5,835 research outputs found

    Stability of additive-free water-in-oil emulsions

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    We calculate ion distributions near a planar oil-water interface within non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann theory, taking into account the Born self-energy of the ions in the two media. For unequal self-energies of cations and anions, a spontaneous charge separation is found such that the water and oil phase become oppositely charged, in slabs with a typical thickness of the Debye screening length in the two media. From the analytical solutions, the corresponding interfacial charge density and the contribution to the interfacial tension is derived, together with an estimate for the Yukawa-potential between two spherical water droplets in oil. The parameter regime is explored where the plasma coupling parameter exceeds the crystallization threshold, i.e. where the droplets are expected to form crystalline structures due to a strong Yukawa repulsion, as recently observed experimentally. Extensions of the theory that we discuss briefly include numerical calculations on spherical water droplets in oil, and analytical calculations of the linear PB-equation for a finite oil-water interfacial width.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted by JPCM for proceedings of LMC

    Effects of quasiparticle tunneling in a circuit-QED realization of a strongly driven two-level system

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    We experimentally and theoretically study the frequency shift of a driven cavity coupled to a superconducting charge qubit. In addition to previous studies, we here also consider drive strengths large enough to energetically allow for quasiparticle creation. Quasiparticle tunneling leads to the inclusion of more than two charge states in the dynamics. To explain the observed effects, we develop a master equation for the microwave dressed charge states, including quasiparticle tunneling. A bimodal behavior of the frequency shift as a function of gate voltage can be used for sensitive charge detection. However, at weak drives the charge sensitivity is significantly reduced by non-equilibrium quasiparticles, which induce transitions to a non-sensitive state. Unexpectedly, at high enough drives, quasiparticle tunneling enables a very fast relaxation channel to the sensitive state. In this regime, the charge sensitivity is thus robust against externally injected quasiparticles and the desired dynamics prevail over a broad range of temperatures. We find very good agreement between theory and experiment over a wide range of drive strengths and temperatures.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamic parity recovery in a strongly driven Cooper-pair box

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    We study a superconducting charge qubit coupled to an intensive electromagnetic field and probe changes in the resonance frequency of the formed dressed states. At large driving strengths, exceeding the qubit energy-level splitting, this reveals the well known Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg (LZS) interference structure of a longitudinally driven two-level system. For even stronger drives we observe a significant change in the LZS pattern and contrast. We attribute this to photon-assisted quasiparticle tunneling in the qubit. This results in the recovery of the qubit parity, eliminating effects of quasiparticle poisoning and leads to an enhanced interferometric response. The interference pattern becomes robust to quasiparticle poisoning and has a good potential for accurate charge sensing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coupling of a locally implanted rare-earth ion ensemble to a superconducting micro-resonator

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    We demonstrate the coupling of rare-earth ions locally implanted in a substrate (Gd3+^{3+} in Al2_{2}O3_{3}) to a superconducting NbN lumped-element micro-resonator. The hybrid device is fabricated by a controlled ion implantation of rare-earth ions in well-defined micron-sized areas, aligned to lithographically defined micro-resonators. The technique does not degrade the internal quality factor of the resonators which remain above 10510^{5}. Using microwave absorption spectroscopy we observe electron-spin resonances in good agreement with numerical modelling and extract corresponding coupling rates of the order of 11 MHz and spin linewidths of 50−6550 - 65 MHz.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Figure

    Delivering quality along with quantity: the challenge of teaching a large and heterogeneous engineering class

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    The challenges faced by a lecturer teaching large multidisciplinary engineering classes are identified. These are principally related to the size of the class, the extensive mathematical knowledge that is considered as prerequisite, as well as the heterogeneity of the class due to the diversity of students’ academic background and interests. In order to improve students’ engagement and retention in class, active learning techniques are employed and their impact on the performance of the class is captured through a questionnaire designed for this purpose. The statistics demonstrate that good teaching facilities and a well-prepared lecturer do not suffice for maximising students’ satisfaction, attention and retention. In order to engage the students in a large class setting, it is important to involve them in the lecture process. The employed active learning methods comprising quizzes, in class demonstration and muddiest-point cards induce a remarkably positive impact at almost no additional teaching resources

    Superfluid vortex front at T -> 0: Decoupling from the reference frame

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    Steady-state turbulent motion is created in superfluid 3He-B at low temperatures in the form of a turbulent vortex front, which moves axially along a rotating cylindrical container of 3He-B and replaces vortex-free flow with vortex lines at constant density. We present the first measurements on the thermal signal from dissipation as a function of time, recorded at 0.2 Tc during the front motion, which is monitored using NMR techniques. Both the measurements and the numerical calculations of the vortex dynamics show that at low temperatures the density of the propagating vortices falls well below the equilibrium value, i.e. the superfluid rotates at a smaller angular velocity than the container. This is the first evidence for the decoupling of the superfluid from the container reference frame in the zero-temperature limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spontaneous Charging and Crystallization of Water Droplets in Oil

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    We study the spontaneous charging and the crystallization of spherical micron-sized water-droplets dispersed in oil by numerically solving, within a Poisson-Boltzmann theory in the geometry of a spherical cell, for the density profiles of the cations and anions in the system. We take into account screening, ionic Born self-energy differences between oil and water, and partitioning of ions over the two media. We find that the surface charge density of the droplet as induced by the ion partitioning is significantly affected by the droplet curvature and by the finite density of the droplets. We also find that the salt concentration and the dielectric constant regime in which crystallization of the water droplets is predicted is enhanced substantially compared to results based on the planar oil-water interface, thereby improving quantitative agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Sweet taste exposure and the subsequent acceptance and preference for sweet taste in the diet : systematic review of the published literature

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    Background: There are consistent, evidence-based global public health recommendations to reduce intakes of free sugars. However, the corresponding evidence for recommending reduced exposure to sweetness is less clear. Objective: Our aim was to identify and review the published evidence investigating the impact of dietary exposure to sweet-tasting foods or beverages on the subsequent generalized acceptance, preference, or choice of sweet foods and beverages in the diet. Design: Systematic searches were conducted to identify all studies testing relations of variation in exposure to sweetness through foods and beverages with subsequent variation in the generalized acceptance, preference, or choice of sweetened foods or beverages, in humans aged >6 mo. Results: Twenty-one studies met our inclusion criteria, comprising 7 population cohort studies involving 2320 children and 14 controlled trials involving 1113 individuals. These studies were heterogeneous in study design, population, exposure, and outcomes measured, and few were explicitly designed to address our research question. The findings from these were inconsistent. We found equivocal evidence from population cohort studies. The evidence from controlled studies suggests that a higher sweet taste exposure tends to lead to reduced preferences for sweetness in the shorter term, but very limited effects were found in the longer term. Conclusions: A small and heterogeneous body of research currently has considered the impact of varying exposure to sweet taste on subsequent generalized sweet taste preferences, and this evidence is equivocal regarding the presence and possible direction of a relation. Future work should focus on adequately powered studies with well-characterized exposures of sufficient duration.Peer reviewe
