70 research outputs found

    What is associated with reported acute respiratory infection in children under 5 and PCV vaccination in children aged 1–36 months in Malawi? A secondary data analysis using the Malawi 2014 MICS survey

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute respiratory illness (ARI) is a leading cause of mortality in children under 5 (CU5) in Malawi and can be prevented with 3-dose pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). There has been no national study in Malawi that seeks to associate social economic factors leading to PCV vaccine uptake and reported acute respiratory infections (RARI). The objectives of our study were to do this. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of secondary data from the 2014 UNICEF Malawi Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey to construct mutlivariable logistic regression models for independent associations with PCV 1/2/3 immunisation and RARI. RESULTS: 56% of CU5 in Malawi RARI in the 2 week recall period of the survey. Independent associations with reduced odds of RARI were central region living (OR 0.82, 95%CI (0.71-0.93)) middle (OR 0.84, (0.73-0.97)) fourth (OR 0.79, (0.68-0.92)) and richest wealth quintiles (OR 0.73, (0.60-0.88)). Using straw/shrubs for fuel was associated with increased RARI (OR 3.13, (1.00-9.79)). Among 1-36 month olds, in 2014, 93.3% received PCV1, 86.8% PCV2 and 77.0% PCV3. Between 2011-2014, the average age in months for a child to receive PCV1/2/3 reduced by 26.6 for PCV1, 26.4 for PCV2, and 26.1 for PCV 3. Independent predicators for increased odds of all 3 PCV doses, relative to 0-5 age group, were age group 6-11 (OR 21.8, (18.2-26.1) 12-23 (OR 27.5, (23.5-32.2) 24-36 months (OR 9.09, (7.89-10.5), mothers having a secondary (OR 1.52, (1.25-1.84)) or higher education (OR 2.68, (1.43-5.04) when compared to no education, and children in the middle (OR 1.24, (1.07-1.43)) fourth (OR 1.27, (1.09-1.48)) richest (OR 1.54, (1.27-1.88)) wealth quintiles relative to the lowest. Children living with 4-6 other children was independently associated with reduced odds of receiving all 3 PCV doses (OR 0.56, (0.33-0.96). CONCLUSION: We report nationally representative social economic associations with RARI and PCV vaccine uptake and coverage estimates. We found reductions in the average age a child receives all 3 PCV vaccine doses between 2011-2014

    What is Java binary compatibility?

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    Separate compilation allows the decomposition of programs into units that may be compiled separately, and linked into an executable. Traditionally, separate compilation was equivalent to the compilation of all units together, and modi cation and re-compilation of one unit required re-compilation of all importing units. Java suggests a more exible framework, in which the linker checks the integrity of the binaries to be combined. Certain source code modi cations, such asaddition of methods to classes, are de ned as binary compatible. The language description guarantees that binaries of types (i.e. classes or interfaces) modi ed in binary compatible ways may be re-compiled and linked with the binaries of types that imported and were compiled using the earlier versions of the modi ed types. However, this is not always the case: some of the changes considered by Java as binary compatible do not guarantee successful linking and execution. In this paper we study the concepts around binary compatibility. We suggest a formalization of the requirement of safe linking and execution without re-compilation, investigate alternatives, demonstrate several of its properties, and propose a more restricted de nition of binary compatible changes. Finally, we prove for a substantial subset of Java, that this restricted de nition guarantees error-free linking and execution.

    Citizen science identifies the effects of nitrogen dioxide and other environmental drivers on tar spot of sycamore

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    Elevated sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were the major cause of the absence of symptoms of tar spot (Rhytisma acerinum) of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), in urban areas in the 1970s. The subsequent large decline in SO2 concentrations has not always been accompanied by increased tar spot symptoms, for reasons that have remained unresolved. We used a large citizen science survey, providing over 1000 records across England, to test two competing hypotheses proposed in earlier studies. We were able to demonstrate the validity of both hypotheses; tar spot symptoms were reduced where there were fewer fallen leaves as a source of inoculum, and elevated nitrogen dioxide concentrations reduced tar spot symptoms above a threshold concentration of about 20 μg m-3. Symptom severity was also lower at sites with higher temperature and lower rainfall. Our findings demonstrate the power of citizen science to resolve competing hypotheses about the impacts of air pollution and other environmental drivers

    Differences between urban and rural hedges in England revealed by a citizen science project

