121 research outputs found

    Mutagenicity of tamoxifen DNA adducts in human endometrial cells and in silico prediction of p53 mutation hotspots

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    Tamoxifen elevates the risk of endometrial tumours in women and α-(N2-deoxyguanosinyl)-tamoxifen adducts are reportedly present in endometrial tissue of patients undergoing therapy. Given the widespread use of tamoxifen there is considerable interest in elucidating the mechanisms underlying treatment-associated cancer. Using a combined experimental and multivariate statistical approach we have examined the mutagenicity and potential consequences of adduct formation by reactive intermediates in target uterine cells. pSP189 plasmid containing the supF gene was incubated with α-acetoxytamoxifen or 4-hydroxytamoxifen quinone methide (4-OHtamQM) to generate dG-N2-tamoxifen and dG-N2-4-hydroxytamoxifen, respectively. Plasmids were replicated in Ishikawa cells then screened in Escherichia coli. Treatment with both α-acetoxytamoxifen and 4-OHtamQM caused a dose-related increase in adduct levels, resulting in a damage-dependent increase in mutation frequency for α-acetoxytamoxifen; 4-OHtamQM had no apparent effect. Only α-acetoxytamoxifen generated statistically different supF mutation spectra relative to the spontaneous pattern, with most mutations being GC→TA transversions. Application of the LwPy53 algorithm to the α-acetoxytamoxifen spectrum predicted strong GC→TA hotspots at codons 244 and 273. These signature alterations do not correlate with current reports of the mutations observed in endometrial carcinomas from treated women, suggesting that dG-N2-tam adduct formation in the p53 gene is not a prerequisite for endometrial cancer initiation in women

    Author Correction: Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (331-341), 10.1038/s41588-019-0576-7)

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    Correction to: Nature Genetics, published online 05 February 2020. In the published version of this paper, the members of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium were listed in the Supplementary Information; however, these members should have been included in the main paper. The original Article has been corrected to include the members and affiliations of the PCAWG Consortium in the main paper; the corrections have been made to the HTML version of the Article but not the PDF version. Additional corrections to affiliations have been made to the PDF and HTML versions of the original Article for consistency of information between the PCAWG list and the main paper

    Unusually Long Palindromes Are Abundant in Mitochondrial Control Regions of Insects and Nematodes

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    BACKGROUND: Palindromes are known to be involved in a variety of biological processes. In the present investigation we carried out a comprehensive analysis of palindromes in the mitochondrial control regions (CRs) of several animal groups to study their frequency, distribution and architecture to gain insights into the origin of replication of mtDNA. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Many species of Arthropoda, Nematoda, Mollusca and Annelida harbor palindromes and inverted repeats (IRs) in their CRs. Lower animals like cnidarians and higher animal groups like chordates are almost devoid of palindromes and IRs. The study revealed that palindrome occurrence is positively correlated with the AT content of CRs, and that IRs are likely to give rise to longer palindromes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study attempts to explain possible reasons and gives in silico evidence for absence of palindromes and IRs from CR of vertebrate mtDNA and acquisition and retention of the same in insects. Study of CRs of different animal phyla uncovered unique architecture of this locus, be it high abundance of long palindromes and IRs in CRs of Insecta and Nematoda, or short IRs of 10–20 nucleotides with a spacer region of 12–14 bases in subphylum Chelicerata, or nearly complete of absence of any long palindromes and IRs in Vertebrata, Cnidaria and Echinodermata

    Chromosomal Inversions between Human and Chimpanzee Lineages Caused by Retrotransposons

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    The long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) and Alu elements are the most abundant mobile elements comprising 21% and 11% of the human genome, respectively. Since the divergence of human and chimpanzee lineages, these elements have vigorously created chromosomal rearrangements causing genomic difference between humans and chimpanzees by either increasing or decreasing the size of genome. Here, we report an exotic mechanism, retrotransposon recombination-mediated inversion (RRMI), that usually does not alter the amount of genomic material present. Through the comparison of the human and chimpanzee draft genome sequences, we identified 252 inversions whose respective inversion junctions can clearly be characterized. Our results suggest that L1 and Alu elements cause chromosomal inversions by either forming a secondary structure or providing a fragile site for double-strand breaks. The detailed analysis of the inversion breakpoints showed that L1 and Alu elements are responsible for at least 44% of the 252 inversion loci between human and chimpanzee lineages, including 49 RRMI loci. Among them, three RRMI loci inverted exonic regions in known genes, which implicates this mechanism in generating the genomic and phenotypic differences between human and chimpanzee lineages. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of mobile element bases inversion breakpoints between human and chimpanzee lineages, and highlights their role in primate genome evolution

