217 research outputs found

    Electronic Properties of Phthalocyanines Deposited on H-Si(111)

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden vier Phthalocyanine untersucht: Metallfreies-Phthalocyanin (H2Pc), Kupferphthalocyanin (CuPc) und Fluor-substituiertes Phthalocyanin (F4CuPc und F16CuPc). Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Charakterisierung der elektronischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Grenzflächen zwischen diesen Molekülen und Silizium. Die Moleküle wurden durch organische Molekularstrahldeposition (OMBD) im Ultrahochvakuum auf wasserstoffpassivierte Si(111)-Substrate aufgedampft. Oberflächensensitive Messmethoden wie Photoemissionsspektroskopie (PES), Bremsstrahlung Isochromaten Spektroskopie (BIS oder IPES - Inverse Photoemissionsspektroskopie) und Spektroskopie der Röntgen-Absorptions-Feinstruktur (NEXAFS – Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure) wurden zur Charakterisierung eingesetzt. Um eine Zuordnung der verschiedenen Komponenten in PES und IPES zu ermöglichen, wurden Methoden der Dichtefunktionaltheorie zur theoretischen Berechnung eingesetzt. Die Energieniveauanpassung an der Grenzfläche zwischen der organischen Schicht und der H-Si-Grenzfläche, sowie die Transportbandlücke von H2Pc, CuPc, F4CuPc und F16CuPc wurden mit Hilfe von PES und IPES bestimmt. Die NEXAFS-Messungen ermöglichten eine genaue Bestimmung der Molekülorientierung relativ zum Substrat. Die Auswertung der Daten zeigte unterschiedliche Molekülorientierungen in dünnen und dicken Filmen. Diese Änderungen wurden mit dem bandverbiegungsähnlichen Verlauf der HOMO-und LUMO-Positionen in Verbindung gebracht. Zusätzlich zu diesem Verhalten wiesen die Grenzflächen auch einen Grenzflächendipol auf, welcher durch die unterschiedlichen Austrittsarbeiten der Kontaktmaterialien hervorgerufen wird. Der Einfluss des Grads der Flouridierung wird durch eine ähnlichen Zunahme der Elektronenaffinität (EA), der Austrittsarbeit (WF) und der Ionisierungsenergie (IE) bestätigt. Die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Metall/organische-Schicht-Grenzflächen und von organischen Schichten unter Sauerstoffeinfluss wurden mit Hilfe von PES und IPES untersucht. Die Ag/Pc Grenzflächen zeigten eine Mischung aus HOMO-LUMO-Verschiebungen und Grenzflächendipolbildung. An den Ag/H2Pc- und Ag/F16CuPc- Grenzflächen wurde ein Ladungstransferkomplex gebildet. Auf der CuPc-Schicht physisorbiert das Ag lediglich und im Fall von F4CuPc wird Ladung zu Ag transferiert, wobei eine andauernde n-Typ-Dotierung an der Grenzfläche erzeugt wird. In Analogie zum Fall der Pc/H-Si Grenzfläche wiesen die Dipole, die hier gefunden wurden, eine lineare Abhängigkeit von EA, WF und IE auf und können durch die Differenz zwischen den Austrittsarbeiten vorausgesagt werden. Das Verhalten der dicken organischen Schichten unter Sauerstoffeinfluss kann in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt werden. Eine Gruppe, bestehend aus H2Pc und F4CuPc, wies nur schwache Wechselwirkung auf und der Sauerstoff physisorbiert auf der Pc-Schicht. Die beiden anderen Moleküle, CuPc und F16CuPc konnten einer Gruppe starker Wechselwirkung zugeordnet werden. CuPc bildet einen Ladungstransferkomplex mit Sauerstoff und auf F16CuPc wird eine polarisierte Schicht gebildet.In the context of this work four Phthalocyanine were studied: Metal-free Phthalocyanine (H2Pc), Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) and fluorine-substituted Phthalocyanine (F4CuPc and F16CuPc). The goal of this work is the electronic and chemical characteristics of the interfaces. The molecules were deposited by organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD) in the ultra high vacuum on hydrogen-passivated Si(111)-Substrate. Surface sensitive techniques such as photoemission spectroscopy (PES), bremsstrahlung isochromate spectroscopy (BIS or IPES - inverse photoemission spectroscopy) and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS) were used for characterisation. Theoretical computations by density functional theory methods were employed, in order to assign different components in PES and IPES. The energy level alignment at the organic/H-Si interface, as well as the transport gap of H2Pc, CuPc, F4CuPc and F16CuPc were determined by PES and IPES. The NEXAFS measurements determine the exact molecular orientation with respect to the substrate. The evaluation of the data showed different molecular orientation in the thin and thick films. This change was correlated with the band bending like behaviours that emerged at these interfaces. In addition to the band bending like behaviour, the interfaces show also an interface dipole which is driven by the work function difference between the contact materials. The influence of the degree of fluorination is confirmed in the similar increase of the EA, WF and IE. The electronic properties of metal/organic layer interfaces and of organic layer under oxygen influence were examined by PES and IPES. The Ag/Pc interfaces show a mixture of HOMO-LUMO shifts and interface dipole formation. A charge transfer complex is formed in the case of Ag/H2Pc and Ag/F16CuPc interfaces. Ag is physisorbed atop the CuPc. Charge transfers from F4CuPc to Ag creating a continuous n-type doping at the interface. Similar to the Pc/H-Si interfaces the interface dipoles found here show a linear dependence on the EA, WF and IE and can be predicted by the difference in the work functions. The data evaluation of oxygen exposed thick films determined two groups of behaviours. The weak interaction group is represented by H2Pc and F4CuPc, Pcs on which oxygen is physisorbed. The strong interaction group contains the other two molecules CuPc and F16CuPc. CuPc forms a charge transfer complex with oxygen and on top of F16CuPc a polarized layer is formed

