2,493 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVs

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    An important focus of current research in the field of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is to increase the safety of their operation in general unstructured environments. Especially indoors, where GPS cannot be used for localization, reliable algorithms for localization and mapping of the environment are necessary in order to keep an MAV airborne safely. In this paper, we compare vision-based real-time capable methods for localization and mapping and point out their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, we describe algorithms for state estimation, control and navigation, which use the localization and mapping results of our vision-based algorithms as input.Comment: Presented at OAGM Workshop, 2015 (arXiv:1505.01065

    Response of Feedlot Lambs to Chlortetracycline and Sulfamethazine

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    The objective of this experiment was to test the effects of chlortetracycline and sulfamethazine alone and in combination on feedlot performance and incidence of diseases of lambs weaned at an early age, shipped and finished in drylot with a high-concentrate ration

    Diffusion on a hypercubic lattice with pinning potential: exact results for the error-catastrophe problem in biological evolution

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    In the theoretical biology framework one fundamental problem is the so-called error catastrophe in Darwinian evolution models. We reexamine Eigen's fundamental equations by mapping them into a polymer depinning transition problem in a ``genotype'' space represented by a unitary hypercubic lattice. The exact solution of the model shows that error catastrophe arises as a direct consequence of the equations involved and confirms some previous qualitative results. The physically relevant consequence is that such equations are not adequate to properly describe evolution of complex life on the Earth.Comment: 10 pages in LaTeX. Figures are available from the authors. [email protected] (e-mail address

    Enumerative geometry of Calabi-Yau 4-folds

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    Gromov-Witten theory is used to define an enumerative geometry of curves in Calabi-Yau 4-folds. The main technique is to find exact solutions to moving multiple cover integrals. The resulting invariants are analogous to the BPS counts of Gopakumar and Vafa for Calabi-Yau 3-folds. We conjecture the 4-fold invariants to be integers and expect a sheaf theoretic explanation. Several local Calabi-Yau 4-folds are solved exactly. Compact cases, including the sextic Calabi-Yau in CP5, are also studied. A complete solution of the Gromov-Witten theory of the sextic is conjecturally obtained by the holomorphic anomaly equation.Comment: 44 page

    Gate-defined graphene double quantum dot and excited state spectroscopy

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    A double quantum dot is formed in a graphene nanoribbon device using three top gates. These gates independently change the number of electrons on each dot and tune the inter-dot coupling. Transport through excited states is observed in the weakly coupled double dot regime. We extract from the measurements all relevant capacitances of the double dot system, as well as the quantized level spacing

    Enhancement of tissue lesion depth by dual wavelength irradiation with the Nd-YAG/KTP laser: Perspectives for laser prostatectomy

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    The Nd-YAG/KTP laser coagulates and vaporizes prostate tissue. The objective of this study was to investigate the combined effects of both wavelengths and to determine the irradiation parameters allowing the largest lesion volume. Chicken breast tissue was irradiated ex vivo. Consecutive 1064 and 532 nm Nd-YAG/KTP laser irradiations were performed for different combinations (30 W/10 W, 20 W/20 W, 10 W/30 W) with variable total fluence (1200 J, 2400 J, 3600 J) and compared to isofluent single wavelengths at 40 W irradiation. The depths, diameters and volumes of the total lesion as well as the vaporization effects of the 532 nm wavelength on normal and on priorly coagulated tissue were analysed. Maximum total lesion depths (p< 0.001) were found under combined Nd-YAG/KTP (20 W/20 W) irradiation conditions. Ablation efficacy of the 532 nm wavelength was reduced after prior 1064 nm irradiation, but crater depths were increased. Dual wavelength irradiation with the Nd-YAG/KTP laser induces a specific denaturation process. This may represent a new approach to increase the depth of coagulation necrosis, and thus the treated volume, thereby improving long-term result

    Orientifolds, Unoriented Instantons and Localization

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    We consider world-sheet instanton effects in N=1 string orientifolds of noncompact toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. We show that unoriented closed string topological amplitudes can be exactly computed using localization techniques for holomorphic maps with involution. Our results are in precise agreement with mirror symmetry and large N duality predictions.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, published version; v4: typos correcte

    Intercomparison of two-dimensional wave spectra obtained from microwave instruments, buoys and WAModel simulations during the surface wave dynamics experiment

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    An intercomparison is made of two dimensional wave spectra obtained from buoys and various remote sensing microwave systems and predicted by the WAModel dur- ing the Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment (SWADE). The overall agreement be- tween the measurements and the model is satifactory, but some differences in detail require further investigation. The buoy data yield reliable mean spectral parame- ters, but the maximum likelihood retrieval algorithm tends to produce directional distributions that are broader than those of other instruments. Various microwave instruments (ROWS, RESSAC, SRA) show good promise for the determination of 2d-wave spectra, but exhibit individual shortcomings (calibration uncertainties, di- rectional ambiguity, impact of aircraft motion) that need to be further studied. The SAR system yields reliable retrievals with respect to the general spectral dis- tribution, but suffers in this experiment from an undetermined calibration factor. Deviations between the WAModel and instrumental data could be largely attributed to wind field errors, but the model also exhibits deficiencies in the development of short-fetch wave systems and in the wave spectral response to rapidly turning wind fields

    Essai de traitement, dans les conditions africaines, du polyparasitisme du zébu, à l'aide des associations Disto-5-Thiabendazo le, Disto-5-Tartrate de Morantel et Disto-5-Tétramisole

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    Les auteurs exposent les résultats positifs qu'ils ont obtenus en Afrique dans la lutte contre le polyparasitisme du zébu, à base de nématodes et trématodes, grâce à l'emploi d'associations médicamenteuses présentant un large spectre d'activité dont ils donnent la composition et la formulation. Ils insistent sur la nécessité de n'utiliser en Afrique, que des associations sous marque déposée, fabriquées par des firmes garantissant rigoureusement leur production, présentées sous forme de comprimés séccables exactement dosé
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