766 research outputs found

    Human capital, social capital and scientific research in Europe: an application of linear hierarchical models

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    The theory of human capital is one way to explain individual decisions to produce scientific research. However, this theory, even if it reckons the importance of time in science, is too short for explaining the existing diversity of scientific output. The present paper introduces the social capital of Bourdieu (1980), Coleman (1988) and Putnam (1995) as a necessary complement to explain the creation of scientific human capital. This paper connects these two concepts by means of a hierarchical econometric model which makes the distinction between the individual level (human capital) and the cluster level of departments (social capital). The paper shows how a collection of variables can be built from a bibliographic data base indicating both individual behaviour including mobility and collective characteristics of the department housing individual researchers. The two level hierarchical model is estimated on fourteen European countries using bibliometric data in the fields of economics.Economics of science; human capital; social capital; hierarchical models; European science

    Schooling effects and earnings of French University graduates: school quality matters, but choice of discipline matters more

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    Our aim in this article is to study the relation between earnings of French universities graduates and some characteristics of their universities. We exploit data from the Céreq's "Génération 98" survey, enriched with information on university characteristics primarily from the ANETES (yearbook of French institutions of higher education). We employ multilevel modeling, enabling us to take advantage of the natural hierarchy in our separate datasets, and thus to identify, and even to measure potential effects of institutional quality. Since we take into account many individual students characteristics, we are able to obtain an income hierarchy among the different disciplines : students who graduated in science, economics or management obtain the highest earnings. Below them, we and students who graduated in law, political science, communication or language and literature, while the ones who graduated in social studies earn the lowest incomes. On the institutional level, we need two significant quality effects : the rest is from the socioeconomic composition of the university's student population, and the second effect is from the university's network in the job market. These last two results remain stable when we examine subsamples of universities according to their dominant teaching fields, except for universities that are particularly concentrated in science.Demand for schooling, educational economics, human capital, salaries wage differentials, school choice

    Human capital, social capital and scientific research in Europe: an application of linear hierarchical models

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    The theory of human capital is one way to explain individual decisions to produce scientific research. However, this theory, even if it reckons the importance of time in science, is too short for explaining the existing diversity of scientific output. The present paper introduces the social capital of Bourdieu (1980), Coleman (1988) and Putnam (1995) as a necessary complement to explain the creation of scientific human capital. This paper connects these two concepts by means of a hierarchical econometric model which makes the distinction between the individual level (human capital) and the cluster level of departments (social capital). The paper shows how a collection of variables can be built from a bibliographic data base indicating both individual behaviour including mobility and collective characteristics of the department housing individual researchers. The two level hierarchical model is estimated on fourteen European countries using bibliometric data in the fields of economics

    Schooling effects and earnings of French University graduates: school quality matters, but choice of discipline matters more

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    Our aim in this article is to study the relation between earnings of French universities graduates and some characteristics of their universities. We exploit data from the Céreq's "Génération 98" survey, enriched with information on university characteristics primarily from the ANETES (yearbook of French institutions of higher education). We employ multilevel modeling, enabling us to take advantage of the natural hierarchy in our separate datasets, and thus to identify, and even to measure potential effects of institutional quality. Since we take into account many individual students characteristics, we are able to obtain an income hierarchy among the different disciplines : students who graduated in science, economics or management obtain the highest earnings. Below them, we and students who graduated in law, political science, communication or language and literature, while the ones who graduated in social studies earn the lowest incomes. On the institutional level, we need two significant quality effects : the rest is from the socioeconomic composition of the university's student population, and the second effect is from the university's network in the job market. These last two results remain stable when we examine subsamples of universities according to their dominant teaching fields, except for universities that are particularly concentrated in science

    Peut on classer les universités en fonction de leur performance d'insertion ?

