9 research outputs found

    Integrating components of culture in curriculum planning

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    Culture is seen from different perspectives but the focus of this paper is on the totality of people’s way of life; those things that bind the society together. In this paper, the key concepts of curriculum, culture, and curriculum planning are explained. The components of culture, namely, universals of culture, specialties of culture and alternatives of culture are discussed. Integration is briefly presented and how to integrate culture in the curriculum planning is discussed. This can be done through situational analysis to identify the necessary cultural contents to be included or integrated in the curriculum. Different modes of delivery to be used are role play, dramatization, collaboration, field trips, games and simulation, and other interactive modes that make learning meaningful and worthwhile

    Effects of Two Phonics Instructional Modes on English as Second Language Learners’ Achievement in Reading

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    This study examines the effects of two phonics instructional modes on the reading achievement of Nigerian learners of English as a second language. The design of the study was quasi-experimental. The study specifically adopted the non-equivalent, non-randomized control group design. The sample of the study were 118 primary one school pupils who were drawn from four public primary schools in Enugu, South East, Nigeria using multi-stage sampling technique. The participants who were assigned to experimental and control groups were pretested and post tested. The experimental group was taught using synthetic phonics while the control group was taught using analytic phonics. Data were generated with Means, Standard Deviation and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). While Means and Standard Deviation were used to answer the research questions, ANCOVA was used to test the hypothesis at p<0.05. The findings of the study indicated that Synthetic phonics significantly improved pupils’ achievement in reading more than analytic phonics. Based on the findings, it was concluded that synthetic phonics is a more effective mode of teaching beginning reading than analytic phonics. A proper exposure of pre and in-service teachers to the techniques and activities involved in synthetic phonics as well as the adoption and proper implementation of the method for reading instruction in Nigerian primary schools were recommended


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    Higher education institutions experience large classes despite the National Universities’ Commission’s (NUC) and other supervisory agencies emphasis on carrying capacity of the institutions in Nigeria. The overpopulation affects effective teaching and learning and quality assurance. This study focused on perception of intern teachers of the use of interactive strategies in teaching Curriculum Studies in an online environment in a College of Education. 200 computer science students (intern teachers) in a Curriculum Studies class formed the study sample. Three research questions guided the study. A structured and validated questionnaire with reliability index of 0.79, made up of 25 items constructed on a four-point Likert-type scale was administered on the students for data collection. The data were analysed using simple mean and the results showed that the intern teachers supported the use of the teaching strategies in an online class as a complement to the face to face method of teaching. They are also recommended as alternative strategies to reduce the problems associated with large classes. However, the research subjects were sceptical about the implementation of online teaching as a result of power supply and access to internet facilities. The findings have a far reaching implication for the 21st Century teaching and learning. Suggestions towards effective online teaching and learning were made especially with theGovernment’s reiteration of the need for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the schools in Nigeria.Key Words: Interactive learning, online environment, Intern teachers, virtual learning and online teaching


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    Higher education institutions experience large classes despite the National Universities’ Commission’s (NUC) and other supervisory agencies emphasis on carrying capacity of the institutions in Nigeria. The overpopulation affects effective teaching and learning and quality assurance. This study focused on perception of intern teachers of the use of interactive strategies in teaching Curriculum Studies in an online environment in a College of Education. 200 computer science students (intern teachers) in a Curriculum Studies class formed the study sample. Three research questions guided the study. A structured and validated questionnaire with reliability index of 0.79, made up of 25 items constructed on a four-point Likert-type scale was administered on the students for data collection. The data were analysed using simple mean and the results showed that the intern teachers supported the use of the teaching strategies in an online class as a complement to the face to face method of teaching. They are also recommended as alternative strategies to reduce the problems associated with large classes. However, the research subjects were sceptical about the implementation of online teaching as a result of power supply and access to internet facilities. The findings have a far reaching implication for the 21st Century teaching and learning. Suggestions towards effective online teaching and learning were made especially with theGovernment’s reiteration of the need for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the schools in Nigeria

    Curriculum implementation in teacher education institutions for attainment of 2030 sustainable development goals: teacher-educators’ views

