14 research outputs found

    Modes and rates of horizontal deformation from rotated river basins: Application to the Dead Sea fault system in Lebanon

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    Partitioning of horizontal deformation between localized and distributed modes in regions of oblique tectonic convergence is, in many cases, hard to quantify. Here we use the geometry of river basins and numerical modeling to evaluate modes and rates of horizontal deformation associated with the Arabia-Sinai relative plate motion in Lebanon. We focus on river basins that drain Mount Lebanon to the west and are bounded by the Yammouneh fault, a segment of the Dead Sea fault system that transfers left-lateral deformation across the Lebanese restraining bend. We quantify a systematic counterclockwise rotation of these basins and evaluate drainage area disequilibrium using the χ metric. The analysis indicates a systematic spatial pattern whereby tributaries of the rotated basins appear to experience drainage area loss or gain with respect to channel length. A kinematic model reveals that since the late Miocene, 23%–31% of the relative plate motion parallel to the plate boundary has been distributed along a wide band of deformation to the west of the Yammouneh fault. Taken together with previous, shorter-term estimates, the model indicates little variation of slip rate along the Yammouneh fault since the late Miocene. Kinematic model results are compatible with late Miocene paleomagnetic rotations in western Mount Lebanon. A numerical landscape evolution experiment demonstrates the emergence of a similar pattern of drainage area disequilibrium in response to progressive distributed shear deformation of river basins with relatively minor drainage network reorganization

    Partitioning sediment flux by provenance and tracing erosion patterns in Taiwan

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    We critically evaluate the potential and limitations of an alternative way to calculate erosion rates based on petrographic and mineralogical fingerprints of fluvial sediments coupled with gauged sediment fluxes. Our approach allows us to apportion sediment loads to different lithological units, and consequently to discriminate erosion rates in different tectonic domains within each catchment. Our provenance data on modern Taiwanese sands indicate focused erosion in the Backbone Range and Tananao Complex of the retrowedge. Lower rates are inferred for the northern part of the island characterized by tectonic extension and for the western foothills in the prowedge. The principal factor of uncertainty affecting our estimates is the inevitably inaccurate evaluation of total sediment load, because only the suspended flux was measured. Another is the assumption that suspended load and bed load are derived from the same sources in fixed proportions. Additional errors are caused by the insufficiently precise definition of lithologically similar compositional end-members and by the temporal variability of sediment composition at the outlet of each catchment related to the spatial variability of erosional processes and triggering agents such as earthquakes, typhoons, and landslides. To evaluate the robustness of our findings, we applied a morphometric technique based on the stream-power model. The results obtained are broadly consistent, with local discrepancies ascribed to poorly constrained assumptions and choices of scaling parameters. Our local erosion estimates are consistent with GPS uplift rates measured on a decadal timescale and generally higher than basin-wide results inferred from cosmogenic-nuclide and thermochronology data

    Drainage explains soil liquefaction beyond the earthquake near-field

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    Abstract Earthquake-induced soil-liquefaction is a devastating phenomenon associated with loss of soil rigidity due to seismic shaking, resulting in catastrophic liquid-like soil deformation. Traditionally, liquefaction is viewed as an effectively undrained process. However, since undrained liquefaction only initiates under high energy density, most earthquake liquefaction events remain unexplained, since they initiate far from the earthquake epicenter, under low energy density. Here we show that liquefaction can occur under drained conditions at remarkably low seismic-energy density, offering a general explanation for earthquake far-field liquefaction. Drained conditions promote interstitial fluid flow across the soil during earthquakes, leading to excess pore pressure gradients and loss of soil strength. Drained liquefaction is triggered rapidly and controlled by a propagating compaction front, whose velocity depends on the seismic-energy injection rate. Our findings highlight the importance of considering soil liquefaction under a spectrum of drainage conditions, with critical implications for liquefaction potential assessments and hazards

    Localization of Shear in Saturated Granular Media: Insights from a Multi-Scaled Granular-Fluid Model

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    The coupled mechanics of fluid-filled granular media controls the behavior of many natural systems such as saturated soils, fault gouge, and landslides. The grain motion and the fluid pressure influence each other: It is well established that when the fluid pressure rises, the shear resistance of fluid-filled granular systems decreases, and as a result catastrophic events such as soil liquefaction, earthquakes, and accelerating landslides may be triggered. Alternatively, when the pore pressure drops, the shear resistance of these systems increases. Despite the great importance of the coupled mechanics of grains-fluid systems, the basic physics that controls this coupling is far from understood. We developed a new multi-scaled model based on the discrete element method, coupled with a continuum model of fluid pressure, to explore this dynamical system. The model was shown recently to capture essential feedbacks between porosity changes arising from rearrangement of grains, and local pressure variations due to changing pore configurations. We report here new results from numerica

    Landscape ‘stress' and reorganization from <i>χ</i>-maps: insights from experimental drainage networks in oblique collision setting