    Interface Engineering to Create a Strong Spin Filter Contact to Silicon

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    Integrating epitaxial and ferromagnetic Europium Oxide (EuO) directly on silicon is a perfect route to enrich silicon nanotechnology with spin filter functionality. To date, the inherent chemical reactivity between EuO and Si has prevented a heteroepitaxial integration without significant contaminations of the interface with Eu silicides and Si oxides. We present a solution to this long-standing problem by applying two complementary passivation techniques for the reactive EuO/Si interface: (ii) an insituin\:situ hydrogen-Si (001)(001) passivation and (iiii) the application of oxygen-protective Eu monolayers --- without using any additional buffer layers. By careful chemical depth profiling of the oxide-semiconductor interface via hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, we show how to systematically minimize both Eu silicide and Si oxide formation to the sub-monolayer regime --- and how to ultimately interface-engineer chemically clean, heteroepitaxial and ferromagnetic EuO/Si (001)(001) in order to create a strong spin filter contact to silicon.Comment: 11 pages of scientific paper, 10 high-resolution color figures. Supplemental information on the thermodynamic problem available (PDF). High-resolution abstract graphic available (PNG). Original research (2016

    Enhanced ferrimagnetism in auxetic NiFe2O4 in the crossover to the ultrathin film limit

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    We investigate the sensitive interplay between magnetic, electronic and structural properties in the ferrimagnetic oxide NiFe2O4. Emphasis is placed on the impact of reduced dimensionality in the crossover from bulk-like to ultrathin films. We observed an enhanced saturation magnetization MSM_S for ultrathin NiFe2O4 films on Nb-SrTiO3 (001) substrates that co-occurs with a reduced out-of-plane lattice constant under compressive in-plane epitaxial strain. We found a bulk-like cationic coordination of the inverse spinel lattice independent of the NiFe2O4 film thickness -- thus ruling out a cationic inversion that nominally could account for an enhanced MSM_S. Our study instead uncovers a reduction of the unit cell volume, i.e. an auxetic behavior in ultrathin NiFe2O4 films, which may result in an enhanced magnetic exchange caused by an increased interatomic electronic localization.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Electronic and magnetic structure of epitaxial NiO/Fe3_3O4_4(001) heterostructures grown on MgO(001) and Nb-doped SrTiO3_3(001)

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    We study the underlying chemical, electronic and magnetic properties of a number of magnetite based thin films. The main focus is placed onto NiO/Fe3_3O4_4(001) bilayers grown on MgO(001) and Nb-SrTiO3_3(001) substrates. We compare the results with those obtained on pure Fe3_3O4_4(001) thin films. It is found that the magnetite layers are oxidized and Fe3+^{3+} dominates at the surfaces due to maghemite (γ\gamma-Fe2_2O3_3) formation, which decreases with increasing magnetite layer thickness. From a layer thickness of around 20 nm on the cationic distribution is close to that of stoichiometric Fe3_3O4_4. At the interface between NiO and Fe3_3O4_4 we find the Ni to be in a divalent valence state, with unambiguous spectral features in the Ni 2p core level x-ray photoelectron spectra typical for NiO. The formation of a significant NiFe2_2O4_4 interlayer can be excluded by means of XMCD. Magneto optical Kerr effect measurements reveal significant higher coercive fields compared to magnetite thin films grown on MgO(001), and a 45^{\circ} rotated magnetic easy axis. We discuss the spin magnetic moments of the magnetite layers and find that the moment increases with increasing thin film thickness. At low thickness the NiO/Fe3_3O4_4 films grown on Nb-SrTiO3_3 exhibits a significantly decreased spin magnetic moments. A thickness of 20 nm or above leads to spin magnetic moments close to that of bulk magnetite

    Limitations of Near Edge X Ray Absorption Fine Structure as a tool for observing conduction bands in chalcopyrite solar cell heterojunctions