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    Les Document de Travail de l'IREDU, DT 2011/2, 29 p.Afin de mesurer la qualité de l'insertion de leurs diplômés, la très grande majorité des universités a développé un système d'observation régulier de l'insertion de leurs étudiants. Plus récemment, sous l'impulsion du MESR, une enquête commune à plus de 70 établissements a été réalisée sur les diplômés de master. Si l'objectif était de proposer aux étudiants une information nécessaire sur leurs débouchés professionnels, est apparue rapidement la tentation de classer les universités en fonction de leur "performance" d'insertion. Le travail proposé dans cet article se veut une contribution à la réflexion sur la pertinence d'une telle mesure à partir des enquêtes existantes. Dans une première partie, nous nous proposons de revenir sur le classement des universités présenté dans les premiers résultats publiés par le Ministère à partir de l'enquête Master 2007. Nous montrons que le poids des effets de structure et des effets régionaux du marché du travail influencent largement ce classement. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous proposons de discuter de la mesure des effets établissements sur l'insertion professionnelle à partir de la littérature existante notamment en économie de l'éducation. Comme on pourra le voir, il apparaît souvent difficile de mettre en évidence des effets nets liés aux établissements, notamment lorsque l'on tient compte des caractéristiques individuelles des étudiants au sein de ces établissements. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, à partir des données de l'enquête Génération 2004 du Céreq sur les sortants des universités, mais également des écoles d'ingénieurs, nous proposons de mesurer l'effet spécifique des établissements sur les salaires des diplômés, en contrôlant les caractéristiques individuelles des étudiants et celles de leur marché local du travail. Pour les différents types d'établissement d'enseignement supérieur, nous montrons que l'effet "établissement" est en général faible ou inexistant : la plus grande partie de la variance des salaires, quelle que soit la formation, est expliquée par des caractéristiques individuelles des diplômés et par la conjoncture sur le marché local du travail où la majorité d'entre eux s'insère. De plus, lorsqu'ils existent, une partie des effets établissements pour les universités s'explique par la part des boursiers sur critères sociaux dans l'établissement, qui a toujours un effet significatif et négatif sur la rémunération des diplômés

    Incerteza, tomada de decisão, hábito e instituição: uma possível articulação entre keynesianos e neoinstitucionalistas

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015Por um lado, é possível, a partir de Keynes e dos pós-keynesianos, inferir que existem duas naturezas para a incerteza: a que diz respeito ao processo pelo qual o sujeito conhece (epistemológica) e a que se refere ao comportamento da realidade que se quer conhecer (ontológica), sendo que nos processos de tomada de decisão, ambas incertezas estão presentes. Por outro lado, para a abordagem neoinstitucionalista, o hábito como substrato das instituições possui repercussão tanto em nível do indivíduo quanto em âmbito do todo. Assim sendo, não seriam os hábitos e as instituições hábeis a reduzir a incerteza? O objetivo deste trabalho é responder a esta questão, articulando as teorias keynesiana e neoinstitucionalista no que toca ao modo pelo qual, nesta, os hábitos e as instituições podem contribuir para que se tenha, com base naquela, a diminuição das incertezas epistemológica e ontológicaBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Localização da implantação de unidades básicas de saúde utilizando lógica fuzzy e sistemas de informação geográfica

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2014A realidade dos centros urbanos brasileiros caracteriza-se com problemas que desafiam o governo na busca por soluções eficientes. Entre estas soluções pode-se destacar a implantação de Equipamentos Urbanos Comunitários (EUC), em especial as Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Quando estes são bem planejados observa-se um entrosamento entre comunidade e o poder público. No entanto, na grande maioria das cidades a implantação destes equipamentos ocorre de forma inadequada ou pouco expressiva. Visando auxiliar os gestores na busca de locais adequados para a implantação de UBS, levando em consideração diversos fatores que constituem uma cidade, propõe-se um método de orientação para auxiliar na definição de novas localizações. O método consiste de várias etapas, as quais incorporam ferramentas de apoio, como o Sistema de Informação Geográfica, o software de otimização CPLEX Optimization Studio e a Lógica Fuzzy, que integradas aos tradicionais modelos de localização p-mediana e máxima cobertura apresentam grande potencial para aplicações em planejamento urbano e tomada de decisão. O método é aplicado na implantação de unidades básicas de saúde, na cidade de Joinville, cujos resultados apresentam a situação atual de atendimento das unidades existentes, bem como a necessidade de implantação de novas unidades. Foram realizadas simulações com crescimento populacional projetado para o ano de 2020, 2028 e 2035, com incremento de 1 nova unidade para cada ano de projeto considerado. O método ainda determina possíveis locais para implantação de novas unidades e avalia a viabilidade destes através da lógica Fuzzy, com a utilização dos software Excel, InFuzzy e FuzzyTECH, comparando variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas e gerando um grau para cada alternativa avaliada. As ferramentas e modelos utilizados apresentaram resultados satisfatórios e maior compreensão por meio da visualização espacial que se materializaram por mapas temáticos, mostrando-se eficientes ao planejamento de localização de unidades básicas de saúde. A aplicação do método mostrou-se útil ao planejamento das unidades de saúde para a cidade de Joinville e pode ser aplicado para outros equipamentos em diferentes locais, desde que as características peculiares de cada cidade sejam consideradas na análise.Abstract: The Brazilian major urban centers are afflicted for problems that challenge the government to solve this issues. In that scenario, one initiative that stands out is the implement of Urban Facilities, in particular the Basic Health Centers. When the implementation of the urban facilities are well planned, most citizens are served, thus creating public welfare. Despite that, in most cities the implementation of UCE's are not adequate. Aiming to help the government decision makers in the location and building of the Basic Health Centers, an orientation method are proposed showing the optimal location of new facilities. The method presented is made of several steps, using Fuzzy Logic, geographical information system and optimization software as CPLEX Optimization Studio. When that tools are combined with more traditional models like p-median and maximum covering, the urban planning and decision making are enhanced. The implementation of the method were applied in the implementation of basic health units, in a city of South of Brazil - Joinville - State of Santa Catarina. The results showed the actual location of the existents basic health units, as well as the lack of new units . Simulations were made with population growth considering the years of 2020, 2028 and 2035 with increments of one unit per year. Through use of fuzzy logic and software support (Excel, InFuzzy and FuzzyTECH) comparing qualitative and quantitative variables (given in one degree for each viable alternative), determines the possible optimal location of the basic health units. The models and tools used helped on the elaboration of thematic spatial maps, broadened the problem comprehension and gave satisfactory results helping the location planning of the basic health units. The application of the method proved to be useful to plan the location of the new health units to Joinville city, and can be applied elsewhere, providing that the peculiarities of each city are observed

