148 research outputs found

    Органи державної влади й місцевого самоврядування та громадянське суспільство

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    Горленко В. В. Органи державної влади й місцевого самоврядування та громадянське суспільство / В. В. Горленко // Актуальні проблеми держави і права: зб. наук.пр. /редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.]; МОН України, НУ ОЮА. – Одеса: Юрид. л-ра, 2013. – Вип. 70. - С. 7-13.Статтю присвячено розгляду проблемних питань формування органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування в процесі становлення громадянського суспільства. Автор статті робить висновки, що основною запорукою становлення й розвитку громадянського суспільства має стати забезпечення однакових можливостей для участі громадян у формуванні органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування, а також контролю за їх діяльністю

    Laser Printing of Gel Microdrops with Living Cells and Microorganisms

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    We report the results of experiments on laser printing (wavelength λ=1064 nm) with gel microdrops acting as carriers of living microbial and cellular objects. The dynamics of transport processes with the help of high-speed optical video was studied, which allows to determine characteristics of the formed gel jets and to optimize the operating mode of the laser. It is shown that laser pulses of 4 to 20 ns duration and energy E ≤ 20 μJ should be used to minimize the negative effect on living systems. The results can be used to optimize the technologies of cellular printing and laser engineering of microbial systems (LEMS). LEMS technology is used to isolate hard-cultivated and non-cultivated by classical methods of microorganisms that can act as producers of new biologically active substances and antibiotics. Keywords: laser printing, gel, microdrop, living cell, microbia

    Thioalkalicoccus limnaeus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new alkaliphilic purple sulfur bacterium with bacteriochlorophyll b

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    Four strains of purple sulfur bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll b were isolated from cyanobacterial mats of soda lakes in the steppe of south-east Siberia, Russia. Cells of all strains were cocci without gas vesicles. Eventually, cells with flagella were seen in the electron microscope, but motile cells were observed very rarely in cultures. Internal photosynthetic membranes were of the tubular type. Photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll b and carotenoids with spectral characteristics similar to 3,4,3',4'-tetrahydrospirilloxanthin. The bacteria were obligately phototrophic and strictly anaerobic. Hydrogen sulfide and elemental sulfur were used as photosynthetic electron donors. Thiosulfate was not used. During growth on sulfide, sulfur globules were formed as intermediate oxidation products, deposited inside the cells and centrally located. In the presence of sulfide and sodium bicarbonate, acetate, malate, propionate, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate and yeast extract were photoassimilated. Growth factors were not required. The new bacterium is an obligate alkaliphile growing at pH 8-10 with an optimum at pH 9. It showed good growth up to 6.0% sodium chloride and up to 8.5% sodium carbonates. Phenotypically, it is similar to Thiococcus pfennigii, but different by virtue of its alkaliphily and salt tolerance. The DNA G+C content was 63.6-64.8 mol %, compared to 69.4-69.9 mol % for Thiococcus pfennigii. The 16S rDNA sequence of strain A26T was approximately 92% similar to that of Thiococcus pfennigii DSM 226 and therefore a new genus and species name, Thioalkalicoccus limnaeus gen. nov. and sp. nov., are proposed for the new bacteriu

    Evidence of Microfossils in Carbonaceous Chondrites

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    Investigations have been carried out on freshly broken, internal surfaces of the Murchison, Efremovka and Orgueil carbonaceous chondrites using Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) in Russia and the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) in the United States. These independent studies on different samples of the meteorites have resulted in the detection of numerous spherical and ellipsoidal bodies (some with spikes) similar to the forms of uncertain biogenicity that were designated "organized elements" by prior researchers. We have also encountered numerous complex biomorphic microstructures in these carbonaceous chondrites. Many of these complex bodies exhibit diverse characteristics reminiscent of microfossils of cyanobacteria such as we have investigated in ancient phosphorites and high carbon rocks (e.g. oil shales). Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis and 2D elemental maps shows enhanced carbon content in the bodies superimposed upon the elemental distributions characteristic of the chondritic matrix. The size, distribution, composition, and indications of cell walls, reproductive and life cycle developmental stages of these bodies are strongly suggestive of biology' These bodies appear to be mineralized and embedded within the meteorite matrix, and can not be attributed to recent surface contamination effects. Consequently, we have interpreted these in-situ microstructures to represent the lithified remains of prokaryotes and filamentous cyanobacteria. We also detected in Orgueil microstructures morphologically similar to fibrous kerite crystals. We present images of many biomorphic microstructures and possible microfossils found in the Murchison, Efremovka, and Orgueil chondrites and compare these forms with known microfossils from the Cambrian phosphate-rich rocks (phosphorites) of Khubsugul, Northern Mongolia

