25 research outputs found

    HIV genotypic resistance among pregnant women initiating ART in Uganda: a baseline evaluation of participants in the Option B+ clinical trial

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    Background: Pre-treatment HIV drug resistance is a threat to elimination of mother to child HIV transmission and could lead to virological failure among HIV-positive pregnant women. We analysed genotypic HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) of baseline samples of participants enrolled in the Option B+ clinical trial in Uganda.Methods: HIV-infected pregnant women attending antenatal care were enrolled from Uganda’s National Referral Hospital (Mulago) and Mityana District general hospital and surrounding health centers (HCs). Genotypic HIV testing was performed on blood samples from the first 135 enrolled women out of a subset of 136 participants (25%) who had a baseline VL>1000 copies/mL as one sample failed to amplify.Results: 159/540 (29.4%) had a VL < 1000 copies/ml and 381/540 (70.6%) had a VL >1,000 copies/ml. Of the women with VL>1000 copies/ml, 32 (23.7%) had resistance mutations including 29/135 (21.5%) NNRTI mutations, 6/135 (4.4%) NRTI mutations and 3/135 (2.2%) had both NNRTI and NRTI mutations. The most common NNRTI resistance mutations were: K103KN (5), K103N (5), V179T (4) and E138A (4).Conclusions: One quarter of the HIV-infected pregnant women in this trial at baseline had NNRTI genotypic resistance mutations. Our findings support new WHO guidelines for first-line ART that were changed to dolutegravir-based regimens

    Pregnant women, their male partners and health care providers' perceptions of HIV self-testing in Kampala, Uganda: Implications for integration in prevention of mother-to-child transmission programs and scale-up.

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    BACKGROUND: HIV status awareness is critical for HIV prevention and care but HIV testing rates remain low in Uganda, especially among men. One suggested approach to increase access and utilisation of HIV testing services is HIV self-testing. We explored perceptions of pregnant and lactating women and their male partners who attended antenatal care, and health care providers in a government hospital in Kampala, Uganda, about HIV self-testing for initial or repeat testing for women and their partners during pregnancy and postpartum We draw implications for scaling-up this new testing approach in Uganda. METHODS: This was a qualitative study conducted at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, between April and December 2017. We conducted in-depth interviews with five pregnant or lactating women and their five male partners; five focus group discussions (two with women, two with health workers and one with male partners of women attending antenatal care) and five key informant interviews with health workers providing prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services. Data were analysed using content thematic approach. RESULTS: There was limited awareness about HIV self-testing especially among pregnant or lactating women and their male partners. Study participants mentioned that HIV self-testing would enable people to know their HIV status faster, they thought the approach would be cost- and time-saving compared to health facility-based HIV testing, improve confidentiality and reduce stigma for those who test HIV positive. They expressed however, a general fear that HIV self-testing would lead to harm to self and others in case one tested HIV positive, including suicide, violence among couples, intentional transmission of HIV, and limited linkage to care due to lack of counselling. The likely misinterpretation of HIV test results especially among those with no or limited education, and possible coercion exerted by male partners on their wives were other potential concerns raised about the use of HIV self-testing. CONCLUSIONS: There was limited knowledge about HIV self-testing among pregnant and lactating women, their partners and health workers. While the self-testing modality was perceived to be critical for helping people, especially those in casual and distant relationships, to know their HIV status and that of their partners, most study participants believed that HIV self-testing could potentially result in a multitude of negative outcomes in the absence of pre- and post-test counselling. Successful scale-up and integration of self-testing in HIV programs requires community education, provision of information materials and making self-test kits accessible and affordable, especially in rural areas

    'When I receive ARVs through my group, my heart settles': Participants' perceptions and experiences of Friends for Life Circles for Option B+ in Kampala and Mityana Districts, Uganda.

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    The Friends for Life Circles (FLC) was a parallel randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of a group peer support intervention to support long-term adherence to Option B+ in Kampala and Mityana districts in Uganda. We explored FLC participants' experiences and perceptions of the intervention on adherence to Option B+ for PMTCT and potential implications for strengthening the PMTCT program. We collected data from six focus group discussions with lactating women enrolled in the FLC intervention, and from 14 key informant interviews with health workers, district and national level stakeholders, as well as male partners of FLC participants. Data were analysed using a content thematic approach in a continuous and iterative process. Women described the FLC intervention as acceptable and beneficial in enhancing their understanding of HIV and the need for ART. The FLC helped women, especially those newly diagnosed with HIV infection to come to terms with their diagnosis and overcome the fear of death linked to testing HIV positive, and provided opportunities to enhance ART initiation, resumption and adherence. The FLC provided safe spaces for women, to learn about ART, and to receive support from peers including adherence reminders through home visits and 'coded' reminder messages. Receiving ART from support groups protected members from stigma and long lines at health facilities. Fear of stigma, health system challenges, the high cost of caring for animals and lack of money to save in groups were key challenges noted. The FLC support groups were crucial in providing needed support for women to initiate, resume and adhere to lifelong ART for Option B+. It is important that women who test HIV positive and start ART for life receive psychosocial support from peers and health workers to improve chances of preventing HIV transmission from mothers to children

