524 research outputs found

    Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: A generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the US

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    In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine unified theory aus der Arbeitsökonomik heraus-gebildet, in der die Meinung vorherrscht, dass die Kombination makroökonomi- scher Schocks und flexibler Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen in den USA eine starke Zu-nahme der Lohnungleichheit verursacht habe, wĂ€hrend die gleichen Schocks in Europa vor allem fĂŒr gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer eine hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und geringe BeschĂ€ftigungsniveaus gebracht hĂ€tten als (unerwĂŒnschter) Nebeneffekt der durch die strikten institutionellen Regelungen des Arbeitsmarkts in Europa rigiden Löhne. In der vorliegenden Analyse wird hingegen argumentiert, dass Institutionen in Europa eigene Formen der FlexibilitĂ€t entwickelt hĂ€tten, die im Gefolge der in der unified theory beschriebenen Schocks ebenfalls zu einer zunehmenden Un-gleichheit in Europa gefĂŒhrt hĂ€tten, aber eben in anderer Gestalt. In Frankreich sei beispielsweise die Ungleichheit bei der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit schneller gewachsen als in den USA. DarĂŒber hinaus hĂ€tten Entwicklungen auf dem französischen Ar-beitsmarkt dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass sich gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer in unsicheren BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnissen konzentrierten. -- In recent years a unified theory has emerged out of labor economics, which argues that a combination of macroeconomic shocks and flexible labor market institutions in the U.S. has produced strong upward trends in wage inequality, while these same shocks have produced high unemployment and low employment growth in Europe as a side effect of the wage stability preserved by that continents rigid labor market in-stitutions. This paper argues instead that European institutions in fact have evolved their own form of flexibility, which, in combination with the macroeconomic shocks described in the unified theory, have also led to rising inequality in Europe, but of a different form. Taking France as an example, inequality of employment security has risen faster here than in the U.S. Furthermore, trends in the French labor market have led to increased concentration of low-skill workers in these insecure job statuses. These results challenge the view that unemployment is the main mecha-nism through which European labor markets absorbed asymmetric shocks to their demand for labor. They also challenge the view that Europeans have intolerance for inequality, but instead suggest that the main difference between the two sides of the Atlantic concerns the nature of the inequalities that each society is willing to tolerate.

    Thermodynamic study of heavy metals behavior during municipal waste incineration

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    The incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) contributes significantly to the presence of heavy metals in urban area aerosols. It is thus important to ascertain the quantities and chemical forms of the heavy metals (HM) that are emitted from the incineration plant stacks. The behaviour of HM, which depends strongly on the thermal and chemical environments, was investigated herein with a modelling approach, consisting of several parts. First, a refuse bed combustion model was developed for simulating on-grate MSW incineration. It describes most of the physico-chemical and thermal phenomena occurring during waste combustion. Second, results from the bed model were taken as boundary conditions to perform 3D simulations of the post-combustion zone and of the boiler. The case studied was of the Strasbourg incineration plant. Finally, the local thermal conditions and the local elementary compositions of gas and solid phases obtained from these simulations were used to carry out thermodynamic calculations of the speciation of HM at each point in the incinerator. The results for four metals (Cd, Zn, Pb, Cr) are presented, discussed and compared to available data. Predicted species are in agreement with observations for volatile metals, except lead, whose volatilization seems overestimated

    Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: A generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the US

