27 research outputs found
Altera??o dos registros p?blicos como meio de inclus?o social e garantia dos direitos dos transexuais: da lacuna jur?dica ao reconhecimento pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal
A altera??o de nome e g?nero do transexual no registro de nascimento foi mat?ria de muita
discuss?o, por n?o receber amparo legal por muito tempo. Diante da aus?ncia da lei cabia aos
magistrados diante das a??es propostas nos Tribunais brasileiros por transexuais, que desejassem
ver seus registros civis retificados, julgar de acordo com: princ?pios e costumes gerais de
direito, normas infralegais, como as Resolu??es do Conselho Federal de Medicina e, de acordo
com suas pr?prias convic??es. Recentemente, foi julgada a A??o Direta de Inconstitucionalidade
4.275, onde o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidiu pela possibilidade de transexuais
alterarem nome e g?nero no registro civil de nascimento diretamente nos cart?rios, sem a necessidade
de se submeterem ? cirurgia de transgenitaliza??o. Esta disserta??o ? uma an?lise
sobre o caminho percorrido pelo transexual, inicialmente atrav?s da propositura de a??es judiciais
que se arrastavam por significativo per?odo de tempo, at? alcan?ar a pretendida modifica??o
do seu registro, a partir de autoriza??o judicial e os reflexos no Registro Civil das Pessoas
Naturais decorrentes da decis?o da Suprema Corte.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.The change of name and gender of the transsexual in the registry of birth was the subject of
much discussion for not receiving legal support for a long time. Faced with the absence of the
law, it was up to the magistrates, in view of the actions proposed in the Brazilian Courts by
transsexuals who wished to see their civil records rectified, to judge according to: general
principles and customs of law; norms, such as the Resolutions of the Federal Council of Medicine;
and, according to their own convictions. Recently, the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality
4,275 was judged, where the Federal Supreme Court ruled that transsexuals could
change their name and gender in the birth registry directly in the registry offices, without the
need to undergo transgenitalization surgery. This dissertation is an analysis of the path taken
by the transsexual, initially through the propagation of lawsuits that dragged for a significant
period of time, until reaching the intended modification of its independent registration of judicial
authorization and the reflexes in the Civil Registry of Natural Persons arising of the decision
of the Supreme Court
A imprensa e a proscri??o dos animais n?o-humanos da urbe diamantinense (1894-1912)
O presente trabalho investiga a participa??o da imprensa diamantinense no processo de
recha?amento dos animais n?o-humanos da urbe, durante a din?mica de moderniza??o
deflagrada na virada do s?culo XIX para o XX. Tal pesquisa analisa as interven??es de
agentes modernizadores de Diamantina sobre animais n?o-humanos, faceta analisada apenas
tangencialmente por dois autores precedentes: James William Goodwin J?nior e Marcos
Lobato Martins. Essa leitura, que se enreda na compreens?o das maneiras como agentes
modernizadores se posicionavam em rela??o ? presen?a animal na cidade, lan?a novas luzes e
novas quest?es ?s outras facetas da moderniza??o diamantinense, j? bem estudadas. Al?m
desse alcance mais estrito, o estudo pormenorizado desse processo de proscri??o, por meio da
an?lise dos textos publicados nos jornais diamantinenses (O Munic?pio, O Jequitinhonha, A
Id?a Nova), entre 1894 e 1912, nos revela invers?es, tens?es e ambiguidades. Acredita-se que
essa a??o, para al?m de refletir muito localizadamente uma utopia modernizadora em conflito
com a depend?ncia da sociedade diamantinense em rela??o ao trabalho escravo dos animais
?de tropa?, diz respeito a embates calcados numa longu?ssima dura??o do
(anti)relacionamento humananimal. Nesse sentido, tais embates informam e elucidam
quest?es pertinentes aos dilemas humananimais da atualidade, marcadas pela emerg?ncia de
um movimento vegano-abolicionista de alcance global.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The present work investigates the participation of media in the process of repulse of the
panoramic view wing non-human animals of the metropolis during the dynamics of
modernization that began at the turn of the 19th century to the 20th. Such research analyzes
the modernizers agents speeches of Diamantina about non-human animals, examined only
tangentially facet for two previous authors: James William Goodwin J?nior e Marcos Lobato
Martins. This reading, which draws on the understanding of the ways modernizers agents
view in relation to the presence of animals in the city, generates new insights and new issues
to other facets of the panoramic view wing diamantinense?s modernisation, already well
studied. Beyond this range, the more strict detailed study of this process of proscription,
through the analysis of the texts published in the newspaper diamantinenses (O Munic?pio, O
Jequitinhonha, A Id?a Nova), between 1894 and 1912, reveals inversions, tensions and
ambiguities. It is believed that this action, in addition to reflect very precisely the modern
utopia in conflict with panoramic view wing society's dependence in relation to the slave
labour of "troop" animals, concerns based on a long-standing ties duration of (anti)
humananimal relationship. Accordingly, such ties shall inform and clarify issues relevant to
today's humananimals difficulties, marked by the emergence of a movement-global
abolitionist vegan
Synthesis of hydrogels of cellulose acetate (AC) cross-linked with 3,3?,4,4? benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) : characterization and adsorption physicochemical study.