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    Background: Hedges are oth ecologically and culturally important and are a distinctive feature of the British landscape. However the overall length of hedges across Great Britain is decreasing. Current challenges in studying hedges relate to the dominance of research on rural, as opposed to urban, hedges, and their variability and geographical breadth. To help address these challenges and to educate the public on the importance of hedge habitats for wildlife, in 2010 the Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) programme coordinated a hedge-focused citizen science survey. Results: Results from 2891 surveys were analysed. Woody plant species differed significantly between urban and rural areas. Beech, Holly, Ivy, Laurel, Privet and Yew were more commonly recorded in urban hedges whereas Blackthorn, Bramble, Dog Rose, Elder and Hawthorn were recorded more often in rural hedges. Urban and rural differences were shown for some groups of invertebrates. Ants, earwigs and shieldbugs were recorded more frequently in urban hedges whereas blowflies, caterpillars, harvestmen, other beetles, spiders and weevils were recorded more frequently in rural hedges. Spiders were the most frequently recorded invertebrate across all surveys. The presence of hard surfaces adjacent to the hedge was influential on hedge structure, number and diversity of plant species, amount of food available for wildlife and invertebrate number and diversity. In urban hedges with one adjacent hard surface, the food available for wildlife was significantly reduced and in rural hedges, one adjacent hard surface affected the diversity of invertebrates. Conclusions: This research highlights that urban hedges may be important habitats for wildlife and that hard surfaces may have an impact on both the number and diversity of plant species and the number and diversity of invertebrates. This study demonstrates that citizen science programmes that focus on hedge surveillance can work and have the added benefit of educating the public on the importance of hedgerow habitats

    Inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori Protease HtrA Found by ‘Virtual Ligand’ Screening Combat Bacterial Invasion of Epithelia

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    Background: The human pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a main cause for gastric inflammation and cancer. Increasing bacterial resistance against antibiotics demands for innovative strategies for therapeutic intervention. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present a method for structure-based virtual screening that is based on the comprehensive prediction of ligand binding sites on a protein model and automated construction of a ligand-receptor interaction map. Pharmacophoric features of the map are clustered and transformed in a correlation vector (‘virtual ligand’) for rapid virtual screening of compound databases. This computer-based technique was validated for 18 different targets of pharmaceutical interest in a retrospective screening experiment. Prospective screening for inhibitory agents was performed for the protease HtrA from the human pathogen H. pylori using a homology model of the target protein. Among 22 tested compounds six block E-cadherin cleavage by HtrA in vitro and result in reduced scattering and wound healing of gastric epithelial cells, thereby preventing bacterial infiltration of the epithelium. Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates that receptor-based virtual screening with a permissive (‘fuzzy’) pharmacophore model can help identify small bioactive agents for combating bacterial infection

    Understanding each other's models: a standard representation of global water models to support improvement, intercomparison, and communication

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    Global water models (GWMs) simulate the terrestrial water cycle, on the global scale, and are used to assess the impacts of climate change on freshwater systems. GWMs are developed within different modeling frameworks and consider different underlying hydrological processes, leading to varied model structures. Furthermore, the equations used to describe various processes take different forms and are generally accessible only from within the individual model codes. These factors have hindered a holistic and detailed understanding of how different models operate, yet such an understanding is crucial for explaining the results of model evaluation studies, understanding inter-model differences in their simulations, and identifying areas for future model development. This study provides a comprehensive overview of how state-of-the-art GWMs are designed. We analyze water storage compartments, water flows, and human water use sectors included in 16 GWMs that provide simulations for the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project phase 2b (ISIMIP2b). We develop a standard writing style for the model equations to further enhance model improvement, intercomparison, and communication. In this study, WaterGAP2 used the highest number of water storage compartments, 11, and CWatM used 10 compartments. Seven models used six compartments, while three models (JULES-W1, Mac-PDM.20, and VIC) used the lowest number, three compartments. WaterGAP2 simulates five human water use sectors, while four models (CLM4.5, CLM5.0, LPJmL, and MPI-HM) simulate only water used by humans for the irrigation sector. We conclude that even though hydrologic processes are often based on similar equations, in the end, these equations have been adjusted or have used different values for specific parameters or specific variables. Our results highlight that the predictive uncertainty of GWMs can be reduced through improvements of the existing hydrologic processes, implementation of new processes in the models, and high-quality input data

    Principles Of Heliophysics: a textbook on the universal processes behind planetary habitability

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    This textbook gives a perspective of heliophysics in a way that emphasizes universal processes from a perspective that draws attention to what provides Earth (and similar (exo-)planets) with a relatively stable setting in which life as we know it can thrive. The book is intended for students in physical sciences in later years of their university training and for beginning graduate students in fields of solar, stellar, (exo-)planetary, and planetary-system sciences.Comment: 419 pages, 119 figures, and 200 "activities" in the form of problems, exercises, explorations, literature readings, and "what if" challenge

    What is associated with reported acute respiratory infection in children under 5 and PCV vaccination in children aged 1-36 months in Malawi? A secondary data analysis using the Malawi 2014 MICS survey.

