59 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Entrepreneur Baru Pembuatan Buket Bunga bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK di RT 03 RW 03 Kel. Rampal Celaket Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur

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    Kota Batu yang berudara sejuk dan banyak petani bunga sangat dekat dengan kota Malang. Dengan potensi banyaknya petani bunga dan panen yang melimpah dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat sekitar untuk belajar entrepreneur awal. Penulis melakukan penelitian dengan jumlah warga sekitar 30 KK, sebagian besar ibu-ibu PKK memiliki waktu yang senggang untuk melakukan kegiatan yang produktif dan diharapkan dapat menambah pendapatan harian. Setelah berakhirnya sesi pelatihan para ibu PKK mempunyai keterampilan dan mulai membuka wacana memasarkan hasil karya mereka dimulai untuk dipakai sendiri dan dijual ke keluarga dekat lebih dulu sebelum dipasarkan

    Rantai Pasok Agroindustri Sabut Kelapa pada PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo Kecamatan Matuari Kota Bitung

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    This study aims to determine the production process of processing, coconut coir  fishing nets and describe the flow of products, information flows and financial flows in the supply chain of fishing nets at PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, Matuari District, Bitung City. This research was conducted for 2 months from September to October 2022. The sampling method used the purposive sampling method with the purpose and objective of the research, namely by selecting one of the staff/employees at PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo. The research uses primary data obtained from direct observation and interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive analysis with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that supply chain actors in product flow, information flow and financial flow were farmers, collectors, PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, expedition services and customers. Product flow in the Jaring Ikan supply chain, namely the supply of raw materials from coconut coir supply farmers to PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, coconut fiber rope products has been exported to customers using expedition services. The flow of information that flows, namely information about the supply of raw materials from suppliers to factories and then product information from factories to customers. The financial flow that flows is in the form of payments made which pay to suppliers in cash/cash while for customer payments to the factory, namely the transfer payment system.

    Modeling water column structure and suspended particulate matter on the Middle Atlantic continental shelf during the passages of Hurricanes Edouard and Hortense

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    The present contribution is motivated by the desire to elucidate the processes that contributed to the evolution of observed thermal structure and resuspension of particulate matter during and after the passages of two hurricanes, Edouard and Hortense, within a two-week period in late-summer 1996. A unique set of high temporal frequency measurements of the vertical structures of physical and optical properties was obtained at a mooring site near the Middle Atlantic Bight continental shelf-break (70 m water depth). These data provided insight and initial conditions for the physical model used for this study. The model accounted for wind and bottom current generated turbulence, surface waves, wave-current interactions, tides, and depth-dependent density-driven circulation. We find that the most important process controlling the thermal water column structure during and following the passage of Hurricane Edouard was the wind stirring. Differences between the model results and the observations of thermal structure may have been caused by advection, which is not included in this one-dimensional model. There is also clear evidence of internal tides in the observations, whereas the model could not reproduce this effect. A suspended particulate matter (SPM) model is included as a module of the physical model to examine sediment resuspension processes. It is concluded that wave-current bottom shear stress was clearly the most important process for sediment resuspension during and following both hurricanes. Discrepancies between modeled and observed SPM are attributed to the presence of biological material in the surface waters and changes in sediment properties (flocculation and de-flocculation) during and following the passages of the hurricanes

    Pendapatan Usahatani Kelapa Di Desa Agotey Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research aims to analyze the level of income of coconut farming in Agotey Village, Mandolang District. The research was carried out for 2 months, from August to October 2021 in Agotey Village, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. The data used are primary data obtained through direct interviews with coconut farmers using a questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained through the Agotey Village Office and the Minahasa Central Statistics Agency. Sampling was carried out using the Accidental Sampling method, namely as many as 20 land-owning farmers who have been running coconut farming for a long time. The results of this study indicate that the average income per hectare of coconut farming in Agotey Village, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency for one year is Rp. 6,591,213 obtained from the difference between the average revenue of Rp. 16,701,850 minus the cost of Rp. 10,110,637


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    Hidroponik merupakan suatu metode budi daya tanaman perdu yang tidak perlu menggunakan tanah. Luas lahan di pemukiman relatif tidak luas, sehingga perlu solusi untuk budi daya tanaman, juga persentase Ruang terbuka Hijau (RTH) masih sempit di bawah 30%. Jumlah bangunan di Perumahan Dirgantara Permai adalah 750 unit dengan luas lahan adalah  135, 180, dan 225 m2 dan luas bangunan adalah 45 m2 dan 54 m2. Fasilitas umum dan lapangan terbuka relatif masih sempit. Ada pun tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan sosialisasi tentang pemanfaatan peralatan hidroponik untuk menanam yang bermanfaat di dalam kebutuhan sehari-hari. Peralatan hidroponik dengan ukuran 2,5 m x 2 m dengan bahan baku pipa PVC, dan profil aluminium. Pipa PVC dengan diameter 3, 3,5, dan 4 inci dan panjang 2 m dan bertingkat. Secara paralel  atau secara horisontal ada 4 batang dan secara vertikal ada 4 tingkat. Jarak antar lubang bibit tanaman adalah 15, 20, dan 25 cm dan tiap pot ada 5 biji benih tanaman kangkung. Hasil adalah sayuran tanaman kangkung untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan bisa dipanen sampai 5 kali setelah berumur antara 24 sampai 30 hari. Daun kangkung memiliki rasa manis dan serat daun kangkung yang lunak. 