Este trabalho descreve as s?nteses de hidrog?is superabsorventes a base de acetato de celulose (AC), com grau de substitui??o 2.5, reticulado com dianidrido 3, 3?, 4, 4? benzofenona tetracarbox?lico (BTDA). As caracteriza??es das mat?rias primas foram realizadas por an?lises t?rmicas (TG/DTG) e espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho (FTIR). O grau de substitui??o do acetato de celulose foi determinado por via ?mida. A confirma??o da rea??o de esterifica??o foi poss?vel a partir da t?cnica de FTIR, espectroscopia UV-vis e an?lises t?rmicas (TG/DTG). A presen?a de poros no novo material foi analisada por microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV) e porosimetria (BET). A influ?ncia da concentra??o de dianidrido no meio reacional foi investigada, bem como a influ?ncia do aumento no grau de reticula??o no comportamento t?rmico do material. Foram obtidas isotermas de absor??o de ?gua em diferentes temperaturas para os hidrog?is com diferentes graus de reticula??o. Os coeficientes de difus?o dos g?is foram determinados, juntamente com a energia de ativa??o para o processo de inchamento usando a equa??o de Arrhenius. A entalpia de mistura do sistema gel-?gua foi determinada pela medida da quantidade m?xima de ?gua absorvida no equil?brio a diferentes temperaturas, empregando a equa??o de Gibbs/Helmholtz.This work describes the synthesis of hydrogels of cellulose acetate (AC), with a nominal degree of substitution DS = 2.5, cross-linked with 3,3?,4,4? benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA). The raw materials were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). DS of cellulose acetate was determined by titration with a known amount of standard NaOH solution. Hydrogels of BTDA were synthesized with 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mol of BTDA/mol of AC. FTIR proved to be a suitable method to monitor the course of reactions and the progress of purification. UV-vis spectroscopy and analysis confirmed the esterification of the free hydroxyl groups. Surface modification of AC structure after the cross-linking reaction was analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and density and porosity of the hydrogels were determined by BET. The influence of the concentration of dianhydride on the time necessary for formation of the gel was investigated. The influence from the increase in the degree of cross-linking on the thermal behavior of the material was also documented. Water absorption isotherms were obtained for hydrogels with different reticulating agents and reticulation degrees at different temperatures. The Arrhenius equation was used to determine the diffusion coefficient of the different hydrogels at distinct temperatures and the threshold energy for the swelling process. The enthalpy of mixture was determined through the measurement of the maximum quantity of water absorbed at equilibrium at different temperatures, with the Gibbs/Helmholtz equation
Investigation of Quantum Phase Transitions using Multi-target DMRG Methods
In this paper we examine how the predictions of conformal invariance can be
widely exploited to overcome the difficulties of the density-matrix
renormalization group near quantum critical points. The main idea is to match
the set of low-lying energy levels of the lattice Hamiltonian, as a function of
the system's size, with the spectrum expected for a given conformal field
theory in two dimensions. As in previous studies this procedure requires an
accurate targeting of various excited states. Here we discuss how this can be
achieved within the DMRG algorithm by means of the recently proposed
Thick-restart Lanczos method. As a nontrivial benchmark we use an anisotropic
spin-1 Hamiltonian with special attention to the transitions from the Haldane
phase. Nonetheless, we think that this procedure could be generally valid in
the study of quantum critical phenomena.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e (svjour class), 8 EPS figures. Same version as the
published one, with new references and English corrections of the proofreade
Study of efficiency time of recombinant DNA insulin via accelerated life testing and interval censoring.
