5 research outputs found

    3D Mueller-matrix diffusive tomography of polycrystalline blood films for cancer diagnosis

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    The decomposition of the Mueller matrix of blood films has been carried out using differential matrices with polarized and depolarized parts. The use of a coherent reference wave is applied and the algorithm of digital holographic reconstruction of the field of complex amplitudes is used. On this basis, the 3D Mueller-matrix diffuse tomography method-the reconstruction of distributions of fluctuations of linear and circular birefringence of depolarizing polycrystalline films of human blood is analytically justified and experimentally tested. The dynamics of the change in the magnitude of the statistical moments of the first-fourth order, which characterize layer-by-layer distributions of fluctuations in the phase anisotropy of the blood film, is examined and analyzed. The most sensitive parameters for prostate cancer are the statistical moments of the third and fourth orders, which characterize the asymmetry and kurtosis of fluctuations in the linear and circular birefringence of blood films. The excellent accuracy of differentiation obtained polycrystalline films of blood from healthy donors and patients with cancer patients was achieved

    3D Mueller-matrix-based azimuthal invariant tomography of polycrystalline structure within benign and malignant soft-tissue tumours

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    We introduce a method of azimuthally invariant 3D Mueller-matrix (MM) layer-by-layer mapping of the phase and amplitude parameters of anisotropy of the partially depolarizing layers of benign (adenoma) and malignant (carcinoma) prostate tumours. The technique is based on the analysis of spatial variations of Mueller matrix invariant (MMI) of histological sections of benign (adenoma) and malignant (carcinoma) tissue samples. The phase dependence of magnitudes of the first-to-fourth order statistical moments is applied to characterize 3D spatial distributions of MMI of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism of prostate tumours. The high order statistical moments and phase sections of the optimal differentiation of the polycrystalline structure of tissue samples are revealed. The obtained results are compared with the results obtained by conventional methods utilizing polarized light, including 2D and 3D Mueller matrix imaging

    3D Mueller matrix mapping of layered distributions of depolarisation degree for analysis of prostate adenoma and carcinoma diffuse tissues

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    Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer globally in men, and in some countries is now the most diagnosed form of cancer. It is necessary to differentiate between benign and malignant prostate conditions to give accurate diagnoses. We aim to demonstrate the use of a 3D Mueller matrix method to allow quick and easy clinical differentiation between prostate adenoma and carcinoma tissues with different grades and Gleason scores. Histological sections of benign and malignant prostate tumours, obtained by radical prostatectomy, were investigated. We map the degree of depolarisation in the different prostate tumour tissues using a Mueller matrix polarimeter set-up, based on the superposition of a reference laser beam with the interference pattern of the sample in the image plane. The depolarisation distributions can be directly related to the morphology of the biological tissues. The dependences of the magnitude of the 1st to 4th order statistical moments of the depolarisation distribution are determined, which characterise the distributions of the depolarisation values. To determine the diagnostic potential of the method three groups of histological sections of prostate tumour biopsies were formed. The first group contained 36 adenoma tissue samples, while the second contained 36 carcinoma tissue samples of a high grade (grade 4: poorly differentiated-4 + 4 Gleason score), and the third group contained 36 carcinoma tissue samples of a low grade (grade 1: moderately differentiated-3 + 3 Gleason score). Using the calculated values of the statistical moments, tumour tissues are categorised as either adenoma or carcinoma. A high level (> 90%) accuracy of differentiation between adenoma and carcinoma samples was achieved for each group. Differentiation between the high-grade and low-grade carcinoma samples was achieved with an accuracy of 87.5%. The results demonstrate that Mueller matrix mapping of the depolarisation distribution of prostate tumour tissues can accurately differentiate between adenoma and carcinoma, and between different grades of carcinoma. This represents a first step towards the implementation of 3D Mueller matrix mapping for clinical analysis and diagnosis of prostate tumours

    Optical anisotropy composition of benign and malignant prostate tissues revealed by Mueller-matrix imaging

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    A Mueller matrix imaging approach is employed to disclose the three-dimensional composition framework of optical anisotropy within cancerous biotissues. Visualized by the Mueller matrix technique spatial architecture of optical anisotropy of tissues is characterised by high-order statistical moments. Thus, quantitative analysis of the spatial distribution of optical anisotropy, such as linear and circular birefringence and dichroism, is revealed by using high-order statistical moments, enabling definitively discriminate prostate adenoma and carcinoma. The developed approach provides greater (>90%) accuracy of diagnostic achieved by using either the 3-rd or 4-th order statistical moments of the linear anisotropy parameters. Noticeable difference is observed between prostate adenoma and carcinoma tissue samples in terms of the extinction coefficient and the degree of depolarisation. Juxtaposition to other optical diagnostic modalities demonstrates the greater accuracy of the approach described herein, paving the way for its wider application in cancer diagnosis and tissue characterization

    3D Mueller Matrix Reconstruction of the Optical Anisotropy Parameters of Myocardial Histopathology Tissue Samples

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    Diseases affecting myocardial tissues are currently a leading cause of death in developed nations. Fast and reliable techniques for analysing and understanding how tissues are affected by disease and respond to treatment are fundamental to combating the effects of heart disease. A 3D Mueller matrix method that reconstructs the linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters has been developed to image the biological structures in myocardial tissues. The required optical data is gathered using a Stokes polarimeter and then processed mathematically to recover the individual optical anisotropy parameters, expanding on existing 2D Mueller matrix implementations by combining with a digital holography approach. Changes in the different optical anisotropy parameters are rationalised with reference to the general tissue structure, such that the structures can be identified from the anisotropy distributions. The first to fourth order statistical moments characterising the distribution of the parameters of the optical anisotropy of the polycrystalline structure of the partially depolarising layer of tissues in different phase sections of their volumes are investigated and analysed. The third and fourth order statistical moments are found to be the most sensitive to changes in the phase and amplitude anisotropy. The possibility of forensic medical differentiation of death in cases of acute coronary insufficiency (ACI) and coronary heart disease (CHD) is considered as a diagnostic application. The optimal phase plane ( θ ∗ = 0.7 r a d ) has been found, in which excellent differentiation accuracy is achieved ACI and CHD - A c ( Δ Z 4 ( θ ∗ , Φ L , Δ L ) ) = 93.05 % ÷ 95.8 % . A comparative analysis of the accuracy of the Mueller-matrix reconstruction of the parameters of the optical anisotropy of the myocardium in different phase planes ( θ = 0.9 r a d and θ = 1.2 r a d ), as well as the 2D Mueller-matrix reconstruction method was carried out. This work demonstrates that a 3D Mueller matrix method can be used to effectively analyse the optical anisotropy parameters of myocardial tissues with potential for definitive diagnostics in forensic medicine