515 research outputs found

    Sea-level change and storm surges in the context of climate change

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    This paper reviews the latest research in New Zealand surrounding the issues of sea-level rise and extreme sea levels in the context of global warming and variability in the Pacific-wide El Nino– Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Past records of climate, sea level (excluding tides) and sea and air temperatures have shown that they are continuously fluctuating over various long-term timescales of years, decades and centuries. This has made it very difficult to determine whether the anthropogenic effects such as increased levels of “greenhouse” gases are having an accelerating effect on global sea levels or an increased incidence of extreme storms. Over the past century, global sea level has risen by 10–25 cm, and is in line with the rise in relative sea level at New Zealand’s main ports of +1.7 mm yr –1. What has become very clear is the need to better understand interannual (year-to-year) and decadal variability in sea-level, as these larger signals of the order of 5–15 cm in annual-mean sea level have a significant “flow-on” effect on the long-term trend in sea level. The paper describes sea level variability in northern New Zealand—both long- and short-term—involved in assessing the regional trends in sea level. The paper also discusses the relative contributions of tides, barometric pressure and wind set-up in causing extreme sea levels during storm surges. Some recent research also looked at a related question—Is there any sign of increased storminess, and hence storm surge, in northern New Zealand due to climate change? The paper concludes that, while no one can be completely sure how sea-level and the degree of storminess will respond in the near future, what is clear is that interannual and decadal variability in sea level is inextricably linked with Pacific-wide ENSO response and longer inter-decadal shifts in the Pacific climate regime, such as the latest shift in 1976

    Regional diversity in the murine cortical vascular network is revealed by synchrotron X-ray tomography and is amplified with age

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    Cortical bone is permeated by a system of pores, occupied by the blood supply and osteocytes. With ageing, bone mass reduction and disruption of the microstructure are associated with reduced vascular supply. Insight into the regulation of the blood supply to the bone could enhance the understanding of bone strength determinants and fracture healing. Using synchrotron radiation-based computed tomography, the distribution of vascular canals and osteocyte lacunae was assessed in murine cortical bone and the influence of age on these parameters was investigated. The tibiofibular junction from 15-week- and 10-month-old female C57BL/6J mice were imaged post-mortem. Vascular canals and three-dimensional spatial relationships between osteocyte lacunae and bone surfaces were computed for both age groups. At 15 weeks, the posterior region of the tibiofibular junction had a higher vascular canal volume density than the anterior, lateral and medial regions. Intracortical vascular networks in anterior and posterior regions were also different, with connectedness in the posterior higher than the anterior at 15 weeks. By 10 months, cortices were thinner, with cortical area fraction and vascular density reduced, but only in the posterior cortex. This provided the first evidence of age-related effects on murine bone porosity due to the location of the intracortical vasculature. Targeting the vasculature to modulate bone porosity could provide an effective way to treat degenerative bone diseases, such as osteoporosis

    Behaviour of chromium isotopes in the eastern sub-tropical Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone

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    Constraints on the variability of chromium (Cr) isotopic compositions in the modern ocean are required to validate the use of Cr isotopic signatures in ancient authigenic marine sediments for reconstructing past levels of atmospheric and ocean oxygenation. This study presents dissolved Cr concentrations (CrT, where CrT = Cr(VI) + Cr(III)) and Cr isotope data (δ53Cr) for shelf, slope and open ocean waters within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the eastern sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean. Although dissolved oxygen concentrations were as low as 44–90 μmol kg−1 in the core of the OMZ, there was no evidence for removal of Cr(VI). Nonetheless, there was significant variability in seawater δ53Cr, with values ranging from 1.08 to 1.72‰. Shelf CrT concentrations were slightly lower (2.21 ± 0.07 nmol kg−1) than in open ocean waters at the same water depth (between 0 and 160 m, 2.48 ± 0.07 nmol kg−1). The shelf waters also had higher δ53Cr values (1.41 ± 0.14‰ compared to 1.18 ± 0.05‰ for open ocean waters shallower than 160 m). This is consistent with partial reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), with subsequent removal of isotopically light Cr(III) onto biogenic particles. We also provide evidence for input of relatively isotopically heavy Cr from sediments on the shelf. Intermediate and deep water masses (AAIW and NADW) show a rather limited range of δ53Cr values (1.19 ± 0.09‰) and inputs of Cr from remineralisation of organic material or re-oxidation of Cr(III) appear to be minimal. Authigenic marine precipitates deposited in deep water in the open ocean therefore have the potential to faithfully record seawater δ53Cr, whereas archives of seawater δ53Cr derived from shelf sediments must be interpreted with caution

