456 research outputs found

    Satisfaction on the university frontline services: From the lens of transacting students and employees

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    Client satisfaction is an influential predictor of academic life, such as services delivered with suitable standards. Thus, the study focused on determining the level of client satisfaction on the frontline services of Cagayan State University in Aparri, Philippines from the perspective of students and employees. To assess suitability, relevance, and to ensure adequate and reliable information for the evaluation of the study, the researchers adopted the descriptive- evaluative design and ascertained the level of clients’ satisfaction on the frontline services received and experienced on the campus. The study, however, was limited to the assessment of the respondents on their level of contentment only on the frontline services and providers they have encountered. The results indicated a very high level of satisfaction with which heads of offices have gained higher satisfaction ratings than that of their staff. When grouped according to the respondents’ profile, the older students rated higher the frontline services and providers than the younger ones. At the same time, regular employees have a higher level of satisfaction as compared to non-regular. The result of the study manifests students' and employees’ very high contentment with the actual performances of the frontline service providers

    Prevalence of overweight misperception and weight control behaviors among normal weight adolescents in the United States

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    Weight perceptions and weight control behaviors have been documented with underweight and overweight adolescents, yet limited information is available on normal weight adolescents. This study investigates the prevalence of overweight misperceptions and weight control behaviors among normal weight adolescents in the U.S. by sociodemographic and geographic characteristics. We examined data from the 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). A total of 9,714 normal weight U.S. high school students were included in this study. Outcome measures included self-reported height and weight measurements, overweight misperceptions, and weight control behaviors. Weighted prevalence estimates and odds ratios were computed. There were 16.2% of normal weight students who perceived themselves as overweight. Females (25.3%) were more likely to perceive themselves as overweight than males (6.7%) (p < 0.05). Misperceptions of overweight were highest among white (18.3%) and Hispanic students (15.2%) and lowest among black students (5.8%). Females (16.8%) outnumbered males (6.8%) in practicing at least one unhealthy weight control behavior (use of diet pills, laxatives, and fasting) in the past 30 days. The percentage of students who practiced at least one weight control behavior was similar by ethnicity. There were no significant differences in overweight misperception and weight control behaviors by grade level, geographic region, or metropolitan status. A significant portion of normal weight adolescents misperceive themselves as overweight and are engaging in unhealthy weight control behaviors. These data suggest that obesity prevention programs should address weight misperceptions and the harmful effects of unhealthy weight control methods even among normal weight adolescents

    Real-Time UAV Trajectory Prediction for Safety Monitoring in Low-Altitude Airspace

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    The rising number of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) expected in the next decade will enable a new series of commercial, service, and military operations in low altitude airspace as well as above densely populated areas. These operations may include on-demand delivery, medical transportation services, law enforcement operations, traffic surveillance and many more. Such unprecedented scenarios create the need for robust, efficient ways to monitor the UAV state in time to guarantee safety and mitigate contingencies throughout the operations. This work proposes a generalized monitoring and prediction methodology that utilizes realtime measurements of an autonomous UAV following a series of way-points. Two different methods, based on sinusoidal acceleration profiles and high-order splines, are utilized to generate the predicted path. The monitoring approach includes dynamic trajectory re-planning in the event of unexpected detour or hovering of the UAV during flight. It can be further extended to different vehicle types, to quantify uncertainty affecting the state variables, e.g., aerodynamic and other environmental effects, and can also be implemented to prognosticate safety-critical metrics which depend on the estimated flight path and required thrust. The proposed framework is implemented on a simplified, scalable UAV modeling and control system traversing 3D trajectories. Results presented include examples of real-time predictions of the UAV trajectories during flight and a critical analysis of the proposed scenarios under uncertainty constraints

    Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the Worlds Coral Reefs

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    This report presents the first-ever detailed, map-based assessment of potential threats to coral reef ecosystems around the world. "Reefs at Risk" draws on 14 data sets (including maps of land cover, ports, settle-ments, and shipping lanes), information on 800 sites known to be degraded by people, and scientific expertise to model areas where reef degradation is predicted to occur, given existing human pressures on these areas. Results are an indicator of potential threat (risk), not a measure of actual condition. In some places, particularly where good management is practiced, reefs may be at risk but remain relatively healthy. In others, this indicator underestimates the degree to which reefs are threatened and degraded.Our results indicate that:Fifty-eight percent of the world's reefs are poten-tially threatened by human activity -- ranging from coastal development and destructive fishing practices to overexploitation of resources, marine pollution, and runoff from inland deforestation and farming.Coral reefs of Asia (Southeastern); the most species-rich on earth, are the most threatened of any region. More than 80 percent are at risk (undermedium and high potential threat), and over half are at high risk, primarily from coastal development and fishing-related pressures.Overexploitation and coastal development pose the greatest potential threat of the four risk categories considered in this study. Each, individually, affects a third of all reefs.The Pacific, which houses more reef area than any other region, is also the least threatened. About 60 percent of reefs here are at low risk.Outside of the Pacific, 70 percent of all reefs are at risk.At least 11 percent of the world's coral reefs contain high levels of reef fish biodiversity and are under high threat from human activities. These "hot spot" areas include almost all Philippine reefs, and coral communities off the coasts of Asia, the Comoros, and the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean.Almost half a billion people -- 8 percent of the total global population -- live within 100 kilometers of a coral reef.Globally, more than 400 marine parks, sanctuaries, and reserves (marine protected areas) contain coral reefs. Most of these sites are very small -- more than 150 are under one square kilometer in size. At least 40 countries lack any marine protected areas for conserving their coral reef systems

    Informe sobre aves raras en Euskadi en 2017.

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    Este es el primer informe, sobre aves raras en Euskadi, del Comité de Rarezas de Euskadi (CRE), relativo a la homologación de citas de rarezas en 2017 en el territorio de Euskadi (Comunidad Autónoma Vasca). Este Comité, creado al amparo del Comité Ornitológico de Euskadi (COE), se pone en marcha en 2017 y nace con el fin de compilar, estudiar y publicar todas las citas de especies o subespecies cuya presencia en Euskadi es accidental o irregular. A lo largo de 2017 se evaluaron un total de 152 citas. De todas ellas, 62 fueron homologadas (relativas a 33 especies), 11 fueron rechazadas (no homologadas), 9 fueron asignadas a categoría D, 6 fueron asignadas a categoría E, y 33 quedaron pendientes de evaluación. No se incluyen aquí todas las citas de gaviota cáspica Larus cachinnans, cuya abundancia registrada en 2017 obligó al CRE a reconsiderar su status y decidir, finalmente, retirarla del listado de rarezas de Euskadi

    Translating Evidence-Based Falls Prevention into Clinical Practice in Nursing Facilities: Results and Lessons from a Quality Improvement Collaborative

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    OBJECTIVES—To describe the changes in process of care before and after an evidence-based fall reduction quality improvement collaborative in nursing facilities. DESIGN—Natural experiment with non-participating facilities serving as controls. SETTING—Community nursing homes. PARTICIPANTS—Thirty-six participating and 353 non-participating nursing facilities in North Carolina. INTERVENTION—Two in-person learning sessions, monthly teleconferences, and an e-mail discussion list over 9 months. The change package emphasized screening, labeling, and risk-factor reduction. MEASUREMENTS—Compliance was measured using facility self-report and chart abstraction (n = 832) before and after the intervention. Fall rates as measured using the Minimum Data Set (MDS) were compared with those of non-participating facilities as an exploratory outcome. RESULTS—Self-reported compliance with screening, labeling, and risk-factor reduction approached 100%. Chart abstraction revealed only modest improvements in screening (51% to 68%, P<.05), risk-factor reduction (4% to 7%, P = .30), and medication assessment (2% to 6%, P = .34). There was a significant increase in vitamin D prescriptions (40% to 48%, P = .03) and decrease in sedative-hypnotics (19% to 12%, P = .04) but no change in benzodiazepine, neuroleptic, or calcium use. No significant changes in proportions of fallers or fall rates were observed according to chart abstraction (28.6% to 37.5%, P = .17), MDS (18.2% to 15.4%, P = .56), or self-report (6.1–5.6 falls/1,000 bed days, P = .31). CONCLUSON—Multiple-risk-factor reduction tasks are infrequently implemented, whereas screening tasks appear more easily modifiable in a real-world setting. Substantial differences between self-reported practice and medical record documentation require that additional data sources be used to assess the change-in-care processes resulting from quality improvement programs. Interventions to improve interdisciplinary collaboration need to be developed