    High Resolution Methylome Map of Rat Indicates Role of Intragenic DNA Methylation in Identification of Coding Region

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    DNA methylation is crucial for gene regulation and maintenance of genomic stability. Rat has been a key model system in understanding mammalian systemic physiology, however detailed rat methylome remains uncharacterized till date. Here, we present the first high resolution methylome of rat liver generated using Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and high throughput sequencing (MeDIP-Seq) approach. We observed that within the DNA/RNA repeat elements, simple repeats harbor the highest degree of methylation. Promoter hypomethylation and exon hypermethylation were common features in both RefSeq genes and expressed genes (as evaluated by proteomic approach). We also found that although CpG islands were generally hypomethylated, about 6% of them were methylated and a large proportion (37%) of methylated islands fell within the exons. Notably, we obeserved significant differences in methylation of terminal exons (UTRs); methylation being more pronounced in coding/partially coding exons compared to the non-coding exons. Further, events like alternate exon splicing (cassette exon) and intron retentions were marked by DNA methylation and these regions are retained in the final transcript. Thus, we suggest that DNA methylation could play a crucial role in marking coding regions thereby regulating alternative splicing. Apart from generating the first high resolution methylome map of rat liver tissue, the present study provides several critical insights into methylome organization and extends our understanding of interplay between epigenome, gene expression and genome stability

    Comparative analyses of vertebrate posterior HoxD clusters reveal atypical cluster architecture in the caecilian Typhlonectes natans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The posterior genes of the <it>HoxD </it>cluster play a crucial role in the patterning of the tetrapod limb. This region is under the control of a global, long-range enhancer that is present in all vertebrates. Variation in limb types, as is the case in amphibians, can probably not only be attributed to variation in <it>Hox </it>genes, but is likely to be the product of differences in gene regulation. With a collection of vertebrate genome sequences available today, we used a comparative genomics approach to study the posterior <it>HoxD </it>cluster of amphibians. A frog and a caecilian were included in the study to compare coding sequences as well as to determine the gain and loss of putative regulatory sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sequenced the posterior end of the <it>HoxD </it>cluster of a caecilian and performed comparative analyses of this region using <it>HoxD </it>clusters of other vertebrates. We determined the presence of conserved non-coding sequences and traced gains and losses of these footprints during vertebrate evolution, with particular focus on amphibians. We found that the caecilian <it>HoxD </it>cluster is almost three times larger than its mammalian counterpart. This enlargement is accompanied with the loss of one gene and the accumulation of repeats in that area. A similar phenomenon was observed in the coelacanth, where a different gene was lost and expansion of the area where the gene was lost has occurred. At least one phylogenetic footprint present in all vertebrates was lost in amphibians. This conserved region is a known regulatory element and functions as a boundary element in neural tissue to prevent expression of <it>Hoxd </it>genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The posterior part of the <it>HoxD </it>cluster of <it>Typhlonectes natans </it>is among the largest known today. The loss of <it>Hoxd-12 </it>and the expansion of the intergenic region may exert an influence on the limb enhancer, by having to bypass a distance seven times that of regular <it>HoxD </it>clusters. Whether or not there is a correlation with the loss of limbs remains to be investigated. These results, together with data on other vertebrates show that the tetrapod <it>Hox </it>clusters are more variable than previously thought.</p

    The distribution of inverted repeat sequences in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Although a variety of possible functions have been proposed for inverted repeat sequences (IRs), it is not known which of them might occur in vivo. We investigate this question by assessing the distributions and properties of IRs in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) genome. Using the IRFinder algorithm we detect 100,514 IRs having copy length greater than 6 bp and spacer length less than 77 bp. To assess statistical significance we also determine the IR distributions in two types of randomization of the S. cerevisiae genome. We find that the S. cerevisiae genome is significantly enriched in IRs relative to random. The S. cerevisiae IRs are significantly longer and contain fewer imperfections than those from the randomized genomes, suggesting that processes to lengthen and/or correct errors in IRs may be operative in vivo. The S. cerevisiae IRs are highly clustered in intergenic regions, while their occurrence in coding sequences is consistent with random. Clustering is stronger in the 3′ flanks of genes than in their 5′ flanks. However, the S. cerevisiae genome is not enriched in those IRs that would extrude cruciforms, suggesting that this is not a common event. Various explanations for these results are considered