651 research outputs found

    Interactions of the Cerrado Palms Butia paraguayensis and Syagrus petraea with Parasitic and Pollinating Insects

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    The two cerrado palms Butia paraguayensis and Syagrus petraea were studied with regard to parasitizing and pollinating insects that visit their reproductive organs. At the study site in Botucatu, São Paulo State, both species occurred together, while at the study site in Indianópolis, Minas Gerais state, only S. petraea was growing. Bees of the subfamily Meliponinae and Halictinae were the main pollinators of B. paraguayensis and several beetles and flies were additional pollinators. The visiting beetles divided up in more exclusive parasites, such as the weevils Tripusus leiospathae and Petalochilus lineolatus, and the Colydiidae Bitoma palmarum, which bored and oviposited the closed spathe and whose larvae fed on the flower buds, as well as species of the weevil Microstrates, which bred in staminate flowers. Differently, the curculionids Anchylorhynchus bicolor, Parisoschoenus sp., Dialomia sp., and species of Mystrops (Nitidulididae) behaved as parasites and pollinators. On the other hand, S. petraea shows more evident adaptations for pollination by beetles. This species has Trigona spinipes as prominent bee pollinator, but otherwise beetles dominated as visitors, being them either parasites, pollinators or both. Although several identical beetle genera occur on both palms, at the species level they are different, as for example Anchylorhynchus camposi on S. petraea. At the two distant study sites of S. petraea in Botucatu and Indianópolis, several species, especially of the parasitic insects, are identical, indicating that parasitism is a stronger bond than pollination in this species which is characterized by a generalist pollination mode

