1,705 research outputs found

    La síndrome de Burnout en els treballadors socials a Catalunya

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    Curs 2013-2014Aquest treball de fi de grau constitueix una proposta d’investigació sobre el fenomen del burnout o síndrome d’esgotament professional que pateixen molts treballadors socials. Concretament, es pretenen analitzar els factors causants d’aquesta síndrome així com les seves conseqüències en termes estructurals i organitzatius, de qualitat en l’atenció a les persones i personals per part dels professionals del treball social. La necessitat i interès d'abordar el tema es deu a les evidències científiques, realitzades en d’altres països, que confirmen que l'exposició als factors de risc psicosocials afecten la salut del professional i a tota l'organització. Més encara en un moment de crisi econòmica en la qual els treballadors socials han d’atendre a una major quantitat d’usuaris amb diversitat de dificultats i en situacions més complexes. En el nostre país, la investigació sobre la síndrome del burnout en l’àmbit dels treballadors socials és pràcticament inexistent, raó per la qual es fa més necessari potenciar recerques que es focalitzin en aquesta realitat.Aquest document és el resultat d’un treball continuat que comprèn tant la cerca i lectura de la bibliografia existent i rellevant sobre el fenomen del esgotament professional, com una primera fase exploratòria per contrastar el marc teòric amb la realitat catalana, concretament la de la comarca del Gironès. Posteriorment, i a partir dels resultats obtinguts, es presenta el disseny d’una investigació que ha de cobrir tot l’àmbit català. En aquest cas, s’ha optat per fer una recerca amb una metodologia qualitativa (entrevistes i grups de discussió), ja que l’objectiu és copsar les vivències, percepcions i opinions dels treballadors socials sobre les causes del burnout i les seves conseqüències. Els resultats d'aquesta investigació són considerats una oportunitat per identificar àrees de millora en l'organització de la feina i altres aspectes rellevants com el disseny del lloc de treball, les relacions interpersonals i a nivell personalThe following work is a proposal on the burnout phenomenon that suffer many social workers. Specifically, I analyze the factors causing this syndrome and its consequences in terms of structural and organizational quality care of people and personal social work professionals. The document contains various elements that were part of the exploratory phase of research, which analyze different fact's that unleash the burnout in professional social work in the field of basic social services in Catalonia. The need and interest to approach this topic is due to the scientific evidence made in other countries, which confirm that the exposure of psychosocial risk factors affect the health professional and the entire organization. More so at a current time of economic crisis in which social workers must serve a greater number of users with a variety of difficulties and in more complex situations. In our country, Spain, the field research on this syndrome among social workers still lacking. I can conclude that this lack of data creates the need to promote research focusing on this reality.This document is the result of continuous work that includes both research and reading on the relevant existing bibliography on the burnout phenomenon as a first exploratory phase and then a comparison of the theoretical framework with the Catalan reality, particularly in the region of Girona. Subsequently, from the results I present the design of an investigation that must cover the Catalan territory. In this case, I opted a qualitative research methodology (interviews and focus groups), since the objective is to capture the experiences, perceptions and opinions about the causes of social workers burnout and its consequences. The results of this investigation are considered an opportunity to identify areas of improvement in the organization of work and other relevant issues such as job design or interpersonal and personal relationships

    Coastal ECO Research projects

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    En aquest Research Café es presenten projectes on la tecnologia es posa al servei dels mars i els oceans, i que estan lligats amb els objectius ODS Vida Submarina i Acció pel clima.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::13 - Acció per al ClimaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::14 - Vida Submarin


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    In recent years, consumer concerns on environmental and health issues related to food products have increased and, as a result, the demand for organically grown production has grown. Higher costs of production and retailer margins generate a gap between real prices and those that consumers are willing to pay for organic food. In this article, consumer willingness to pay for organic food in two Spanish regions is analyzed. Markets in both regions are segmented considering consumers lifestyles. Results indicate that consumers concerned about healthy diet and environmental degradation are the most likely to buy organic food, and are willing to pay a high premium. Organic attributes are easily identified in perishable products as the premium consumers would pay for organic meat, fruits, and vegetables is higher.Demand and Price Analysis,

    The southern lobe of the Llobregat delta: a natural system controlled by human activity

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    La evolución reciente del hemidelta Sur del Llobregat (Barcelona) es un claro ejemplo de sistema natural dominado por la acción del hombre. Las necesidades de ocupación de la llanura y frente deltaico junto con la regulación del caudal del río han generado un fuerte desequilibrio sedimentario. El ascenso del nivel del mar a largo plazo inducido por el calentamiento global no hará más que agravar esta situación. El artículo presenta las disfunciones generadas y la difícil coexistencia entre la geomorfología y la actividad humana en 4 puntos representativos de la costa objeto de la visita de campo organizada en el marco de las “Xª Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral”. En la primera parada, al sur de la unidad se observa el impacto causado por el puerto deportivo de Port Ginesta, responsable del cierre del sistema en términos sedimentarios. La segunda parada, en la zona central, es un ejemplo de evolución costera inducida por la acción del oleaje y la orientación de la costa. En la parada 3 se describen los trabajos de restauración de un sistema dunar. Finalmente, al norte de la unidad se observan los efectos de la divergencia en el transporte longitudinal generados por la ampliación del puerto de Barcelona.Postprint (published version

