74 research outputs found

    Oral assessment of geographical knowledge in primary school

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    Ocenjevanje znanja je pomemben in kompleksen del učnega procesa in hkrati ena najtežjih učiteljevih nalog. V prvem delu smo opredelili pojem ocenjevanje znanja, pregledali zakonodajo na tem področju ter opisali njegove namene in delitve. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na ustno ocenjevanje znanja. Opisali smo značilnosti ustnega ocenjevanja znanja, na podlagi literature pa oblikovali predloge za njegovo učinkovito pripravo in izvedbo. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo se posebej posvetili pripravi in izvedbi ustnega ocenjevanja znanja pri pouku geografije. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Intervjuvali smo šest učiteljic geografije in pridobili vpogled v ustno ocenjevanje znanja pri geografiji. Ugotovili smo, da se učiteljice, posebej na začetku učiteljske poti, ne počutijo dovolj suverene pri njegovi izvedbi in se soočajo z raznimi težavami. V ta namen smo v zaključnem delu na podlagi literature in izsledkov raziskave oblikovali predloge za izvajanje ustnega ocenjevanja znanja pri pouku geografije.Knowledge assessment is an important and complex part of the learning process and at the same time one of the most difficult tasks for the teacher. In the first part of the present work the concept of knowledge assessment is defined together with a description of its purposes and systemization, and the applicable legislation is reviewed. The present work is focused on oral assessment of knowledge. We have described the characteristics of oral assessment of knowledge, and based on the literature, formulated suggestions for its effective preparation and implementation. Concluding the theoretical part, the work was focused on the preparation and implementation of oral assessment of knowledge in geography classes. The empirical part was based on a qualitative research method. Six female geography teachers were interviewed to obtain insights into oral assessment of geography knowledge. We have found that teachers do not feel sufficiently confident in their implementation of assessment and face various difficulties, especially at the beginning of their teaching career. Accordingly, based on the relevant literature and findings of our research, the final part of this work delivers suggestions on how to perform oral assessment of knowledge in geography lessons

    Cascading effects of canopy mortality drive long-term changes in understorey diversity in temperate old-growth forests of Europe

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    Questions: We investigated the influence of protracted mortality of a dominant canopy tree (Abies alba) on long-term understorey dynamics. We ask (a) how tree regeneration and understorey species diversity and composition changed over 32 years; and (b) whether the observed changes were mainly driven by mortality of A. alba. Location: Three old-growth forest reserves dominated by A. alba and Fagus sylvatica in the Dinaric Mountains of Slovenia. Method: Tree layer and understorey regeneration and herbs were surveyed in 147 plots across the three forest reserves in 1983 and 2015. Soils were also sampled in 2015. The study period coincides with a protracted period of increased A. alba mortality in the canopy layer associated with anthropogenic emissions. Results: Between 1983 and 2015, the decline in canopy layer A. alba caused a recruitment pulse of F. sylvatica regeneration to the subcanopy tree layer across the three reserves. These changes were accompanied by a significant decline in plot level herb species richness. A model-based analysis of beta-diversity revealed significant community convergence during the study period, mainly caused by the loss of rare species. Ellenberg values indicate that these changes were mainly driven by loss of understorey light, while an increase in soil pH may have played a role also. Conclusions: This observational study suggests that the long-term decline of A. alba resulted in a cascade of processes - widespread F. sylvatica recruitment that impeded penetration of light to the forest floor, and possibly a change in soil conditions due to the decline of coniferous litter. These changes caused a significant loss of herb diversity and homogenization of the understorey community across the three sites. This study sheds light on the potential cascading consequences triggered by episodes of increased tree mortality resulting from global-change-type drivers

    Fractionation of potentially toxic elements in urban soils from five European cities by means of a harmonised sequential extraction procedure

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    The revised (four-step) BCR sequential extraction procedure has been applied to fractionate the chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in urban soil samples from public-access areas in five European cities. A preliminary inter-laboratory comparison was conducted and showed that data obtained by different laboratories participating in the study were sufficiently harmonious for comparisons to be made between cities and land types (e.g. parks, roadside, riverbanks, etc.). Analyte recoveries by sequential extraction, with respect to direct aqua regia digestion, were generally acceptable (100 ± 15%). Iron, nickel and, at most sites, chromium were found mainly in association with the residual phase of the soil matrix. Copper was present in the reducible, oxidisable and residual fractions, whilst zinc was found in all four sequential extracts. Manganese was strongly associated with reducible material as, in some cities, was lead. This is of concern because high lead concentrations were present in some soils (>500 mg kg−1) and the potential exists for remobilisation under reducing conditions. As would be expected, extractable metal contents were generally highest in older, more heavily industrialised cities. Copper, lead and zinc showed marked (and often correlated) variations in concentrations between sites within the same city whereas manganese and, especially, iron, did not. No overall relationships were, however, found between analyte concentrations and land use, nor between analyte partitioning and land use