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    In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine unified theory aus der Arbeitsökonomik heraus-gebildet, in der die Meinung vorherrscht, dass die Kombination makroökonomi- scher Schocks und flexibler Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen in den USA eine starke Zu-nahme der Lohnungleichheit verursacht habe, wĂ€hrend die gleichen Schocks in Europa vor allem fĂŒr gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer eine hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und geringe BeschĂ€ftigungsniveaus gebracht hĂ€tten als (unerwĂŒnschter) Nebeneffekt der durch die strikten institutionellen Regelungen des Arbeitsmarkts in Europa rigiden Löhne. In der vorliegenden Analyse wird hingegen argumentiert, dass Institutionen in Europa eigene Formen der FlexibilitĂ€t entwickelt hĂ€tten, die - im Gefolge der in der unified theory beschriebenen Schocks - ebenfalls zu einer zunehmenden Un-gleichheit in Europa gefĂŒhrt hĂ€tten, aber eben in anderer Gestalt. In Frankreich sei beispielsweise die Ungleichheit bei der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit schneller gewachsen als in den USA. DarĂŒber hinaus hĂ€tten Entwicklungen auf dem französischen Ar-beitsmarkt dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass sich gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer in unsicheren BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnissen konzentrierten.In recent years a 'unified theory' has emerged out of labor economics, which argues that a combination of 'macroeconomic shocks' and flexible labor market institutions in the U.S. has produced strong upward trends in wage inequality, while these same shocks have produced high unemployment and low employment growth in Europe as a side effect of the wage stability preserved by that continent's rigid labor market in-stitutions. This paper argues instead that European institutions in fact have evolved their own form of flexibility, which, in combination with the macroeconomic shocks described in the unified theory, have also led to rising inequality in Europe, but of a different form. Taking France as an example, inequality of employment security has risen faster here than in the U.S. Furthermore, trends in the French labor market have led to increased concentration of low-skill workers in these insecure job statuses. These results challenge the view that unemployment is the main mecha-nism through which European labor markets absorbed asymmetric shocks to their demand for labor. They also challenge the view that Europeans have intolerance for inequality, but instead suggest that the main difference between the two sides of the Atlantic concerns the nature of the inequalities that each society is willing to tolerate

    Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: a generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the U.S.

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    "In recent years a 'unified theory' has emerged out of labor economics, which argues that a combination of 'macroeconomic shocks' and flexible labor market institutions in the U.S. has produced strong upward trends in wage inequality, while these same shocks have produced high unemployment and low employment growth in Europe as a side effect of the wage stability preserved by that continent's rigid labor market institutions. This paper argues instead that European institutions in fact have evolved their own form of flexibility, which, in combination with the macroeconomic shocks described in the unified theory, have also led to rising inequality in Europe, but of a different form. Taking France as an example, inequality of employment security has risen faster here than in the U.S. Furthermore, trends in the French labor market have led to increased concentration of low-skill workers in these insecure job statuses. These results challenge the view that unemployment is the main mechanism through which European labor markets absorbed asymmetric shocks to their demand for labor. They also challenge the view that Europeans have intolerance for inequality, but instead suggest that the main difference between the two sides of the Atlantic concerns the nature of the inequalities that each society is willing to tolerate." (author's abstract)"In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine 'unified theory' aus der Arbeitsökonomik herausgebildet, in der die Meinung vorherrscht, dass die Kombination makroökonomischer Schocks und flexibler Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen in den USA eine starke Zunahme der Lohnungleichheit verursacht habe, wĂ€hrend die gleichen Schocks in Europa vor allem fĂŒr gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer eine hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und geringe BeschĂ€ftigungsniveaus gebracht hĂ€tten als (unerwĂŒnschter) Nebeneffekt der durch die strikten institutionellen Regelungen des Arbeitsmarkts in Europa rigiden Löhne. In der vorliegenden Analyse wird hingegen argumentiert, dass Institutionen in Europa eigene Formen der FlexibilitĂ€t entwickelt hĂ€tten, die - im Gefolge der in der 'unified theory' beschriebenen Schocks - ebenfalls zu einer zunehmenden Ungleichheit in Europa gefĂŒhrt hĂ€tten, aber eben in anderer Gestalt. In Frankreich sei beispielsweise die Ungleichheit bei der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit schneller gewachsen als in den USA. DarĂŒber hinaus hĂ€tten Entwicklungen auf dem französischen Arbeitsmarkt dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass sich gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer in unsicheren BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnissen konzentrierten. Diese Ergebnisse stellen eine Herausforderung an die Sichtweise dar, dass Arbeitslosigkeit der Hauptmechanismus sei, durch den die europĂ€ischen ArbeitsmĂ€rkte asymmetrische Schocks auf der Arbeitsnachfrageseite absorbierten. Ebenso wird in Frage gestellt, dass Europa nicht bereit sei, Ungleichheit zu tolerieren; vielmehr wird die Annahme gestĂŒtzt, dass der Hauptunterschied auf den beiden Seiten des Atlantiks in dem Typus von Ungleichheiten liegt, den die jeweiligen Gesellschaften zu tolerieren bereit sind." (Autorenreferat

    Influence of the Cu-Te composition and microstructure on the resistive switching of Cu-Te/Al(2)O(3)/Si cells

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    In this letter, we explore the influence of the Cu(x)Te(1-x) layer composition (0.2 0.7 leads to large reset power, similar to pure-Cu electrodes, x < 0.3 results in volatile forming properties. The intermediate range 0.5< x < 0.7 shows optimum memory properties, featuring improved control of filament programming using <5 mu A as well as state stability at 85 degrees C. The composition-dependent programming control and filament stability are closely associated with the phases in the Cu(x)Te(1-x) layer and are explained as related to the chemical affinity between Cu and Te. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3621835

