16 research outputs found

    Coordination of di-acetylated histone ligands by the ATAD2 bromodomain

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    Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) appliesThe ATPase Family, AAA domain-containing protein 2 (ATAD2) bromodomain (BRD) has a canonical bromodomain structure consisting of four -helices. ATAD2 functions as a coactivator of the androgen and estrogen receptors as well as the MYC and E2F transcription factors. ATAD2 also functions during DNA replication, recognizing newly synthesized histones. In addition, ATAD2 is shown to be up-regulated in multiple forms of cancer including breast, lung, gastric, endometrial, renal, and prostate. Furthermore, up-regulation of ATAD2 is strongly correlated with poor prognosis in many types of cancer, making the ATAD2 bromodomain an innovative target for cancer therapeutics. In this study, we describe the recognition of histone acetyllysine modifications by the ATAD2 bromodomain. Residue-specific information on the complex formed between the histone tail and the ATAD2 bromodomain, obtained through nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and X-ray crystallography, illustrates key residues lining the binding pocket, which are involved in coordination of di-acetylated histone tails. Analytical ultracentrifugation, NMR relaxation data, and isothermal titration calorimetry further confirm the monomeric state of the functionally active ATAD2 bromodomain in complex with di-acetylated histone ligands. Overall, we describe histone tail recognition by ATAD2 BRD and illustrate that one acetyllysine group is primarily engaged by the conserved asparagine (N1064), the “RVF” shelf residues, and the flexible ZA loop. Coordination of a second acetyllysine group also occurs within the same binding pocket but is essentially governed by unique hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions making the di-acetyllysine histone coordination more specific than previously presumed.Ye

    Coordination of kinase and phosphatase activities by Lem4 enables nuclear envelope reassembly during mitosis

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    et al.Mitosis in metazoa requires nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly and reassembly. NE disassembly is driven by multiple phosphorylation events. Mitotic phosphorylation of the protein BAF reduces its affinity for chromatin and the LEM family of inner nuclear membrane proteins; loss of this BAF-mediated chromatin-NE link contributes to NE disassembly. BAF must reassociate with chromatin and LEM proteins at mitotic exit to reform the NE; however, how its dephosphorylation is regulated is unknown. Here, we show that the C. elegans protein LEM-4L and its human ortholog Lem4 (also called ANKLE2) are both required for BAF dephosphorylation. They act in part by inhibiting BAF's mitotic kinase, VRK-1, in vivo and in vitro. In addition, Lem4/LEM-4L interacts with PP2A and is required for it to dephosphorylate BAF during mitotic exit. By coordinating VRK-1- and PP2A-mediated signaling on BAF, Lem4/LEM-4L controls postmitotic NE formation in a function conserved from worms to humans.The NIH-funded Caenorhabditis Genetic Center provided some C. elegans strains. I.F.D. was an EMBO Long-Term Fellow, C.A. a Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Fellow, and M.G. a Human Frontier Science Program Organization Fellow.Peer reviewe

    Coordination of kinase and phosphatase activities by Lem4 enables nuclear envelope reassembly during mitosis

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al 4th Spanish Worm Meeting, celebrado en Carmona (Sevilla) del 14 al 15 de marzo de 2013.-- et al.The nuclear envelope (NE) comprises inner and outer nuclear membranes that fuse at nuclear pore complexes. In metazoa the NE is broken down upon entry into mitosis and reformed upon mitotic exit; how this happens is not fully understood. The LEM domain protein family shares a ~40 amino acid domain, first identified in the proteins Lap2, Emerin and Man1. Most LEM proteins contain transmembrane domains, reside in the INM and interact with the nuclear lamina. One described function of the LEM domain is to interact with the essential and highly conserved chromatin-binding protein Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF). These BAF-LEM interactions serve as an important link between chromatin and the NE, both through the maintenance of nuclear architecture and during post-mitotic NE reassembly. Numerous studies have shown that NE breakdown (NEBD) and reformation are controlled by protein phosphorylation. Members of the Vaccinia-Related Kinase (VRK) family of mitotic kinases phosphorylate BAF in mitosis and meiosis; this modification strongly reduces the affinity of BAF for chromatin and slightly weakens its affinity for LEM proteins. Phosphorylation of BAF by VRK-1 is therefore proposed to be essential to break the link between chromatin, BAF and LEM proteins upon entry into mitosis. However the mechanism that permits BAF re-association with chromatin upon mitotic exit is unclear. Protein phosphatases regulate numerous processes during mitotic progression but their roles in mitotic exit are largely uncharacterized. A protein phosphatase 2A complex comprising PP2A-CA, PP2A-R1A and PP2A-B55α has been shown to regulate mitotic exit in human cells, although the target(s) of this complex are unknown. Here we show that a PP2A complex regulates BAF chromatin recruitment during mitotic exit and is required to enable BAFʼs essential function in NE assembly. In addition, we show that the uncharacterized LEM protein Lem4 is essential for BAF recruitment to chromatin upon mitotic exit in C. elegans and human cells. Lem4 depletion or mutation causes NE morphology defects and BAF hyperphosphorylation. In vivo and in vitro data show that BAF phosphorylation is dependent on VRK-1 and is counteracted by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). We propose an evolutionarily conserved model whereby Lem4 coordinates the control of BAF dephosphorylation by interacting with and inhibiting VRK-1 and recruiting a PP2A complex to BAF. This results in BAF dephosphorylation and chromatin recruitment, thereby facilitating NE assembly during mitotic exit.Peer reviewe