This paper aims to study the efficiency of recombinant DNA insulin via models for accelerated life tests. The potency loss of these insulin products was evaluated periodically, subject to the conditions of temperature of 8?C, 25?C and 37?C. Insulin samples with potency at less than 100% were considered unfit for consumption, which characterizes the event of interest. Samples suitable for consumption were considered to be censored. The response variable was observed periodically for 736 days. For data analysis, statistical models of stress-response regression were used. The deterministic part of these models is the Arrhenius model because the stress variable is the temperature, while the probabilistic part was comprised of the Exponential, Weibull, and Log-normal models. The techniques of accelerated life tests proved adequate to address the time of potency loss of the insulin for the various temperature levels. The times of occurrence of the events were treated in three different ways, which were compared in this study. First, interval censoring was considered, or only the upper and lower limits of the interval in which the failure occurred were known. Then, the midpoint of this interval was considered as a failure time. Finally, only the lower limit of the interval in which the failure occurred was considered. According to the results, it is concluded that the use of the interval lower limit is more appropriate for estimating the reliability curves, as the estimates are closer to those using interval censoring then using the midpoint of the interval. For the specific case of the recombinant DNA insulin data, it was observed that the Arrhenius-Weibull model and the Arrhenius-lognormal are suitable for adjusting the data. It follows also that the temperature affects the power of the insulin: The higher the temperature are, the lesser the efficiency
Um novo m?todo para aloca??o de unidade em subamostras representativas baseado em covari?veis discretas.
Em estudos experimentais nos quais se deseja verificar a efic?cia de alguma interven??o, ? usual a presen?a de grupos que sofrer?o ou n?o estas interven??es para que compara??es a respeito de fatores relacionados a estas interven??es possam ser medidos. Para garantir que tais compara??es sejam v?lidas, ? necess?rias que os grupos apresentem caracter?sticas o mais semelhantes poss?vel entre si, definidas no in?cio do estudo. Este trabalho apresenta uma nova metodologia de divis?o, dado um conjunto de dados inicial, em k subamostras representativas em rela??o aos dados iniciais, com base em covari?veis que definem as caracter?sticas desta. Os resultados obtidos constatam que a metodologia de aleatoriza??o proposta apresenta resultados satisfat?rios, principalmente se comparados com a t?cnica tradicional de amostragem aleat?ria simples. As subamostras delineadas pelo m?todo apresentam um alto grau de similaridade com a amostra original, o que possibilitar? aos estudos experimentais deste trabalho uma redu??o no vi?s de sele??o, proporcionando resultados mais satisfat?rios.In experimental studies, like clinic trials, where one wants to verify the eficacy of some intervention, the presence of different groups that will suffer the or not the
interventions, so one can make future comparisons. To waranty that the comparisons will
be valid, it?s necessary that the groups shows the most similar characteristics among them
and the original sample. This study brings a new methodology of division of an original
sample in k representative sub-samples about the original sample, based in the covariates
that defines the original sample characteristics. The results demonstrate that the proposed
methodology shows very satisfatory results, mainly if compared to the traditional method,
the random sampling. The sub-samples defined by the new method shows a high similarity
with the original sample, which will made possible experimental studies with low selection
bias and reliable results
Uso de redes neurais artificais na predi??o de valores gen?ticos para peso aos 205 dias em bovinos da ra?a Tabapu?.
