3,638 research outputs found

    Action Research: A Culturally Specific Case Study on Organizational Capacity-Building to Battle Addiction in the Oneida Native-American Community

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    The Healing Society (coded to mask) is a new and developing organization operated by a volunteer board created by Oneida Nation community members. Leaders were seeking strategic direction to build organizational capacity and sustainability for this new organization. They sought to make positive social change after a well-known community member died from an overdose. The purpose of this post-positivist, constructionist qualitative case study was to gather empirical data from the perspectives of internal and external stakeholders through a SWOT analysis. Their answers addressed: (a) the organizational strengths and weaknesses of The Healing Society to ensure short-term strength and long-term growth, and (b) the opportunities and threats impacting short-term strength and long-term growth of The Healing Society. We used a facilitated focus group exercise to gather an internal perspective from board members. A semi-structured interview process also gathered data from external stakeholders. Themes, categories, priorities, and action items were identified as critical success factors for small nonprofit social service organizations wishing to develop short- and long-term strategic plans. Many startup organizations shortchange culturally relevant planning activities that provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share perspectives, clarify expectations, set priorities, and define roles to help implement action for immediate or visible results ensuring public trust and enhancing the perception as a model service agency. Their experience may serve as a “fire” for other organizations led by and for minority populations to incorporate natural, meaningful, and relevant healing and wellness practices. First Nation communities are encouraged to identify healing practices of their ancestors to use in servicing their communities

    Embedding epistemic insight (EI) in teacher training programmes in English universities: barriers and how to overcome them

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    Entrenched compartmentalisation of curriculum subjects and ‘teaching to the test’ can leave students with limited understanding of the nature and interaction of disciplines. The necessity of developing future teachers’ epistemic insight (EI) and equipping them with strategies to address the gaps between subjects has been pushed to the fore by challenges that emerged during the pandemic. This article examines the extent to which epistemic insight is understood by Initial Teacher Education tutors and features in their programmes as well as their recommendations for increasing the inclusion of multidisciplinary approaches in education, based on qualitative and quantitative research. While initial findings revealed a poor understanding of EI, its importance was broadly acknowledged, and the follow-up survey revealed progress in the form of greater engagement with and inclusion of EI by tutors in teacher education. This research was done in the context of a new inspection framework distinguishing substantive and disciplinary knowledge

    Newly emerged bumblebees are highly susceptible to gut parasite infection

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    One factor that can affect infection susceptibility is host age, the effects of which vary in a range of ways. For example, susceptibility may increase with age, due to senescence or decrease with age as a result of maturation of the immune system. If certain ages are more susceptible to infection, populations with contrasting demographics, such as same-age cohorts versus a mixture of ages, will exhibit differing disease prevalence. We use the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, and its interaction with the gut trypanosome Crithidia sp. as a model system to investigate age-related susceptibility in a social insect. Crithidia sp. are widespread and prevalent parasites of bumblebees that are spread between colonies via faeces on flowers when foraging, and within colonies via contact with infected bees and contaminated surfaces and resources. In the field, Bombus spp. live for approximately three weeks. Here, we inoculated bumblebees at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of age and measured their infection after one week. We also measured the level of gene expression of two antimicrobial peptides important in the defence against Crithidia bombi in bumblebees. We found that younger bumblebees are more susceptible to infection by Crithidia sp. than their older siblings. Specifically, individuals inoculated on their first day of emergence had infection intensities seven days later that were four-fold higher than bees inoculated at 21 days of age. In contrast, the gene expression of two AMPs known to protect against the trypanosome, abaecin and defensin, did not significantly vary with age. These results suggest that age does affect susceptibility to Crithidia sp. infection in B. terrestris. The higher susceptibility of callows may have implications for the susceptibility of colonies at different stages of their lifecycle, due to the contrasting age demography of workers in the colony

    Population Variation In and Selection For Resistance to Pyrethroid-Neonicotinoid Insecticides in the Bed Bug

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    Pyrethroid resistance in bed bugs, Cimex lectularius, has prompted a change to combination products that include a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid. Ten populations of bed bugs were challenged with two combination products (Temprid SC and Transport GHP). Susceptibility of these populations varied, with the correlated response of the two products indicating cross resistance. We imposed selection on three populations using label rate Temprid, and then reared progeny from unselected and selected strains. All selected strains were significantly less susceptible to Temprid SC than unselected strains. Temprid selected strains were also less susceptible to Transport. The pyrethroid component of Temprid showed a significantly higher LD50 in selected strains, but susceptibility to the neonicotinoid remained unchanged. Taken together these results indicate resistance to combination insecticides is present in field populations at levels that should be of concern, and that short-term selection affecting existing variance in susceptibility can quickly increase resistance

