135 research outputs found

    Aquatic Habitat Characterization and Use in Groundwater Verses Surface Runoff Influenced Streams: Brown Trout (Salmo Truttal) and Bullhead (Cottus Gobio)

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    Riverine physical habitats and habitat utilization by fish have often been studied independently. Varying flows modify habitat composition and connectivity within a stream but its influence on habitat use is not well understood. This study examined brown trout (Salmo trutta) and bullhead (Cottus gobio) utilization of physical habitats that vary with flow in terms of size and type, persistence or uration, and frequency of change from one state to another, by comparing groundwater-dominated sites on the River Tern (Shropshire)with surface runoff-dominated lowland, riffle-pool sites on the Dowles Brook (Worcestershire). Mesohabitat surveys carried out at two-month intervals on a groundwater-dominated stream and on a surface runoff-influenced stream showed differences in habitat composition and diversity between the two types of rivers. The temporal variability in mesohabitat composition was also shown to differ between the two flow regime types. In the groundwater-influenced stream, mesohabitat composition hardly varied between flows whereas in the flashy stream it varied to a great extent with discharge. Habitat suitability curves for brown trout and bullhead were constructed to predict the potential location of the fish according to flow. The resulting prediction maps were tested in the field during fish surveys using direct underwater observation (snorkelling). Under the groundwater-influenced flow regime brown trout displayed a constant pattern of mesohabitat use over flows. Mesohabitats with non-varying characteristics over flows and with permanent features such as large woody debris, macrophytes or any feature providing shelter and food were favoured. Biological processes, such as hierarchy, life cycle and life stage appeared to play a key role in determining fish habitat use and to a greater extent than physical processes in these streams. Bullhead observations in the flashy river showed that mesohabitat use varied with flow but that some mesohabitats were always favoured in the stream. Pools and glides were the most commonly used mesohabitat, due to their stability over flows and their role as shelter from harsh hydraulic conditions and as food retention zones. The presence of cobbles was also found to be determinant in bullhead choice of habitat. In this flashy environment, physical processes such as flow and depth and velocity conditions appeared to be a more decisive factor in bullhead strategy of habitat use than biological processes. This research shows that: 1. Though differences in habitat use strategies between the two flow regimes can in part be attributed to differing ecology between the species, flow variability affects fish behaviour. 2. A stable flow regime allows biological processes to be the main driving force in determining fish behaviour and location. A highly variable environment requires fish to develop behaviour strategies in response to variations in hydraulic conditions, such as depth and velocity, which constitute the key factor in determining fish location. _____________________________________________

    Automated fluvial hydromorphology mapping from airborne remote sensing

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    Mapping fluvial hydromorphology is an important part of defining river habitat. Mappingvia field sampling or hydraulic modelingis however time consuming, and mappinghydromorphology directly from remote sensing data may offer an efficient solution.Here, we present a system for automated classification of fluvial hydromorphologybased on a deep learning classification scheme applied to aerial orthophotos. Usingselected rivers in Norway, we show how surface flow patterns (smooth or rippled sur-faces vs. standing waves) can be classified in imagery using a trained convolutional neu-ral network (achieving a training and validation accuracy of >95%). We show howintegration of these classified surface flow patterns with information on channel gradi-ent, obtained from airborne topographic LiDAR data, can be used to compartmentalizethe rivers into hydromorphological units(HMUs) that represent the dominant flow fea-tures. Automated classifications were broadly consistent with manual classifications thathad been made in previous ground surveys, with equivalency in automated and manu-ally derived HMU classes ranging from 61.5% to 87.7%, depending on the river stretchconsidered. They were found to be discharge-dependent, showing the temporallydynamic aspect of hydromorphology. The proposed system is quick, flexible, generaliz-able, and provides consistent classifications free from interpretation bias. The deeplearning approach used here can be customized to provide more detailed information onflow features, such as delineating between standing waves and advective diffusion ofair bubbles/foam, to provide a more refined classification of surface flow patterns, andthe classification approach can be furtheradvanced by inclusion of additional remotesensing methods that provide further information on hydromorphological features.publishedVersio

    Qualitative differences in two-year-olds' attention seeking : the link between eagerness to learn and committed compliance

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    Toddlers' eagerness to collaborate with parents across both discipline and teaching contexts has important implications for socialization. However, little is known about what leads to individual differences in children's readiness to be socialized. One possibility lies in children's positive expectations of parent responsiveness. The current study attempted to measure these child expectations through observations of the quantity and quality of attention seeking during parent unavailability. Two-year-olds and their parents ( N = 102) participated in an imitation task and in two compliance tasks. Overall, results showed a consistent interaction between the quality and the quantity of attention seeking, with quality being particularly important at high levels of attention seeking. Although children's social expectations did not mediate the link between toddlers' eagerness to learn and committed compliance, there was a strong positive correlation between eagerness to learn and children's positive and confident attention seeking. Implications are discussed in terms of the role of the quality of attention seeking in toddler's readiness to be socialized