    Productivity of a tropical montane forest in Panama

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    Zur oekopysiologischen Charakterisierung eines montanen tropischen Regenwaldes wurden Photosyntheseaktivitaet, Blatt-Mineralstoffgehalte und Blattphaenologie ausgesuchter typischer Bergregenwaldarten untersucht. Der erste Teil der Studie beschaeftigte sich mit der potentiellen Photosynthese-Kapazitaet montaner Pflanzen und ihrer Abhaengigkeit von den Blattmineralstoffgehalten, wobei auch ein Vergleich mit Pflanzen zweier Tieflandstandorte gezogen wurde. Dabei wurde eine neue, sensiblere Methode zur Erfassung von Naehrstofflimitierungen entwickelt, die darauf abzielt aus Korrelationen der Photosynthesekapazitaeten mit den Naehrstoffverhaeltnissen den Einfluss der einzelnen Naehrstoffe zu quantifizieren. Eine Kombination dieser Aussagen mit Ergebnissen von Bodenmineralstoffanalysen sowie mit den N-Isotopen Verhaeltnissen in den Blaettern, die eine Abreicherung an “15N anzeigen, deuten stark auf eine N Limitierung des montanen Standortes hin. Nach dem in Literatur bekannten Korrelationsverfahren der Photosynthesekapazitaet mit den Gehalten der einzelnen Mineralstoffen in den Blaettern wuerden der montane und der sekundaere Tiefland-Standort durch N und P limitiert und der primaere Tieflandwald durch N und K kolimitiert sein. Einige dieser Ergebnisse widersprechen allerdings etablierten Naehrstofflimitierungsmodellen und werden deshalb mit Vorsicht diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil der Studie wurden die Photosynthesekapazitaet, der Kohlenstoffgewinn und die Blatt-Stickstoffkonzentrationen von drei tropischen Bergregenwaldbaumarten fuer die gesamte Blattlebensdauer bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse bestaetigen die Verwendbarkeit zweier Methoden zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffgewinnes anhand von Kurzzeitmessungen erstmalig an einem Montanstandort: So koennen einerseits Jahreskohlenstoffbilanzen aus Blattstickstoffbestimmungen und andererseits Tageskohlenstoffbilanzen durch Korrelationen mit Photosynthesekapazitaeten erhalten werden. Die Blatt-Stickstoffkonzentrationen scheinen einen Einfluss auf die Photosynthesekapazitaeten von zwei der untersuchten Baumarten zu haben. Nachdem eine moegliche N-Limitierung durch Duengung abgeschwaecht wurde, wuchs der Einfluss von Licht auf die Photosynthese von Clusia und Hedyosmum. Geduengte Pflanzen hatten hoehere N-Konzentrationen in den Blaettern, die Photosyntheseraten blieben jedoch unveraendert. Der dritte Teil der Studie beschaeftigte sich mit dem Einfluss von Klimafaktoren auf die Blattphaenologie von 6 Bergregenwaldarten. Alle Arten waren immergruen, zeigten aber dennoch saisonale Schwankungen in der Blattproduktion und im Laubabwurf. Waehrend bei Calophyllum, Lysianthus und Eugenia durch Trockenheit der Laubabwurf hervorgerufen wurde, war andererseits die Blattproduktion von Ardisia in der Trockenzeit angeregt und es bestand eine Abhaengigkeit der Blattproduktion vom Licht. Hoehere Temperaturen hatten einen positiven Einfluss auf die Blattproduktion von Calophyllum. Generell scheint die Blattphaenologie endogen gesteuert zu sein, allerdings hatten klimatische Parameter teilweise signifikante Einfluesse auf die Blattproduktion. Einige dieser Einfluesse veraenderten sich bei den geduengten Pflanzen. Dies deutet auf eine Verschiebung der Kosten-Nutzen Bilanz nachdem eine Naehrstofflimitierung durch Duengung ausgeschlossen wurde.An ecophysiological approach on a montane tropical forest on Cerro Jefe (Panama) was performed, to describe the photosynthetical characteristics, nutrient relations and leaf phenological patterns of typical plants on different time scales. The first part of the study was dedicated to the potential photosynthetical capacity of montane plants and their relation to leaf nutrient characteristics, compared with two lowland forest sites, differing in succession and water availability. A new and more precize method in detecting nutrient limitation was developed, using correlations of photosynthetic capacity with nutrient ratios and quantifying the influence of the single nutrient within such ratios. A combination of the results with soil mineral analyses and nitrogen isotope ratios, indicating that the montane site is depleted in “15N, give strong evidence, that plants at the studied montane site are primary nitrogen limited. Applying the from the literature already established method of the correlation significance of photosynthetic capacity with a single nutrient, photosynthesis at the montane site and the secondary lowland forest would thereafter be N and P, and the primary lowland site be N and K co-limited. Some of these results are contradictory to general models of nutrient limitation in the tropics and are therefore discussed carefully. A second part of the study was dedicated to the photosynthetic capacity, carbon gain and leaf N concentrations of three tropical montane tree species on an ontogenetic basis. The results obtained, confirmed two methods of predicting carbon gain of plants, with much less time consuming measurements, for the first time for tropical montane plant species. Annual carbon gain can be predicted from mean leaf N concentration although on montane forest trees at a natural stand, and daily carbon assimilation can be predicted with short-term measurements of photosynthetic capacity. There is evidence that leaf N has an influence on photosynthetic parameters at least for two analysed tree species. Light was related to photosynthetic parameters of Clusia and Hedyosmum especially after a possible N limitation was removed. However, photosynthesis was saturated at very low light levels, resulting in the highly significant correlation of photosynthetic capacity and daily carbon and the confirmed prediction method. Fertilized plants showed a luxurious accumulation of leaf N, without significant response in photosynthesis. The third aspect of the study dealt with the leaf phenology of six tree species and their dependence on climatic triggers. All studied species were evergreen, but nevertheless showed some fluctuation in leaf production and fall. Calophyllum, Lysianthus and Eugenia leaf phenology was negatively influenced by drought parameters suggesting the dry season period as a trigger for leaf fall and the rainy season for leaf production. Ardisia showed the opposite pattern concerning water related parameters, additionally there was a significant positive influence of light on the number of leaves, suggesting this parameter as a positive trigger for this species. Increasing of air and soil temperature were positive triggers for production of Calophyllum leaves and a decrease of air temperature enhanced leaf mortality of Lysianthus plants. However, potential geographical daylength was positively related to air and soil temperature and could have a masked influence on leaf phenology. Leaf phenology is suggested to be internally programmed, in addition triggered by external factors. Some climatic influences changed markedly after fertilization for the single plant species. However, a single factor that was valid for a majority of the analysed tree species could not be found. Nonetheless, a shift in leaf cost-benefit balance after fertilization can be suggested Apparently, the interrelation of these climatic parameters and the relatively weak seasonality masked a clear effect on the leaf phenology of this montane forest species

    Pollen: ovule ratio and its relationship with other reproductive traits in some Passiflora species (Passifloraceae)

