29 research outputs found

    The geology of the Ciperez-Garcirrey granicic pluton (Prov. Salamanca, Spain)

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    [Resumen] El plutón granítico de Cipérez-Garcirrey es un plut6n tardihercínico bien ircunscrito y de contorno cartográfico de tendencia circular. Está constituido por tres facies principales de las que la facies común, o más extendida, corresponde a un granito porfídico de dos micas con cordierita, de grano grueso a muy grueso. Las otras dos facies son leucogranitos de dos micas y leucogranitos moscovíticos. Es netamente intrusivo en los materiales encajantes y de emplazamiento epizonal, realizándose con posterioridad a la tercera fase de deformaci6n hercínica del área. La parte norte del plutón corta y fosiliza a la zona de cizalla dúctil deJuzbado-Panalva do Castelo (ZC]P). La facies común muestra una foliaci6n discordante respecto a los contactos externos del plutón coincidente con la dirección de las estructuras de cuarta fase de deformaci6n hercínica del área, las cuales se sobreimponen a las estructuras asociadas a la ZC]P. Se limita pues el último movimiento de la ZC]P que sería anterior al emplázamiento del plut6n y al desarrollo de la cuarta fase de deformación y se propone un emplazamiento sincinemático del plut6n con dicha fase.[Abstract] The Cipérez-Garcirrey granitic pluton is a circumscribed, late-hercynian pluton with a roughly circular outcrop. It is made up of three main facies. The coromon facies is a coarse to very coarse grained two-mica porphyritic granite containing cordierite. The other two facies are two-mica and muscovite leucogranites. The pluton is an epizonal intrusive igneous body whose emplacement took place after the third hercynian deformation phase defined in the area. The nonhern part of the pluton cuts and overprints the ductile shear zone of]uzbado-Panalva do Castelo (ZC]P). The coromon facies shows a foliation of probable tectonic origin which is discordant with respect to the eXternal contacts of the pluton. This foliation parallels the direction of the structures developed during the founh phase of hercynian deformation, which are superimposed to those related with the ZC]P. Therefore, the last movement of the ZC]P, preceded the emplacement of the pluton and the development of the founh deformation phase. Finally, it is proposed that the emplacement of the pluton was synkinematic with the mentioned fourth deformation phase

    Petrografía y aspectos geoquímicos de los enclaves microgranudos de Cangas de Morrazo - Moaña (prov. de Pontevedra)

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se estudian y describen las particularidades mineralógicas, petrograficas y químicas encaminadas a la correcta caracterización y clasificación del "pasillo de enclaves" de Cangas de Morrazo - Moaña (Ria de Vigo). Desde el punto de vista petrografico y químico aparecen tres tipos diferentes de enclaves asociados a rocas básicas y granitos biotíticos, todas ellas emplazadas en las denominadas granodioritas precoces de Galicia. Los enclaves son fundamentalmente rocas tonalíticas y granodioríticas cuyas diferencias esenciales parecen estribar en un grado de hibridación progresivo entre magma ácido y magma básico[Abstract] This paper deals with the petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the enclaves situated near the estuary of Vigo, between the localities of Cangas de Morrazo and Moaña (Pontevedra, NW of Spain). Enclaves are associated to basic rocks and al1 of them are placed into older hercynian granodiorites of Galicia. There are essentially three types of enclaves ranging from tonalites to granodiorites The difference-between them can be explained by the progressive grade of basic and acid magma hybridatio

    The significance of «Peña Prieta» stock in the magmatism of the «Pisuerga-Carrion» unit (Cantabrian Zone, N of Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se describe en este trabajo el stock intrusivo de Peña Prieta, el mayor y más complejo, estructural y petrológicamente, del conjunto de rocas ígneas emplazadas en la UPC (Zona Cantábrica) durante una etapa de actividad ígnea tardihercínica de naturaleza calcoalcalina. Asimismo se sugiere una hip6tesis general para justificar el desarrollo de este magmatismo postectónico en la parte más externa de una cordillera de plegamiento y un emplazamiento en condiciones permitidas, con ciertas afinidades con modelos de emplazamiento por subsidencia de caldera, para el stock considerado.[Abstract] The Peña Prieta intrusive stock is described in this paper. It is the largest intrusive body belonging to the set of igneous rocks emplaced in the PCU (Cantabrian Zone) during a calc-alkaline late hercynian magmatic stage. It is also the most complex on the basis of its structural and petrological features. A general hypothesis is suggested to justify the occurence of this postectonic magmatism in the most external part (foreland basin) of the folded belt. We also propose a model of emplacement for this stock, under permisive conditions, which shows sorne resemblances with the cauldron subsidence model

