92 research outputs found

    Fashion design in London: the positioning of independent designers within the fashion fielD

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we add to the understanding of how the fashion industry's field operates and how particularities of interactions in this field influence the entrepreneurial performance of new entrants. Part of this is to add to the previous knowledge on the obstacles to the creation of sustainable production chains. Second, we aim to explore the hypothesis that in the UK independent fashion design businesses are not growing as effectively as they might be, because they are locked-in (Wenting and Frenken, 2011) in the design-driven, retail-led, London-based networks dominated by strong links with their former colleges, intermediaries and other institutions to the exclusion of potentially more productive relationships based outside the core of the field, whether elsewhere in the UK or internationally. Our research addresses the need to reverse the high failure rate of designer businesses (TCSG, 2000). There is a need to find ways of accelerating entrepreneurship and economic development in the fashion industry. Fashion is a creative and cultural industry and is an important source of innovation, knowledge creation, and economic growth. Fashion is typical of important world city-regions: Paris, New York, London, Milan, Tokyo, and is one of the UK’s most successful industries, with 8% of GDP (£21bn) and over 800,000 employees (BFC, 2012, 2010, 2009). It enhances the country’s image and boosts economic growth via exports and on-line sales as well as through direct sales to visitors. The UK can claim world-leading capabilities in both fashion design and retailing (BFC, 2012). The high-end fashion sector sees between an estimated 20 and 50 new UK designer/wholesale labels looking to break into the market each year. Some designers have achieved £2 million p.a. turnover within four years of their label's launch. However, this high growth is achieved by only 10% of labels (DCMS, 2013). Some commentators acknowledge the disparity between the international visibility of fashion industry and the economic returns (McRobbie, 1998) and raise the question: Why do so many of the most talented designers go bankrupt within a few years of leaving college


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    Analyses of temperature-depth profiles logged in deep boreholes (> 1 km) permit the reconstruction of ground surface temperature (GST) and surface heat flux (SHF) histories in the period of global climate change at the border of the Pleistocene and the Holocene. We reconstructed past GST and SHF histories using data obtained from the 3.5-km-deep Onega borehole (Karelia, north-west Russia). The resulting reconstructions include information on the basal thermal regime of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, which covered the region in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The surface temperature history reveals a high amplitude of Pleistocene/ Holocene warming equal to 18–20 K. The heat flux changes precede the surface temperature changes and are close to the variations of insolation at a latitude of 60°N. A comparison of the reconstructed GST and SHF histories with the records of carbon dioxide contents in Antarctic ice cores shows that CO2 changes are much closer to temperature changes than they are to heat flux changes

    Entorno educativo digital como herramienta de cambios complejos de la actividad pedagógica del profesor

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    The authors of the article identified four basic functions of the use of information technology in the course of training future representatives of a profession: information and training, forming, evaluation and correction, research.  It is noted that these functions do not operate separately, but as elements of a single system, depending on the conditions determined by the features of the information EE. The analysis allows the authors of the article to assert that at this stage of the educational process evolution the main task is to create a methodology related to the use of information management technologies in the development of electronic materials of educational nature and their implementation in the context of pedagogical activity.Los autores del artículo identificaron cuatro funciones básicas del uso de la tecnología de la información en el curso de la capacitación de futuros representantes de una profesión: información y capacitación, formación, evaluación y corrección, investigación. Cabe señalar que estas funciones no funcionan por separado, sino como elementos de un solo sistema, dependiendo de las condiciones determinadas por las características de la información EE. El análisis permite a los autores del artículo afirmar que en esta etapa de la evolución del proceso educativo, la tarea principal es crear una metodología relacionada con el uso de tecnologías de gestión de la información en el desarrollo de materiales electrónicos de naturaleza educativa y su implementación en el contexto de actividad pedagógica

    Relationship Between Structure and Properties of the Large-Size Billet of Titanium Alloy PT-7M

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    In this paper the interrelation between the structure, hardness and strain resistance at 875 ∘C of the hot-forged pipe billet of the titanium alloy PT-7M (Ti-2.2Al-2.5Zr) was studied by the methods of macro, micro, XRDA, durometric analyzes and hot upsetting operation at 875 ∘C. It was found, that the volume fraction of the large grains reduced and recrystallized from the center to the surface of the pipe billet. As a result, hardness and strain resistance grew at 875 ∘C from the center to the surface of the billet.     Keywords: titanium alloy PT-7M, hot deformation, phase composition, structure, texture, hardness, strain resistance

    Structure and Properties of the Billet of PT-1M Alloy after Expanding

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    In this paper the macro-, microstructure, the hardness and the modulus of elasticity for the billet of the PT-1M alloy after expanding was studied. It was shown the expanding resulted to grain refinement near inner surface of the billet due to the recrystallization. The relationship between the structure through sections, the hardness and the modulus of elasticity was established.     Keywords: titanium alloy PT-1M, expanding, macrostructure, microstructure, hardness, modulus of elasticit