    Modeling methylation data as an additional genetic variance component

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    High-throughput platforms allow the characterization of thousands of previously known methylation sites. These platforms have great potential for investigating the epigenetic effects that are partially responsible for gene expression control. Methylation sites provide a bridge for the investigation of real-time environmental contributions on genomic events by the alteration of methylation status of those sites. Using the data provided by GAW20’s organization committee, we calculated the heritability estimates of each cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) island before and after the use of fenofibrate, a lipid-control drug. Surprisingly, we detected substantially high heritability estimates before drug usage. This somewhat unexpected high sample correlation was corrected by the use of principal components and the distributions of heritability estimates before and after fenofibrate treatment, which made the distributions comparable. The methylation sites located near a gene were collected and a genetic relationship matrix estimated to represent the overall correlation between samples. We implemented a randomeffect association test to screen genes whose methylation patterns partially explain the observable high-density lipoprotein (HDL) heritability. Our leading association was observed for the TMEM52 gene that encodes a transmembrane protein, and is largely expressed in the liver, had not been previously associated with HDL until this manuscript. Using a variance component decomposition framework with the linear mixed model allows the integration of data from different sources, such as methylation, gene expression, metabolomics, and proteomics. The decomposition of the genetic variance component decomposition provides a flexible analytical approach for the challenges of this new omics era

    Modeling methylation data as an additional genetic variance component

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    High-throughput platforms allow the characterization of thousands of previously known methylation sites. These platforms have great potential for investigating the epigenetic effects that are partially responsible for gene expression control. Methylation sites provide a bridge for the investigation of real-time environmental contributions on genomic events by the alteration of methylation status of those sites. Using the data provided by GAW20’s organization committee, we calculated the heritability estimates of each cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) island before and after the use of fenofibrate, a lipid-control drug. Surprisingly, we detected substantially high heritability estimates before drug usage. This somewhat unexpected high sample correlation was corrected by the use of principal components and the distributions of heritability estimates before and after fenofibrate treatment, which made the distributions comparable. The methylation sites located near a gene were collected and a genetic relationship matrix estimated to represent the overall correlation between samples. We implemented a randomeffect association test to screen genes whose methylation patterns partially explain the observable high-density lipoprotein (HDL) heritability. Our leading association was observed for the TMEM52 gene that encodes a transmembrane protein, and is largely expressed in the liver, had not been previously associated with HDL until this manuscript. Using a variance component decomposition framework with the linear mixed model allows the integration of data from different sources, such as methylation, gene expression, metabolomics, and proteomics. The decomposition of the genetic variance component decomposition provides a flexible analytical approach for the challenges of this new omics era

    Twenty Thousand-Year-Old Huts at a Hunter-Gatherer Settlement in Eastern Jordan

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    Ten thousand years before Neolithic farmers settled in permanent villages, hunter-gatherer groups of the Epipalaeolithic period (c. 22–11,600 cal BP) inhabited much of southwest Asia. The latest Epipalaeolithic phase (Natufian) is well-known for the appearance of stone-built houses, complex site organization, a sedentary lifestyle and social complexity—precursors for a Neolithic way of life. In contrast, pre-Natufian sites are much less well known and generally considered as campsites for small groups of seasonally-mobile hunter-gatherers. Work at the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic aggregation site of Kharaneh IV in eastern Jordan highlights that some of these earlier sites were large aggregation base camps not unlike those of the Natufian and contributes to ongoing debates on their duration of occupation. Here we discuss the excavation of two 20,000-year-old hut structures at Kharaneh IV that pre-date the renowned stone houses of the Natufian. Exceptionally dense and extensive occupational deposits exhibit repeated habitation over prolonged periods, and contain structural remains associated with exotic and potentially symbolic caches of objects (shell, red ochre, and burnt horn cores) that indicate substantial settlement of the site pre-dating the Natufian and outside of the Natufian homeland as currently understood

    Genetic basis of neurocognitive decline and reduced white-matter integrity in normal human brain aging