    Primary HIV prevention in pregnant and lactating Ugandan women: A randomized trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The 'Primary HIV Prevention among Pregnant and Lactating Ugandan Women' (PRIMAL) study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an enhanced HIV counseling intervention for preventing HIV acquisition among HIV-uninfected mothers during pregnancy and throughout the breastfeeding period. METHODS: We conducted an unblinded randomized control trial between 22 February 2013 and 22 April 2016 to assess the effectiveness of an extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling (ERHTEC) intervention aimed at preventing primary HIV infection among HIV-uninfected pregnant and lactating women in Uganda. HIV-uninfected pregnant women aged 15-49 were enrolled 1:1 individually or in couples together with their partner. Enrolled women and couples were randomized 1:1 to an intervention (ERHTEC) or control (extended repeat HIV testing and standard counseling) group and followed up to 24 months postpartum or six weeks past complete cessation of breastfeeding, whichever came first. Both groups were tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV at enrollment, delivery, 3 and 6 months postpartum and every 6 months thereafter until the end of follow-up. The intervention group received enhanced HIV prevention counseling every 3 months throughout follow-up. The control group received standard counseling at the time of HIV retesting. Both intervention and control couples were offered couple HIV testing and counseling at all study visits. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequency of condom use and incidence of HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis over follow-up. RESULTS: Between February 2013 and April 2014, we enrolled 820 HIV-uninfected pregnant women presenting for antenatal care individually (n = 410) or in couples (n = 410 women and 410 partners) in one urban and one rural public Ugandan hospital. Women's median age was 24 years (IQR 20-28 years). At baseline, participants did not differ in any socio-demographic, reproductive health, HIV testing history, sexual behavior, medical history or STI status characteristics; 96% (386/402) of couples were tested and counseled for HIV together with their partners at enrolment, 2.1% (7/329) of whom were found to be HIV-infected. Six hundred twenty-five (76%) women completed follow-up as per protocol (S1 Protocol). Women were followed for an average of 1.76 years and cumulated 1,439 women-years of follow-up or 81% of the maximum 1,779 women-years of follow-up assuming no dropouts. Men were followed for an average of 1.72 years. The frequency of consistent condom use and the proportion of women who used condoms over the last 3 months or at last vaginal sex increased substantially over follow-up in both arms, but there were no statistically significant differences in increases between the intervention and control arms. During follow-up, on average 42% (range 36%-46%) of couple partners were counseled together. Between 3.8% and 7.6% of women tested positive at any follow-up visit for any STI including syphilis, gonorrhea, C. trachomatis or T. vaginalis. Four women (two in each arm) and no enrolled men became infected with HIV, representing an overall HIV incidence rate of 0.186 per 100 person-years. Three of the women seroconverters had enrolled individually, one as a couple. At or before seroconversion, all four women reported their partners had extramarital relationships and/or had not disclosed their suspected HIV-infected status. There were no statistically significant differences between study arms for STI or HIV incidences. CONCLUSIONS: A sustained enhanced HIV prevention counseling intervention for up to 2 years postpartum among pregnant and breastfeeding women did not have a statistically significant effect on condom use or HIV incidence among these women. However, in both study arms, condom use increased over follow-up while STI and HIV incidence remained very low when compared to similar cohorts in and outside Uganda, suggesting that repeat HIV testing during breastfeeding, whether with enhanced or standard counseling, may have had an unintended HIV preventive effect among pregnant and lactating women in this setting. Further research is needed to verify this hypothesis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01882998