    More combination-zero waste

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    Živimo v času, ko se družba srečuje s posledicami nepremišljenega ravnanja predhodnih generacij. Brezbrižnost tekstilne industrije in neodgovorno ravnanje potrošnikov pušča močan negativen vpliv tako na okolje kot tudi na socialne razmere v družbi. Postali smo potrošniška družba, ki ima namesto sočutja, skrbi za okolje in soljudi močneje izraženo čustveno komponento nakupovanja. V teoretičnemu delu diplomske naloge sem raziskovala pojem trajnosti in njene principe v modnem sistemu. Osredotočila sem se na odpadek v modni industriji in s tem povezan princip krojenja brez odpadka. Tu sem raziskovala načine krojenja, ki omogočajo doseganje ničelnega odpadka in teoretične možnosti, ki bi omogočile doseči cilj. Poleg trajnostnih principov oblikovanja brez odpadka sem raziskovala tudi modularnost. Kaj sploh je modularnost oziroma na kakšen način je vpeljana v modno oblikovanje. Za konec sem predstavila izbor oblikovalcev, ki prakticirajo trajnostne principe oblikovanja brez odpadka ali modularnosti v svojem delu. V praktičnem delu sem predstavila razvoj in nastanek kolekcije De-kos in njeno nadaljevanje v kolekciji De-kos.2. Znanje, pridobljeno v teoretičnem delu, sem prenesla v razvoj modularnega sistema, ki mi je omogočil izdelavo oblačil in dodatkov iz več kombinacij in nič ostanka. Inspiracijo za razvoj kolekcije sem iskala v kubistični ideji razgradnje oblike na primarne elemente, ki so osnova za ustvarjanje. To idejo sem prenesla v princip krojenja, kjer osnovni kroj razpade na geometrične ploskve, iz katerih sem po principu modularnega sistema sestavljala oblačilne kose, nato pa idejo prenesla še v kolekcijo dodatkov. Nastala je kolekcija oblačil in dodatkov brez odpadka, sestavljena iz modularnih enot, ki omogočajo prilagajanje izdelkov uporabniku ali pa razstavljanje in sestavljanje novih.Today\u27s society is facing with the consequences of the previous generations\u27 reckless behaviour. The textile industry indifference and irresposible behaviour result in the negative impact on the environment and on the social conditions. We have become a consumer society, which instead of compassion, environmentalism and how to care about the others, possesses a strongly expressed emotional component of shopping. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the term of the permanence and its principles in the fashion system and focuses on the fashion industry waste and zero waste fashion design. I have done research on the fashion design ways, which enable zero waste and on the theoretical possibilities which would make this goal achieveable. Besides the permanence principles of fashion design, I have done research on the modularity too, its meaning and the way it is introduced in the fashion design. I have concluded this part with the selection of the fashion designers, who apply permanence principles to their fasion design with zero waste or modularity by their work. The empirical part presents the development and the establishemnt of the De-kos collection and its continuation in the De-kos 2 collection. The knowledge gained in the theoretical part has been used and consequently a modularity system has been developed and it has enabled fashion and accessories design from several combinations and with zero waste. I was inspired for this collection by the cubist idea of the shape decomposition on the primary elements, which represent the basis for the work. The idea has been used with the fashion design principle, where the basic pattern falls apart into geometrical surfaces which served by the modularity principles as dressing parts. The idea has been used with the accessories collection too. A fashion and accessories collection with zero waste has been established, consisting of the modularity parts, which enable the adjustment of the products to the user or taking them to pieces and making new ones

    Gender stereotypes in preschool children

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    Theoretical part of this work delivers definition of gender and its effect on an individual. Fausto-Sterling (2014) distinguishes between biological (sex) and societal (gender). The former is assigned to a newborn child based on the anatomy of external genitals, thereby triggering social response which assigns the gender and dictates proper behavior according to that gender. In addition, this work explains the acquisition of societal roles and the related development of gender, focusing on two proposed hypotheses on the formation of gender identity, namely cognitive developmental theory (represented among the rest by Kohlberg) and gender scheme theory. The introductory part is followed by discussion of the gender differences in different areas of development. Despite differences between boys and girls, similarities between genders are prevalent (Marjanovič Umek, 2009). The discussion is focused on gender-based characteristics of child play and toys. In the last theoretical section stereotypes are presented and their effect on children behavior are discussed. Empirical research of this work is based on an interview involving 24 pre-school children aged between three and six years. The aim of research was to determine, whether gender-based stereotypes appear in pre-school children and if so, whether the stereotypes are influenced by sex and age. The research have confirms that gender-based stereotypes are formed at the pre-school stage both in boys and girls. Apparently boys are more prone to stereotypes than girls. The comments given by children during the discussion reflects stereotype-driven reasoning. In general, boys are stereotyped to a larger extent than girls because they are less tolerated to adopt behavior typical of girls than vice versa. The results showed that both, younger and older boys and girls are stereotyped