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    The pollen/ovule (P/O) ratio has been used as predictor of the reproductive system of angiosperms (lowest P/O values correspond to obligate autogamous species while the highest correlate with obligate xenogamous species) but it does not keep for all the taxa. The relation of P/O index with pollen and stigma size, flower diameter, pollen vitality, stigmatic area/pollen-bearing area of the pollinators ratio (SA/PBA), taxonomy and breeding system was analyzed in four Passiflora species with different degree of compatibility, pollination system and taxonomic placement. P/O of the self-compatible species (with shorter anthesis, scarce pollinator visits or minor longevity) was lower than P/O of the self-incompatible ones. The P/O values of the outcrossers could be related with the highly efficient pollination performed by the frequently visiting Xylocopa species; these bees transport Passiflora pollen in a usually monospecific mass on the thorax, resembling grouped pollen dispersal. All the taxa exhibited pollen with unimodal size and high vitality, except for P. misera, in which pollen size was bimodal, with similar quantities of grains in both classes, the large being more vital than the small ones. Correlations of P/O were positive with flower size, negative with stigma area/pollen-bearing area of the pollinator, null with stigma area and not significant with pollen size. The P/O ratio did not reflect taxonomic affinities; this index and the breeding system were more related with pollinator type, anthesis, flower size and SA/PBA than with pollen grain or stigma size.La utilidad del índice polen/óvulos (P/O) para predecir el sistema reproductivo de las Angiospermas (los valores más bajos corresponden a especies autógamas obligadas mientras que los valores más altos a especies xenógamas obligadas) no siempre ocurre. Analizamos la relación del P/O respecto del tamaño del polen y estigma, diámetro floral, viabilidad polínica, proporción área estigmática/área de acarreo del polen por los polinizadores, la taxonomía y el sistema reproductivo en cuatro especies de Passiflora con grado de compatibilidad, polinizadores y posición taxonómica distintos. El P/O de las especies auto-compatibles (con antesis más corta, polinizadores infrecuentes o menos longevidad) fue menor que el de las auto-incompatibles. Esto estaría relacionado con la polinización altamente eficiente que realizan asiduamente Xylocopa spp., transportando polen de Passiflora en masa, usualmente monoespecífica sobre el tórax, semejando dispersión polínica agrupada. Todos los taxones exhibieron polen de tamaño unimodal y alta vitalidad, excepto P. misera, en que fue bimodal, con cantidades similares de granos en ambas clases, los grandes más vitales que los pequeños. La correlación del P/O fue positiva con el tamaño floral, negativa con la proporción área del estigma/área de acarreo del polen por el polinizador, nula con el área del estigma y no significativa con el tamaño del polen. El P/O no reflejó afinidades taxonómicas; este índice y el sistema reproductivo estuvieron más relacionados con el tipo de polinizador, la antesis, el tamaño floral y la razón área del estigma/área de acarreo del polen por el polinizador que con el tamaño del polen o del estigma.Fil: Amela Garcia, Maria Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botanica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botanica; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Miguez, María Belén. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Gottsberger, Gerhard. Universitat Ulm; Alemani

    PatientInnen im Netz!

