73 research outputs found

    Party membership and campaign activity in Britain: The impact of electoral performance

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    The article examines the impact of electoral results on party membership and activity. Previous studies have focused on the long-term effects of electoral success or failure, suggesting that they may produce a spiral of demobilization or mobilization. The article shows that the dramatic change of electoral fortunes experienced by British parties at the 1997 general election broke this spiral, with the outcome leading to significant changes in the health and activity of local parties. It is concluded that dramatic election results can have significant implications for party organization

    The relative electoral impact of central party co-ordination and size of party membership at constituency level

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    Over the past decade, clear evidence has been produced showing that effective constituency campaigning in British general elections can lead to better electoral performance. This evidence has challenged the received wisdom that only national campaigning is significant and that efforts at local level are meaningless rituals. Denver et al. have focused on the role of the national parties in strengthening local campaigns in target seats; Seyd and Whiteley, by contrast, have stressed the importance of local party membership. This article attempts to assess the relative electoral impact of national party co-ordination and constituency party membership and suggests that the impact of these two factors varies by party

    Adaptive planar integrierte Freiraum-optische Systeme

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    Planar integrierte Freiraum-optische Systeme sind fĂŒr eine Vielzahl an Anwendungen sehr gut geeignet. Dazu gehören die optische Verbindungstechik und Sicherheitsanwendungen. Durch die Integration adaptiver FlĂŒssigkristall-elemente (LC-Elemente) können wir hier zum ersten Mal dynamische Funktionen in solchen mikrooptischen Systemen demonstrieren

    Relationships between healthcare staff characteristics and the conduct of vital signs observations at night: results of a survey and factor analysis.

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    Aim: To explore the association of healthcare staff with factors relevant to completing observations at night. Design: Online survey conducted with registered nurses, midwives, healthcare support staff and student nurses who had worked at least one night shift in a National Health Service hospital in England. Methods: Exploratory factor analysis and mixed effects regression model adjusting for role, number of night shifts worked, experience and shift patterns. Results: Survey items were summarized into four factors: (a) workload and resources; (b) prioritization; (c) safety culture; (d) responsibility and control. Staff experience and role were associated with conducting surveillance tasks. Nurses with greater experience associated workload and resources with capacity to complete work at night. Responses of student nurses and midwives showed higher propensity to follow the protocol for conducting observations. Respondents working night shifts either exclusively or occasionally perceived that professional knowledge rather than protocol guided care tasks during night shifts

    Magnetic Catalysis and Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism in Weakly Coupled Graphene

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    We study the realization in a model of graphene of the phenomenon whereby the tendency of gauge-field mediated interactions to break chiral symmetry spontaneously is greatly enhanced in an external magnetic field. We prove that, in the weak coupling limit, and where the electron-electron interaction satisfies certain mild conditions, the ground state of charge neutral graphene in an external magnetic field is a quantum Hall ferromagnet which spontaneously breaks the emergent U(4) symmetry to U(2)XU(2). We argue that, due to a residual CP symmetry, the quantum Hall ferromagnet order parameter is given exactly by the leading order in perturbation theory. On the other hand, the chiral condensate which is the order parameter for chiral symmetry breaking generically obtains contributions at all orders. We compute the leading correction to the chiral condensate. We argue that the ensuing fermion spectrum resembles that of massive fermions with a vanishing U(4)-valued chemical potential. We discuss the realization of parity and charge conjugation symmetries and argue that, in the context of our model, the charge neutral quantum Hall state in graphene is a bulk insulator, with vanishing longitudinal conductivity due to a charge gap and Hall conductivity vanishing due to a residual discrete particle-hole symmetry.Comment: 35 page
