Pre-Reading Activities and Students’ Achievement in French Oracy: Implication for Evaluation in Library and Information Science


Library and Information Science is a profession that is full of people who are passionate about making a positive change in the world. In this profession, the workers are known as Librarians whose duty is to bridge the gaps that exist between people, information and technology. Librarians work to create reader’s advisory resources to encourage young students to develop a lifelong love of reading and learning through pre-reading activities. This paper thus, investigated the effect of pre-reading activities on students’ achievement in French oracy. Using quasi-experimental research design, 154 senior secondary one students participated in the study. French Oracy Achievement Test (FOAT) was used for data collection. The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.75, using the Kendall’s Co-efficient of Concordance (W). The data obtained were analysed using means and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that students taught French oracy using pre-reading activities achieved significantly higher than those taught with the audio-lingual method. The finding implicates the evaluation of library and information sciences. It was therefore recommended, among others, that adequate provisions should be made by the government to ensure an equitable distribution of qualified teachers and instructional resources to urban and rural schools so that no school will be disadvantaged because of its location

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