11 research outputs found

    Ein wissenschaftspolitisches Positionspapier

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    Internationalisierung ist zwar ein verbreitetes Schlagwort im heutigen akademischen Betrieb, und keiner bestreitet dessen Wichtigkeit, doch wie internationalisiert ist die deutsche Kommunikationswissenschaft wirklich? Manche deutschen Hochschulen verstehen unter Internationalisierung lediglich ein (kommunikationswissenschaftliches) englischsprachiges Lehrangebot, andere das Publizieren in englischsprachigen Fachzeitschriften. Dass dies zu kurz greift, versteht sich von selbst. Aber welche internationale Reichweite hat die deutsche Scientific community bisher tatsächlich erzielt? Welchen Stellenwert hat die international vergleichende Forschung, haben inter- und transkulturelle Perspektiven im Fach? Wie steht es um die internationale Anschlussfähigkeit der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft? International komparative und kollaborative Forschung und die Einnahme inter-/transkultureller Perspektiven sind Querschnittsaufträge für alle Forschungsfelder des Fachs und können nicht nur beschränkt sein auf so explizit getaufte Netzwerke und Fachgruppen der internationalen und transkulturellen Kommunikation unter dem Dach wissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften. Dieses Positionspapier plädiert daher für eine „tiefe Internationalisierung“ der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft

    Developing a policy brief on physical activity promotion for children and adolescents

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    IntroductionWhile there are several approaches to collect basic information on physical activity (PA) promotion policies, some governments require more in-depth overviews on the situation in their country. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Health expressed its interest in collecting detailed data on target group specific PA promotion, as relevant competences are distributed across a wide range of political levels and sectors. This study describes the development of a policy brief on physical activity promotion for children and adolescents in Germany. In particular, it addresses two major gaps in the current literature by systematically assessing good practice examples and “routine practices,” i.e., PA promotion activities already taking place on large scale and regular basis.Materials and methodsBased on relevant national and international guidelines, the TARGET:PA tool was co-produced by researchers and ministry officials. It includes (1) PA recommendations, (2) national prevalence rates, (3) recommendations for PA promotion, and data on national (4) routine practices, (5) good practice projects and (6) policies. Data were collected for children and adolescents in Germany using desk research, semi-structured interviews and secondary data analysis.ResultsA policy brief and scientific background document were developed. Results showed that 46% of the 4–5-year-olds fulfil WHO recommendations but only 15% of the 11–17-year-olds, and that girls are less active than boys. Currently, in Germany no valid data are available on the PA behaviour of children under the age of three. An overview of routine practices for PA promotion for children and adolescents was compiled, and experts were asked to critically assess their effectiveness, reach and durability. Overall, 339 target group specific projects for PA promotion were found, with 22 classified as examples of good practice. National PA policies for children and adolescents were identified across different sectors and settings.ConclusionThe study provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of PA promotion for children and adolescents in Germany. The co-production of the policy brief was a strength of the study, as it allowed researchers to take the needs of ministry officials into account, and as it supported the immediate uptake of results in the policymaking process. Future studies should test the applicability of the TARGET:PA tool to different target groups and countries

    Die „tiefe Internationalisierung“ der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft?: Eine Evaluation der Personal- und Forschungsstrukturen sowie der Lehrprogramme deutscher Hochschulen

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    Der Beitrag präsentiert und diskutiert die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Befragung und mehrerer Dokumentenanalysen zu Personal-und Forschungsstrukturen sowie Lehrprogrammen in der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft im Hinblick auf deren „tiefe Internationalisierung“ bzw. kosmopolitische Ausrichtung. Darunter verstehen wir eine umfassende Anerkennung und Einbindung globaler Vielfalt in die Wissensproduktion und messen dies entlang der Inhalts-und Raumdimension des Forschungs-und Lehroutputs der Professuren und der mit ihnen verbundenen Stellenstrukturen. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die deutsche Kommunikationswissenschaft einen großen Nachholbedarf hat, was eine kosmopolitische Wissensproduktion angeht. Vor dem Hintergrund der Relevanz globaler Werte, globalen Wissens und Global Governance werden aber auch Potentiale aufgezeigt sowie hochschulpolitische Maßnahmen diskutiert, die eine inhaltliche Internationalisierung der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft vorantreiben können.This paper presents and discusses the results of a comprehensive survey and several document analyses on personnel and research structures as well as teaching programs in German communication studies regarding their “deep internationalization” or cosmopolitan orientation. By this, we mean a comprehensive recognition and integration of global diversity into knowledge production. We measure this through the content and spatial dimension of the research and teaching output of professors, as well as the teaching and research staff linked tothem. The findings show that German communication studies is lagging a truly cosmopolitan knowledge production. Against the backdrop of the relevance of global values, global knowledge, and global governance, however, the study also points out potentials and discusses higher education policy measures that could advance the internationalization of German communication studies

    Cardiovascular Statistics - Brazil 2021.

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    This is the 2021 edition of the Cardiovascular Statistics – Brazil , a multi-institutional effort to periodically provide updated information on the epidemiology of heart diseases and stroke in Brazil. The report incorporates official statistics provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and other government agencies, by the GBD project led by the IHME of the University of Washington, as well as data generated by other sources and scientific studies, such as cohorts and registries, on CVDs and their risk factors. The document is directed to researchers, clinicians, patients, healthcare policy makers, media professionals, the public, and others who seek comprehensive national data available on heart disease and stroke

    Surgery for a large tracheoesophageal fistula using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    We report a patient with a giant tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) planned for reconstructive surgery. Because mechanical ventilation in any form was technically impossible, we successfully used venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) without the need for mechanical ventilation