    ICT education policies in Spain after School Program 2.0: Emerging Trends

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    En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de las políticas educativas destinadas a laincorporación de las TIC a las escuelas en una muestra de ocho comunidades autónomasde España (Andalucía, Canarias, Cataluña, Extremadura, Madrid, País Valenciano, PaísVasco y Principado de Asturias) después del proceso impulsado por el Programa Escuela2.0. Este programa estuvo vigente durante el periodo 2009­2012 y respondió al modelo 1:1,de un ordenador por estudiante. Este análisis se guió por las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Quéefectos permanecen de las experiencias de políticas educativas del modelo 1:1?; ¿Quénuevos proyectos o programas están vigentes en los sistemas educativos de lascomunidades autónomas? ¿Qué nuevas tendencias con relación a las TIC estánemergiendo en la agenda educativa de las políticas autonómicas? Se concluye que lasnuevas políticas TIC, entre otras acciones, apuntan a centrar su atención en laincorporación de las PDI a todas las aulas, a la dotación de tabletas a los estudiantes envez de miniportátiles, a políticas de sustitución de los libros de texto de papel porplataformas de contenidos digitales y a la creación de portales de recursos en la nube. Seconstata también la ausencia de un programa o política educativa TIC coordinada a nivelde todo el estado como fue la experiencia del Programa Escuela 2.0.In this article the current situation of educational policies for the incorporation of ICT inschools in a sample of eight regions of Spain (Andalusia, Canary Islands, Catalonia,Extremadura, Madrid, Valencia, the Basque Country and the Principality of analyzesAsturias) after the process driven by the Escuela 2.0 program. This program was in effectduring the period 2009­2012 and responded to the 1:1 model of a computer per student.This analysis was guided by the following questions: What effects remain from theexperiences of educational policies of the 1:1 model?; What new projects or programs arein place in the educational systems of the regions? What new trends in relation to ICT areemerging in the educational agenda of regional policies? We conclude that the new ICTpolicy, among other things, aim to focus on the integration of IDPs to all classrooms toequipping students tablets instead of netbooks, a substitution policies textbooks paper fordigital content platforms, to create portals of cloud resources. The absence of aneducational program or policy level ICT coordinated statewide as was the experience ofSchool Program 2.0 has been observed

    Desarrollo de la transversalidad a través de la investigación-acción cooperativa en la educación de adultos: la televisión, iniciación a la alfabetización audiovisual

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    New technologies have come to generate a profund debate about special characteristics of your society and the accelerated changes that are taking place, helping to re-conceptualize the school and the teachers` rolein this new context. The developed project is a cooperative work of education and research centered in the design, development and implementation of the centered in the design, development and implementation of the curricula, promoting audiovisual literacy of critical televiewers for adult education.; Las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación han venido a favorecer un profundo debate sobre las especiales características de nuestra sociedad y sobre los cambios acelerados que se están produciendo en ella, ayudando a reconceptualizar el papel de la escuela y los docentes en este nuevo contexto. El proyecto desarrollado es un trabajo cooperativo de formación e investigación centrado en el dise¿o, desarrollo e implementación curricular en la línea de la alfabetización audiovisual, de un programa de formación de telespectadores críticos para la educación de adultos

    Desarrollo de la transversalidad a través de la investigación-acción cooperativa en la educación de adultos: la televisión, iniciación a la alfabetización audiovisual

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    New technologies have come to generate a profund debate about special characteristics of your society and the accelerated changes that are taking place, helping to re-conceptualize the school and the teachers` rolein this new context. The developed project is a cooperative work of education and research centered in the design, development and implementation of the centered in the design, development and implementation of the curricula, promoting audiovisual literacy of critical televiewers for adult education.; Las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación han venido a favorecer un profundo debate sobre las especiales características de nuestra sociedad y sobre los cambios acelerados que se están produciendo en ella, ayudando a reconceptualizar el papel de la escuela y los docentes en este nuevo contexto. El proyecto desarrollado es un trabajo cooperativo de formación e investigación centrado en el dise¿o, desarrollo e implementación curricular en la línea de la alfabetización audiovisual, de un programa de formación de telespectadores críticos para la educación de adultos