    Une représentation de la dynamique de création pour le renouvellement des pratiques en éducation artistique

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    Le prĂ©sent article propose une reprĂ©sentation de la dynamique de crĂ©ation pouvant servir de cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour la formation des futurs maĂźtres d'art de mĂȘme que pour le perfectionnement des praticiens de l'Ă©ducation artistique. Les auteurs dĂ©crivent un processus comportant trois phases successives (ouverture, action productive, sĂ©paration) dynamisĂ©es par le jeu de trois mouvements interactifs et rĂ©currents (inspiration, Ă©laboration, distanciation). Ils mettent en relief des aptitudes spĂ©cifiques remarquĂ©es chez les individus crĂ©ateurs Ă  divers moments du processus et incitent les maĂźtres d'art Ă  dĂ©velopper de telles aptitudes chez leurs Ă©lĂšves.This article describes a frame of reference for training future art teachers and for professional development of art educators which is based on a dynamic representation of the creative process. The authors describe this process as composed of three successive phases (opening, production, separation) and have dynamic relationships through three series of interactive and recurrent movements (inspiration, elaboration, reflecting from a distance). The authors note specific abilities observed in creative individuals at various phases of the process and encourage art educators to develop these same aptitudes in their students.Este articulo propone una representation de la dinĂąmica de creation que puede servir de marco de referencia tanto para la formation de maestros de arte como para el perfeccionamiento de quienes practican la education artistica. Los autores describen un proceso que incluye trĂšs fases sucesivas (apertura, acciĂŽn productiva, separation) con una dinĂąmica basada en el juego de trĂšs movimientos interactivos y rĂ©currentes (inspiration, elaboration, distanciamiento). Se pone en relieve las aptitudes especifĂźcas de las personas creativas en diversos momentos del proceso, y se incita a los maestros de arte a desarrollar dichas aptitudes en sus alumnos.Der vorliegende Artikel schlĂ€gt eine ReprĂ€sentation der Dynamik des Schaffens vor, die fur die Kunstlehrerausbildung sowie fĂŒr die Fortbildung der Praktiker der Kunsterziehung als Bezugsrahmen dienen kann. Die Verfasser beschreiben einen Vorgang, der aus drei aufeinanderfolgenden Phasen besteht (Aufsein, schaffendes Handeln, Trennung), die ihrerseits durch Wechselspiel und Wiederholung von drei Bewegungen (Inspiration, Elaboration, Zuriicktreten) dynamisiert werden. Sie heben besondere FĂ€higkeiten hervor, die sie bei schaffenden KĂŒnstlern bemerkt haben und regen die Kunstlehrer dazu an, solche FĂ€higkeiten bei ihren SchĂŒlern zu fordern

    Driving Difficulties and Adaptive Strategies: The Perception of Individuals Having Sustained a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Introduction. After a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), individuals quickly resume driving. However, relatively little is known about the impact of mTBI on driving ability and, notably, on the perceived influence of postconcussive symptoms on driving. Hence, the objective of this study was to document the perception of driving abilities in individuals with mTBI. Method. Twenty-seven drivers with mTBI were interviewed to document their perception regarding their driving abilities. Both driving-related difficulties and compensatory strategies used to increase driving safety were documented. A mixed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data was completed. Results. 93% of participants reported at least one difficulty perceived as having an impact on everyday activities. Most frequently named problems affecting driving were fatigue and reduced concentration. In addition, 74% of participants had adapted their driving or developed strategies to compensate for driving difficulties. Discussion/Conclusion. Postconcussive symptoms have repercussions on driving ability. However, people with mTBI tend to be aware of their difficulties and develop, over time, adaptive strategies. Preventive measures are thus warranted to increase health care professionals' awareness of the potential consequences of mTBI on driving ability and to promote guidelines for the safe resumption of driving after injury

    Association of landscape and environmental variables with the recruitment of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Norway

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    Using data from 309 localities with freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, in Norway, we analyzed the effect of several landscape and environmental variables on this species’ recruitment. Median summer air temperature and, to a lesser extent, percentage wetland cover in the catchment were the strongest (negative) influences on recruitment. This is the first study to show an effect of air temperature on recruitment across a wide range of populations. The results are of importance for the conservation of the species, particularly in the context of climate change. Margaritifera margaritifera Recruitment Norway Air temperature Wetland coverpublishedVersio