    Toward closure of upwelling radiance in coastal waters

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    We present three methods for deriving water-leaving radiance Lw(λ) and remote-sensing reflectance using a hyperspectral tethered spectral radiometer buoy (HyperTSRB), profiled spectroradiometers, and Hydrolight simulations. Average agreement for 53 comparisons between HyperTSRB and spectroradiometric determinations of Lw(λ) was 26%, 13%, and 17% at blue, green, and red wavelengths, respectively. Comparisons of HyperTSRB (and spectroradiometric) Lw(λ) with Hydrolight simulations yielded percent differences of 17% (18%), 17% (18%), and 13% (20%) for blue, green, and red wavelengths, respectively. The differences can be accounted for by uncertainties in model assumptions and model input data (chlorophyll fluorescence quantum efficiency and the spectral chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient for the red wavelengths, and scattering corrections for input ac-9 absorption data and volume scattering function measurements for blue wavelengths) as well as radiance measurement inaccuracies [largely differences in the depth of the Lu(λ, z) sensor on the HyperTSRB]. © 2003 Optical Society of America

    The Simons Observatory: Characterizing the Large Aperture Telescope Receiver with Radio Holography

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    We present near-field radio holography measurements of the Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope Receiver optics. These measurements demonstrate that radio holography of complex millimeter-wave optical systems comprising cryogenic lenses, filters, and feed horns can provide detailed characterization of wave propagation before deployment. We used the measured amplitude and phase, at 4K, of the receiver near-field beam pattern to predict two key performance parameters: 1) the amount of scattered light that will spill past the telescope to 300K and 2) the beam pattern expected from the receiver when fielded on the telescope. These cryogenic measurements informed the removal of a filter, which led to improved optical efficiency and reduced side-lobes at the exit of the receiver. Holography measurements of this system suggest that the spilled power past the telescope mirrors will be less than 1% and the main beam with its near side-lobes are consistent with the nominal telescope design. This is the first time such parameters have been confirmed in the lab prior to deployment of a new receiver. This approach is broadly applicable to millimeter and sub-millimeter instruments.Comment: in proces

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the DR6 CMB Lensing Power Spectrum and its Implications for Structure Growth

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    We present new measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing over 94009400 sq. deg. of the sky. These lensing measurements are derived from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) Data Release 6 (DR6) CMB dataset, which consists of five seasons of ACT CMB temperature and polarization observations. We determine the amplitude of the CMB lensing power spectrum at 2.3%2.3\% precision (43σ43\sigma significance) using a novel pipeline that minimizes sensitivity to foregrounds and to noise properties. To ensure our results are robust, we analyze an extensive set of null tests, consistency tests, and systematic error estimates and employ a blinded analysis framework. The baseline spectrum is well fit by a lensing amplitude of Alens=1.013±0.023A_{\mathrm{lens}}=1.013\pm0.023 relative to the Planck 2018 CMB power spectra best-fit Λ\LambdaCDM model and Alens=1.005±0.023A_{\mathrm{lens}}=1.005\pm0.023 relative to the ACT DR4+WMAP\text{ACT DR4} + \text{WMAP} best-fit model. From our lensing power spectrum measurement, we derive constraints on the parameter combination S8CMBLσ8(Ωm/0.3)0.25S^{\mathrm{CMBL}}_8 \equiv \sigma_8 \left({\Omega_m}/{0.3}\right)^{0.25} of S8CMBL=0.818±0.022S^{\mathrm{CMBL}}_8= 0.818\pm0.022 from ACT DR6 CMB lensing alone and S8CMBL=0.813±0.018S^{\mathrm{CMBL}}_8= 0.813\pm0.018 when combining ACT DR6 and Planck NPIPE CMB lensing power spectra. These results are in excellent agreement with Λ\LambdaCDM model constraints from Planck or ACT DR4+WMAP\text{ACT DR4} + \text{WMAP} CMB power spectrum measurements. Our lensing measurements from redshifts z0.5z\sim0.5--55 are thus fully consistent with Λ\LambdaCDM structure growth predictions based on CMB anisotropies probing primarily z1100z\sim1100. We find no evidence for a suppression of the amplitude of cosmic structure at low redshiftsComment: 45+21 pages, 50 figures. Prepared for submission to ApJ. Also see companion papers Madhavacheril et al and MacCrann et a