10 research outputs found

    Espai, context i creativitat : aprenentatge de les matemàtiques

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    L'ensenyament de les matemàtiques implica l'adquisició d'habilitats de planificació matemàtica i la capacitat d'identificar les matemàtiques en els contexts. En aquest sentit, l'Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes és una oportunitat perquè les matemàtiques recuperinaquest paper de motor. En aquest article es descriuen quatre propostes didàctiques al voltant de diverses temàtiques (superfícies i volums, construcció de formes geomètriques, Teorema de Thales, Estadística, Diagrames de Voronoi) en connexió amb diversos contextos del món real que fan rellevant el procés d'aprenentatge de les matemàtiques (disseny d'envasos, distribució de serveis municipals, efectes cinematogràfics, creació de formes artístiques). Es discuteix l'aportació d'aquest tipus d'activitats i es proporcionen orientacions per al seu desenvolupament.Mathematics learning implies the development of planning skills and the ability to identify mathematics in Contexts. Project-Based Learning is an opportunity to give to Mathematics this role as a driving force. In this article, we propose four Project-Based Learning activities in several Mathematic topics (Surfaces and volumes, construction of geometric shapes, Thales theorem, Statistics, Voronoi diagrams) in connection with real-world contexts (packaging design, distribution of municipal services, cinema effects, creation of artisticobjects). We discuss the didactic properties of this kind of activities and propose orientations for its development and application

    A randomized clinical trial for the timing of tracheotomy in critically ill patients: factors precluding inclusion in a single center study

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    Introduction: We investigated the potential benefits of early tracheotomy performed before day eight of mechanical ventilation (MV) compared with late tracheotomy (from day 14 if it still indicated) in reducing mortality, days of MV, days of sedation and ICU length of stay (LOS). Methods: Randomized controlled trial (RCT) including all-consecutive ICU admitted patients requiring seven or more days of MV. Between days five to seven of MV, before randomization, the attending physician (AP) was consulted about the expected duration of MV and acceptance of tracheotomy according to randomization. Only accepted patients received tracheotomy as result of randomization. An intention to treat analysis was performed including patients accepted for the AP and those rejected without exclusion criteria. Results: A total of 489 patients were included in the RCT. Of 245 patients randomized to the early group, the procedure was performed for 167 patients (68.2%) whereas in the 244 patients randomized to the late group was performed for 135 patients (55.3%) (P <0.004). Mortality at day 90 was similar in both groups (25.7% versus 29.9%), but duration of sedation was shorter in the early tracheotomy group median 11 days (range 2 to 92) days compared to 14 days (range 0 to 79) in the late group (P <0.02). The AP accepted the protocol of randomization in 205 cases (42%), 101 were included in early group and 104 in the late group. In these subgroup of patients (per-protocol analysis) no differences existed in mortality at day 90 between the two groups, but the early group had more ventilator-free days, less duration of sedation and less LOS, than the late group. Conclusions: This study shows that early tracheotomy reduces the days of sedation in patients undergoing MV, but was underpowered to prove any other benefit. In those patients selected by their attending physicians as potential candidates for a tracheotomy, an early procedure can lessen the days of MV, the days of sedation and LOS. However, the imprecision of physicians to select patients who will require prolonged MV challenges the potential benefits of early tracheotomy

    Association of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms With Chronic Kidney Disease: Results of a Case-Control Analysis in the Nefrona Cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2, 445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    Escola catalana

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónUna ilusión profesional para sacar adelante un nuevo proyecto común surge en un centro educativo, donde las cosas se hacían de una cierta manera y tal vez nadie se había planteado nunca el por qué. Las ganas de un cambio encomienden, el profesorado del centro educativo del cual se habla comienza a plantearse las cosas y la rutina pasa a un segundo término, las iniciativas surgen y la implicación aumenta, el ambiente de trabajo mejora y las sonrisas suplen las caras serias; las familias se identifican con el centro; y, lo más importante, el alumnado obtiene mejores resultados. Con todo ello, el entorno da cuenta de que está pasando algo y colabora con iniciativas puntuales. Finalmente, el centro educativo se convierte en una organización que está inmersa en su contexto e interactúa con el entorno.Universitat de Barcelona. Biblioteca del Campus de Mundet ; Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron 171; 08035 Barcelona; Tel. +34934021035; Fax +34934021034ES

    Evaluación reguladora en post-pandemia. Ejemplo, eficacia y marco legal

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    La pandemia de Covid-19 produjo una fractura en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje motivada por múltiples factores, uno de ellos fue la dificultad de adaptar la evaluación. En este estudio se analiza, a través de un ejemplo de una práctica de aula, cómo estrategias para la evaluación adoptadas durante la pandemia, logran mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje cuando los aplicamos en post-pandemia. Dichas estrategias se basan en el uso de actividades individuales y creativas en las que se valoran múltiples habilidades o competencias y en las que el propio alumno participa de su propia evaluación. Se analiza también el contexto legal en el que se enmarcan dichas prácticas educativas

