatan and included 49 boys and 47 girls aged 11–12 years and being of the Maya, Mestizo and Creole origin. The youths were attending two schools which were located in rather poor districts of Merida (capital city of the Yucatan State, Mexico). The investigations started in February 2002 and ended in November 2003 and were continued monthly. The standard anthropometric methodology was applied to measure body height, weight, arm, waist, hip and calf circumferences and five subcutaneous fat folds (biceps and triceps brachii, subscapular, suprailiac and calf). Bioimpedance techniques were used to measure fat mass (FM), fat free mass (FFM) and total body water (TBW). The results show that monthly or longer rates of stature increments and increments or declines of body mass do not exist. The similar observations were mentioned according to daily studies of similar type in literature. There are not similar regularities of changes even in groups of coevals of the same gender and within the youths coming from the same district. Each variable shows a quite specific rate of changes

    Każde dziecko i każda jego cecha ma swoiste tempo rozwoju, modyfikowane przez warunki życia w danym okresie. (Raport 2 z dwuletnich comiesięcznych badań na Jukatanie w Meksyku)

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    In the first report, the specific monthly rate of changes of body build measures, typical for a studied group of youths and /or seasonal changes according to climatic conditions were not observed (Siniarska et al., 2005). The preliminary results suggested that observed changes rather depend on an adjustment to conditions and mode of life than to changes in nature. In the present report changes in particularly studied individuals were analyzed to verify the previous hypothesis suggesting that the rate of development has an immediate (causal) sense. The problem of whether the pubertal spurt is a single developmental effort or series of changes with dominance of intensified increments was considered. To explain the phenomenon of difference in onset of the pubertal spurt and its intensity in various populations, monthly measurements were conducted in individuals being at the age of puberty. The results show that each individual and its variable show a different rate of changes. It suggests that the rate of development and changes in body mass and fat mass are occasional. It rather depends on living conditions, mostly on nutrition and mode of life (physical activity and leisure). The only regularity shows that rather short (1-3 months) periods of rapid growth (saltations) are divided by slower growth periods (stasis), but their duration and time of occurrence have a very individual character. The rate and rhythm of each body build variables are also different. These phenomena depend rather on condition s in which the development of each individual occurs, as well as on its genetic predispositions and eco-sensitivity. It is probable, that differences in onset and intensity of pubertal spurt depend on alternations between periods of saltations and stasis of growth processes and on changes in body mass. These studies need to be repeated during a longer period of time (at least within a 5-year period ), in different climatic conditions and social groups

    Escala de justicia organizacional de Colquitt (EJOC): Evidencias Psicométricas en docentes de educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar las evidencias de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Justicia Organizacional de Colquitt (EJOC) en docentes de educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana, 2022.; se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño instrumental y de tipo básico. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 503 docentes de educación básica regular, seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Dentro de los resultados, se pudo evidenciar la validez por estructura interna mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, priorizando el modelo de segundo orden, ya que cuenta con mejores índices incrementales CFI= .997, TLI = .997, SRMR= .018, WRMR= .947, en relación a la confiabilidad fue hallada con el coeficiente omega siendo mayor a .70. Además, se realizó la relación con otras variables evidenciando la relación directa y tamaño de efecto grande con la Escala de Agotamiento emocional. Por último, se concluyó que el instrumento es válido y confiable para poder aplicar en las organizaciones

    Czy istnieje sezonowy rytm rozwoju w warunkach tropikalnych? (Raport 1 z dwuletnich comiesięcznych badań na Jukatanie w Meksyku)

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    The main aim of this work concerns the answer to the question of whether the general regularity of seasonal differences in changes of height, weight, and body components during ontogeny in tropics exists. If so, whether this phenomenon depends on cyclic changes in nature or this rather is an adjustment to local conditions and mode of life.  To answer this question the studies took place in the tropical climate of Yucatan and included 49 boys and 47 girls aged 11-12 years and being of Maya, Mestizo, and Creole origin. The youths were attending two schools that were located in rather poor districts of Merida (the capital city of the Yucatan State, Mexico). The investigations started in February 2002 and ended in November 2003 and were continued monthly. The standard anthropometric methodology was applied to measure body height, weight, arm, waist, hip, and calf circumferences, and five subcutaneous fat folds (biceps and triceps brachii, subscapular, suprailiac and calf). Bioimpedance techniques were used to estimate fat mass (FM ), fat-free mass (FFM ), and total body water (TBW). The results show that general regularities in monthly or longer rates of stature increments and increments or declines of body mass do not exist. There are not similar regularities of changes even in groups of coevals of the same gender and within the youths coming from the same district. Each variable shows a quite specific rate of change