    Tribological properties of hydraulic fluids modified by peat-based additives

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    The paper presents physicochemical investigations of the structure and properties of a nano-modifier synthesized from peat, the local raw material subjected to pyrolysis in air-free conditions. This nano-modifying additive is a combination of various forms of nanocarbon and polar and non-polar adsorbing materials such as silica (SiO[2]), calcium carbonate (CaCO[3]) and carbon (C). Different nanocarbon forms (nanotubes, fullerenes, nanodiamonds, nanofiber, nanodispersed carbon) used in different proportions with micro and macro peat components give multifunctional properties to the synthesized nano-modifier and the ability to positively change tribological properties of hydraulic fluids and oil lubricants. Test results of type TMT-600 show that its different percentage is required to modify tribological properties of the steel tribocouple under different loading conditions. At 0.5 wt.% content of this nano-modifier, stabilization of the friction ratio and an increase of seizure load are observed

    Thiorhodospira sibirica gen. nov., and sp. nov., a new alkaliphilic purple sulfur bacterium from a Siberian soda lake

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    A new purple sulfur bacterium was isolated from microbial films on decaying plant mass in the near-shore area of the soda lake Malyi Kasytui (pH 9.5, 0.2% salinity) located in the steppe of the Chita region of south-east Siberia. Single cells were vibrioid- or spiral-shaped (3-4 microns wide and 7-20 microns long) and motile by means of a polar tuft of flagella. Internal photosynthetic membranes were of the lamellar type. Lamellae almost filled the whole cell, forming strands and coils. Photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin group. The new bacterium was strictly anaerobic. Under anoxic conditions, hydrogen sulfide and elemental sulfur were used as photosynthetic electron donors. During growth on sulfide, sulfur globules were formed as intermediate oxidation products. They were deposited outside the cytoplasm of the cells, in the peripheral periplasmic space and extracellularly. Thiosulfate was not used. Carbon dioxide, acetate, pyruvate, propionate, succinate, fumarate and malate were utilized as carbon sources. Optimum growth rates were obtained at pH 9.0 and optimum temperature was 30 degrees C. Good growth was observed in a mineral salts medium containing 5 g sodium bicarbonate l-1 without sodium chloride. The new bacterium tolerated up to 60 g sodium chloride l-1 and up to 80 g sodium carbonates l-1. Growth factors were not required. The DNA G + C composition was 56.0-57.4 mol%. Based on physiological, biochemical and genetic characteristics, the newly isolated bacterium is recognized as a new species of a new genus with the proposed name Thiorhodospira sibirica

    Late results of surgical treatment of critical ischemia of the lower extremities after one-staged direct revascularization