    Identity in Contemporary Linguistic Studies

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    Статья представляет собой обзор научных работ, посвящённых идентичности и её проявлению в языке и коммуникации. Традиционно данное понятие является объектом изучения философии, психологии, социологии и культурологии. В настоящее время оно заслуженно привлекает широкое внимание лингвистов, что неслучайно, так как язык представляет собой наиболее существенный признак идентичности. В работе рассматриваются различные типы идентичности, основное внимание уделяется лингвокультурной идентичности и её структурным компонентам, среди которых выделяются аксиологический, коммуникативный и эмоциональный. Прослеживается, как данные компоненты идентичности закрепляются в языке и проявляются в речи носителей русского и английского языков.The paper is a review of the recent studies in the field of identity and its manifestation in communication. Traditionally this term has been explored in philosophy, psychology, sociology and cultural studies. Now it has started to attract the attention of linguists since language is the most essential component of identity. The paper considers different types of identity with the particular focus on lingua-cultural identity and its structural components, amongst which axiological, communicative and emotional ones are most prominent. The paper shows how identity is embedded in language and reveals itself in the speech of native speakers of Russian and English

    Тромбоз дурального синуса: пре- и постнатальное наблюдение с помощью МРТ

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    Highlights. The clinical case report describes the important role of MRI in the perinatal diagnosis of dural sinus thrombosis, timely verification of the diagnosis, differential diagnosis with other vascular and tumor formations of the brain.Abstract. Dural sinus thrombosis (DST) is a rare congenital anomaly. Ultrasound findings usually mimic intracranial tumors. As a result, the condition is often misdiagnosed and its frequency in general population is underestimated. According to literature data, the progression of DST is a favorable prognosis in case of absence of other concomitant pathologies of the fetal brain. We present a case of DST that was detected with ultrasound, and verified by numerous pre and postnatal MRI starting from 22 weeks of gestation till 4 years of life. A case with a favorable neurological outcome, postnatal ventriculosubgaleal shunting, and ventriculoperitoneal shunting was followed with MRI and CT before and after interventions. The aspects of differential diagnosis, factors determining prognosis are presented. The presented case demonstrates a significant role of fetal MRI in DST diagnosis, depiction of the internal structure of the expanded sinus, and exclusion of concomitant pathology of the brain. These MRI data are integral in determining the appropriate perinatal management, and can be used as predictors of the favorable neurological outcome despite of the severity and size of prenatally diagnosed DSТ.Основные положения. В представленном клиническом случае описана ведущая роль МРТ в пренатальной диагностике тромбоза дурального синуса, своевременной верификации диагноза, дифференциальной диагностике с другими сосудистыми и опухолевыми образованиями головного мозга.Резюме. Тромбоз дурального синуса (ТДС) плода – редко встречаемая патология. Ультразвуковые признаки ТДС зачастую имитируют внутричерепные опухоли. В результате данное состояние часто остается недиагностированным, а его реальная распространенность недооценена. По нашим и литературным данным, эволюция ТДС потенциально благоприятна для прогноза при отсутствии сопутствующей патологии головного мозга плода. В статье представлен клинический случай ТДС, который были заподозрен с помощью пренатального ультразвукового исследования и верифицирован при проведении повторной пре- и постнатальной магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) с 22 недель гестационного развития до 4 лет жизни ребенка. Случай с благоприятным неврологическим исходом, постнатальным вентрикулосубгалеальным дренированием, вентрикулоперитонеальным шунтированием отслежен в динамике с проведением МРТ и компьютерной томографии до и после вмешательств. Рассмотрены аспекты дифференциальной диагностики, а также факторы, определяющие прогноз при данной патологии. Приведенный клинический случай демонстрирует ведущую роль МРТ плода в диагностике ТДС, определении топики и внутренней структуры расширенного синуса, исключении сопутствующей патологии головного мозга. Именно данные МРТ имеют важное значение при определении перинатальной тактики, а также служат предикторами благоприятного неврологического исхода, несмотря на выраженность и крупные размеры пренатально диагностированного ТДС

    On the Formation in the System of the Rospatent of Structural Departments for Carrying out the Property of Inventions and Useful Objects Created by the Population Within the Framework of Initiative Creativity

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    Describes the essence of the commercialization of innovations, identifies the reasons for the unsuccessful patenting of scientific research. The results of this work are amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a proposal for the creation of special structures that search for patentable objects.Описывается суть коммерциализации новаций, выявляются причины неудачного патентования научных разработок. Результаты данной работы – внесение изменений в законодательство РФ, предложение по созданию специальных структур, осуществляющих поиск патентоспособных объектов


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    High-temperature studies of thermal diffusivity and structural transformations in Cu50Zr50 and Cu50-xZr50-xTix alloys (x = 0 - 8 at.%) under controlled heating conditions were carried out. The sequence and type of reactions were determined under the thermal treatment of Cu-Zr-Ti alloys over a wide temperature range.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (№ гранта 16-02-00835)

    Formation of Structure and Properties in Titanium Alloys PT-1M and PT-7M during Seamless Pipie Production

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    В работе методами оптической, растровой микроскопии, РСФА, дюрометрии, дифракции обратно-рассеянных электронов, механических испытаний на сжатие и растяжение изучено изменение структуры и свойств на различных этапах получения бесшовных труб из сплавов ПТ-1М и ПТ-7М.The evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of the PT‑1M and PT‑7M alloys during seamless pipe production using the methods of optical microscopy, REM, durometry, EBSD, mechanical compression and tension tests were studied.Исследование выполнено за счет средств гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 18-79-10107-П).The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 18-79-10107‑P)