536 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Mortar from the Archeological site Caričin Grad

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    The paper presents research of mortar from the archeological site Caričin Grad. Caričin Grad is an early Byzantine site located near Leskovac, Serbia. It is of extreme importance for the study of early Medieval architecture. The town covers the area of around 7 ha. In town planning terms, it consists of Acropolis, Middle, and Lower tow, each with its system of ramparts and the structures leaning on them. There is a large number of sacred buildings, Baths, public and private buildings, well developed water supply and sewerage system provide evidence of the town’s importance. Mortar was sampled from the buildings surrounding the circular square of the Middle town, from the structures north of Acropolis, gate between the Middle and Lower town, east gate of the Lower city as well as the aqueduct structure. Mortars were analyzed with the goal of obtaining information about morphological, mineralogical, chemical and basic physical properties of mortar. For analysis of these properties, optical microscopy was used and scanning electronic microscope. Depending on the location sampled mortars, there are differences of individual properties of mortar. The optical examination of macroscopic appearance of mortar samples indicated that those are limestone mortars. The aggregate grains detected are river and crushed limestone aggregate and fine pieces of bricks

    Protective zones of the Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija

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    Манастир је јединство изграђене структуре, посвећеног живота и простора у коме се тај живот одвија. Имајући увек духовну мисију, манастири могу бити у статусу културног или природног добра, категорисани као добра од националног значаја или као светска баштина. На подручју Косова и Метохије (у функцији, у материјалним остацима или у предању) налази се преко 1500 светих места (манастири, цркве, гробља) која сведоче историју и православну духовност српског народа вековима уназад. Јединство српске световне и духовне власти постигнуто у периоду владавине династије Немањића одразило се и у црквеној уметности – настанком оригиналних стилских школа грађења и урбаних форми, претежно са грађевином храма у центру слободног простора порте, затвореног изграђеном структуром. Између свих важних манастира на Косову и Метохији, у прелазним деценијама из XX у XXI век, у раду је издвојено петнаест манастира за које се може рећи да су од посебне важности за Српску православну цркву (према синтези у делу Задужбине Косова), за Репулику Србију (према статусу заштите, претежно су заштићени као споменици културе), и за Цркву и Државу истовремено (везано за Државне преговоре вођене 2006-2007.г. у Бечу). Осим у време отоманске владавине, манастири су страдали и у ратовима у првој половини XX века, истовремено излагани нападима локалног албанског становништва. После Другог светског рата, манастирска имовина одузета је кроз доношење низа закона у духу новог друштвеног и државног уређења. У околностима окончања НАТО бомбардовања СРЈ 1999.г., доношења Резолуције 1244 и увођењем протектората међународне заједнице на Косову и Метохији, у етнички мотивисаним нападима страдало је 129 светих места, од чега 34 у такозваном Мартовском погрому 2004.г. Уништавање српског историјског, духовног и културног наслеђа потврдиле су и међународне мисије (UNESCO, 6 Council of Europe), после чега су манастири Дечани, Грачаница и Пећка Патријаршија уписани на UNESCO’s World Heritage Lists. Напади су отворили потребу успостављања зона заштите око српских светих места, пре свега у циљу њихове безбедности. За Државне преговоре у Бечу 2006.г., српски експерти припремили су техничку документацију за зоне заштите на 39 сложених локација у којима су садржана 24 манастира. Уследио је Анекс V Ахтисаријевог плана за верско наслеђе, чије је стручне недостатке у одређивању зона заштите и управљању зонама српска преговарачка страна показала анализама и изложила их на преговорима у Бечу 2007.г. То међународну заједницу није спречило да подржи, из Ахтисаријевог плана произашлу, тзв. законску регулативу о специјалним зонама заштите предметних локација коју су донеле стручно неспремне такозване привремене институције самоуправе Косова. Ахтисаријев план подржао је и модел обнове српских храмова према Меморандуму, који је у два наврата потписала Српска православна црква са истим тзв. привременим институцијама Косова, уз сведочење UNMIK, где је на чело спровођења обнове стао Council of Europe. Осим овог примера, у раду се разматра модел обнове манастира Бањске кроз читав XX век, прво, када су истраживачки радови завршени обновом храмовне грађевине и касније, када је истраживање манастира завршено конзервацијом откривених остатака грађевина тј. без оживљавања манастира, које ће се у оквиру модела одрживе обнове догодити у XXI веку. Израда урбанистичког Плана за манастир, насеље и бању Бањска потврдила је интегративни приступ обнови културног наслеђа у сарадњи Српске православне цркве и државних институција. Одређивање зона заштите разматрано је у светлу црквене регулативе од Сабора у Јерусалиму 50.г., кроз Свете каноне и монашка правила, до савремених српских закона о заштити културних добара и природе, планирању и изградњи, црквама и верским заједницама. Узети су у обзир и утицаји међународних конвенција у области заштите културног, природног и нематеријалног наслеђа, UNESCO критеријуми о утврђивању универзалних вредности и UNOSEK критеријуми коришћени у току Државних преговора у Бечу. 7 Установљена су три зонска појаса заштите са могућношћу њиховог унутрашњег раслојавања, сви обједињени Богослужбеном функцијом. То су: задате зоне заштите манастира (олтар, храм, порта, ободна изграђена структура), зоне заштите окружења манастира (власнички обухват, урбанистичка зона, културни предео) и посебне зоне заштите (посвећен простор и посвећено време). Истраживањем су утврђена и мерила за успостављање зона заштите кроз питања процедуре потом и техничка мерила дата за сваки зонски појас засебно. Одређивање и управљање зонама заштите захтева пуну усаглашеност Српске православне цркве и институција