2,196 research outputs found

    Controlling qubit transitions during non-adiabatic rapid passage through quantum interference

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    In adiabatic rapid passage, the Bloch vector of a qubit is inverted by slowly inverting an external field to which it is coupled, and along which it is initially aligned. In non-adiabatic twisted rapid passage, the external field is allowed to twist around its initial direction with azimuthal angle \phi(t) at the same time that it is non-adiabatically inverted. For polynomial twist, \phi(t) \sim Bt^{n}. We show that for n \ge 3, multiple qubit resonances can occur during a single inversion of the external field, producing strong interference effects in the qubit transition probability. The character of the interference is controllable through variation of the twist strength B. Constructive and destructive interference are possible, greatly enhancing or suppressing qubit transitions. Experimental confirmation of these controllable interference effects has already occurred. Application of this interference mechanism to the construction of fast fault-tolerant quantum CNOT and NOT gates is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; submitted to J. Mod. Op

    Refutation of the general single locus model for the etiology of schizophrenia

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    Journal ArticleAll published studies on the familial incidence of schizophrenia appropriate for testing the applicability of the general single-locus two-allele model are examined under the assumption of a unitary etiology for all schizophrenia. We show that the single major locus model is inadequate to predict the incidence in four classes of relatives of schizophrenic probands (parents, siblings, monozygotic, and dizygotic cotwins). In addition, the observed proportion of affected offspring from dual matings differ significantly from the model's prediction. The lack of an overall fit between the published familial distributions and the monogenic model suggests that a single major locus is insufficient for the etiology of schizophrenia. Further efforts in examining multifactorial models, mixed models, and other transmission models may be fruitful

    Strategies for the Study of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Using Endophenotypes in Developing Countries: A Potential Databank from China

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    Endophenotypic research can be considered to be one of the most promising strategies to bridge the gap between genomic complexity and the phenotypic heterogeneity observed in neuropsychiatric disorders. However, despite the promising and systematic work initiated by our western counterparts, this research strategy is still not well known in developing countries. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to argue the merits and promise of a potentially useful database on phenotypes and endophenotypes for developing countries

    Photon-Number-Splitting versus Cloning Attacks in Practical Implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 protocol for Quantum Cryptography

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    In practical quantum cryptography, the source sometimes produces multi-photon pulses, thus enabling the eavesdropper Eve to perform the powerful photon-number-splitting (PNS) attack. Recently, it was shown by Curty and Lutkenhaus [Phys. Rev. A 69, 042321 (2004)] that the PNS attack is not always the optimal attack when two photons are present: if errors are present in the correlations Alice-Bob and if Eve cannot modify Bob's detection efficiency, Eve gains a larger amount of information using another attack based on a 2->3 cloning machine. In this work, we extend this analysis to all distances Alice-Bob. We identify a new incoherent 2->3 cloning attack which performs better than those described before. Using it, we confirm that, in the presence of errors, Eve's better strategy uses 2->3 cloning attacks instead of the PNS. However, this improvement is very small for the implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol. Thus, the existence of these new attacks is conceptually interesting but basically does not change the value of the security parameters of BB84. The main results are valid both for Poissonian and sub-Poissonian sources.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; "intuitive" formula (31) adde

    GHZ extraction yield for multipartite stabilizer states

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    Let ∣Κ>|\Psi> be an arbitrary stabilizer state distributed between three remote parties, such that each party holds several qubits. Let SS be a stabilizer group of ∣Κ>|\Psi>. We show that ∣Κ>|\Psi> can be converted by local unitaries into a collection of singlets, GHZ states, and local one-qubit states. The numbers of singlets and GHZs are determined by dimensions of certain subgroups of SS. For an arbitrary number of parties mm we find a formula for the maximal number of mm-partite GHZ states that can be extracted from ∣Κ>|\Psi> by local unitaries. A connection with earlier introduced measures of multipartite correlations is made. An example of an undecomposable four-party stabilizer state with more than one qubit per party is given. These results are derived from a general theoretical framework that allows one to study interconversion of multipartite stabilizer states by local Clifford group operators. As a simple application, we study three-party entanglement in two-dimensional lattice models that can be exactly solved by the stabilizer formalism.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Multi-party entanglement in graph states

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    Graph states are multi-particle entangled states that correspond to mathematical graphs, where the vertices of the graph take the role of quantum spin systems and edges represent Ising interactions. They are many-body spin states of distributed quantum systems that play a significant role in quantum error correction, multi-party quantum communication, and quantum computation within the framework of the one-way quantum computer. We characterize and quantify the genuine multi-particle entanglement of such graph states in terms of the Schmidt measure, to which we provide upper and lower bounds in graph theoretical terms. Several examples and classes of graphs will be discussed, where these bounds coincide. These examples include trees, cluster states of different dimension, graphs that occur in quantum error correction, such as the concatenated [7,1,3]-CSS code, and a graph associated with the quantum Fourier transform in the one-way computer. We also present general transformation rules for graphs when local Pauli measurements are applied, and give criteria for the equivalence of two graphs up to local unitary transformations, employing the stabilizer formalism. For graphs of up to seven vertices we provide complete characterization modulo local unitary transformations and graph isomorphies.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, typos corrected (e.g. in measurement rules), references added/update

    Selective and Efficient Quantum Process Tomography

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    In this paper we describe in detail and generalize a method for quantum process tomography that was presented in [A. Bendersky, F. Pastawski, J. P. Paz, Physical Review Letters 100, 190403 (2008)]. The method enables the efficient estimation of any element of the χ\chi--matrix of a quantum process. Such elements are estimated as averages over experimental outcomes with a precision that is fixed by the number of repetitions of the experiment. Resources required to implement it scale polynomically with the number of qubits of the system. The estimation of all diagonal elements of the χ\chi--matrix can be efficiently done without any ancillary qubits. In turn, the estimation of all the off-diagonal elements requires an extra clean qubit. The key ideas of the method, that is based on efficient estimation by random sampling over a set of states forming a 2--design, are described in detail. Efficient methods for preparing and detecting such states are explicitly shown.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The Impossibility Of Secure Two-Party Classical Computation

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    We present attacks that show that unconditionally secure two-party classical computation is impossible for many classes of function. Our analysis applies to both quantum and relativistic protocols. We illustrate our results by showing the impossibility of oblivious transfer.Comment: 10 page

    Entanglement measures and approximate quantum error correction

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    It is shown that, if the loss of entanglement along a quantum channel is sufficiently small, then approximate quantum error correction is possible, thereby generalizing what happens for coherent information. Explicit bounds are obtained for the entanglement of formation and the distillable entanglement, and their validity naturally extends to other bipartite entanglement measures in between. Robustness of derived criteria is analyzed and their tightness compared. Finally, as a byproduct, we prove a bound quantifying how large the gap between entanglement of formation and distillable entanglement can be for any given finite dimensional bipartite system, thus providing a sufficient condition for distillability in terms of entanglement of formation.Comment: 7 pages, two-columned revtex4, no figures. v1: Deeply revised and extended version: different entanglement measures are separately considered, references are added, and some remarks are stressed. v2: Added a sufficient condition for distillability in terms of entanglement of formation; published versio

    Comment on "The black hole final state"

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    Horowitz and Maldacena have suggested that the unitarity of the black hole S-matrix can be reconciled with Hawking's semiclassical arguments if a final-state boundary condition is imposed at the spacelike singularity inside the black hole. We point out that, in this scenario, departures from unitarity can arise due to interactions between the collapsing body and the infalling Hawking radiation inside the event horizon. The amount of information lost when a black hole evaporates depends on the extent to which these interactions are entangling.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe
