54 research outputs found

    A generic C1C^1 map has no absolutely continuous invariant probability measure

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    Let MM be a smooth compact manifold (maybe with boundary, maybe disconnected) of any dimension d≥1d \ge 1. We consider the set of C1C^1 maps f:M→Mf:M\to M which have no absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue) invariant probability measure. We show that this is a residual (dense Gδ)setintheG_\delta) set in the C^1$ topology. In the course of the proof, we need a generalization of the usual Rokhlin tower lemma to non-invariant measures. That result may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 page

    Piecewise-Linear Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks: Theory and Example

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    International audienceThe experimental study of genetic regulatory networks has made tremendous progress in recent years resulting in a huge amount of data on the molecular interactions in model organisms. It is therefore not possible anymore to intuitively understand how the genes and interactions together influence the behavior of the system. In order to answer such questions, a rigorous modeling and analysis approach is necessary. In this chapter, we present a family of such models and analysis methods enabling us to better understand the dynam-ics of genetic regulatory networks. We apply such methods to the network that underlies the nutritional stress response of the bacterium E. coli. The functioning and development of living organisms is controlled by large and complex networks of genes, proteins, small molecules, and their interactions, so-called genetic regulatory networks. The study of these networks has recently taken a qualitative leap through the use of modern genomic techniques that allow for the simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of all genes of an organism. This has resulted in an ever growing description of the interactions in the studied genetic regulatory networks. However, it is necessary to go beyond the simple description of the interactions in order to understand the behavior of these networks and their relation with the actual functioning of the organism. Since the networks under study are usually very large, an intuitive approach for their understanding is out of ques-tion. In order to support this work, mathematical and computer tools are necessary: the unambiguous description of the phenomena that mathematical models provide allows for a detailed analysis of the behaviors at play, though they might not exactly represent the exact behavior of the networks. In this chapter, we will be mostly interested in the modeling of the genetic reg-ulatory networks by means of differential equations. This classical approach allows precise numerical predictions of deterministic dynamic properties of genetic regu-latory networks to be made. However, for most networks of biological interest the application of differential equations is far from straightforward. First, the biochemi-cal reaction mechanisms underlying the interactions are usually not or incompletel

    Global stability of enzymatic chain of full reversible Michaelis-Menten reactions

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    International audienceWe consider a chain of metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes, of reversible Michaelis-Menten type with full dynamics, i.e. not reduced with any quasi- steady state approximations. We study the corresponding dynamical system and show its global stability if the equilibrium exists. If the system is open, the equilibrium may not exist. The main tool is monotone systems theory. Finally we study the implications of these results for the study of coupled genetic-metabolic systems

    Sign patterns for chemical reaction networks

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    Most differential equations found in chemical reaction networks (CRNs) have the form dx/dt=f(x)=Sv(x)dx/dt=f(x)= Sv(x), where xx lies in the nonnegative orthant, where SS is a real matrix (the stoichiometric matrix) and vv is a column vector consisting of real-valued functions having a special relationship to SS. Our main interest will be in the Jacobian matrix, f′(x)f'(x), of f(x)f(x), in particular in whether or not each entry f′(x)ijf'(x)_{ij} has the same sign for all xx in the orthant, i.e., the Jacobian respects a sign pattern. In other words species xjx_j always acts on species xix_i in an inhibitory way or its action is always excitatory. In Helton, Klep, Gomez we gave necessary and sufficient conditions on the species-reaction graph naturally associated to SS which guarantee that the Jacobian of the associated CRN has a sign pattern. In this paper, given SS we give a construction which adds certain rows and columns to SS, thereby producing a stoichiometric matrix S^\widehat S corresponding to a new CRN with some added species and reactions. The Jacobian for this CRN based on S^\hat S has a sign pattern. The equilibria for the SS and the S^\hat S based CRN are in exact one to one correspondence with each equilibrium ee for the original CRN gotten from an equilibrium e^\hat e for the new CRN by removing its added species. In our construction of a new CRN we are allowed to choose rate constants for the added reactions and if we choose them large enough the equilibrium e^\hat e is locally asymptotically stable if and only if the equilibrium ee is locally asymptotically stable. Further properties of the construction are shown, such as those pertaining to conserved quantities and to how the deficiencies of the two CRNs compare.Comment: 23 page