    Obravnava naravnih nesreč v gimnazijah

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    Suitability of knapsack sprayers for the application of phytopharmaceutical products for the effective control of leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) on grapevine

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    Leta 2020 smo v vinogradu pri Mirni Peči postavili poskus, v katerega so bile vključene tri nahrbtne naprave za škropljenje manjših vinogradov. Prva naprava je bila ročna škropilnica Solo 425, druga je bila baterijska škropilnica Solo Accu in tretji motorni pršilnik Solo 444. Ker se na tem območju v zadnjih letih močno pojavlja ameriški škržatek (Scaphoideus titanus), smo primerjali kakovost nanosa dveh kontaktnih insekticidov proti temu škodljivcu z omenjenimi napravami. Ugotovili smo, da je bil odstotek pokritosti pri vseh treh napravah za škropljenje podoben in je znašal več kot 35 %. Pri motornem nahrbtnem pršilniku je bilo ugotovljeno večje število odtisov kapljic na cm2. Na zunanjem delu vinske vrte, tako zgoraj kot tudi spodaj, je bil večji odstotek pokritosti z insekticidom kot zgoraj in spodaj v notranjem delu vinske trte. Tudi število odtisov kapljic na cm2 je bilo na zunanjem delu vinske trte večje kot v notranjosti. Po prvem škropljenju z insekticidom Exirel se število ličink ni bistveno zmanjšalo, medtem ko se je po drugem škropljenju z insekticidom Decis 2,5 EC zmanjšalo na minimum. Rezultati kažejo, da lahko tudi s kakovostnimi ročnimi in baterijskimi škropilnicami dosežemo primerljiv nanos in delovanje insekticidov za zatiranje ameriškega škržatka kot z motornimi nahrbtnimi pršilniki, ki jih trenutno največ uporabljamo za škropljenje manjših vinogradov.In 2020 the trial was performed in the vineyard near Mirna Peč, containing three backpack sprayers for spraying small vineyards. The first was hand knapsack sprayer Solo 425, the second was battery knapsack sprayer Solo Accu and the last motorized knapsack mistblower Solo 444. While in the last period on this area leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus) is present, the quality of spray deposit after spraying with three backpack spraying devices and two contact insecticides to control this pest was compared. It was found out that the spray coverage of all three knapsack spraying devices was similar and amounted over 35 %. When using motorized mistblower the larger number of spray impacts per cm2 was determined. On the outer part of the grapevine, both on the top and at the bottom, the higher insecticide coverage was established compared to inner part of the grapevine, both at the top and at the bottom. Also the number of spray impacts per cm2 was larger on the outer part of the vine compared to inner part. After first insecticide spraying using Exirel the number of nymphal instars did not decrease greatly, while after second insecticide spraying with Decis 2,5 EC their number decreased to a minimum. Results show that comparable spray deposit and insecticide effect on leafhopper can be achieved also with hand knapsack sprayers and battery knapsack sprayers compared to motorized mistblowers, which are most in use for spraying small vineyards


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    Eluvial-illuvial processes plays key role in pedogenesis, especially in the development of leached soils. As reported in Slovenian soil map 1 : 25.000 leached soils cover 2,3 % of Slovenian territory. They occur on different parent materials, mostly on flat relief preserved from erosion and colluvial processes. The aim of our study is the evaluation of their morpohological, physical and chemical properties, spatial distribution and dependency on soil forming factors, especially on parent material. Pedological properties are demonstrated according to analytical and descriptive data of 49 leached soils from the pedological base of Soil Information System of Slovenia. Obvious leaching processes are clearly recognized in almost all profiles of leached soils. Eluvial horizon in comparison to illuvial horizon has lower pH value, which is in average 4,4 and 4,6 for E and Bt horizon respectively, brighter color, lower base saturation (in average for 16,6 %) and lower CEC (in average for 5,5 mmolc 100 g -1 soil). On average ratio of clay content between illuvial and eluvial horizon is 1,63. In the 75 % of all studied leached soils this ratio is above 1,38. After evaluation, according to WRB classification, an argic horizon is identified only in 40 soil profiles, while other 9 profiles do not match criteria of sufficient textural differentiation or there is not enough data to classify them. Detailed overview of the WRB criteria for argic horizons (cation exchange capacity of clay fraction and base saturation in argic horizons) reveals that Luvisols and Alisols are the most widespread groups in Slovenia among leached soil. Against expectations based on different references, we do not determined Acrisols within Soil Map Database