Републике Србије, уз усаглашену примену Светих канона, домаће регулативе и страних конвенција. У сложени процес одређивања зона заштите манастира неопходно је укључити стручњаке из историје уметности, архитектуре и урбанизма и посебно познаваоце монашког живота.A monastery is a union of a built structure, of consecrated life and the overall space in which that life unfolds. Always having a spiritual mission, monasteries may have a status of a cultural or a natural property, categorized as a property of national significance or as a world heritage site. In Kosovo and Metohija (either in function, in the form of architectural remains or as a part of the old tradition) there are about 1500 holy places (monasteries, churches and cemeteries) which bear witness to the Orthodox spirituality and history of the Serbian nation throughout the ages. The unity of the Serbian state and the Serbian church achieved during the rule of the Nemanjic dynasty has reflected in the church art, in original architectural styles and urban forms, where the church building was always in centre of the free space of the churchyard enclosed with the structures built around it. Among all of the significant monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija, in the decades between 20th and 21st centuries, there are fifteen of them that stand out as the most important monasteries for the Serbian Orthodox Church (according to the book Legacies of Kosovo), for the Serbian state (according to their protection status, mainly protected as monuments of culture) and for the Church and the State together (according to the platform for the State Negotiations held in Vienna in 2006/2007). In addition to the destruction during the Ottoman rule, the monasteries were also destroyed in the wars in the first half of 20th century, while at the same time being exposed to the attacks of the local Albanian population. After World War II, the monastery property was dispossessed by the legislation which was passed within the new social establishment of the state. Under the circumstances following the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the UN Resolution 1244 and the arrival of the international forces, 129 sacred places, 34 of which during the 2004 March riots, were destroyed in Kosovo and Metohija in ethnically motivated attacks. The international missions (UNESCO, Council of Europe) confirmed the destruction of the Serbian historical, spiritual and cultural heritage after which the UNESCO inscribed the 9 monasteries Decani, Gracanica, and the Patriarchate of Pec on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The attacks created a need to establish protective zones around the Serbian holy sites, primarily for the sake of their safety. For the purpose of the State Negotiations held in Vienna in 2006, experts from Serbia prepared a Project for the protection of 39 complex cultural sites with 24 monasteries. This was followed by Annex V of the Ahtisaari Plan for religious heritage with certain shortcomings in the establishment and monitoring of the zones, which the Serbian experts explained through analyses in the new Project for the State Negotiations held in Vienna in 2007. This did not prevent the international community from supporting the consequent so-called legislation on special protective zones enacted by the professionally unprepared provisional institutions of Kosovo. The Ahtisaari Plan also gave support to the reconstruction of the Serbian church buildings through a Memorandum, which the Serbian Orthodox Church on signed two occasions with the same provisional institutions of Kosovo, in the presence of UNMIK. The implementation of the Memorandum is led by the Council of Europe. In addition to this example, this thesis also considers the model of the reconstruction of the monastery Banjska throughout the 20th century, first when the research works ended in the restoration of the church building and later with the conservation of the architectural remains, without revitalization of the life in monastery, which will, as a model of a sustainable renewal process, take place only at the beginning of the 21st century. The preparation of the urban-planning Project for the unified monastery, the settlement and the spa of Banjska has confirmed an integrative approach to reconstruction of cultural heritage through cooperation between the Serbian Church and the Serbian state institutions. The establishment of the protective zones was considered taking into account the church rules from the Synaxis of Jerusalem in 50 A.D., through the Holy Canons of the Church and the monastic rules, to the contemporary Serbian legislation on cultural and nature heritage, urban planning and construction, and churches and religious communities. Consideration was also given to international conventions in the sphere of the protection of cultural, natural and intangible heritage, UNESCO’s criteria on determining the 10 universal values and UNOSEK criteria used in the discussions within the State Negotiations held in Vienna. Three areas of protection have been established, with a possibility of their further division, all unified within the Liturgical function. These are the unchangeable protective zones of the monastery itself (altar of the temple, the temple, churchyard, peripheral built structure or external walls), protective zones surrounding the monastery (monastery’s properties, urban areas and cultural landscape) and special protective zones (sacral space and sacral time). The research has also established the criteria for determining the protective zones through the questions of procedure and then the technical criteria for each of the three zone areas of protection individually. The establishment and management of the protective zones must be carried out with a full consent of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the institutions of the Republic of Serbia, with a harmonized application of the Holy Canons of the Church, the Serbian legislation and international Conventions. This complex process of establishing protective zones of the monastery requires an involvement of experts in the fields of the history of art, architecture and urban-planning, and especially connoisseurs of monastic life