Dados de 19240 animais Tabapu?, provenientes de 152 fazendas localizadas em diversos estados brasileiros, nascidos entre 1976 e 1995, foram utilizados para predi??o do valor gen?tico do peso aos 205 dias de idade (VG_P205) por meio de redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) e usando o algoritmo LM ? Levenberg Marquardt ? para treinamento dos dados de entrada. Por se tratar de rede com aprendizado supervisionado, foram utilizados, como sa?da desejada, os valores gen?ticos preditos pelo BLUP para a caracter?stica P205. Os valores gen?ticos do P205 obtidos pela RNA e os preditos pelo BLUP foram altamente correlacionados. A ordena??o dos valores gen?ticos do P205 oriundos das RNAs e os valores preditos pelo BLUP (VG_P205_RNA) sugeriram que houve varia??o na classifica??o dos animais, indicando riscos no uso de RNAs para avalia??o gen?tica dessa caracter?stica. Inser??es de novos animais necessitam de novo treinamento dos dados, sempre dependentes do BLUP.Data from 19,240 Tabapu? animals from 152 farms located in different states of Brazil, born from 1976 to 1995, were used to predict the genetic value of body weight at 205 days of age (BV_P205) of Tabapu? beef cattle using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and LM algorithm - Levenberg Marquardt training for data entry. Due to the use of networks with supervised learning, the predicted breeding values for P205 from BLUP were used as desired output. The breeding values for P205 obtained from RNA and those predicted by BLUP were highly correlated. The ranked breeding values for body weight at 205 days through RNA and those predicted by BLUP (VG_P205_RNA) showed a variation in the classification of animals indicating risks in the use of ANNs procedure for genetic evaluation of this trait. Insertions of new animals require new training data always dependent on BLUP
The DUNE Far Detector Interim Design Report, Volume 3: Dual-Phase Module
The DUNE IDR describes the proposed physics program and technical designs of the DUNE far detector modules in preparation for the full TDR to be published in 2019. It is intended as an intermediate milestone on the path to a full TDR, justifying the technical choices that flow down from the high-level physics goals through requirements at all levels of the Project. These design choices will enable the DUNE experiment to make the ground-breaking discoveries that will help to answer fundamental physics questions. Volume 3 describes the dual-phase module's subsystems, the technical coordination required for its design, construction, installation, and integration, and its organizational structure
M?sera princesa destronada: crime e ordem p?blica em pelotas (1902-1928)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ([email protected]) on 2015-04-17T18:06:47Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-31Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPESThis dissertation examines the social history of crime and criminals in the first decades of the twentieth century, in the city of Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul. In the same way, the work retraces the changes and procedures of Pelotas policing, between 1902 and 1928, to understand that during the studied years occurred more effective control in different urban areas - and on certain portion of the population - especially after the reorganization of the municipal police (1902) and the creation of the Bureau of Identification (1915). From researched sources (press, police statistics and official documents), it demonstrates that the discourse on surveillance and prevention of criminal practices is accompanied by the progressive discourse, linked to the development plans of Pelotas. The crimes were, particularly, disorder, vagrancy, drunkenness and prostitution, and all such violations of public order were accused of preventing local progress. Therefore, in order to demonstrate traces of urban violence, the research was divided into three themes: the context of the city of Pelotas in the early twentieth century, the creation of a new kind of Republican policing at the time and, finally, the description of prisoners and the major crimes occurred in Pelotas. In short, this work makes possible to understand the ways of crime prevention and also demonstrates the crimes and marginal agents, barely present in the official history of the city of Pelotas.Esta disserta??o analisa a hist?ria social do crime e dos criminosos nas primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX, na cidade de Pelotas, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Do mesmo modo, o trabalho reconstitui as altera??es e procedimentos do policiamento pelotense, entre 1902 e 1928, ao compreender que durante os anos pesquisados ocorreu um controle mais efetivo em diferentes zonas urbanas ? e sobre determinada parcela da popula??o ?, sobretudo ap?s a reorganiza??o da pol?cia municipal (1902) e a cria??o do Gabinete de Identifica??o (1915). A partir das fontes pesquisadas (imprensa, estat?sticas policiais e documentos administrativos), demostra-se que o discurso sobre a vigil?ncia e preven??o das pr?ticas criminosas era acompanhado do discurso progressista, vinculado aos planos urban?sticos de Pelotas. Os crimes, assim, eram nomeadamente desordem, vadiagem, embriaguez e prostitui??o, e todas essas viola??es ? ordem p?blica eram acusadas de impedir o progresso local. Deste modo, com o objetivo de demonstrar tra?os da viol?ncia urbana, a pesquisa foi dividida em tr?s tem?ticas: o contexto da cidade de Pelotas no in?cio do s?culo XX, a cria??o de um novo tipo de policiamento republicano na ocasi?o e, por fim, a descri??o dos presos e dos principais crimes ocorridos na urbe pelotense. Em suma, este trabalho possibilita compreender as maneiras de preven??o ? criminalidade e, igualmente, demonstra os crimes e agentes marginais, pouco presentes na hist?ria oficial da cidade de Pelotas