    Biofilter response to biomass reactivation for VOC treatment

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    [Abstract] This research has undertaken a comparative study on using a fresh activated sludge or a refrigerated/ reactivated sludge as active biomass source for biofiltration purposes. A sludge sample was initially selected based on the ratio between volatile solid content and total solid content before and after refrigeration at 6 oC for 90 days. The degradation rate of the activated sample for three addition doses of toluene was established before and after refrigeration. The same procedure was also carried out for ethylbenzene and p-xylene after refrigeration/reactivation. Surprisingly, the degradation rate for toluene was higher after refrigeration and the results were very similar for an addition of 2 and 8 µL. Subsequently, one biofilter was inoculated with the activated sample and another with the reactivated sample, and both were fed with toluene ranging from 2.6 to 26.2 g toluene m-3 h-1. Concerning the elimination capacity of both biofilters, no relevant differences were found. It was concluded that the active biomass degrading toluene was not affected by refrigeration, in spite of the fact that the SV/ST ratio decreased after the storage period. The elimination capacity of the other two biofilters (ethylbenzene and p-xylene) was highly influenced by the gas flow rate. 1 INTRODUCTION Environmental regulations for pollution control are frequently enacted before «suitable» (affordable, effective and environmentally friendly) technologies have been fully developed. Amongst biotechnologies, biofiltration is a seemingly simple system whose effectiveness relies on the optimization of several operating parameters and the selection of a suitable packing material and degrading biomas

    Metavolcanic rocks from schistose domain of Galicia-Tras-os-Montes: petrography, geochemistry and tectonic environment (Galice, NW. Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se estudia el vulcanismo intercalado en los grupos litoestratigráficos inferiores que integran el Dominio Esquistoso de Galicia Tras-os-Montes (DEGTM) denominados de muro a techo Santabaía, Nogueira y Paraño. El grupo de LalínForcarei que completa la secuencia no será tratado en este trabajo. La edad de estos grupos debe comprender desde el Precámbrico hasta el Devónico Inf. Los tres grupos tiene un cierto carácter vulcanosedimentario, más marcado en el grupo de Santabaía que en los dos grupos superiores. Se encuentran en ellos diferentes niveles volcánicos y vulcanosedimentarios de espesor y continuidad lateral variables, correspondientes a neises microporfídicos de dos micas y ortoneises biotíticos, además de algún nivel de riolitas y tranquitas presentes hacia la parte alta del grupo de Paraño. Geoquímicamente se caracteriza por ser un vulcanismo ácido de naturaleza calcoalcalina en el que predominan los términos riolíticos y iodacíticos de alto contenido en K, posiblemente originado en la zona externa de un margen continental pasivo existente durante el Ordovícico-Silúrico en el NO. de la Península, en el que tendrían lugar diferentes episodios o etapas de aportes volcánicos alternando con etapas más largas de sedimentación detrítica.[Abstract] The Vulcanism interbedded in the lower litostratigraphic groups of the DEGTM is studied. Those gruoups are known as Santabaia, Nogueira and Paraño from bo~tom to top; The sequence is completed with the Lalín-Forcarei group that is not studied in this paper. The age of the whole sequence is probably, from Precambrian to lower Devonian. The three groups show volcano-sedimentary features which are dominant in the Santabaia group. Several volcanic and volcano-sedimentary levels with different thickness and extension are found; these correspond to two mica microporfidic gneisses and biotitic ortogneisses and seldom ryolites and trachites in the uppermost pan of the Paraño group. Geochemically correspond to acid calcoalcaline vulcanites with ryolites and K rich ryodacites as main types. These rocks are possibily related to an external area of a continental margin which existed during Ordovician-Silurian time in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. Several volcanic stages would alternate with sedimentation in this geotectonic environment