    A Theoretical Exploration of Birhythmicity in the p53-Mdm2 Network

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    Experimental observations performed in the p53-Mdm2 network, one of the key protein modules involved in the control of proliferation of abnormal cells in mammals, revealed the existence of two frequencies of oscillations of p53 and Mdm2 in irradiated cells depending on the irradiation dose. These observations raised the question of the existence of birhythmicity, i.e. the coexistence of two oscillatory regimes for the same external conditions, in the p53-Mdm2 network which would be at the origin of these two distinct frequencies. A theoretical answer has been recently suggested by Ouattara, Abou-Jaoudé and Kaufman who proposed a 3-dimensional differential model showing birhythmicity to reproduce the two frequencies experimentally observed. The aim of this work is to analyze the mechanisms at the origin of the birhythmic behavior through a theoretical analysis of this differential model. To do so, we reduced this model, in a first step, into a 3-dimensional piecewise linear differential model where the Hill functions have been approximated by step functions, and, in a second step, into a 2-dimensional piecewise linear differential model by setting one autonomous variable as a constant in each domain of the phase space. We find that two features related to the phase space structure of the system are at the origin of the birhythmic behavior: the existence of two embedded cycles in the transition graph of the reduced models; the presence of a bypass in the orbit of the large amplitude oscillatory regime of low frequency. Based on this analysis, an experimental strategy is proposed to test the existence of birhythmicity in the p53-Mdm2 network. From a methodological point of view, this approach greatly facilitates the computational analysis of complex oscillatory behavior and could represent a valuable tool to explore mathematical models of biological rhythms showing sufficiently steep nonlinearities

    A Hidden Feedback in Signaling Cascades Is Revealed

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    Cycles involving covalent modification of proteins are key components of the intracellular signaling machinery. Each cycle is comprised of two interconvertable forms of a particular protein. A classic signaling pathway is structured by a chain or cascade of basic cycle units in such a way that the activated protein in one cycle promotes the activation of the next protein in the chain, and so on. Starting from a mechanistic kinetic description and using a careful perturbation analysis, we have derived, to our knowledge for the first time, a consistent approximation of the chain with one variable per cycle. The model we derive is distinct from the one that has been in use in the literature for several years, which is a phenomenological extension of the Goldbeter-Koshland biochemical switch. Even though much has been done regarding the mathematical modeling of these systems, our contribution fills a gap between existing models and, in doing so, we have unveiled critical new properties of this type of signaling cascades. A key feature of our new model is that a negative feedback emerges naturally, exerted between each cycle and its predecessor. Due to this negative feedback, the system displays damped temporal oscillations under constant stimulation and, most important, propagates perturbations both forwards and backwards. This last attribute challenges the widespread notion of unidirectionality in signaling cascades. Concrete examples of applications to MAPK cascades are discussed. All these properties are shared by the complete mechanistic description and our simplified model, but not by previously derived phenomenological models of signaling cascades

    Simple molecular networks that respond optimally to time-periodic stimulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacteria or cells receive many signals from their environment and from other organisms. In order to process this large amount of information, Systems Biology shows that a central role is played by regulatory networks composed of genes and proteins. The objective of this paper is to present and to discuss simple regulatory network motifs having the property to maximize their responses under time-periodic stimulations. In elucidating the mechanisms underlying these responses through simple networks the goal is to pinpoint general principles which optimize the oscillatory responses of molecular networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We took a look at basic network motifs studied in the literature such as the Incoherent Feedforward Loop (IFFL) or the interlerlocked negative feedback loop. The former is also generalized to a diamond pattern, with network components being either purely genetic or combining genetic and signaling pathways. Using standard mathematics and numerical simulations, we explain the types of responses exhibited by the IFFL with respect to a train of periodic pulses. We show that this system has a non-vanishing response only if the inter-pulse interval is above a threshold. A slight generalisation of the IFFL (the diamond) is shown to work as an ideal pass-band filter. We next show a mechanism by which average of oscillatory response can be maximized by bursting temporal patterns. Finally we study the interlerlocked negative feedback loop, i.e. a 2-gene motif forming a loop where the nodes respectively activate and repress each other, and show situations where this system possesses a resonance under periodic stimulation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We present several simple motif designs of molecular networks producing optimal output in response to periodic stimulations of the system. The identified mechanisms are simple and based on known network motifs in the literature, so that that they could be embodied in existing organisms, or easily implementable by means of synthetic biology. Moreover we show that these designs can be studied in different contexts of molecular biology, as for example in genetic networks or in signaling pathways.</p

    Integral control for population management

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    We present a novel management methodology for restocking a declining population. The strategy uses integral control, a concept ubiquitous in control theory which has not been applied to population dynamics. Integral control is based on dynamic feedback-using measurements of the population to inform management strategies and is robust to model uncertainty, an important consideration for ecological models. We demonstrate from first principles why such an approach to population management is suitable via theory and examples

    Comparing Boolean and piecewise affine differential models for genetic networks. Acta Biotheor 2010;58(2–3):217–32

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    Abstract Multi-level discrete models of genetic networks, or the more general piecewise affine differential models, provide qualitative information on the dynamics of the system, based on a small number of parameters (such as synthesis and degradation rates). Boolean models also provide qualitative information, but are based simply on the structure of interconnections. To explore the relationship between the two formalisms, a piecewise affine differential model and a Boolean model are compared, for the carbon starvation response network in E. coli. The asymptotic dynamics of both models are shown to be quite similar. This study suggests new tools for analysis and reduction of biological networks
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