    Height, Weight and Body Mass Index by Age and Sex in Children Aged 4 to 6 Years in Merida, Mexico, as Compared to International References After Normalization with LMS

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    A cross-sectional study was done in 2006–2007 of 458 children (218 boys and 240 girls) aged 4 to 6 years (range 4.00 to 6.99 years) in Merida, Mexico. Height (cm) and body weight (kg) were measured to estimate growth; body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) was calculated to evaluate nutritional status. Results showed signifi cant sex difference with respect to height, weight, and BMI. Increment of height and weight with age was observed. However, age difference in BMI was not consistent. Nutritional status was evaluated using International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) classifi cation and BMI cut-off values showed notable rates of overweight (boys 14.41% and girls 17.75%) and obesity (boys 12.43% and girls 7.21%). Anthropometric data of height, weight, and BMI were normalized using LMS methodology and were compared with World Health Organization (WHO) growth reference data. Again, increment of height and weight with age was observed although those were lower in the present study for boys and girls than the corresponding WHO growth reference data. In contrast, mean BMI by age in the present results exceeded WHO reference data, especially above the 85th percentile. Assessment of nutritional status with reference to IOTF and WHO revealed similar trends

    Advice on assistance and protection from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : Part 2. On preventing and treating health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated nerve agent exposure, and the identification of medical countermeasures able to reduce or eliminate the longer term health effects of nerve agents

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    The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has provided advice in relation to the Chemical Weapons Convention on assistance and protection. We present the SAB’s response to a request from the OPCW Director-General in 2014 for information on the best practices for preventing and treating the health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated organophosphorus nerve agent (NA) exposure. The report summarises pre- and post-exposure treatments, and developments in decontaminants and adsorbing materials, that at the time of the advice, were available for NAs. The updated information provided could assist medics and emergency responders unfamiliar with treatment and decontamination options related to exposure to NAs. The SAB recommended that developments in research on medical countermeasures and decontaminants for NAs should be monitored by the OPCW, and used in assistance and protection training courses and workshops organised through its capacity building programmes.Peer reviewe

    Are soluble ST2 levels influenced by vitamin D and/or the seasons?

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    Objective: Cardiovascular disease manifestation and several associated surrogate markers, such as vitamin D, have shown substantial seasonal variation. A promising cardiovascular biomarker, soluble ST2 (sST2), has not been investigated in this regard – we therefore determined if systemic levels of sST2 are affected by seasonality and/or vitamin D in order to investigate their clinical interrelation and usability. Design: sST2 levels were measured in two cohorts involving hypertensive patients at cardiovascular risk, the Styrian Vitamin D Hypertension Trial (study A; RCT design, 8 weeks 2800 IU cholecalciferol daily) and the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study (LURIC; study B; cross-sectional design). Methods: The effects of a vitamin D intervention on sST2 levels were determined in study A using ANCOVA, while seasonality of sST2 levels was determined in study B using ANOVA. Results: The concentrations of sST2 remained unchanged by a vitamin D intervention in study A, with a mean treatment effect (95% confidence interval) of 0.1 (−0.6 to 0.8) ng/mL; P = 0.761), despite a rise in 25(OH)D (11.3 (9.2–13.5) ng/mL; P < 0.001) compared to placebo. In study B, seasonal variations were present in 25(OH)D levels in men and women with or without heart failure (P < 0.001 for all subgroups), while sST2 levels remained unaffected by the seasons in all subgroups. Conclusions: Our study provides the first evidence that systemic sST2 levels are not interrelated with vitamin D levels or influenced by the seasons in subjects at cardiovascular risk