    Espai, context i creativitat : aprenentatge de les matemàtiques

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    L'ensenyament de les matemàtiques implica l'adquisició d'habilitats de planificació matemàtica i la capacitat d'identificar les matemàtiques en els contexts. En aquest sentit, l'Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes és una oportunitat perquè les matemàtiques recuperinaquest paper de motor. En aquest article es descriuen quatre propostes didàctiques al voltant de diverses temàtiques (superfícies i volums, construcció de formes geomètriques, Teorema de Thales, Estadística, Diagrames de Voronoi) en connexió amb diversos contextos del món real que fan rellevant el procés d'aprenentatge de les matemàtiques (disseny d'envasos, distribució de serveis municipals, efectes cinematogràfics, creació de formes artístiques). Es discuteix l'aportació d'aquest tipus d'activitats i es proporcionen orientacions per al seu desenvolupament.Mathematics learning implies the development of planning skills and the ability to identify mathematics in Contexts. Project-Based Learning is an opportunity to give to Mathematics this role as a driving force. In this article, we propose four Project-Based Learning activities in several Mathematic topics (Surfaces and volumes, construction of geometric shapes, Thales theorem, Statistics, Voronoi diagrams) in connection with real-world contexts (packaging design, distribution of municipal services, cinema effects, creation of artisticobjects). We discuss the didactic properties of this kind of activities and propose orientations for its development and application

    A randomized clinical trial for the timing of tracheotomy in critically ill patients: factors precluding inclusion in a single center study

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    Introduction: We investigated the potential benefits of early tracheotomy performed before day eight of mechanical ventilation (MV) compared with late tracheotomy (from day 14 if it still indicated) in reducing mortality, days of MV, days of sedation and ICU length of stay (LOS). Methods: Randomized controlled trial (RCT) including all-consecutive ICU admitted patients requiring seven or more days of MV. Between days five to seven of MV, before randomization, the attending physician (AP) was consulted about the expected duration of MV and acceptance of tracheotomy according to randomization. Only accepted patients received tracheotomy as result of randomization. An intention to treat analysis was performed including patients accepted for the AP and those rejected without exclusion criteria. Results: A total of 489 patients were included in the RCT. Of 245 patients randomized to the early group, the procedure was performed for 167 patients (68.2%) whereas in the 244 patients randomized to the late group was performed for 135 patients (55.3%) (P <0.004). Mortality at day 90 was similar in both groups (25.7% versus 29.9%), but duration of sedation was shorter in the early tracheotomy group median 11 days (range 2 to 92) days compared to 14 days (range 0 to 79) in the late group (P <0.02). The AP accepted the protocol of randomization in 205 cases (42%), 101 were included in early group and 104 in the late group. In these subgroup of patients (per-protocol analysis) no differences existed in mortality at day 90 between the two groups, but the early group had more ventilator-free days, less duration of sedation and less LOS, than the late group. Conclusions: This study shows that early tracheotomy reduces the days of sedation in patients undergoing MV, but was underpowered to prove any other benefit. In those patients selected by their attending physicians as potential candidates for a tracheotomy, an early procedure can lessen the days of MV, the days of sedation and LOS. However, the imprecision of physicians to select patients who will require prolonged MV challenges the potential benefits of early tracheotomy

    Fotografia matemàtica

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    Prengui una fotografia familiar. Com sap si té una fotografia matemàtica? L'argument pitagòric que «tot és nombre» converteix qualsevol fotografia en matemàtica. Una selfie és una representació de l'1, una imatge dels pares ho és del 2... Aquesta visió fa que tota fotografia siguimatemàtica i, evidentment, manca de sentit. Oposadament, podem mirar-nos el món des d'un punt de vista platònic i afirmar que lesmatemàtiques pertanyen al món de les idees. Ergo,mai no aconseguirem una representació perfecta dels conceptes perquè és impossible fotografiar un punt o una recta. Per al nostre col¨lectiu, una fotografia matemàtica és unmitjà didàctic que facilita l'aprenentatge sistèmic de les matemàtiques; unes matemàtiques integrades en el nostre entorn, generadores de bellesa, font de creativitat i útils per tenir una visió crítica de la societat que ens envolta. La fotografiamatemàtica ens ha de fer perdre la visió hermètica de lesmatemàtiques poc útils i ens ha d'ajudar a trobar entorns on desenvoluparmatemàtiques properes a les persones. Dit això i amb l'ajut de l'experiència acumulada, una bona fotografiamatemàtica ha de tenir una intencionalitat que ha de quedar recollida en un títol (imprescindible) que determini el concepte que es vol copsar. També ha de ser útil des del punt de vista didàctic,Take a family photograph. How do you know if you have amathematical picture? The Pythagorean argument that «all things are numbers» turns any photograph into mathematics: a selfie is a representation of one, an image of the parents of two... This vision suggests all photographymathematical and devoid ofmeaning. On the other hand, we can look at theworld from a Platonic point of viewand affirmthatmathematics belongs to the world of ideas, ergowe can never perfectly represent the concepts because it is impossible to photograph a point or a straight line. For us, amathematical photography is a didactic tool that facilitates the systematic learning of mathematics:mathematics integrated into our environment, a source of beauty, a well of creativity, and useful in developing a critical vision of society.Mathematical photography should help us to forget our closed vision of barely useful mathematics, and to find surroundings in which to develop amathematics of the people. Also, in our experience, goodmathematical photographymust have an intentionality that can be summarised in a title (essential) that defines the concept to be communicated. It should also be useful from the point of view of didactics, creativity and beauty