    A Combined Discrete/Continuum Solvation Model: Application to Glycine

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    A new solvation model that combines discrete and continuum descriptions of the solvent has been developed. The discrete solvent molecules are represented by effective fragment potentials (EFP), while the continuum is represented by the Onsager model. This (EFP+Onsager) model has been applied to the relative stabilities of the neutral and zwitterionic forms of glycine. Other supermolecule-continuum calculations were also performed, using quantum mechanical discrete waters and the isodensity polarizable continuum model (IPCM) or solvation model 5.42R (SM5.42R) for the continuum. It is shown that the Onsager model provides a poor description of the solvent in the supermolecule-continuum calculations. On the other hand, more sophisticated models can predict the correct energy order of the glycine isomers. Thus, the development of mixed methods that combine sophisticated continuum models with the discrete EFP model appear to be promising

    Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury IX: A Photometric Survey of Planetary Nebulae in M31

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    We search Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) broadband imaging data from the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) survey to identify detections of cataloged planetary nebulae (PNe). Of the 711 PNe currently in the literature within the PHAT footprint, we find 467 detected in the broadband. For these 467 we are able to refine their astrometric accuracy from ~0."3 to 0."05. Using the resolution of HST, we are able to show that 152 objects currently in the catalogs are definitively not PNe, and we show that 32 objects thought to be extended in ground-based images are actually point-like and therefore good PN candidates. We also find one PN candidate that is marginally resolved. If this is a PN, it is up to 0.7 pc in diameter. With our new photometric data, we develop a method of measuring the level of excitation in individual PNe by comparing broadband and narrowband imaging and describe the effects of excitation on a PN's photometric signature. Using the photometric properties of the known PNe in the PHAT catalogs, we search for more PN, but do not find any new candidates, suggesting that ground-based emission-line surveys are complete in the PHAT footprint to F475W ≃\simeq 24.Comment: 41 pages, 20 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Global X-ray properties of the Orion Nebula region

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    Based on the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) observation, we establish the global X-ray properties of the stellar population associated with the Orion Nebula. Three components contribute roughly equally to the integrated COUP luminosity in the hard (2-8 keV) X-ray band: several OB stars, 822 lightly obscured cool stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), and 559 heavily obscured stars. ONC stars 0.5-2 pc from the center show a spatial asymmetry consistent with violent relaxation in the stellar dynamics. The obscured COUP sources concentrate around both OMC-1 molecular cores; these small-scale structures indicate ages t < 0.1 Myr. The X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of the lightly obscured sample is roughly lognormal in shape. The obscured population is deficient in lower-luminosity stars, perhaps due to localized circumstellar material. Mass-stratified XLFs show that one-third of the Orion Nebula region hard-band emission is produced by the bright O6 star theta-1 Ori C and half is produced by lower mass pre-main sequence stars with masses 0.3 < M < 3 Mo. Very low mass stars contribute little to the cluster X-ray emission. Using the hard band emission, we show that young stellar clusters like the ONC can be readily detected and resolved with Chandra across the Galactic disk, even in the presence of heavy obscuration. The Orion Nebula sample is a valuable template for studies of distant clusters. For example, the peak of the XLF shape can serve as a standard candle for a new distance measure to distant young stellar clusters, and the presence of a neon emission line complex around 1 keV can serve as a diagnostic for young stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements, Special Issue on the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP). 11 pages, 7 figures. See http://www.astro.psu.edu/coup for an overview of COU

    SIGHT - A Tool for Building Multi-Media Structured-Document Interactive Editing and Formatting Applications

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    SIGHT is a tool for building applications that edit and format multi-media structured documents. The media supported include text, line graphics, handwriting, images and audio. These information media are maintained in a single integrated hierarchical database. The document architecture models documents as trees in which nodes can be shared, i.e., as directed acyclic graphs. For each document there is a logical (or abstract) represention tree and one or more physical (or layout) representation trees. A physical representation is the result of applying the formatter to a logical representation. Both trees are separate but share document content data. The physical representation is displayable and printable, but all editing effectively occurs in the logical representation. Any number of document types can be supported. A document type is defined by the node types it can contain, by how these node types can be hierarchically organized, by what each node type can contain and by the format specifications used in formatting the document. SIGHT provides applications a language to define new document types, a Core Editor, various specialized editors and a formatter. The Core Editor is further subdivided into a generic Tree Editor and a generic Node Editor. Both are not limited by document types but are sensitive to them. The Core Editor is the primary editing system