    Ingurumen inpaktuaren ebaluazioaren oinarriak

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    104 p.Aurkibidea: 1. Ingurumen-kudeaketa eta garapen jasangarria: 1.1. Ingurumena eta baliabide naturalak. 1.2. Garapen jasangarriaren aurrekariak eta bilakaera historikoa. 1.3. Kudeaketa-sistemak. 2. Ingurumen-inpaktua: 2.1. Kontzeptua. 2.2. Ingurumen-inpaktuen tipologia. 2.3. Ingurumen-inpaktuaren izaera. 2.4. Ingurumen-inpaktuaren adierazleak. 3. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Ebaluazioaren prozedura administratiboa: marko legala eta instituzionala: 3.1. Europako araudia. 3.2. Estatuko araudia. 3.3. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Ebaluazioa: prozedura administratiboa. 4. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Azterketa (IIA): 4.1. Diziplinarteko taldearen eraketa. 4.2. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Azterketa gauzatzeko pausoak. 4.3. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Azterketarako metodologia orokorra. 5. Ingurumen Inpaktuaren Azterketa: proposatutako metodologia: 5.1. Proiektuaren eta alternatiben deskribapena. 5.2. Ingurumen-inbentarioa. 5.3. Ingurunean eragindako proiektuaren efektuen aurreikuspena. 5.4. Inpaktuak sor ditzaketen ekintzen identifikazioa. 5.5. Inpaktuak jasan ditzaketen ingurumen-azpifaktoreen identifikazioa. 5.6. Inpaktuen identifikazioa. 5.7. Inpaktuen balorazioa. 5.8. Ingurumena Zaintzeko Programa. 5.9. Sintesi-dokumentua

    Metal Extraction and Recovery from Mobile Phone PCBs by a Combination of Bioleaching and Precipitation Processes

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    Bearing in mind the metal rich composition of printed circuit boards (PCBs), this material represents a secondary source of valuable metals and offers an entrepreneurial opportunity in the metal sales market. Based on the ability of microorganisms to regenerate and produce the chemical oxidants that are responsible for metal leaching, bioleaching has become an efficient and affordable alternative to conventional metal recycling technologies, although further research is still necessary before industrial implementation. This study focuses on the recovery of metals contained in mobile phone PCBs through a combined process. Two different PCB pre-treatments were evaluated: grinding the whole piece and removing the epoxy cover from the piece without grinding. The benefit of A. ferrooxidans activity on the metal solubilization rate was analyzed. Additional chemical leaching assays were also conducted for comparison purposes and the reagents ferric iron (Fe3+) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were selected for these experiments. The copper extraction results obtained in Fe3+ experiments with and without bacteria (A. ferrooxidans) were similar after 260 h of operation, indicating the need for alternative strategies to ensure a controlled and continuous metal biodissolution rate. The contribution of H2SO4 to the leaching processes for copper and nickel was almost negligible during the first 50 h, and more significant thereafter. The recovered metals were precipitated from a synthetic solution simulating a real ferric leaching by adding sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium sulfide (Na2S). The combination of both precipitants allowed an effective removal of metals from the leachate.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support received from the State Agency for Research (AEI) of the Spanish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, EU) [Project CTM2016-77212-P]. The University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Spain) [GIU18/118] is also acknowledged

    GeromiRs Are Downregulated in the Tumor Microenvironment during Colon Cancer Colonization of the Liver in a Murine Metastasis Model

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    Cancer is a phenomenon broadly related to ageing in various ways such as cell cycle deregulation, metabolic defects or telomerases dysfunction as principal processes. Although the tumor cell is the main actor in cancer progression, it is not the only element of the disease. Cells and the matrix surrounding the tumor, called the tumor microenvironment (TME), play key roles in cancer progression. Phenotypic changes of the TME are indispensable for disease progression and a few of these transformations are produced by epigenetic changes including miRNA dysregulation. In this study, we found that a specific group of miRNAs in the liver TME produced by colon cancer called geromiRs, which are miRNAs related to the ageing process, are significantly downregulated. The three principal cell types involved in the liver TME, namely, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate (Ito) cells and Kupffer cells, were isolated from a murine hepatic metastasis model, and the miRNA and gene expression profiles were studied. From the 115 geromiRs and their associated hallmarks of aging, which we compiled from the literature, 75 were represented in the used microarrays, 26 out of them were downregulated in the TME cells during colon cancer colonization of the liver, and none of them were upregulated. The histone modification hallmark of the downregulated geromiRs is significantly enriched with the geromiRs miR-15a, miR-16, miR-26a, miR-29a, miR-29b and miR-29c. We built a network of all of the geromiRs downregulated in the TME cells and their gene targets from the MirTarBase database, and we analyzed the expression of these geromiR gene targets in the TME. We found that Cercam and Spsb4, identified as prognostic markers in a few cancer types, are associated with downregulated geromiRs and are upregulated in the TME cells.This work was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (AC17/00012), cofounded by the European Union projects (European Regional Development Fund/European Science Foundation, Investing in your future), (ERA-Net program EracoSysMed, JTC-2 2017) and (H2020-FETOPEN, Circular Vision, Project 899417); Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government (DFG109/20) and the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government (DFG109/Grants Health Department of the Basque Government (Spain), RIS3 call, Exp. No. 2020333039 and 2020333001. 20)