339 research outputs found

    ,,Es gibt nicht zwei, wie der ist”.

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    Om ’n mens se indrukke van prof. Schulze saam te vat, is geen makliketaak nie. Sy invloed op 'n student seliterêre smaak, wetenskaplike vormingen lewensbeskouing is so omvangryk, datek maar net ’n paar daarvan sal aanroer

    Skoolwoordeboeke vir huistaalleerders van Afrikaans

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    Skoolwoordeboeke vorm 'n uitgebreide tipologiese kategorie binne die versameling woordeboeksoorte. Die uiteenlopende verskeidenheid teikengebruikers van skoolwoordeboeke vereis egter 'n duideliker tipologiese omskrywing en 'n fyner onderverdeling in subkategorieë. Hierdie artikel fokus eerstens op sommige van die verskillende interpretasies van die term skoolwoordeboek en die onduidelikheid wat met die gebruik van hierdie term saamhang. 'n Onpresiese gebruik van die term lei daartoe dat voornemende gebruikers van skoolwoordeboeke nie weet wat om in 'n betrokke woordeboek te verwag en wie die beplande teikengebruikers daarvan is nie. Die leksikografiese funksies van skoolwoordeboeke word bespreek met die klem op Afrikaanse skoolwoordeboeke vir huistaalleerders. 'n Oorsig en kontekstualisering van hierdie woordeboeke word gevolg deur 'n bespreking van verskeie woordeboeke vir laerskool- en hoërskoolleerders. Aandag word gegee aan aspekte van die funksies, struktuur en inhoud asook aan positiewe en negatiewe kenmerke van die onderskeie woordeboeke. Dit blyk dat die ontwikkeling in die teoretiese leksikografie 'n positiewe invloed op die samestelling van skoolwoordeboeke gehad het. Uiteindelik word 'n aantal aanbevelings gemaak vir die verbetering van toekomstige skoolwoordeboeke. Die belangrikheid van 'n ondubbelsinnige aanduiding van onder meer die teikengebruikers en die gebruikersituasie word benadruk. Die opname, aanbieding en bewerking van data moet met inagneming van die gebruikersprofiel geskied. Sleutelwoorde: Addisionele Taal, Gebruikersituasie, Grondslagfase, Hoërskoolleerders, Huistaal, Kognitiewe Funksie, Laerskoolleerders, Leksikografiese Funksies, Skoolwoordeboek, Teikengebruiker, Teksproduksie, Teksresepsie, Woordeboektipologi

    A new step forward for South African learners\' lexicography: The Oxford Afrikaans-Engels/English-Afrikaans Skoolwoordeboek/School Dictionary

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    No Abstract.Journal for Language Teaching vol Vol. 42 (1) 2008: pp. 65-8

    Mechanistic and Kinetic Aspects of the Direct Electrochemical Oxidation of 4-t-Butyltoluene

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    The direct electrochemical oxidation of 4-t-butyltoluene at graphite electrodes in methanol, using NaClO4 as electrolyte, as been investigated in order to obtain an insight into the mechanism and kinetics of the anodic reactions taking place. It is shown that an increase in current density affects the product distribution, leading to a better yield of the target product 4-t-butylbenzaldehyde dimethyl acetal and a lower percentage of unknowns at the expense of an increase in electrical charge. It is suggested that oxidation takes place by two mechanisms : a direct one involving oxidation of the substrate at the electrode, and an indirect one where a pool of solvent radicals assists in the oxidation process. Further evidence is provided for reaction mechanisms in studies where the substrate loading is varied, and also where the ratio of substrate to solvent is varied ; when the concentration of the substrate is high, there is evidence of the formation of dimers and other unknowns. Under certain conditions, these anodic reactions can be regarded as parallel consecutive second order reactions. The role played by the solvent is confirmed by kinetic data. South African Journal of Chemistry Vol.55 2002: 125-13

    Towards Formulating An Accounting Theory Of Meaningfulness

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    This study highlights the need for a theory of meaningfulness for accounting information. A theory of meaningfulness determines the theoretical position that may be taken about the scientific content of information. The need for such a theory in accounting arises from the perspective that users of accounting information have not been able to take a firm theoretical position about the scientific content of accounting information in the financial statements. This has caused users of accounting information to lose confidence in the financial statements. This paper uses the representational measurement concept of meaningfulness to highlight the inadequacies of the current accounting concept of meaningfulness and to suggest possible ways of addressing these inadequacies. The development of a theory of meaningfulness of accounting information would improve the users’ confidence in the financial statements

    Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenol using a Flow-through Micro-porous Lead Dioxide/Lead Cell