    Engineering physiological environments to advance kidney organoid models from human pluripotent stem cells

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    During embryogenesis, the mammalian kidney arises because of reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (MM), driving UB branching and nephron induction. These morphogenetic processes involve a series of cellular rearrangements that are tightly controlled by gene regulatory networks and signaling cascades. Here, we discuss how kidney developmental studies have informed the definition of procedures to obtain kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Moreover, bioengineering techniques have emerged as potential solutions to externally impose controlled microenvironments for organoid generation from hPSCs. Next, we summarize some of these advances with major focus On recent works merging hPSC-derived kidney organoids (hPSC-kidney organoids) with organ-on-chip to develop robust models for drug discovery and disease modeling applications. We foresee that, in the near future, coupling of different organoid models through bioengineering approaches will help advancing to recreate organ-to-organ crosstalk to increase our understanding on kidney disease progression in the human context and search for new therapeutics

    Introduction of WO3 Layer in a Cu-Based Al2O3 Conductive Bridge RAM System for Robust Cycling and Large Memory Window

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    In this paper, we optimize a WO3\Al2O3 bilayer serving as the electrolyte of a conductive bridge RAM device using a Cu-based supply layer. By introducing a WO3 layer formed by thermal oxidation of a W plug, the hourglass shape of the conductive filament is desirably controlled, enabling excellent switching behavior. We demonstrate a clear improvement of the microstructure and density of the WO3 layer by increasing the oxidation time and temperature, resulting in a strong increase of the high-resistance-state breakdown voltage. The high quality WO3 microstructure allows thus the use of a larger reset pulse amplitude resulting both in larger memory window and failure-free write cycling.1197Ysciescopu

    Neonatal invariant Va24+ NKT lymphocytes are activated memory cells.

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    NKT cells are a small subset of T lymphocytes which express an invariant V(alpha24JalphaQ TCR and recognize glycolipids presented by CD1d. In adults, NKT cells have a memory phenotype, frequently associated with oligoclonal expansion, express NK cell markers, and produce TO cytokines upon primary stimulation. Because of these features, NKT cells are regarded as lymphocytes of innate immunity. We investigated NKT cells from cord blood to see how these cells appear in the absence of exogenous stimuli. We found that NKT cells are present at comparable frequencies in cord blood and adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in both cases display a memory (CD45RO+CD62L-) phenotype. However, neonatal NKT cells differ from their adult counterparts by the following characteristics: (1) they express markers of activation, such as CD25; (2) they are polyclonal; (3) they do not produce cytokines in response to primary stimulation. Together, our data show that human NKT cells arise in the newborn with an activated memory phenotype, probably due to recognition of an endogenous ligand(s). The absence of oligoclonal expansion and primary effector functions also suggest that neonatal NKT cells, despite their activated memory phenotype, require a further priming/differentiation event to behave as fully functional cells of innate immunity

    L’ASPRO: un exemple d’interface cartographique pour la consultation d’un corpus archĂ©ologique

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    The Atlas of Near Eastern sites (ASPRO - Atlas des Sites du Proche-Orient) is an analytical index of nearly 2000 archaeological sites occupied between 14,000 and 5700 BP (about 14,000-4500 BC) in an area extending from the Sinai to Turkmenistan and from Anatolia to the Arabian-Persian Gulf. Its objective is to propose consistent information concerning a wide area and a long period of time, based on evidence which is often difficult to access, and to free this information from the compartmentalization of knowledge. This corpus, which was published in 1994 in book form, and is now out of print, has recently been made available online in an interactive cartographic interface, at the following address: http://www.mom.fr/Aspro/login.jsp. The objective of this development is to sustain consultation of the corpus, to increase its diffusion, while offering new functionalities with more flexibility: consultation through different entries, including the cartographic entry. Thus, it will now be possible to respond to requests on the different tables which compose the base (sites, periods, bibliography, dating), and to display the results in the form of an interactive list (access to files) and in cartographic form. The display is presented in different scales and the sites may be visualized on several thematic maps (hypsometry, pluviometry, bio-geographic zones). The latter also enable selection by spatial intersection. The technical system is now in place, and the project can proceed to a new stage: the updating of the corpus through sharing of information, then validation by a group of specialists