    Adverse maternal, fetal, and newborn outcomes among pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an individual participant data meta-analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION Despite a growing body of research on the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy, there is continued controversy given heterogeneity in the quality and design of published studies. METHODS We screened ongoing studies in our sequential, prospective meta-analysis. We pooled individual participant data to estimate the absolute and relative risk (RR) of adverse outcomes among pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection, compared with confirmed negative pregnancies. We evaluated the risk of bias using a modified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. RESULTS We screened 137 studies and included 12 studies in 12 countries involving 13 136 pregnant women.Pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection-as compared with uninfected pregnant women-were at significantly increased risk of maternal mortality (10 studies; n=1490; RR 7.68, 95% CI 1.70 to 34.61); admission to intensive care unit (8 studies; n=6660; RR 3.81, 95% CI 2.03 to 7.17); receiving mechanical ventilation (7 studies; n=4887; RR 15.23, 95% CI 4.32 to 53.71); receiving any critical care (7 studies; n=4735; RR 5.48, 95% CI 2.57 to 11.72); and being diagnosed with pneumonia (6 studies; n=4573; RR 23.46, 95% CI 3.03 to 181.39) and thromboembolic disease (8 studies; n=5146; RR 5.50, 95% CI 1.12 to 27.12).Neonates born to women with SARS-CoV-2 infection were more likely to be admitted to a neonatal care unit after birth (7 studies; n=7637; RR 1.86, 95% CI 1.12 to 3.08); be born preterm (7 studies; n=6233; RR 1.71, 95% CI 1.28 to 2.29) or moderately preterm (7 studies; n=6071; RR 2.92, 95% CI 1.88 to 4.54); and to be born low birth weight (12 studies; n=11 930; RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.40). Infection was not linked to stillbirth. Studies were generally at low or moderate risk of bias. CONCLUSIONS This analysis indicates that SARS-CoV-2 infection at any time during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal death, severe maternal morbidities and neonatal morbidity, but not stillbirth or intrauterine growth restriction. As more data become available, we will update these findings per the published protocol

    Interview excerpts by major themes and sub-themes perceptions of HIV self-testing in Kampala

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    Interview guide and interview excerpts on perceptions of HIV self-testing in Kampala, organised by major themes and sub-themes (English and Luganda version)

    Clinical risk factors of adverse outcomes among women with COVID-19 in the pregnancy and postpartum period: A sequential, prospective meta-analysis

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    Objective: This sequential, prospective meta-analysis (sPMA) sought to identify risk factors among pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19 for adverse outcomes related to: disease severity, maternal morbidities, neonatal mortality and morbidity, adverse birth outcomes. Data sources: We prospectively invited study investigators to join the sPMA via professional research networks beginning in March 2020. Study eligibility criteria: Eligible studies included those recruiting at least 25 consecutive cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy within a defined catchment area. Study appraisal and synthesis methods: We included individual patient data from 21 participating studies. Data quality was assessed, and harmonized variables for risk factors and outcomes were constructed. Duplicate cases were removed. Pooled estimates for the absolute and relative risk of adverse outcomes comparing those with and without each risk factor were generated using a two-stage meta-analysis. Results: We collected data from 33 countries and territories, including 21,977 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy or postpartum. We found that women with comorbidities (pre-existing diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease) versus those without were at higher risk for COVID-19 severity and pregnancy health outcomes (fetal death, preterm birth, low birthweight). Participants with COVID-19 and HIV were 1.74 times (95% CI: 1.12, 2.71) more likely to be admitted to the ICU. Pregnant women who were underweight before pregnancy were at higher risk of ICU admission (RR 5.53, 95% CI: 2.27, 13.44), ventilation (RR 9.36, 95% CI: 3.87, 22.63), and pregnancy-related death (RR 14.10, 95% CI: 2.83, 70.36). Pre-pregnancy obesity was also a risk factor for severe COVID-19 outcomes including ICU admission (RR 1.81, 95% CI: 1.26,2.60), ventilation (RR 2.05, 95% CI: 1.20,3.51), any critical care (RR 1.89, 95% CI: 1.28,2.77), and pneumonia (RR 1.66, 95% CI: 1.18,2.33). Anemic pregnant women with COVID-19 also had increased risk of ICU admission (RR 1.63, 95% CI: 1.25, 2.11) and death (RR 2.36, 95% CI: 1.15, 4.81). Conclusion: We found that pregnant women with comorbidities including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease were at increased risk for severe COVID-19-related outcomes, maternal morbidities, and adverse birth outcomes. We also identified several less commonly-known risk factors, including HIV infection, pre-pregnancy underweight, and anemia. Although pregnant women are already considered a high-risk population, special priority for prevention and treatment should be given to pregnant women with these additional risk factors