    Fast Fight Detection

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    Action recognition has become a hot topic within computer vision. However, the action recognition community has focused mainly on relatively simple actions like clapping, walking, jogging, etc. The detection of specific events with direct practical use such as fights or in general aggressive behavior has been comparatively less studied. Such capability may be extremely useful in some video surveillance scenarios like prisons, psychiatric centers or even embedded in camera phones. As a consequence, there is growing interest in developing violence detection algorithms. Recent work considered the well-known Bag-of-Words framework for the specific problem of fight detection. Under this framework, spatio-temporal features are extracted from the video sequences and used for classification. Despite encouraging results in which high accuracy rates were achieved, the computational cost of extracting such features is prohibitive for practical applications. This work proposes a novel method to detect violence sequences. Features extracted from motion blobs are used to discriminate fight and non-fight sequences. Although the method is outperformed in accuracy by state of the art, it has a significantly faster computation time thus making it amenable for real-time applications

    Gender differences in time use across age groups : a study of ten industrialized countries, 2005-2015

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    Altres ajuts: Ramón y Cajal Programme (RYC2018-024808-I) ; Generalitat de Catalunya, CERCAThis study uses large scale cross-national time-diary data from the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) (N = 201,972) covering the period from 2005 to 2015 to examine gender differences in time use by age groups. The study compares ten industrialized countries across Asia, Europe, and North America. In all ten countries, gender differences in time use are smaller in personal care, sleeping and meals, followed by leisure time (including screen-based leisure and active leisure), and largest in housework, care work and paid work activities. Gender disparities in time use are higher in South Korea, Hungary, and Italy, followed closely by Spain, with moderate gender gaps in Western European countries like France and Netherlands, and lowest differences in Finland and Anglo-Saxon countries, including Canada, US, and the UK. Gender differences in housework and caring time increase from adolescence (10-17 years) to early adulthood (18-29 years), showing strong gender gaps in early/middle adulthood (30-44 years), but narrow again during late adulthood (65 years or older). However, the age gradient in care work and housework is most pronounced in Italy and South Korea, being less prominent in Canada and Finland. Gender gaps in paid work are larger in early/middle adulthood (30-44) and middle/late adulthood (45-64), with strongest age gradients observed in the Netherlands and weaker gradients for the US. Gender differences in active leisure increase by age, especially in Southern European countries, while screen-based leisure shows more stable gender gaps by age groups across different countries. Overall, this study shows that age and gender intersect strongly in affecting time-use patterns, but also that the national context plays an important role in shaping gender-age interactions in time use allocation

    Metallic Coaxial Nanolasers

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    The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advancements in the area of nanophotonics and plasmonics. Undoubtedly, the introduction of metallic structures has opened a path towards light confinement and manipulation at the subwavelength scale { a regime that was previously thought to be out of reach in optics. Of central importance is to devise efficient light sources to power up the future nanoscale optical circuits. Coaxial resonators can provide a platform to implement such subwavelength sources. They support ultrasmall cavity modes and offer large mode-emitter overlap as well as multifold scalability. Given their large modulation bandwidth, they hold promise for high speed optical interconnects { where they can be used for light generation and modulation simultaneously. In addition, the possibility of thresholdless operation in such devices may have implications in developing the next generation of efficient lighting systems. In this review article, the physics and applications of coaxial nanolasers will be discussed

    Confidence in the Beef Production System as a Key Factor to Mitigate the Impact of BSE on Beef Consumption

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    Recent food scares in the food market has caused a reduction in consumer's confidence in the food system that it has induced a significant reduction in consumption in a sector, the beef sector that was already characterized by a saturated trend in quantity terms. In this context, all participants in the beef production system are facing to a great challenge, to retrieve consumer's confidence in the food chain and to mitigate the reduction in beef consumption. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of consumer's confidence in the food system as well as other factors on the explanation of food consumption reduction. A structural modelling approach has been used to analyse factors affecting the reduction in beef consumption in two different regions characterised by different production systems and different marketing strategies (PGI beef label). Results indicate that main factor explaining the reduction in beef consumption is the confidence in the beef and a positive relation has been found. Moreover, confidence in a product is directly related to the perceived quality offered by farmers and other decision makers on the beef chain, and to the consumer involvement with the product. Therefore, the main implication is that participants in the food chain has to develop adequate communication strategies such as quality labelling in order to increase consumers perceive quality because, higher quality perception will recover consumers' confidence in beef, and therefore, it will mitigate beef consumption reduction.food confidence, consumer behaviour, structural equation modelling, beef sector, quality label, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    Does the position held by an individual in a company fit into his/her personality? The answer to this question is yes. This is because there is significant relationship between the characteristics possessed by a worker which includes his character, personality and way of life, with the current position he/she is holding in an organization. The evolution of man is in accordance with technological advancement, new cultures, social and economic developments, among other phenomena. In other words, the success in the position given to a person will depend largely on his/her personality from a mental and physical point of view. This aim of this paper is to analyze the part of clinical psychology which is associated with human talent through a series of characteristics and personality traits. Personality traits and characteristics are crucial for the proper performance of a worker in a specific job

    Generation of Fourier transform limited heralded single photons

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    In this paper we study the spectral (temporal) properties of heralded single photon wavepackets, triggered by the detection of an idler photon in the process of parametric downconversion. The generated single photons are studied within the framework of the chronocyclic Wigner function, from which the single photon spectral width and temporal duration can be computed. We derive specific conditions on the two-photon joint spectral amplitude which result in both pure and Fourier- transform limited heralded single photons. Likewise, we present specific source geometries which lead to the fulfilment of these conditions and show that one of these geometries leads, for a given pump bandwidth, to the temporally shortest possible heralded single photon wavepackets.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 02381