317 research outputs found

    Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible: a rare gnathic bone tumor with a review of the literature

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    Desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a rare bone tumor, which is known to involve mostly the gnathic bones. In this setting, the clinical presentation is usually represented by a bulging tumor of the face. Radiologically, the tumor is usually characterized by an expansile lytic bone lesion. The histopathology of the tumor shows a poorly circumscribed hypocellular lesion rich in collagen fibers with interspersed spindle cells having bland nuclear chromatin. Despite the lack of mitoses and nuclear pleomorphism, DF has an aggressive nature, presenting as a destructive growth causing entrapment of neuro-vascular bundles, sinusitis, or trismus. Some cases of DF show mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli pathway shown by nuclear localization of the β-catenin protein. Few reports showed an association with tuberous sclerosis, though most of these cases were sporadic. We discuss a rare case of desmoplastic fibroma involving the mandible, and a review of the literature of the DF cases involving the gnathic bones

    Input and output of energy in processing gizzard pickle

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    Data were collected from seven replicates to quantify the input of commercial energy in manual processing of oil based (OB) as well as vinegar-based (VB) chicken gizzard pickles and output of caloric values from the products was calculated. Higher amounts of electrical (0.691 kWh) and total energy (9.792 kWh) with lesser inputs of human energy were required in preparation of VB pickle compared with 0.3 (0.597 kWh) and 8.731 M]lkg of raw gizzard products. However, more caloric outputs were obtained from OB product (282 Cal/l00g) compared with VB (261 Cal/l00g) pickle. Despite significant superiority of oil-based gizzard pickle for colour, juiciness and tenderness, the overall acceptability of pickles was insignificantly different. Proximate analysis revealed non significant variations in pH, moisture content and crude protein of the two pickles. Based on the input output energy relations, it is concluded that processing of experimental VB gizzard pickle is economically cost effective (67 Call rupee) over the oil-based (56 Cal/rupee) chicken gizzard pickle

    Comparative evaluation of efficacy and safety of primaquine sustained-release tablets v/s primaquine conventional tablets in Treatment and prevention of relapse of plasmodium vivax malaria

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    Background: Malaria is one of the most important parasitic disease of human. In India 60-65% of infections are due to P.vivax and 35-40% are due to P.falciparum Malaria is an acute, recurrent and sometimes chronic vector borne protozoan disease which has worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical regions The role of Primaquine is well established in the prevention of relapse of P.vivax malaria. Primaquine has a narrow therapeutic range and short half-life that requires daily administration upto 2 weeks, resulting in poor complianceMethods: Randomized control trial, which involved 100 patients of P.vivax Malaria Patient in medical ward of mahatma Gandhi hospital attached to S N medical college ’Jodhpur. All patient in this study received chloroquine for 3 days (10mg of base per kg followed by 5mg /kg 6-8 hours later and 5 mg/kg on each of the two days, total 25mg/kg over 3days and divided in three groups viz.Group 1 taken Primaquine 15 mg tab for 14 days (n=34), Group 2 taken Primaquine 15 mg SR tab for 14 days (n=33),Group 3 taken Primaquine 30 mg SR tab for 7 days and placebo for next 7 days.Results: In this study, Efficacy and compliance of Primaquine 30 mg SR for 7 days was found greater than the conventional Primaquine tab. and Primaquine 15 mg SR tab for 14 day. Adverse effect of primaquine 30 mg SR tab for 7 days was found lesser than conventional Primaquine tab 15 mg as well as Primaquine 15 mg SR tab.Conclusions: As Malaria is very prevalent in India which causes significant mortality and morbidity in Indian population. Use of Primaquine 30 mg SR tab has good compliance, efficacy as well as lesser adverse effect

    Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance in nosocomial infection in medical and surgical intensive care units of a tertiary care hospital in north India