    Analysis of nature of resistance to quinolones and molecular typing of selected serotypes of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica

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    Salmoneloze spadaju među najznačajnije zoonoze u svetu. S obzirom da se ljudi zaražavaju najčešće putem konzumacije hrane životinjskog porekla, nadzor nad salmonelama neophodan je u svakom stadijumu proizvodnje hrane od farme do viljuške. Širenje rezistencije na hinolone među salmonelama predstavlja veliki javno zdravstveni problem zbog uticaja na lečenje ljudi i životinja. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita mogućnost brze i efikasne tipizacije Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotip Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) kao najčešćeg serotipa kod ljudi i učestalost i molekularni mehanizmi rezistencije na hinolone kod salmonela. U kolekciji izolata S. Enteritidis poreklom od ljudi, pilića i iz namirnica živinskog porekla, kombinacijom RAPD-PCR tipizacije sa četiri prajmera, rezistotipizacije i polimorfizma mutacija u regionu gyrA gena koji kodira rezistenciju na hinolone (QRDR), diskriminisano je 22 genetičke grupe sa indeksom diskriminacije 0.828. Svi izolati bili su visoko srodni, a tipizacija je dokazala nasumičnu raspoređenost tipova u sve tri kategorije izolata, odnosno cirkulaciju sojeva kroz razne stadijume lanca ishrane. RAPD-PCR tipizacija uspešno je izdvojila epidemijski soj među tri izolata S. Enteritidis iz jednog restorana brze hrane. Analizom uzoraka iz fabrike biskvita ustanovljena je kontaminacija sa najmanje četiri soja S. Enteritidis i povezanost serotipa Enteritidis sa jajima kao izvorom kontaminacije. Analizom većeg uzorka izolata poreklom od namirnica i ljudi sa teritorije Južnobačkog okruga u šestogodišnjem periodu ustanovljena je mala učestalost rezistencije S. Enteritidis na antibiotike, retka pojava višestruke rezistencije na antibiotike i mala učestalost rezistencije na hinolone (2.9%). Nađena su tri tipa mutacija odgovornih za rezistenciju na hinolone u QRDR regionu: Asp87Asn, Asp87Gly i Ser83Phe. Dominirale su mutacije na 87. poziciji i to Asp87Asn supstitucija. Nisu nađeni dokazi o klonalnom širenju sojeva rezistentnih na nalidiksičnu kiselinu. Rezistencija na fluorohinolone nije otkrivena. Dokazana je smanjena osetljivost na fluorohinolone kod S. Enteritidis rezistentnih na nalidiksičnu kiselinu. Kod drugih serotipova salmonela rezistencija na nalidiksičnu kiselinu i udruženost sa više markera rezistencije bila je učestalija nego kod S. Enteritidis, naročito kod S. Hadar. Rezistencija na ampicilin i nalidiksičnu kiselinu bile su najčešće kod salmonela bez obzira na serotip. Diskriminativna moć i jednostavnost RAPD-PCR metode sa četiri prajmera udružene sa rezistotipizacijom preporučuju ih kao efikasan sistem tipizacije prilikom nadzora nad kretanjem salmonela u humanoj i životinjskoj populaciji. Ispitivanje rezistencije na antibiotike, a naročito na hinolone kod salmonela neophodno je u cilju upozoravanja kliničara na terapijske rizike, a sa epidemiološkog aspekta, radi detekcije pojave i širenja opasnih sojeva.Salmonelloses are among most significant zoonoses in the world. Since people are most often infected by consumption of food of animal origin, surveillance of salmonella is necessary in every stage of food production from farm to fork. Emergence of resistance to quinolones among salmonella is a significant public health problem, considering implications on the treatment of humans and animals. The aims of the investigation were to analyze the possibility of fast and efficient typing of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) as the most frequent serotype in humans and to investigate frequency and molecular mechanisms determining resistance to quinolones in salmonella. In a collection of S. Enteritidis isolates originating from humans, poultry and marketed poultry products and eggs, a combination of RAPD-PCR typing with four primers, resistotyping and polymorphism of mutations in quinolone resistance determining region (QRDR) of gyrA gene revealed 22 genetic groups with discrimination index of 0.828. All isolates were closely related and typing has proved random distribution of types in all three categories of isolates, ie. circulation of strains through subsequent stages of food chain. RAPD-PCR typing succesfully discriminated epidemic strain among 3 S. Enteritidis isolates from one fast food restaurant. Analysis of samples from one biscuit factory showed contamination with at least four strains of S. Enteritidis and strong connection of serotype Enteritidis with eggs as a source of contamination. Analysis of larger collection of isolates from food and humans in Southern Bačka county in a six-year period revealed low frequency of resistance of S. Enteritidis to antibiotics, rare occurence of multiple resistance to antibiotics and low frequency of resistance to quinolones (2.9%). Three types of mutations determining resistance to quinolones in QRDR were discovered: Asp87Asn, Asp87Gly and Ser83Phe. Mutations at position 87 are dominant, with Asp87Asn as the most frequent. There was no evidence of clonal spread of strains resistant to quinolones. Resistance to fluoroquinolones was not detected. Reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones among S. Enteritidis resistant to nalidixic acid was proved. Resistance to nalidixic acid and association with multiple antibiotic resistance were more common among other serotypes of salmonella, especially in S. Hadar, than among S. Enteritidis. Resistance to ampicillin and nalidixic acid were the most common in all investigated salmonella serotypes. Discriminative power and simplicity of RAPD-PCR method with four primers together with resistotyping recommend them as the efficient typing system for monitoring of salmonella in human and animal population. Investigation of resistance to antibiotics, especially to quinolones among salmonella is essential for alerting clinicians for therapy risks, and from epidemiological aspect, for detection of emergence and spread of dangerous strains