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    IntroductionAcute respiratory illness (ARI) is a leading cause of mortality in children under 5 (CU5) in Malawi and can be prevented with 3-dose pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). There has been no national study in Malawi that seeks to associate social economic factors leading to PCV vaccine uptake and reported acute respiratory infections (RARI). The objectives of our study were to do this.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional analysis of secondary data from the 2014 UNICEF Malawi Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey to construct mutlivariable logistic regression models for independent associations with PCV 1/2/3 immunisation and RARI.Results56% of CU5 in Malawi RARI in the 2 week recall period of the survey. Independent associations with reduced odds of RARI were central region living (OR 0.82, 95%CI (0.71-0.93)) middle (OR 0.84, (0.73-0.97)) fourth (OR 0.79, (0.68-0.92)) and richest wealth quintiles (OR 0.73, (0.60-0.88)). Using straw/shrubs for fuel was associated with increased RARI (OR 3.13, (1.00-9.79)). Among 1-36 month olds, in 2014, 93.3% received PCV1, 86.8% PCV2 and 77.0% PCV3. Between 2011-2014, the average age in months for a child to receive PCV1/2/3 reduced by 26.6 for PCV1, 26.4 for PCV2, and 26.1 for PCV 3. Independent predicators for increased odds of all 3 PCV doses, relative to 0-5 age group, were age group 6-11 (OR 21.8, (18.2-26.1) 12-23 (OR 27.5, (23.5-32.2) 24-36 months (OR 9.09, (7.89-10.5), mothers having a secondary (OR 1.52, (1.25-1.84)) or higher education (OR 2.68, (1.43-5.04) when compared to no education, and children in the middle (OR 1.24, (1.07-1.43)) fourth (OR 1.27, (1.09-1.48)) richest (OR 1.54, (1.27-1.88)) wealth quintiles relative to the lowest. Children living with 4-6 other children was independently associated with reduced odds of receiving all 3 PCV doses (OR 0.56, (0.33-0.96).ConclusionWe report nationally representative social economic associations with RARI and PCV vaccine uptake and coverage estimates. We found reductions in the average age a child receives all 3 PCV vaccine doses between 2011-2014

    PCV coverage calculations and result estimates.

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    IntroductionAcute respiratory illness (ARI) is a leading cause of mortality in children under 5 (CU5) in Malawi and can be prevented with 3-dose pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). There has been no national study in Malawi that seeks to associate social economic factors leading to PCV vaccine uptake and reported acute respiratory infections (RARI). The objectives of our study were to do this.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional analysis of secondary data from the 2014 UNICEF Malawi Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey to construct mutlivariable logistic regression models for independent associations with PCV 1/2/3 immunisation and RARI.Results56% of CU5 in Malawi RARI in the 2 week recall period of the survey. Independent associations with reduced odds of RARI were central region living (OR 0.82, 95%CI (0.71–0.93)) middle (OR 0.84, (0.73–0.97)) fourth (OR 0.79, (0.68–0.92)) and richest wealth quintiles (OR 0.73, (0.60–0.88)). Using straw/shrubs for fuel was associated with increased RARI (OR 3.13, (1.00–9.79)). Among 1–36 month olds, in 2014, 93.3% received PCV1, 86.8% PCV2 and 77.0% PCV3. Between 2011–2014, the average age in months for a child to receive PCV1/2/3 reduced by 26.6 for PCV1, 26.4 for PCV2, and 26.1 for PCV 3. Independent predicators for increased odds of all 3 PCV doses, relative to 0–5 age group, were age group 6–11 (OR 21.8, (18.2–26.1) 12–23 (OR 27.5, (23.5–32.2) 24–36 months (OR 9.09, (7.89–10.5), mothers having a secondary (OR 1.52, (1.25–1.84)) or higher education (OR 2.68, (1.43–5.04) when compared to no education, and children in the middle (OR 1.24, (1.07–1.43)) fourth (OR 1.27, (1.09–1.48)) richest (OR 1.54, (1.27–1.88)) wealth quintiles relative to the lowest. Children living with 4–6 other children was independently associated with reduced odds of receiving all 3 PCV doses (OR 0.56, (0.33–0.96).ConclusionWe report nationally representative social economic associations with RARI and PCV vaccine uptake and coverage estimates. We found reductions in the average age a child receives all 3 PCV vaccine doses between 2011–2014.</div
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