29 research outputs found

    Environmental factors having an impact on the noise induced by motor vahicles / Aplinkos veiksnių įtaka automobilių keliamam triukšmui

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    The transport sector is rapidly developing industry in Lithuania. Over the past few years, a significant increase in motor vehicles on our roads can be noticed. Both light and heavy vehicles create economic benefits, and, at the same time, cause ecological and social problems such as noise, a growing number of accidents and environmental pollution. In order to reduce the rate of accidents, many places have been equipped with speed-limiting humps. However, the vehicles approaching them will increase noise levels. The article describes a calculation method of how to determine the influence of various factors caused by car noise. Reflections on the surface, the atmosphere and sound waves on road obstacles can increase or decrease sounds in the environment. The above introduced factors must be taken into account conducting noise measurement tests. Santrauka Vis sparčiau Lietuvoje besivystant pramonei ir transporto sektoriui, per pastaruosius kelerius metus mūsų keliuose žymiai padaugėjo automobilių. Tiek lengvieji, tiek sunkieji automobiliai ne tik teikia ekonominį pelną, bet kartu su nauda lemia ir ekologines bei socialines problemas – kelia triukšmą, didėja avaringumas ir aplinkos tarša. Siekiant sumažinti avaringumą, daugelyje vietų yra įrengiami greičio ribojimo kalneliai. Triukšmas, keliamas automobiliams važiuojant per juos, prisideda prie bendro triukšmo. Pateikiami skaičiavimai, kaip nustatyti įvairių veiksnių įtaką automobilių triukšmo mastui. Garso atspindžiai, kelio danga, atmosfera, kliūtys garso bangų kelyje – visa tai gali padidinti arba sumažinti garsų sklidimą. Atliekant triukšmo matavimo tyrimus į šiuos veiksnius būtina atsižvelgti. Reikšminiai žodžiai: triukšmas, automobiliai, pataisos, garsas, autotransportas, greičio ribojimo kalneliai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: triukšmas, automobiliai, pataisos, garsas, autotransportas, greičio ribojimo kalneliai

    Relationship between the forest defoliation and incidence of myocardial infarction in Lithuania

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    Abstract no. 1317. 4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, entitled "Extending the Benefits of Prevention to All", jointly with the 37th annual meeting of the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention : abstracts : Montreal, June 29-July 3, 1997 / American Heart Association. Montreal, June 29-July 3, 1997Kauno medicinos universitetasKauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos institutas, [email protected]

    Environmental exposure and hypertension in male population aged 45-64 years in Lithuania

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    4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, entitled "Extending the Benefits of Prevention to All", jointly with the 37th annual meeting of the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention : abstracts : Montreal, June 29-July 3, 1997 / American Heart Association. Montreal, June 29-July 3, 1997. abstract no. 0260Kauno medicinos universitetasKauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos instituta

    Methacryloyl functionalized hydrazones as hole-transporting materials for electrophotography

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    Syntheses and thermal, optical as well as photoelectrical properties of carbazolyl-, triphenylamino- and 2-hydroxy-4-diethylaminophenyl-based hydrazones with reactive methacryloyl groups have been reported. All the synthesized materials form glasses with glass transition temperatures ranging from 9 to 50 degrees C. They absorb electromagnetic radiation in the 250-440 nm range. Ionization potentials of the amorphous films of the synthesized materials, established by electron photoemission technique range from 5.20 to 5.71 eV. The lowest ionization potential and the best charge transport properties were observed for 2-(methacryloyl)oxy-4-diethylaminophenyl-1-carbaldehyde N,N-diphenylhydrazone. Time-of-flight hole mobilities in its 50% solid solution in bisphenol Z polycarbonate reach 10(-5) cm(2)/(V.s) at high electric fieldsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Inequality, green spaces, and pregnant women: Roles of ethnicity and individual and neighbourhood socioeconomic status

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    Evidence of the impact of green spaces on pregnancy outcomes is limited with no report on how this impact might vary by ethnicity. We investigated the association between residential surrounding greenness and proximity to green spaces and birth weight and explored the modification of this association by ethnicity and indicators of individual (maternal education) and neighbourhood (Index of Multiple Deprivation) socioeconomic status. Our study was based on 10,780 singleton live-births from the Born in Bradford cohort, UK (2007–2010). We defined residential surrounding greenness as average of satellite-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in buffers of 50 m, 100 m, 250 m, 500 m and 1000 m around each maternal home address. Residential proximity to green spaces was defined as living within 300 m of a green space with an area of ≥ 5000 m2. We utilized mixed effects models to estimate adjusted change in birth weight associated with residential surrounding greenness as well as proximity to green spaces. We found a positive association between birth weight and residential surrounding greenness. Furthermore, we observed an interaction between ethnicity and residential surrounding greenness in that for White British participants there was a positive association between birth weight and residential surrounding greenness whereas for participants of Pakistani origin there was no such an association. For surrounding greenness in larger buffers (500 m and 1000 m) there were some indications of stronger associations for participants with lower education and those living in more deprived neighbourhoods which were not replicated for surrounding greenness in smaller buffer sizes (i.e. 50 m, 100 m, and 250 m). The findings for residential proximity to a green space were not conclusive. Our study showed that residential surrounding greenness is associated with better foetal growth and this association could vary between different ethnic and socioeconomic groups