    Malting quality indicators of Croatian dual-purpose barley varieties

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    Malting barley varieties usually demand higher expences than feed varieties, at least as far as management practice is concerned. For this reason, many growers in Croatia search for a quality replacement of malting varieties. Croatian market allows dual-purpose varieties, but strict quality parameters have to be met in order for a variety to be recognized as a malting/feed variety. The aim of this research was to preliminary assess the malting quality of several malting, feed and multipurpose (dual or combined) malting/feed barley varieties. 11 barley varieties were grown in Osijek area during 2011: seven malting/feed (M/F), two malting (M) and two feed barley varieties (F). The suitability for the beer production was assessed according to the malting quality indicators, determined by using standard methods of analytica EBC (European Brewing Convention). As expected, both malting varieties (Vanessa and Tiffany) demonstrated the best malting quality parameters. Most of the combined malting/feed varieties were within recommended values, except Maxim, Lukas and Gazda, which showed the lowest results in friability. Considering that the results were collected and evaluated over a period of one year, this study was taken as a good pointer to future, longer lasting investigations

    The initial analysis of the river Ibar temperature downstream of the lake Gazivode

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    As a result of a very limited number of geometric and other input data, the temperature modeling of the river Ibar downstream of the lake Gazivode was started by analyzing one river reach between Pridvorica, secondary dam in the system Gazivode, and the city Kosovska Mitrovica. River reach was selected so that the numerical results can be compared with available measured temperature data. Water quality component of HEC-RAS one-dimensional hydraulic river model was used for temperature calculations