    Prevalence of undetectable and suppressed viral load in HIV-infected pregnant women initiating Option B+ in Uganda: an observational study nested within a randomized controlled trial

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    BackgroundViral load (VL) testing is key in monitoring adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and documenting HIV treatment response. As per HIV treatment guidelines in Uganda, the first VL test is recommended 6 months after initiation of ART. Undetectable VL (uVL) at ART initiation may be helpful in detecting elite controllers in the absence of previous ART use. We investigated viral suppression at ART initiation among a cohort of HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in the Friends for Life Circles (FLC) for Option B+ randomized controlled trial (RCT).MethodsPregnant women ≥ 18 years of age testing positive for HIV at their first antenatal care visit and starting on ART Option B+ as per the National PMTCT Program guidelines were enrolled into the FLC for Option B+ RCT in urban Kampala and rural Mityana districts of Uganda. Each participant had whole blood samples collected at enrolment to assess baseline VL. Plasma HIV-1 RNA was quantified using COBAS Ampliprep /COBAS Taqman. Baseline VL below 400 RNA copies/ml was considered as viral suppression while baseline VL below 20 RNA copies/ml was considered uVL.ResultsThe mean duration from the date of ART initiation to time of sample collection for baseline VL assessment was 4.4 days (SD 3.6). Of the 532 HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in the FLC for Option B+ study and newly starting Option B+ without a self-reported history of prior ART use, 29 (5.5%) had uVL and 113 (21.4%) had suppressed VL at baseline. There was no association between participants' age, gravidity, marital status, mean monthly income, educational level, disclosure of HIV status to partner, and uVL or viral suppression at baseline. However, non-disclosure of HIV status to any other person was associated with decreased odds of viral suppression at baseline (OR 0.640; 0.416-0.982).ConclusionTwenty-one percent of HIV-positive Ugandan pregnant women initiating ART (Option B+) showed virological suppression at baseline and were presumed to be "elite controllers" or to have misreported being ART-naive. Further studies are needed to better understand the biologic mechanisms of elite controllers among pregnant women as well as to differentiate elite controllers from concealed ART use. Trial Registration The trial was registered as NCT02515370 (04/08/2015) on Clinicaltrials.gov

    S1 Dataset -

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    IntroductionDespite the scale-up of Option B+, long-term retention of women in HIV care during pregnancy and the postpartum period remains an important challenge. We compared adherence to clinic appointments and antiretroviral therapy (ART) at 6 weeks, 6, and and 24 months postpartum among pregnant women living with HIV and initiating Option B+. Women were randomized to a peer group support, community-based drug distribution and income-generating intervention called “Friends for Life Circles” (FLCs) versus the standard of care (SOC). Our secondary outcome was infant HIV status and HIV-free survival at 6 weeks and 18 months postpartum.MethodsBetween 16 May 2016 and 12 September 2017, 540 ART-naïve pregnant women living with HIV at urban and rural health facilities in Uganda were enrolled in the study at any gestational age. Participants were randomized 1:1 to the unblinded FLC intervention or SOC at enrolment and assessed for adherence to the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) clinic appointments at 6 weeks, 12, and 24 months postpartum, self-reported adherence to ART at 6 weeks, 6 and 24 months postpartum and supported by plasma HIV-1 RNA viral load (VL) measured at the same time points, retention in care through the end of study, and HIV status and HIV-free survival of infants at 18 months postpartum. The FLC groups were formed during pregnancy within 4 months of enrollment and held monthly meetings in their communites, and were followed up until the last group participant reached 24 months post delivery. We used Log-rank and Chi-Square p-values to test the equality of Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities and hazard rates (HR) for failure to retain in care for any reason by study arm.ResultsThere was no significant difference in adherence to PMTCT clinic visits or to ART or in median viral loads between FLC and SOC arms at any follow-up time points. Retention in care through the end of study was high in both arms but significantly higher among participants randomized to FLC (86.7%) compared to SOC (79.3%), p = 0.022. The adjusted HR of visit dropout was 2.4 times greater among participants randomized to SOC compared to FLC (aHR = 2.363, 95% CI: 1.199–4.656, p = 0.013). Median VL remained ConclusionsOur findings suggest that programmatic interventions that provide group support, community-based ART distribution, and income-generation activities may contribute to retention in PMTCT care, HIV-free survival of children born to women living with HIV, and ultimately, to the elimination of mother-to-child HIV transmission (EMTCT).Trial registrationNCT02515370 (04/08/2015) on ClinicalTrials.gov.</div