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    The electrochemical oxidation of phenol to benzoquinone followed by the reduction to hydroquinone and catechol was demonstrated by constructing a three-dimensional porous micro-flow cell from lead dioxideand lead. The electrodes were made by using the principles of curing and formation of lead oxide material that are common in the construction of the electrodes used in lead-acid batteries. This resulted in highly porous electrodes that can allow the reactant solution to flow through them in series, without the risk of having the products being oxidized again at the anode that usually occurs in a simple undivided cell. In this study, a 50 mM solution of phenol in a 60 % acetonitrile and water mixture was used that contained 2 % sulphuric acid. The reactantsolution would flow through the anode porous material oxidizing the phenol to benzoquinone. The benzoquinone in solution would then flow through the cathode porous material and reduce to catechol and hydroquinone. The study showed that almost all of the phenol could be converted in one continuous flow process in using a relatively low cost electrochemical micro-flow cell that can be easily scaled up to accommodate larger volumes and concentrations by using electrode manufacturing principles used in the lead-acid battery industry.Keywords: Phenol, hydroquinone, catechol, lead dioxide, micro-flow cel

    Upeneus floros, a new goatfish from South Africa and Mozambique, with updated taxonomic accounts for U. guttatus and U. pori and a key to Western Indian Ocean Upeneus species (Mullidae)

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    The highly diverse goatfish genus Upeneus (Mullidae) requires enhanced attention regarding the possible occurrence of undescribed species in insufficiently explored regions. This study focuses on the South-Western Indian Ocean region (SWIO), and on the so-called japonicus-group, a taxonomic species group of Upeneus. Based on in-situ observations and collections in Sodwana Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, the Floros goatfish, U. floros n. sp., is described. Detailed comparative studies of colour patterns and morphological characters of all other 13 japonicus-group species were undertaken as well as COI barcoding. The new species occurs in the coastal area between Angoche, N Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal and partly overlaps in distribution with two similar species, U. guttatus, widely distributed in the Indo-W Pacific, and U. saiab, assumed to be endemic in a small area off Angoche. Two additional japonicus-group species occurring in the SWIO, U. seychellensis from the Seychelles Bank and U. pori from the Mediterranean Sea (as Lessepsian migrant), Northern Red Sea and Madagascar, were also compared. Because specimens as well as in-situ photographs of U. floros have been erroneously identified as either U. guttatus or U. pori during previous studies, updated taxonomic accounts and diagnoses are provided for these species taking size-related and population differences into account. For U. pori, of which a single preserved specimen from SW Madagascar was known so far, a new record from NE Madagascar is reported based on three specimens and a fresh-colour photo. Upeneus floros can be distinguished from U. guttatus and U. pori by a combination of three characters: head length, first dorsal-fin height and number of gill rakers. Upeneus guttatus can be distinguished from the other two species by disproportionally higher anterior dorsal-fin spines vs. a proportional decrease of dorsal-fin spines in height, barbels mostly yellow vs. white or creamy-white, and slightly fewer pectoral-fin rays. COI barcoding detected a clear distinction between U. guttatus and U. floros and U. pori, respectively, but no significant divergence between the two latter species. COI barcoding also failed to differentiate several other Upeneus species which are clearly distinguished morphologically. Possible interrelationships between species distribution patterns and physical oceanography are discussed. An identification key for the 22 WIO Upeneus species is provided.publishedVersio

    Learning from Samples of Variable Quality

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    Training labels are expensive to obtain and may be of varying quality, as some may be from trusted expert labelers while others might be from heuristics or other sources of weak supervision such as crowd-sourcing. This creates a fundamental quality-versus-quantity trade-off in the learning process. Do we learn from the small amount of high-quality data or the potentially large amount of weakly-labeled data? We argue that if the learner could somehow know and take the label-quality into account, we could get the best of both worlds. To this end, we introduce “fidelity-weighted learning” (FWL), a semi-supervised student-teacher approach for training deep neural networks using weakly-labeled data. FWL modulates the parameter updates to a student network, trained on the task we care about on a per-sample basis according to the posterior confidence of its label-quality estimated by a teacher, who has access to limited samples with high-quality labels

    Learning from Samples of Variable Quality

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    Training labels are expensive to obtain and may be of varying quality, as some may be from trusted expert labelers while others might be from heuristics or other sources of weak supervision such as crowd-sourcing. This creates a fundamental quality-versus-quantity trade-off in the learning process. Do we learn from the small amount of high-quality data or the potentially large amount of weakly-labeled data? We argue that if the learner could somehow know and take the label-quality into account, we could get the best of both worlds. To this end, we introduce “fidelity-weighted learning” (FWL), a semi-supervised student-teacher approach for training deep neural networks using weakly-labeled data. FWL modulates the parameter updates to a student network, trained on the task we care about on a per-sample basis according to the posterior confidence of its label-quality estimated by a teacher, who has access to limited samples with high-quality labels
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