772 research outputs found

    Theory for Photon-Assisted Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in a Stack of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions

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    We propose a theory for photon-assisted macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in a stack of capacitively-coupled intrinsic Josephson junctions in which the longitudinal Josephson plasma, i.e., longitudinal collective phase oscillation modes, is excited. The scheme of energy-level quantization in the collective oscillatory states is clarified in the NN-junction system. When the MQT occurs from the single-plasmon states excited by microwave irradiation in the multi-photon process to the uniform voltage state, our theory predicts that the escape rate is proportional to N2N^2. This result is consistent with the recent observation in Bi-2212 intrinsic Josephson junctions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Identification of a TPX2-Like Microtubule-Associated Protein in Drosophila

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    Chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis relies on the spindle and the functions of numerous microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). One of the best-studied spindle MAPs is the highly conserved TPX2, which has been reported to have characteristic intracellular dynamics and molecular activities, such as nuclear localisation in interphase, poleward movement in the metaphase spindle, microtubule nucleation, microtubule stabilisation, microtubule bundling, Aurora A kinase activation, kinesin-5 binding, and kinesin-12 recruitment. This protein has been shown to be essential for spindle formation in every cell type analysed so far. However, as yet, TPX2 homologues have not been found in the Drosophila genome. In this study, I found that the Drosophila protein Ssp1/Mei-38 has significant homology to TPX2. Sequence conservation was limited to the putative spindle microtubule-associated region of TPX2, and intriguingly, D-TPX2 (Ssp1/Mei-38) lacks Aurora A- and kinesin-5-binding domains, which are highly conserved in other animal and plant species, including many insects such as ants and bees. D-TPX2 uniformly localised to kinetochore microtubule-enriched regions of the metaphase spindle in the S2 cell line, and it had microtubule binding and bundling activities in vitro. In comparison with other systems, the contribution of D-TPX2 to cell division seems to be minor; live cell imaging of microtubules and chromosomes after RNAi knockdown identified significant delay in chromosome congression in only 18% of the cells. Thus, while this conserved spindle protein is present in Drosophila, other mechanisms may largely compensate for its spindle assembly and chromosome segregation functions

    Development of Prototype Low-cost and High-strength Fault Current Interrupting Arcing Horns for 77 kV Overhead Transmission Lines

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    Fault Current Interrupting Arcing Horns (FCIAH) are newly designed arcing horns installed on transmis-sion line towers as a countermeasure against lightning damage that greatly contribute to reducing power interruption by interrupting fault current independently within an AC cycle. This paper describes the de-velopment of two new prototype FCIAH for further cost reduction and strength enhancement, using computational fluid dynamics and short-circuit tests

    Wac: a new Augmin subunit required for chromosome alignment but not for acentrosomal microtubule assembly in female meiosis

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    The bipolar spindle forms without centrosomes naturally in female meiosis and by experimental manipulation in mitosis. Augmin is a recently discovered protein complex required for centrosome-independent microtubule generation within the spindle in Drosophila melanogaster cultured cells. Five subunits of Augmin have been identified so far, but neither their organization within the complex nor their role in developing organisms is known. In this study, we report a new Augmin subunit, wee Augmin component (Wac). Wac directly interacts with another Augmin subunit, Dgt2, via its coiled-coil domain. Wac depletion in cultured cells, especially without functional centrosomes, causes severe defects in spindle assembly. We found that a wac deletion mutant is viable but female sterile and shows only a mild impact on somatic mitosis. Unexpectedly, mutant female meiosis showed robust microtubule assembly of the acentrosomal spindle but frequent chromosome misalignment. For the first time, this study establishes the role of an Augmin subunit in developing organisms and provides an insight into the architecture of the complex

    Optical conductivity of rattling phonons in type-I clathrate Ba8_8Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30}

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    A series of infrared-active optical phonons have been detected in type-I clathrate Ba8_8Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30} by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. The conductivity spectra with the lowest-lying peaks at 1.15 and 1.80 THz are identified with so-called rattling phonons, i.e., optical modes of the guest ion Ba2+(2)^{2+}(2) with T1uT_{1u} symmetry in the oversized tetrakaidecahedral cage. The temperature dependence of the spectra from these modes are totally consistent with calculations based on a one-dimensional anharmonic potential model that, with decreasing temperature, the shape becomes asymmetrically sharp associated with a softening for the weight to shift to lower frequency. These temperature dependences are determined, without any interaction effects, by the Bose-factor for optical excitations of anharmonic phonons with the nonequally spaced energy levels.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kank Is an EB1 Interacting Protein that Localises to Muscle-Tendon Attachment Sites in Drosophila

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    Little is known about how microtubules are regulated in different cell types during development. EB1 plays a central role in the regulation of microtubule plus ends. It directly binds to microtubule plus ends and recruits proteins which regulate microtubule dynamics and behaviour. We report the identification of Kank, the sole Drosophila orthologue of human Kank proteins, as an EB1 interactor that predominantly localises to embryonic attachment sites between muscle and tendon cells. Human Kank1 was identified as a tumour suppressor and has documented roles in actin regulation and cell polarity in cultured mammalian cells. We found that Drosophila Kank binds EB1 directly and this interaction is essential for Kank localisation to microtubule plus ends in cultured cells. Kank protein is expressed throughout fly development and increases during embryogenesis. In late embryos, it accumulates to sites of attachment between muscle and epidermal cells. A kank deletion mutant was generated. We found that the mutant is viable and fertile without noticeable defects. Further analysis showed that Kank is dispensable for muscle function in larvae. This is in sharp contrast to C. elegans in which the Kank orthologue VAB-19 is required for development by stabilising attachment structures between muscle and epidermal cells