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    Background: Antibiotic resistance threatens the health of many throughout the world. It is a common problem in the ICU patients who acquire nosocomial infections. Critically ill ICU patients are most vulnerable for developing multidrug resistant nosocomial infections.Methods: Hospital based, cross sectional, descriptive type of observational study involving 311 patients admitted in ICU who were studied for development of nosocomial infections.Results: In this study, the nosocomial infection rate among ICU patients was 32.79%. The commonest organism isolated from all samples were E. coli., Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas sp., CONS and Staph. aureus. In these samples, it was found that E. coli was most commonly resistant to Imipenem (93.8%) and Meropenem (93.8%). Majority of CONS was resistant to Nitrofurantoin (81.0%). Klebsiella sp. was most commonly resistant to Ceftriaxone (94.4%). Pseudomonas was commonly resistant to Imipenem (94.1%) and Meropenem (94.1%). Acinetobacter sp. was resistant commonly to Amikacin (90%) and Gentamicin (90%). Staph. Aureus was mostly resistant to Amikacin (90%), Gentamicin (90%) and Cotrimoxazole (90%).Conclusions: Nosocomial infections affect about 1/3rd of the patients in ICUs. Development of antibiotic resistance to commonly used drugs becomes a major deterrent to patient outcome, increasing duration of patient stay as well as expense. Strict infection control measures like universal precautions and stringent adherence to hand washing practices; formulation of antibiotic policy; Surveillance activities, appointment of infection control practitioners; might be required for the same for which further research is advocated

    All-atom de novo protein folding with a scalable evolutionary algorithm

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    Prevalence and determinants of hypertension in elderly population of Raipur city, Chhattisgarh

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    Background: Demographic transition across globe leading towards greying of population. Worldwide, raised blood pressure is estimated to cause 12.8% of the total annual deaths. This account for 3.7% of total DALYs. Several community-based studies have served to emphasize that hypertension is rapidly emerging as a major public health problem. However, only a few of these studies included elderly people. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence and factors influencing hypertension among elderly population of Raipur city.  Methods: This community based cross-sectional study was carried out in capital of Chhattisgarh, including urban and slum area from July 2013 to June 2014. Multistage simple random sampling methods were used. Study population comprises of all elderly 60 years and above residing in the study area for at least one year. A total of 640 subjects were included in study.Results: The overall prevalence of hypertension in present study was 50%, prevalent among females (55.49%),shows a significant positive association with body mass index, physical activity and age up to old age group (75-84)yrs. Surprisingly inverse association was observed with alcohol (P <0.001) and smoking (P <0.05) status.Conclusion: Our findings emphasize the public health importance of hypertension in the elderly in Raipur city, and need to strengthen the national programme for hypertension. From a public health perspective, there is definite need for screening of elderly.

    Synthesis, characterization and electrical properties of GO/PANI/NPs (NPs = CdSe, CdSe/CdS, CdSe/ZnS) nanocomposites

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    In this paper, GO/PANI/NPs (NPs = CdSe, CdSe/CdS, CdSe/ZnS) nanocomposites have been prepared using chemical method. The electrical properties of CdSe quantum dots, core shell nanoparticles (CdSe@CdS and CdSe@ZnS), graphene oxide/polyaniline nanocomposite (GO/PANI) and graphene oxide/polyaniline/nanoparticles (GO/PANI/NPs) nanocomposites have been measured using electrometer/high resistance meter (Keithley 6517A) at different wt% ratio. The above obtained nanoparticles (CdSe, CdSe@CdS and CdSe@ZnS) show the electrical current in nano ampere (nA) range while GO/PANI nanocomposites show the electrical current in miliampere (mA) range in the I-V measurement. The results of this study have been expected to reveal the effect of finite particle size on the conductivity of nanoparticles. The observed electrical conductivity of GO/PANI/NPs nanocomposites has been significantly reduced after the mixing of above obtained nanoparticles in different wt% ratio with GO/PANI nanocomposites. The knowledge of electrical conductivity and the effective mechanism for the conduction in nanocomposite is important for the fabrication of an electronic device such as solar cell