16 research outputs found

    Vom Hexensabbat zu den Pforten der Göttin

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    Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit habe ich das Ziel verfolgt, der Genese und Erscheinung des Hexensabbatstereotyps aus westhistorischer Perspektive nachzugehen, sowie dem Sammeldelikt der Hexerei, das einer vehementen Verfolgung ausgesetzt war. Meine Analyse gebührte primär den eigentümlichen soziopolitischen und ökonomischen Umständen, die in den Alpenregionen vom Mittelalter bis in die Frühe Neuzeit geherrscht haben und folglich als Katalysatoren für die Hexenverfolgungen fungierten. Die theoretischen Grundzüge meiner Arbeit umschlossen dabei das historische Problem der Vernachlässigung der Opferstimmen und die Verallgemeinerung der mutmaßlich begangenen Verbrechen. Die wahren Geständnisse und Ursachen wurden dank den Urteilen und Meinungen der Inquisitoren und Dämonologen von den Tribunalen verschleiert. Ihre ideologische Tragweite hatte eine verzerrende Wirkung auf strukturelle Wandlungen in Politik und Gesellschaft. Die ausgestreute Angst vor Verschwörungen und Geheimbündeleien wirkte sich stark auf das Bild der Hexerei und des Sabbat, mit dem auch häretische Religionen und Sekten explizit in Verbindung gebracht wurden. Außerdem gibt es bereits viele Belege dafür, dass die Entwicklung der Sabbatvorstellung sich aus dem Reservoir des Volksglaubens speiste, welches in antike Mythen und Legenden wurzelt. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema, dem ich mich zuwandte, war die Verknüpfung zwischen „historischer“ und „moderner“ Hexe, welche wie es sich herausgestellt hat, zurecht in einem Verhältnis zueinander analysiert werden sollten. Eine kritische Sicht auf die Verflechtung dieser kulturellen Erscheinungen impliziert eine gründlichere Auseinandersetzung mit den analysierten Mythen, die als ausschlaggebend für die Konstruktion individueller neopaganer Mythologien und der Identität moderner Hexen erachtet werden können. Es lag auch im Sinne meiner Argumentationslinie, auf die Charakteristika des Neuheidentums einzugehen und den größeren Bezugsrahmen, in dem es eingebettet ist, kurz darzustellen. Eine psychologische Herangehensweise an die Entstehung des Hexenbildes und seine außerordentliche symbolische Reichhaltigkeit wurde ebenfalls angestrebt. Einerseits war es meine Absicht, das verklärte Bild der „bösen Hexe“ zu überarbeiten und andererseits das romantisierte Bild der „weisen, kräuterkundigen Frau“ zu relativieren, das mit dem Aufkommen der Romantik um 1800 sukzessiv rezipiert wurde. Nicht zuletzt, ging es mir um die Darstellung bestimmter Phänomene aus dem Bereich der neopaganen Religion Wicca, wie den Coven, den ich unter anderem aus der Sicht der transpersonalen Psychologie kurz anriss. Den Höhepunkt meiner Recherchen bildeten die Initiationsriten der Craft und ihre psychologische Relevanz und Wirkung.In the presented diploma thesis my intention and aim was to examine the inception and rise of the Witches Sabbath stereotype and also of witchcraft as a vehement prosecuted crime from a western historical point of view. My analysis focused primarly on the idiosyncratic sociopolitical and economic circumstances that prevailed in the Alpine region from the Middle Ages to the early modern era and thus officiated as catalysts for the witches prosecution. My theoretical engagements faced the historical problem of neglecting the voices of the victims and the standardization of the alleged commited crimes. Genuine data and causes were obscured by the tribunals, due to the demonologist's and inquisitor's opinions and judgements, which, applied as ideological means functioned as distraction to structural changes in politics and society. The fear of conspiracy and secret societies affected the image of witchcraft and the Sabbath heavily and accelerated the accusations of heretical religions and sects, which, in the end were explicitly associated with the crime of witchcraft. Moreover it is proven that the development of the imagination of the Sabbath derives from popular belief contents and elements, which root in ancient myths and legends. A short overwiev about this topic was also given. Another central topic was the link between "historical" and "modern" witchcraft, which, as illustrated, should be analysed in relation to each other. A critical perspective on the nterweaving of these cultural phenomena implicates a critical view on some of the analysed myths, that seem to be crucial for the debate on building up the "modern witches identity" and the construction of personal neopagan mythologies, characteristic of the neopagan movement. My intention was also to highlight the attributes and characteristics of Neo-paganism and the framework in which it is embedded. A psychological approach to the development of the witch-image and its remarkable symbolical range and relevance was also introduced. On the one hand my purpose was to revise the diabolical transfigured image of the "evil witch" and on the other hand to modify the image of the "wise old woman", that emerged increasingly with the rise of the Romantic Movement around 1800. Last but not least, my effort was to display some phenomena of the neopagan religion Wicca, like the witches' circle – the Coven from a transpersonal perspective, stressing also the psychological importance of the Craft's initiation rites and their vehement impact on the protagonists' psyche