    OvervĂ„king av elvemusling i Norge. Årsrapport for 2022

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    Larsen, B.M., MagerĂžy, J.H. & Gosselin, M.-P. 2023. OvervĂ„king av elvemusling i Norge. Årsrapport for 2022. NINA Rapport 2322. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. I «Handlingsplanen for elvemusling Margaritifera margaritifera 2019–2028» inngĂ„r kartlegging og overvĂ„king som ett av fem prioriterte satsingsomrĂ„der. OvervĂ„kingsprogrammet for elvemusling som ble etablert i 2000, ble oppsummert og evaluert i 2017 (NINA Rapport 1350) og viderefĂžrt med et nytt og revidert opplegg for perioden 2018–2023. Programmet omfatter nĂ„ 40 lokaliteter som skal undersĂžkes en gang hvert sjette Ă„r. Dette innebĂŠrer Ă„rlige undersĂžkelser av fra to til fem lokaliteter med standard overvĂ„kingsmetodikk (totalt 20 A-lokaliteter) og fra to til fem lokaliteter med en enklere metodikk (totalt 20 B-lokaliteter). I 2022 ble det undersĂžkt fem lokaliteter: tre A-lokaliteter (Hestadelva, Botnelva (Marhaugelva) og Skjellbekken) og to B-lokaliteter (Halsaelva og Halsoselva). OvervĂ„kingsprogrammet i seg selv er viktig for Ă„ dokumentere utvikling over tid. Like viktig er det at et systematisk innsamlet materiale fra mange lokaliteter vil frambringe ny generell kunnskap. Dette kan igjen initiere andre undersĂžkelser som er viktig for forvaltningen av elvemusling. Halsaelva (Nordland fylke) har status som B-lokalitet og er ikke undersĂžkt tidligere i overvĂ„kingsprogrammet, men det finnes en tilstandsbeskrivelse fra 2007. Bestanden bedĂžmmes Ă„ ha hĂžy levedyktighet og meget hĂžy verneverdi i 2022 (19 poeng i poengmodellen (en verdivurdering som bedĂžmmer status og levedyktighet for elvemusling)). Men rekrutteringen er svak, og bestanden har avtatt pĂ„ 2000-tallet. PĂ„ grunn av en lav andel muslinger mindre enn 50 mm (1,3 %) og ingen muslinger mindre enn 20 mm i 2022, oppnĂ„dde Halsaelva en naturindeks pĂ„ bare 0,6. Økologisk tilstand ble vurdert Ă„ vĂŠre moderat. Det skal imidlertid lite til fĂžr tilstanden blir ytterligere forverret, og det er nĂždvendig Ă„ utrede tiltak for Ă„ oppnĂ„ miljĂžmĂ„lene mht. elvemusling i vassdraget. Halsoselva (Nordland fylke) har status som B-lokalitet og er ikke undersĂžkt tidligere i overvĂ„kingsprogrammet, men det finnes en tilstandsbeskrivelse fra 2008. Bestanden bedĂžmmes Ă„ vĂŠre sann-synlig levedyktighet i 2022, men tiltak bĂžr utredes/gjennomfĂžres (11 poeng i poengmodellen). PĂ„ grunn av en meget svak rekruttering (henholdsvis 0 og 1,2 % muslinger mindre enn 20 og 50 mm) oppnĂ„dde Halsoselva en naturindeks pĂ„ 0,6 og Ăžkologisk tilstand ble vurdert Ă„ vĂŠre moderat. Da rekrutteringen er svak, er det usikkert om den er hĂžy nok til Ă„ sikre bestanden pĂ„ lang sikt. For Ă„ oppnĂ„ en Ăžkologisk tilstand der miljĂžmĂ„lene er tilfredsstilt, mĂ„ andelen muslinger mindre enn 50 mm Ăžke og nyrekruttering mĂ„ ogsĂ„ forekomme regelmessig. Hestadelva (Nordland fylke) har status som A-lokalitet og er undersĂžkt tidligere i overvĂ„kingsprogrammet i 2004 og 2011. Bestanden bedĂžmmes Ă„ ha hĂžy levedyktighet og meget hĂžy verneverdi i 2022 (23 poeng i poengmodellen). Dette var en reduksjon i forhold til 2004 og 2011, da Hestadelva oppnĂ„dde 29 poeng. Rekrutteringen har avtatt, og dette er Ă„rsaken til at antall poeng er redusert. Hestadelva hadde fortsatt en relativt hĂžy andel muslinger mindre enn 50 mm (18,3 %), men andelen muslinger mindre enn 20 mm (nyrekruttering) ble redusert fra henholdsvis 7 og 11 % i 2004 og 2011 til bare 1 % i 2022. Hestadelva oppnĂ„dde likevel en naturindeks pĂ„ 1,0 i 2022, det samme som tidligere. Økologisk tilstand ble fortsatt vurdert Ă„ vĂŠre svĂŠrt god. Hestadelva opprettholder derfor et tilfredsstillende miljĂžmĂ„l, men det er viktig Ă„ fĂžlge med pĂ„ utviklingen slik at tilstanden ikke forverrer seg. Botnelva (Marhaugelva) (Nordland fylke) har status som A-lokalitet og er ikke undersĂžkt tidligere i overvĂ„kingsprogrammet, men det finnes en tilstandsbeskrivelse fra 2008. Bestanden bedĂžmmes Ă„ ha hĂžy levedyktighet og meget hĂžy verneverdi i 2022 (23 poeng i poengmodellen). Rekrutteringen er god, og det er ingen tydelige indikasjoner pĂ„ at bestanden har avtatt de siste Ă„rene. PĂ„ grunn av en hĂžy andel muslinger mindre enn 50 mm (27,3 %), og 3,5 % muslinger mindre enn 20 mm, oppnĂ„dde Botnelva en naturindeks pĂ„ 1,0. Økologisk tilstand ble ogsĂ„ vurdert Ă„ vĂŠre svĂŠrt god. Rekrutteringen framstĂ„r som god nok til at bestanden er sikret pĂ„ lang sikt. Skjellbekken (Troms og Finnmark, tidligere Finnmark fylke) har status som A-lokalitet og er undersĂžkt tidligere i overvĂ„kingsprogrammet i 2003 og 2010. Bestanden bedĂžmmes Ă„ ha hĂžy levedyktighet og meget hĂžy verneverdi i 2022 (21 poeng i poengmodellen). Dette var en reduksjon i forhold til 2010, da Skjellbekken oppnĂ„dde 25 poeng, men nĂŠr det samme som i 2003 da resultatet ble 20 poeng. Det er variasjonen i rekruttering mellom Ă„r som gir stĂžrst utslag. Det har vĂŠrt en betydelig Ăžkning i tetthet av muslinger i lĂžpet av 2000-tallet og estimert populasjonsstĂžrrelse har Ăžkt fra ca. 25.000 individer i 2003 og 2010 til 68.000 individer i 2022. Selv om rekrutteringen varierer mellom Ă„r, var andelen muslinger mindre enn 50 mm fortsatt >10 % i 2022 og nyrekruttering (muslinger mindre enn 20 mm) forekommer. Dette gjĂžr at Skjellbekken oppnĂ„dde en naturindeks pĂ„ 1,0 og Ăžkologisk tilstand ble vurdert Ă„ vĂŠre svĂŠrt god. Dette er uforandret sammenlignet med 2003 og 2010.MiljĂždirektoratet: M-2577|202