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    Die Frage, wie die Medien- und Internetnutzung im Krankheitsfall erfolgt und welche Besonderheiten diesbezüglich bei einer bestimmten Patientengruppe erkennbar sind, gilt als primäres Erkenntnisinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Begriffe und Konzepte der Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft aufgegriffen und weitgehend auf die Medien- und Internetnutzung im Krankheitsfall übertragen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit geht näher auf empirische Problembereiche im Feld der Medien- und Internetnutzung im Krankheitsfall ein und beinhaltet eine eigene empirische Studie zur Medien- und Internetnutzung im Krankheitsfall. Im Rahmen der empirischen Untersuchung wurden 12 Zöliakie-Patientinnen hinsichtlich ihrer Medien- und Internetnutzung im Krankheitsfall befragt. Die Interviews wurden leitfadengestützt und in Einzelgesprächen durchgeführt. Zur Auswertung der im Zuge der Befragungen erhobenen Daten wurde die qualitative Inhaltanalyse nach Mayring gewählt. Als Ergebnis konnte ein Kategoriensystem erstellt werden, wovon anschließend Hypothesen abgeleitet wurden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigten, dass das Internet und insbesondere Web 2.0 Anwendungen von Patientinnen zum Teil sehr intensiv bei der Informationssuche im Krankheitsfall und zur computervermittelten Kommunikation mit anderen Betroffenen genutzt werden. Generell befinden sich die Patientinnen im Krankheitsfall regelrecht in einem Netz aus medialen und interpersonalen Informationsquellen und Kommunikationspartnern, die bei der Suche nach Informationen zur Krankheit abwechselnd herangezogen werden. Die Patientinnen werden durch die intensive Informationssuche im Verlauf der Krankheit selbst zu Expertinnen ihrer Krankheit. Sie teilen und erweitern ihr zum Teil über Internet- und Medienkontakte erworbenes Wissen im Gespräch mit ÄrztInnen, Familienmitgliedern und Freunden sowie mit anderen Betroffenen.The main interest of the presented thesis is to discuss the issue how media and especially the Internet are made use of in case of illness and which special aspects are to be found within a particular group of patients. In this empiric research 12 coeliakie patients were interviewed about their personal preference of media and Internet use in case of their illness. The interviews were carried out individually. The obtained data were evaluated according to the qualitative contents analysis by Mayring. As a result a categorical system was set up. Based on this system various hypotheses were deduced. The results of the research showed that the Internet – especially Web 2.0 applications – are used very intensively by patients in search of information in case of illness and to communicate with patients affected. In general patients are members in a network of media, interpersonal sources of information as well as individual partners of communication who are called in alternately in search of information about an illness. In the course of intensive pursuit of specific information during the illness the patients themselves become experts of their illness. Their knowledge – acquired partly via the Internet and other media - is shared and extended in discussions with physicians, members of the family, friends and patients. The results indicate that the patients interviewed follow specific patterns in search of information in case of an illness. The categories developed in this paper can be verified in greater detail in a further study

    Breeding latitude predicts timing but not rate of spring migration in a widespread migratory bird in South America

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    Identifying the processes that determine avian migratory strategies in different environmental contexts is imperative to understanding the constraints to survival and reproduction faced by migratory birds across the planet. We compared the spring migration strategies of Fork‐tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana) that breed at south‐temperate latitudes (i.e., austral migrants) vs. tropical latitudes (i.e., intratropical migrants) in South America. We hypothesized that austral migrant flycatchers are more time‐selected than intratropical migrants during spring migration. As such, we predicted that austral migrants, which migrate further than intratropical migrants, will migrate at a faster rate and that the rate of migration for austral migrants will be positively correlated with the onset of spring migration. We attached light‐level geolocators to Fork‐tailed Flycatchers at two tropical breeding sites in Brazil and at two south‐temperate breeding sites in Argentina and tracked their movements until the following breeding season. Of 286 geolocators that were deployed, 37 were recovered ~1 year later, of which 28 provided useable data. Rate of spring migration did not differ significantly between the two groups, and only at one site was there a significantly positive relationship between date of initiation of spring migration and arrival date. This represents the first comparison of individual migratory strategies among conspecific passerines breeding at tropical vs. temperate latitudes and suggests that austral migrant Fork‐tailed Flycatchers in South America are not more time‐selected on spring migration than intratropical migrant conspecifics. Low sample sizes could have diminished our power to detect differences (e.g., between sexes), such that further research into the mechanisms underpinning migratory strategies in this poorly understood system is necessary.Fil: Jahn, Alex. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Cereghetti, Joaquín. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Cueto, Víctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagóica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Esquel. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: Hallworth, Michael T.. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Levey, Douglas J.. National Science Foundation; Estados UnidosFil: Marini, Miguel Â.. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Masson, Diego. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Pizo, Marco A.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Sarasola, José Hernán. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Tuero, Diego Tomas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    First report of the parasitoid wasp Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston, 1858) in Austria (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

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    Im Sommer 2021 wurden parasitierte Eigelege der Grünen Reiswanze Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) in Wiener Privatgärten festgestellt. Die morphologischen und molekularbiologischen Untersuchungen ergaben, dass es sich um den Eiparasitoiden Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston, 1858) handelt. Dies ist der erste Nachweis von Trissolcus basalis aus Nezara viridula Eigelegen in Österreich.Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston, 1858) was recorded for the first time in Austria. The scelionid wasp parasitized egg masses of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758), which were collected in private gardens in Vienna in summer 2021