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    Nigeria’s drive to deliver democratic dividends; improve the lives of her citizenry by fighting inequality, injustice, corruption; promote peace; and tackle climate change by 2030 remains apt and the matters require urgent attention. Out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG4, which is “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all”, appears to be the hub around which the other SDGs revolve. The curriculum process is the major source through which the SDGs framework which has five key themes: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships, will be realised. The curriculum implementation process for the attainment of the SDGs involves needs analysis, selection of objectives, designing appropriate content, selecting learning experiences, organisation and evaluation of the learning experiences. Teaching the curriculum process requires sufficient knowledge by teachers and the application of the curriculum process to global issues such as the SDGs. This  paper examined teacher educators’ views on the use of curriculum process in teaching for the attainment of the SDGs through curriculum implementation process. Five research questions guided the study. A qualitative analysis was used to elicit information from the teacher-educators using three open ended interview questions. A purposive sampling technique was used to select one hundred and eighty (180) teacher-educators from teacher education institutions in the South-East. A 31-item structured questionnaire on four-point Likert scale was used for data collection, while simple mean was used for the data analysis. The result of the study showed that the teachers were of the view that for the SDGs to be attained it must use the curriculum process. The study further revealed that poor application of the curriculum process was a major pitfall preventing the realisation of the national objectives. The teachers, in addition to other things, noted that 15 years is too short a period of time to realise the SDGs. The findings have implications for the attainment of the SDGs by the year 2030. Suggestions were proffered on the need for the government to see the attainment of the SDGs as a policy issue and provide the necessary enablement for schools to facilitate the attainment of the SDGs by 2030.Keywords: Sustainable development goals, Curriculum implementation, Curriculum process, Inclusive educatio

    Teacher educators’ use of active learning strategies for attainment of sustainable development goal 4

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    In Nigeria, teacher education is offered in two types of institutions, namely: universities and colleges of education. The major role of teachers is the provision of quality education at all levels of education......A purposive sampling technique was used to sample two hundred and forty (240) teacher educators out of 2,310 from three Federal Colleges of Education in the South-East geo-political zone. The ratio was 120:70:50 in terms of the teacher educator’s population in the respective schools. A 28-item structured questionnaire, constructed on four-point Likert scale and validated by three teacher educators, not involved in the study, was used for data collection. Mean was used for the data analysis. The findings have lots of implications on the attainment of the SDG4 by the year 2030. Suggestions were proffered on the need for re-training programme to get teachers acquainted with the active learning strategy skills to promote the attainment of the SDG4 by 2030.Keywords: SDG, active learning, teacher education, curriculum implementatio

    Library and Information Science Integrated Language Teaching Approach and Students’ Achievement in English Grammar

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    Different studies have shown that students perform poorly in English grammar. Thus, the study investigated the effect of Library and Information Science Integrated Language Teaching Approach on students’ achievement in English grammar. The achievement of students taught with ILTA were compared with those of students taught with the Form Based Approach (FAB). A quasi-experimental design was adopted. A total of 296 senior secondary school two students (83 males and 73 females) constituted the sample. They were assigned into experimental and control groups using a multi-stage sampling technique. The English Grammar Achievement Test (EGAT) was used for data collection. Treatment lasted for six weeks. The research question was answered using mean scores, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that Library and Information Science Integrated Language Teaching Approach significantly improved students’ achievement in English grammar, but gender did not significantly influence students’ achievement and interest in English grammar. There was also no significant interaction influence of instructional approaches and gender on students’ achievement in English grammar. It was recommended that education stakeholders should organize workshops to educate teachers on the efficacy of Library and Information Science Integrated Language Teaching Approach as well as the procedures for using it in teaching English grammar, especially to learners of English as a second language

    Pre-Reading Activities and Students’ Achievement in French Oracy: Implication for Evaluation in Library and Information Science

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    Library and Information Science is a profession that is full of people who are passionate about making a positive change in the world. In this profession, the workers are known as Librarians whose duty is to bridge the gaps that exist between people, information and technology. Librarians work to create reader’s advisory resources to encourage young students to develop a lifelong love of reading and learning through pre-reading activities. This paper thus, investigated the effect of pre-reading activities on students’ achievement in French oracy. Using quasi-experimental research design, 154 senior secondary one students participated in the study. French Oracy Achievement Test (FOAT) was used for data collection. The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.75, using the Kendall’s Co-efficient of Concordance (W). The data obtained were analysed using means and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that students taught French oracy using pre-reading activities achieved significantly higher than those taught with the audio-lingual method. The finding implicates the evaluation of library and information sciences. It was therefore recommended, among others, that adequate provisions should be made by the government to ensure an equitable distribution of qualified teachers and instructional resources to urban and rural schools so that no school will be disadvantaged because of its location