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    Several recent studies have suggested that maps of flow length normalized for drainage area called chi (χ) could reveal landscapes in a transient state, which are prone to reorganizations of basin geometry, flow line topology and water divide locations. However, the potentially long timescales associated with the evolution of basin geometry make the capability of χ to predict such reorganization challenging to test in natural settings. Here, we investigate the evolution of experimental drainage networks developed on a wedge coupled to a piedmont and growing in oblique convergence. We use this experimental setting to investigate the relationships between χ maps, the imposed tectonic deformation and the drainage network evolution. As deposition can occur within channels or in the piedmont, our experimental streams deviate from purely bedrock channels for which the χ metric has been initially developed. Yet we show that the large‐scale χ pattern of the experimental drainage network is consistent with the imposed deformation field, as ∌2/3 of the observed χ gradients across water divide are oriented in the expected direction with respect to the imposed deformation. This suggests that χ maps can be used to infer the horizontal component of regional deformation in large‐scale natural mountainous fluvial landscapes. In addition, we observe that when a divide affected by a χ gradient migrates, the orientation of the gradient correctly anticipates the sense of landscape reorganization for ∌2/3 of these divides

    Influence of Rarely Mobile Boulders on Channel Width and Slope: Theory and Field Application

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    Large, rarely mobile boulders are observed globally in mountainous bedrock channels. Recent studies suggest that high concentrations of boulders could be associated with channel morphological adjustment. However, a process‐based understanding of large boulder effects on channel morphology is limited, and data are scarce and ambiguous. Here, we develop a theory of steady‐state channel width and slope as a function of boulder concentration. Our theory assumes that channel morphology adjusts to maintain two fundamental mass balances: (a) grade, in which the channel transports the same sediment flux downstream despite boulders acting as roughness elements and (b) bedrock erosion, by which the channel erodes at the background tectonic uplift rate. Model predictions are normalized by a reference, boulder‐free channel width and slope, accounting for variations due to sediment supply, discharge, and lithology. Models are tested against a new data set from the Liwu River, Taiwan, showing steepening and widening with increasing boulder concentration. Whereas one of the explored mechanisms successfully explains the observed steepening trend, none of the models accuratly account for the observed width variability. We propose that this contrast arises from different adjustment timescales: while sediment bed slope adjusts within a few floods, width adjustment takes a much longer time. Overall, we find that boulders represent a significant perturbation to fluvial landscapes. Channels tend to respond by forming a new morphology that differs from boulder‐free channels. The general approach presented here can be further expanded to explore the role of other hydrodynamic effects associated with large, rarely mobile boulders.Plain Language Summary: Large boulders are a significant feature in mountainous landscapes. Recent studies suggested that boulders residing in rivers interfere with the flow and sediment transport, forcing their geometry, specifically width and slope, to change. Our ability to understand and predict such changes is challenged by scarce field data and a general lack of models capable of explaining the processes underlying channel geometry adjustment in the presence of boulders. Here, we develop a theory and several models for the variation of channel width and slope as with channel boulder coverage. Our theory builds on the assumption that the geometry of boulder‐bed channels evolves to a new configuration to maintain steadiness of erosion rate and sediment transport. Predictions from the various models are tested against data from the steep Liwu River in Taiwan. These data show that width and slope increase with more boulders. We find that channel slope increases to overcome the greater resistance to sediment transport due to the boulders. In contrast, the scattered nature of the width data and the overall models inability to explain width variability likely reflect a longer adjustment period for width than for slope. This study demonstrates the important role of boulders in shaping landscapes.Key Points: We develop a theory for steady‐state reach‐scale channel morphology responding to large, rarely mobile boulders in bedrock rivers. Predictions of boulder‐bed channel width and slope are derived based on grade equilibrium and bedrock erosional balance. Theory is tested against new data from the Liwu River, Taiwan, showing steepening and widening with increasing boulder concentration.Israel Science Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003977NSF‐BSFhttps://zenodo.org/record/6371224#.YjdBkOpByU

    Compaction front and pore fluid pressurization in horizontally shaken drained granular layers

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    In many natural granular systems, the interstitial pores are filled with a fluid. Deformation of this two-phase system is complex, is highly coupled, and depends on the initial and boundary conditions. Here we study granular compaction and fluid flow in a saturated, horizontally shaken, unconfined granular layer, where the fluid is free to flow in and out of the layer through the free upper surface during shaking (i.e., drained boundary condition). The geometry, boundary conditions, and parameters are chosen to resemble a shallow soil layer, subjected to horizontal cyclic acceleration simulating that of an earthquake. We develop a theory and conduct coupled discrete element and fluid numerical simulations. Theoretical and simulation results show that under drained conditions and above a critical acceleration, the grain layer compacts at a rate governed by the fluid flow parameters of permeability and viscosity and is independent of the shaking parameters of frequency and acceleration. A compaction front develops, swiping upward through the system. Above the front, compaction occurs and the fluid becomes pressurized. Pressure gradients drive fluid seepage upward and out of the compacting layer while supporting the granular skeleton. The rate of compaction and the interstitial fluid pressure gradient coevolve until fluid seepage forces balance solid contact forces and grain contacts disappear. As an outcome, the imposed shear waves are not transmitted and the region is liquefied. Below the compaction front (i.e., after its passage), the grains are well compacted, and shaking is transmitted upward. We conclude that the drained condition for the interstitial pore fluid is a critical ingredient for the formation of an upward-moving compaction front, which separates a granular region that exhibits a liquidlike rheology from a solidlike region