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    Identification of genes associated with brain aging should markedly improve our understanding of the biological processes that govern normal age-related decline. However, challenges to identifying genes that facilitate successful brain aging are considerable, including a lack of established phenotypes and difficulties in modeling the effects of aging per se, rather than genes that influence the underlying trait. In a large cohort of randomly selected pedigrees (n = 1,129 subjects), we documented profound aging effects from young adulthood to old age (18-83 y) on neurocognitive ability and diffusion-based white-matter measures. Despite significant phenotypic correlation between white-matter integrity and tests of processing speed, working memory, declarative memory, and intelligence, no evidence for pleiotropy between these classes of phenotypes was observed. Applying an advanced quantitative gene-by-environment interaction analysis where age is treated as an environmental factor, we demonstrate a heritable basis for neurocognitive deterioration as a function of age. Furthermore, by decomposing gene-by-aging (G × A) interactions, we infer that different genes influence some neurocognitive traits as a function of age, whereas other neurocognitive traits are influenced by the same genes, but to differential levels, from young adulthood to old age. In contrast, increasing white-matter incoherence with age appears to be nongenetic. These results clearly demonstrate that traits sensitive to the genetic influences on brain aging can be identified, a critical first step in delineating the biological mechanisms of successful aging

    Genotype-by-socioeconomic status interaction influences heart disease risk scores and carotid artery thickness in Mexican Americans: the predominant role of education in comparison to household income and socioeconomic index

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    Background: Socioeconomic status (SES) is a potent environmental determinant of health. To our knowledge, no assessment of genotype-environment interaction has been conducted to consider the joint effects of socioeconomic status and genetics on risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). We analyzed Mexican American Family Studies (MAFS) data to evaluate the hypothesis that genotype-by-environment interaction (GxE) is an important determinant of variation in CVD risk factors. Methods: We employed a linear mixed model to investigate GxE in Mexican American extended families. We studied two proxies for CVD [Pooled Cohort Equation Risk Scores/Framingham Risk Scores (FRS/PCRS) and carotid artery intima-media thickness (CA-IMT)] in relation to socioeconomic status as determined by Duncan’s Socioeconomic Index (SEI), years of education, and household income. Results: We calculated heritability for FRS/PCRS and carotid artery intima-media thickness. There was evidence of GxE due to additive genetic variance heterogeneity and genetic correlation for FRS, PCRS, and CA-IMT measures for education (environment) but not for household income or SEI. Conclusion: The genetic effects underlying CVD are dynamically modulated at the lower end of the SES spectrum. There is a significant change in the genetic architecture underlying the major components of CVD in response to changes in education

    Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes

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    Identifying genetic variants influencing human brain structures may reveal new biological mechanisms underlying cognition and neuropsychiatric illness. The volume of the hippocampus is a biomarker of incipient Alzheimer\u27s disease and is reduced in schizophrenia, major depression and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Whereas many brain imaging phenotypes are highly heritable, identifying and replicating genetic influences has been difficult, as small effects and the high costs of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have led to underpowered studies. Here we report genome-wide association meta-analyses and replication for mean bilateral hippocampal, total brain and intracranial volumes from a large multinational consortium. The intergenic variant rs7294919 was associated with hippocampal volume (12q24.22; N = 21,151; P = 6.70 × 10(-16)) and the expression levels of the positional candidate gene TESC in brain tissue. Additionally, rs10784502, located within HMGA2, was associated with intracranial volume (12q14.3; N = 15,782; P = 1.12 × 10(-12)). We also identified a suggestive association with total brain volume at rs10494373 within DDR2 (1q23.3; N = 6,500; P = 5.81 × 10(-7))

    Genetic Variation at the FTO Locus Influences RBL2 Gene Expression

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    OBJECTIVE - Genome-wide association studies that compare the statistical association between thousands of DNA variations and a human trait have detected 958 loci across 127 different diseases and traits. However, these statistical associations only provide evidence for genomic regions likely to harbor a causal gene(s) and do not directly identify such genes. We combined gene variation and expression data in a human cohort to identify causal genes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Global gene transcription activity was obtained for each individual in a large human cohort (n = 1,240). These quantitative transcript data were tested for correlation with genotype data generated from the same individuals to identify gene expression patterns influenced by the variants. RESULTS - Variant rs8050136 lies within intron 1 of the FTO gene on chromosome 16 and marks a locus strongly associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity and widely replicated across many populations. We report that genetic variation at this locus does not influence FTO gene expression levels (P = 0.38), but is strongly correlated with expression of RBL2 (P = 2.7 × 10-5), ~270,000 base pairs distant to FTO. CONCLUSIONS - These data suggest that variants at FTO influence RBL2 gene expression at large genetic distances. This observation underscores the complexity of human transcriptional regulation and highlights the utility of large human cohorts in which both genetic variation and global gene expression data are available to identify disease genes. Expedient identification of genes mediating the effects of genome-wide association study - identified loci will enable mechanism-of-action studies and accelerate understanding of human disease processes under genetic influence. © 2010 by the American Diabetes Association