    Bioinformatics analysis of SARS coronavirus genome polymorphism

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    BACKGROUND: We have compared 38 isolates of the SARS-CoV complete genome. The main goal was twofold: first, to analyze and compare nucleotide sequences and to identify positions of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), insertions and deletions, and second, to group them according to sequence similarity, eventually pointing to phylogeny of SARS-CoV isolates. The comparison is based on genome polymorphism such as insertions or deletions and the number and positions of SNPs. RESULTS: The nucleotide structure of all 38 isolates is presented. Based on insertions and deletions and dissimilarity due to SNPs, the dataset of all the isolates has been qualitatively classified into three groups each having their own subgroups. These are the A-group with "regular" isolates (no insertions / deletions except for 5' and 3' ends), the B-group of isolates with "long insertions", and the C-group of isolates with "many individual" insertions and deletions. The isolate with the smallest average number of SNPs, compared to other isolates, has been identified (TWH). The density distribution of SNPs, insertions and deletions for each group or subgroup, as well as cumulatively for all the isolates is also presented, along with the gene map for TWH. Since individual SNPs may have occurred at random, positions corresponding to multiple SNPs (occurring in two or more isolates) are identified and presented. This result revises some previous results of a similar type. Amino acid changes caused by multiple SNPs are also identified (for the annotated sequences, as well as presupposed amino acid changes for non-annotated ones). Exact SNP positions for the isolates in each group or subgroup are presented. Finally, a phylogenetic tree for the SARS-CoV isolates has been produced using the CLUSTALW program, showing high compatibility with former qualitative classification. CONCLUSIONS: The comparative study of SARS-CoV isolates provides essential information for genome polymorphism, indication of strain differences and variants evolution. It may help with the development of effective treatment

    The initial analysis of the river Ibar temperature downstream of the lake Gazivode

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    As a result of a very limited number of geometric and other input data, the temperature modeling of the river Ibar downstream of the lake Gazivode was started by analyzing one river reach between Pridvorica, secondary dam in the system Gazivode, and the city Kosovska Mitrovica. River reach was selected so that the numerical results can be compared with available measured temperature data. Water quality component of HEC-RAS one-dimensional hydraulic river model was used for temperature calculations

    Determination of inorganic compounds in drinking water on the basis of house water heater scale, part 1: Determination of heavy metals and uranium

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    The analysis of scale originated from drinking water on the house water heater, showed that scale is basically calcium carbonate that crystallizes hexagonally in the form of calcite. Scale taken as a sample from different spots in Belgrade – upper town of Zemun (sample 1) and Pančevo (sample 2) showed different configuration although it came from the same waterworks. That indicates either that the water flowing through waterworks pipes in different parts of the city is not the same or the waterworks net is not the same (age, maintaining, etc). All the elements which are dominant in drinking water (Ca, Mg, K, and Na), and which could be found in water by natural processes, are by their content far below the values regulated by law. The analysis also showed the presence of many metals: Ti, Pb, Zn, Cu Li, Sr, Cd, and Cr in the first sample, which are not found in the scale taken near Pančevo. The results obtained by calculating the mass concentration in drinking water on the basis of scale content, showed that both waters belonged to the category of low mineral waters. Contents of inorganic substances in these waters (117.85 mg/dm3 for sample 1 or 80.83 mg/dm3 for sample 2) are twice lower than the values predicted by the legislation. Gammaspectrometric analysis indicates the presence of radioactive elements – uranium and strontium which can influence human health

    Fractals applications on fractured archeological samples reconstruction

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    The civil engineering materials in the whole existing civilization have many characteristics which do not depend of past historical period, but, there is forever and everywhere fractal characteristic of structures morphology. Many archeological sources which are very rich with samples from prehistorical periods, ancient Greece, Roman and Vestian period, Slovenes and later, are existing in Balkan and South-East Europe. These sources and samples are very important for our civilization evaluation. Sometimes or even often, we fined archeological samples which are fractured and damaged. In such situation, it is very important to reconstruct some of these parts. We developed quite new method based on fractals analysis and characterization which is an excellent tool for reconstruction the archeological and heritage samples. In these paper, we successfully presented this application and opened new perspectives for research in this area

    Impact of crushed mineral aggregate on the pumpability of concrete during transport and placement

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    In the spirit of the sustainable buildings, and with the goal of protection of river courses, in the near future an already announced directive ordering closing down of a large number of river aggregate dredging operations will be adopted. For that reason, usage of crushed mineral aggregate in concrete mixes is increasing. Irrespective of downsides of the fined crushed mineral aggregate, such as the presence of fine particles bordering the upper permissible limit and the unfavorable shape of the grain of the course aggregate for obtaining liquid consistency required for the pumpable concrete, the demanded pumpability of concrete during transport and placement has been achieved. By adding admixtures to concrete, the required concrete properties, such as: frost resistance, simultaneous frost and salt resistance and water tightness have been achieved