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    A non optimized interface band alignment in a heterojunctionbased solar cell can have negative eff ects on the current and voltage characteristics of the resulting device. To evaluate the use of Near Edge X ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy NEXAFS as a means to measure the conduction band position, Cu In,Ga S2 chalcopyrite thin film surfaces were investigated as these form the absorber layer in solar cells with the structure ZnO Buffer Cu In,Ga S2 Mo Glass. The composition dependence of the structure of the conduction bands of CuInxGa1 xS2 has been revealed for x 0, 0.67 and 1 with both hard and soft NEXAFS and the resulting changes in conduction band off set at the junction with the bu ffer layer discussed. A comprehensive study of the positions of the absorption edges of all elements was carried out and the development of the conduction band with Ga content was observed, also with respect to calculated densities of state

    A high resolution, hard x-ray photoemission investigation of La_(2-2x)Sr_(1+2x)Mn_2O_7 (0.30<x<0.50): on microscopic phase separation and the surface electronic structure of a bilayered CMR manganite

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    Photoemission data taken with hard x-ray radiation on cleaved single crystals of the bilayered, colossal magnetoresistant manganite La_(2-2x)Sr_(1+2x)Mn_2O_7 (LSMO) with 0.30<x<0.50 are presented. Making use of the increased bulk-sensitivity upon hard x-ray excitation it is shown that the core level footprint of the electronic structure of the LSMO cleavage surface is identical to that of the bulk. Furthermore, by comparing the core level shift of the different elements as a function of doping level x, it is shown that microscopic phase separation is unlikely to occur for this particular manganite well above the Curie temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Interface characterization of Co2MnGe/Rh2CuSn Heusler multilayers

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    All-Heusler multilayer structures have been investigated by means of high kinetic x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, aiming to address the amount of disorder and interface diffusion induced by annealing of the multilayer structure. The studied multilayers consist of ferromagnetic Co2_2MnGe and non-magnetic Rh2_2CuSn layers with varying thicknesses. We find that diffusion begins already at comparably low temperatures between 200 ^{\circ}C and 250 ^{\circ}C, where Mn appears to be most prone to diffusion. We also find evidence for a 4 {\AA} thick magnetically dead layer that, together with the identified interlayer diffusion, are likely reasons for the small magnetoresistance found for current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magneto-resistance devices based on this all-Heusler system

    Assessment of Chemical and Electronic Surface Properties of the Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4 after Different Etching Procedures by Synchrotron-based Spectroscopies

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    Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorber layers with different [S]/([S]+[Se]) ratios were studied using XPS, UPS, Hard X-ray (HIKE) photoemission and the Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS). The samples were prepared by IREC using sequentially sputtered metallic precursor stacks with metal ratios of [Cu]/([Zn]+[Sn])=0.80, [Zn]/[Sn]=1.20 followed by annealing under S+Se+Sn atmosphere. Different etching procedures were used depending on the sample's composition. It is shown that the surface composition varies from that of the bulk, especially for the Se-rich samples. Contamination with sulfur is detected after using a Na2S etching solution for the pure Se kesterite. A Cu-depleted surface was found for all samples before and after etching. HIKE measurements show a higher [Zn]/[Sn] ratio in the near surface region than on the very surface. This is explained by the fact, the etching procedure removes secondary phases from the very few surface layers, while some of ZnS(e) is still buried underneath. In order to investigate the band gap transition from the pure sulfide (1.5 eV) to the pure selenide (1eV), the valence and conduction band of the respective absorbers were probed. According to UPS and HIKE measurements, the relative distance between Fermi level (Ef) and valance band maximum (VBM) for sulfide sample was 130 meV larger than for selenide. Using NEXAFS on the copper, zinc and tin edges, the development of the conduction band with increasing [S]/([S]+[Se]) ratios was studied. Stoichiometric powder samples were used as reference materials. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    K-edge X-ray absorption spectra in transition metal oxides beyond the single particle approximation: shake-up many body effects

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    The near edge structure (XANES) in K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a widely used tool for studying electronic and local structure in materials. The precise interpretation of these spectra with the help of calculations is hence of prime importance, especially for the study of correlated materials which have a complicated electronic structure per se. The single particle approach, for example, has generally limited itself to the dominant dipolar cross-section. It has long been known however that effects beyond this approach should be taken into account, both due to the inadequacy of such calculations when compared to experiment and the presence of shake-up many-body satellites in core-level photoemission spectra of correlated materials. This effect should manifest itself in XANES spectra and the question is firstly how to account for it theoretically and secondly how to verify it experimentally. By using state-of-the-art first principles electronic structure calculations and 1s photoemission measurements we demonstrate that shake-up many-body effects are present in K-edge XAS dipolar spectra of NiO, CoO and CuO at all energy scales. We show that shake-up effects can be included in K-edge XAS spectra in a simple way by convoluting the single-particle first-principles calculations including core-hole effects with the 1s photoemission spectra. We thus describe all features appearing in the XAS dipolar cross-section of NiO and CoO and obtain a dramatic improvement with respect to the single-particle calculation in CuO. These materials being prototype correlated magnetic oxides, our work points to the presence of shake-up effects in K-edge XANES of most correlated transition metal compounds and shows how to account for them, paving the way to a precise understanding of their electronic structure.Comment: 6 pages, 4 picture