    Peut on classer les universités en fonction de leur performance d'insertion ?

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    Afin de mesurer la qualité de l'insertion de leurs diplômés, la très grande majorité des universités a développé un système d'observation régulier de l'insertion de leurs étudiants. Plus récemment, sous l'impulsion du MESR, une enquête commune à plus de 70 établissements a été réalisée sur les diplômés de master. Si l'objectif était de proposer aux étudiants une information nécessaire sur leurs débouchés professionnels, est apparue rapidement la tentation de classer les universités en fonction de leur "performance" d'insertion. Le travail proposé dans cet article se veut une contribution à la réflexion sur la pertinence d'une telle mesure à partir des enquêtes existantes. Dans une première partie, nous nous proposons de revenir sur le classement des universités présenté dans les premiers résultats publiés par le Ministère à partir de l'enquête Master 2007. Nous montrons que le poids des effets de structure et des effets régionaux du marché du travail influencent largement ce classement. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous proposons de discuter de la mesure des effets établissements sur l'insertion professionnelle à partir de la littérature existante notamment en économie de l'éducation. Comme on pourra le voir, il apparaît souvent difficile de mettre en évidence des effets nets liés aux établissements, notamment lorsque l'on tient compte des caractéristiques individuelles des étudiants au sein de ces établissements. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, à partir des données de l'enquête Génération 2004 du Céreq sur les sortants des universités, mais également des écoles d'ingénieurs, nous proposons de mesurer l'effet spécifique des établissements sur les salaires des diplômés, en contrôlant les caractéristiques individuelles des étudiants et celles de leur marché local du travail. Pour les différents types d'établissement d'enseignement supérieur, nous montrons que l'effet "établissement" est en général faible ou inexistant : la plus grande partie de la variance des salaires, quelle que soit la formation, est expliquée par des caractéristiques individuelles des diplômés et par la conjoncture sur le marché local du travail où la majorité d'entre eux s'insère. De plus, lorsqu'ils existent, une partie des effets établissements pour les universités s'explique par la part des boursiers sur critères sociaux dans l'établissement, qui a toujours un effet significatif et négatif sur la rémunération des diplômés.Critère d'évaluation ; Evaluation des performances ; Université ; Insertion professionnelle ; Étudiant ; Effet établissement ; Classement ; Établissement d'enseignement supérieur ; Rendement de l'enseignement ; Évaluation des performances ; Enseignement supérieur

    HuLiS, a program to teach mesomerism and more

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    International audienceThe HuLiS program is presented as a tool to decompose a delocalized wave function as a linear combination of localized electronic structures. The principles of the energy based HL-CI and the overlap based schemes HL-P are developed. The results obtained for a set of 10 relevant organic molecules are shown to compare very well with high level quantum chemistry calculations. A trust factor τ is introduced and its use is shown on the allyl radical case where symmetry must be taken into account