53 research outputs found

    The Reception and Criticism of Geo Widengren in the Nordic Countries

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    Although Geo Widengren was seldom afraid to voice his opinion on any matter that had to do with the study of religions, it is surprising that he seldom if ever addressed the explicit criticisms he received from Nordic colleagues, such as the Norwegian Biblical scholar and philologist Sigmund Mowinkel (1884–1965) and the Finnish ethnologist and scholar of religions Rafael Karsten (1879–1956). Since we argue that a study of how Widengren’s research was received by his contemporary colleagues in the Nordic countries casts light on some of the theoretical and methodological assumptions that explicitly or implicitly underpin his research, we will discuss Karsten’s extensive criticism of the two books of Widengren, namely Religionens vĂ€rld (“The World of Religions”) and Religionens ursprung (“The Origin of Religion”).Peer reviewe

    KenttÀtutkimuksen antia buddhalaisesta luostarista, osa 1

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    Dokumentoin kolmessa perÀkkÀisessÀ katsauksessa kenttÀtutkimustani Kandyn Malwatta Vihāran luostarista Sri Lankassa. Keskityn kolmeen teemaan: jÀlleentapaamisen kokemuksiin, buddhalaisen filosofian ja singalilaisen kulttuurin vÀliseen suhteeseen sekÀ munkkiudesta luopumisen syihin. Tulin jÀlleen kerran vakuuttuneeksi kenttÀtutkimuksen ylivertaisuudesta myös uskontotieteessÀ. Vasta kentÀllÀ, havainnoidessaan ja keskustellessaan buddhalaisten munkkien kanssa, buddhalaisuuden tutkija saa laajemman ja perusteellisemman ymmÀrryksen buddhalaisuudesta filosofiana ja uskontona.Non peer reviewe

    Russian Pilgrimage to Mount Athos in the Light of Pilgrims' Tales

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    Ilmestyy syksyllÀ 2018Peer reviewe

    Pilgrimage and the becoming of Athonite monasticism

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    Internetmarknadsföring inom turismen : Case Esbo Turism Ab

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    I detta arbetet behandlas kundförnöjsamheten med Esbo Turism Abs hemsidor, och ifall dessa kan förbĂ€ttras ytterligare. Teorin baserar sig mycket pĂ„ marknadsföring samt kundens beteende och behov, internetsidor samt kvalitet och segmentering. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av webbenkĂ€ter och litet djupare e-post intervjuer under vĂ„ren 2010. I undersökningen deltog 30 personer i enkĂ€terna och tre stycken i intervjuerna. Störst svarskvot bildades av 15-25 Ă„ringar frĂ„n Helsingfors. Resultaten skiljde sig inte mycket frĂ„n förvĂ€ntningarna. Resultaten var att kunderna Ă€r nöjda med de nya hemsidorna, Ă„tervĂ€nder gĂ€rna till dessa, och de flesta av respondenterna hade inte hittat sidan tidigare. Mest sökte kunderna information om Esbo stad, samt om mat och nöjen (restauranger och nattliv) i Esbo. Hemsidan upplevs som lĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda och majoriteten hittade vad de sökte. Kunderna skulle vilja ha mer information om staden, om mat och nöjen samt om aktiviteterna och kultur och sevĂ€rdheterna. FörbĂ€ttringsförslag som kom upp var frĂ€mst angĂ„ende layouten och de tekniska detaljerna kring hemsidan, och berörde inte innehĂ„llet pĂ„ sidorna i större grad. Det som kunderna var mindre nöjda med var navigeringen, speciellt mellan de olika sprĂ„ken, sprĂ„kvalen samt att marknadsföringen av hemsidan kunde varit bĂ€ttre och aktivare. Syftet med arbetet uppnĂ„ddes, att redogöra för kundernas Ă„sikter om de nya hemsidorna samt som ett delsyfte fĂ„ fram förbĂ€ttringsförslag.In this thesis customer satisfaction for Esbo Turism AbÂŽs web pages is treated, and also how the web pages can be improved further. The theory is mainly based on marketing strategies, customer relations and behavior, internet pages, and quality. The survey was made under spring 2010 with web surveys and a little deeper interviews made by e-mail. In the survey participated 30 persons by web surveys, and three persons in the interviews. The majority showed off to be from Helsinki, and in the age 15-25 and women. The results did not part much from the expectations. The results were that customers were mainly satisfied with the new web pages, and gladly return to them. Most of the participants were first timers on the pages, and searched information about Espoo city, and also about food and beverages in Espoo. Due to the participants in the survey, the web pages are easy to use, and the majority found what they were searching for on the pages. The customers would like to get more information about the city overall, and about the food and beverages (restaurants) inside the city. They would also like more information about the activities and the cultural heritage. Improvements that could be made on basis of this survey is mainly on the technical side of the pages, and didn’t concern the information on the pages. The customers suggested improvements on the navigation of the pages, especially between the languages, and also the language selection and the marketing of the pages could have been more active. The purpose with the thesis was met, which was to present the customerÂŽs opinions of the new web pages, and as a side purpose also gain some improvement suggestions