    Molekularbiologische Diagnostik von Pflanzenkrankkeiten

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    In derAbteilung für Molekularbiologische Diagnose von Pflanzenkrankheiten der AGES werden molekularbiologische Diagnoseverfahren eingesetzt um gesetzliche Kontroll- und Vollzugsaufgaben zu erfüllen, aber auch um Untersuchungen auf pflanzliche Schaderreger für private Kunden durchzuführen. Verwendet werden unterschiedliche PCR Techniken um Phytoplasmen, Bakterien, Pilze, Viren, Viroide, Insekten und Nematoden zu diagnostizieren. Die Vorteile der PCR Techniken werden dargestellt. Stichwörter: PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, RT-qPCR, DNA-BarcodingMolecular diagnosis of plant diseasesThe Department for Molecular Diagnostics of Plant Diseases of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) uses molecular diagnostic tools to support control and execution tasks regulated by law, and to test private plant samples for plant pathogens. Different PCR techniques are used to investigate for phytoplasma, bacteria, fungi, virus, viroids, insects and nematods. The advantages of molecular tools are summarized. Keywords: PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, RT-qPCR, DNA-barcodin

    El índice polen/óvulos y su relación con otros rasgos reproductivos en varias especies de Passiflora (Passifloraceae)

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    The pollen/ovule (P/O) ratio has been used as predictor of the reproductive system of angiosperms (lowest P/O values correspond to obligate autogamous species while the highest correlate with obligate xenogamous species) but it does not keep for all the taxa. The relation of P/O index with pollen and stigma size, flower diameter, pollen vitality, stigmatic area/pollen-bearing area of the pollinators ratio (SA/PBA), taxonomy and breeding system was analyzed in four Passiflora species with different degree of compatibility, pollination system and taxonomic placement. P/O of the self-compatible species (with shorter anthesis, scarce pollinator visits or minor longevity) was lower than P/O of the self-incompatible ones. The P/O values of the outcrossers could be related with the highly efficient pollination performed by the frequently visiting Xylocopa species; these bees transport Passiflora pollen in a usually monospecific mass on the thorax, resembling grouped pollen dispersal. All the taxa exhibited pollen with unimodal size and high vitality, except for P. misera, in which pollen size was bimodal, with similar quantities of grains in both classes, the large being more vital than the small ones. Correlations of P/O were positive with flower size, negative with stigma area/pollen-bearing area of the pollinator, null with stigma area and not significant with pollen size. The P/O ratio did not reflect taxonomic affinities; this index and the breeding system were more related with pollinator type, anthesis, flower size and SA/PBA than with pollen grain or stigma size.La utilidad del índice polen/óvulos (P/O) para predecir el sistema reproductivo de las Angiospermas (los valores más bajos corresponden a especies autógamas obligadas mientras que los valores más altos a especies xenógamas obligadas) no siempre ocurre. Analizamos la relación del P/O respecto del tamaño del polen y estigma, diámetro floral, viabilidad polínica, proporción área estigmática/área de acarreo del polen por los polinizadores, la taxonomía y el sistema reproductivo en cuatro especies de Passiflora con grado de compatibilidad, polinizadores y posición taxonómica distintos. El P/O de las especies auto-compatibles (con antesis más corta, polinizadores infrecuentes o menos longevidad) fue menor que el de las auto-incompatibles. Esto estaría relacionado con la polinización altamente eficiente que realizan asiduamente Xylocopa spp., transportando polen de Passiflora en masa, usualmente monoespecífica sobre el tórax, semejando dispersión polínica agrupada. Todos los taxones exhibieron polen de tamaño unimodal y alta vitalidad, excepto P. misera, en que fue bimodal, con cantidades similares de granos en ambas clases, los grandes más vitales que los pequeños. La correlación del P/O fue positiva con el tamaño floral, negativa con la proporción área del estigma/área de acarreo del polen por el polinizador, nula con el área del estigma y no significativa con el tamaño del polen. El P/O no reflejó afinidades taxonómicas; este índice y el sistema reproductivo estuvieron más relacionados con el tipo de polinizador, la antesis, el tamaño floral y la razón área del estigma/área de acarreo del polen por el polinizador que con el tamaño del polen o del estigma

    Indicator value of anthropogenic vegetation in the Amazon.

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