    Guide to identifying alert thresholds for heat waves in Canada based on evidence

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    Among natural-disaster risks, heat waves are responsible for a large number of deaths, diseases and economic losses around the world. As they will increase in severity, duration and frequency over the decades to come within the context of climate change, these extreme events constitute a genuine danger to human health, and heat-warning systems are strongly recommended by public health authorities to reduce this risk of diseases and of excessive mortality and morbidity. Thus, evidence-based public alerting criteria are needed to reduce impacts on human health before and during persistent hot weather conditions.\ud The goal of this guide is to identify alert thresholds for heat waves in Canada based on evidence, and to propose an approach for better defining heat waves in the Canadian context in order to reduce the risks to human health and contribute to the well-being of Canadians. This guide is the result of the collaboration among various research and public institutions working on: 1) meteorological and climate aspects, i.e. the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC, Environment and Climate Change Canada), and the ESCER centre at the Université du Québec à Montréal, and 2) public health, i.e. Health Canada and the Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec

    Sleep and wake disturbances following traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health concern in industrialised countries. Sleep and wake disturbances are among the most persistent and disabling sequelae after TBI. Yet, despite the widespread complaints of post-TBI sleep and wake disturbances, studies on their etiology, pathophysiology, and treatments remain inconclusive. This narrative review aims to summarise the current state of knowledge regarding the nature of sleep and wake disturbances following TBI, both subjective and objective, spanning all levels of severity and phases postinjury. A second goal is to outline the various causes of post-TBI sleep-wake disturbances. Globally, although sleep-wake complaints are reported in all studies and across all levels of severity, consensus regarding the objective nature of these disturbances is not unanimous and varies widely across studies. In order to optimize recovery in TBI survivors, further studies are required to shed light on the complexity and heterogeneity of post-TBI sleep and wake disturbances, and to fully grasp the best timing and approach for intervention