    Appendiceal Mucocele Presenting as a Right Adnexal Mass: A Case Report

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    A 68-year-old female presented to the Gynecologic Oncology Clinic with a right-lower quadrant abdominal mass 3 × 4 cm in diameter palpable on pelvic examination. Her routine laboratory tests were normal. Transvaginal ultrasonography revealed a cystic mass in the right adnexa 3.9 cm in diameter, which was thought to arise in the ovary. At the time of laparoscopy, a 3 × 4 cm tumor arising from the distal end of the appendix was noted. A laparoscopic appendectomy with tumor removal was performed. Histologic examination of the surgical specimen revealed a mucocele of the appendix (AM). Although rare, this tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a right adnexal mass. These tumors can be identified laparoscopically and removed by minimally invasive surgery

    Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex-cord tumor – a rare gynecological neoplasm

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    Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex-cord tumor is a rare group of uterine neoplasms with unknown histogenesis and differentiation towards ovarian sex-cord elements. They are benign in nature with low malignancy potential. Diagnosis is based on immunohistochemistry and morphological features, and the distinction from other more malignant differentials is paramount to correctly individualizing treatment. A 47-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain and abnormal uterine bleeding. Subsequent detection of multiple uterine fibroids by ultrasound study and CT scans lead to a robot-assisted total hysterectomy. Histological studies revealed that one of the fibroids in the myometrium had a morphology resembling an ovarian sex-cord tumor with low Ki-67 proliferative activity. After 12 months of follow-up, no additional treatment was required, and no signs of recurrence or progression were observed. Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex-cord tumor is a rare gynecological entity with no established treatment protocol. Differentiation between benign and malignant behavior is based on structural features and immunohistochemical expression assessment. This highlights the importance of immunohistochemical staining and morphological analysis to determine the degree of surgical radicality. Minimally invasive approach is feasible and safe, but more experience is needed for further conclusions

    Mucocele of the appendix presenting as an exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess: A case report and comprehensive review of the literature.

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    Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity of mucinous cystic dilatation of the appendix. It has no typical clinical presentation and is considered a potentially premalignant condition. We present a case of accidental intraoperative finding of an appendiceal mucocele in a 54-year old woman that clinically presented with an exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess. Trans-vaginal ultrasonography showed an encapsulated, oval, unilocular mass above the uterus with a heteroechogenic structure, homogeneous fluid content, and smooth regular walls without inner proliferation. The histopathologic diagnosis was consistent with an appendiceal cystadenoma. The patient underwent a simple appendectomy. There were no clinical, biochemical or imaging signs of the disease recurrence at 6 months follow up. To our knowledge, this is the only well-documented case of appendiceal mucocele mimicking exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess reported in the literature. Awareness of a rare entity such as an appendiceal mucocele, which is frequently misdiagnosed as a potential cause of acute abdomen, is necessary for the appropriate management strategy in order to prevent complications