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    Objective. To optimize the tactics of surgical treatment in patients, suffering chronic ischemia of the lower extremities with the help of elaboration and introduction of a one-staged direct and indirect revascularization into clinical practice. Materials and methods. Analysis of the treatment results in 162 patients, suffering obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities vessels, who were treated in stationary in Department of Vascular Surgery of Zakarpattya Regional Clinical Hospital named after Andriy Novak in 2015 - 2020 yrs. The patients were distributed in accordance to the lower extremities ischemia degree: ІІB – 7 (4.3%), ІІІA – 61 (37.7%), ІІІB – 58 (35.8%), ІV – 36 (22.2%). All the patients have had atherosclerotic affection of femoro-ankle-foot segment of the main arteries with preservation of central blood flow in aorto-iliac segment. Results. Occlusion of femoral artery was noted in all patients. Occlusion of anterior tibial artery was revealed most frequently – in 72% of the patients, than in fibular - in 42% of patients (p=0.00), and equally frequently with occlusion of posterior tibial artery – in 68% (p=0.61). The foot arteries were involved into the process in 51 (31.5%) patients. Affection of 2-3 arteries of the shin were registered more frequently, than occlusion of one artery – in 109 (67.3%) and 48 (26.5%) patients, accordingly. Occlusive-stenotic affection of popliteal artery have had 127 (78.4%) patients. Mostly frequent affection of the shin arteries was observed in basin of anterior tibial artery – in 67 (41.4%) patients, as well as in combined affection of anterior and posterior tibial arteries - in 45 (27.8%) patients. Іsolated affection of posterior artery was revealed in 36 (22.2%) patients. Combined affection of posterior tibial and fibular was observed in 14 (8.6%) patients. Conclusion. Efficacy of indirect revascularization after the arterial inflow restoration is more prognosticated, than efficacy of its isolated conduction in environment of chronic critical ischemia of the lower extremities. Combined application of direct and indirect revascularization guarantees more secure positive result in remote postoperative period and enhancement of the extremities preservation index

    Water-repellent coatings for surface and 3D wood processing

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    The paper presents the results of research in organic chemical compositions for hydrophobic protection of wood with the use of surface and three-dimensional coating techniques of impregnation and chemical compositions. Water absorption indicators, angles of contact on the surface of treated samples are detected herein. Kinetic equation of the moisture diffusion transition in capillary-porous structure of wood is suggested

    Ectothiorhodospira variabilis, sp. nov., an alkaliphilic and halophilic purple sulfur bacterium from soda lakes

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    During studies of moderately halophilic strains of Ectothiorhodospira from steppe soda lakes, we found a novel group of bacteria related to Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila with salt optima at 50–80 g NaCl l”1. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains from soda lakes in Mongolia, Egypt and Siberia revealed separation of the group of new isolates from other Ectothiorhodospira species, including the closely related Ect. haloalkaliphila. DNA–DNA hybridization studies demonstrated that the new isolates form a homogeneous group at the species level, but at the same time are distinct from related species such as Ect. haloalkaliphila, Ect. vacuolata, Ect. shaposhnikovii and Ect. marina. The new isolates are considered to be strains of a novel species, for which the name Ectothiorhodospira variabilis sp. nov. is proposed, with the type strain WN22T (5VKM B-2479T 5DSM 21381T). Photosynthetic pigments of the novel species are bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series with spirilloxanthin and derivatives thereof, together with small amounts of lycopene and rhodopin. Gas vesicles are formed by most of the strains, particularly in media containing yeast extract (0.5 g l”1) and acetate (0.5–2.0 g l”1). Sequence analysis of nifH (nitrogenase) and cbbL (RuBisCO) confirmed the assignment of the strains to the genus Ectothiorhodospira and in particular the close relationship to Ect. haloalkaliphila. The novel species Ect. variabilis is found in soda lakes separated by great geographical distances and is an alkaliphilic and halophilic bacterium that tolerates salt concentrations up to 150–200 g NaCl l”1

    Management of diabetes during Ramadan: an update for Russian-speaking doctors

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    Fasting during the Islamic Ramadan month is one of the five obligatory pillars for each adult, healthy, and sane Muslim. People with severe illnesses, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are exempt from fasting. However, many Muslims often insist on Ramadan participating despite any medical advises. It’s known that Muslims are the second largest religious group in Russia; thus, its crucial to have as much modern recommendation for management patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus as possible. The aim of this narrative review is to evaluate physiological and pathophysiological metabolism changing during holy Ramadan month, to clarify the management of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus during Ramadan, to determine the frequency of glucose measuring during the day, and to understand when its time to interrupt the fasting. Moreover, we discuss specific recommendations in glucose-lowering therapy changing, nutrition, physical activities and education