1,839 research outputs found

    Shuttle orbiter boundary layer transition at flight and wind tunnel conditions

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    Hypersonic boundary layer transition data obtained on the windward centerline of the Shuttle orbiter during entry for the first five flights are presented and analyzed. Because the orbiter surface is composed of a large number of thermal protection tiles, the transition data include the effects of distributed roughness arising from tile misalignment and gaps. These data are used as a benchmark for assessing and improving the accuracy of boundary layer transition predictions based on correlations of wind tunnel data taken on both aerodynamically rough and smooth orbiter surfaces. By comparing these two data bases, the relative importance of tunnel free stream noise and surface roughness on orbiter boundary layer transition correlation parameters can be assessed. This assessment indicates that accurate predications of transition times can be made for the orbiter at hypersonic flight conditions by using roughness dominated wind tunnel data. Specifically, times of transition onset and completion is accurately predicted using a correlation based on critical and effective values of a roughness Reynolds number previously derived from wind tunnel data

    Space Shuttle orbiter entry heating and TPS response: STS-1 predictions and flight data

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    Aerothermodynamic development flight test data from the first orbital flight test of the Space Transportation System (STS) transmitted after entry blackout is given. Engineering predictions of boundary layer transition and numerical simulations of the orbiter flow field were confirmed. The data tended to substantiate preflight predictions of surface catalysis phenomena. The thermal response of the thermal protection system was as expected. The only exception is that internal free convection was found to be significant in limiting the peak temperature of the structure in areas which do not have internal insulation

    Fermi Surface Properties of Low Concentration Cex_{x}La1−x_{1-x}B6_{6}: dHvA

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    The de Haas-van Alphen effect is used to study angular dependent extremal areas of the Fermi Surfaces (FS) and effective masses of Cex_{x}La1−x_{1-x}B6% _{6} alloys for xx between 0 and 0.05. The FS of these alloys was previously observed to be spin polarized at low Ce concentration (xx = 0.05). This work gives the details of the initial development of the topology and spin polarization of the FS from that of unpolarized metallic LaB6_{6} to that of spin polarized heavy Fermion CeB6_{6} .Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    The Design and Operation of The Keck Observatory Archive

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    The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) operate an archive for the Keck Observatory. At the end of 2013, KOA completed the ingestion of data from all eight active observatory instruments. KOA will continue to ingest all newly obtained observations, at an anticipated volume of 4 TB per year. The data are transmitted electronically from WMKO to IPAC for storage and curation. Access to data is governed by a data use policy, and approximately two-thirds of the data in the archive are public.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figs, 4 tables. Presented at Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014. June 2014, Montreal, Canad

    Polarization of Broad Absorption Line QSOs I. A Spectropolarimetric Atlas

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    We present a spectropolarimetric survey of 36 broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects (BAL QSOs). The continuum, absorption trough, and emission line polarization of BAL QSOs yield clues about their structure. We confirm that BAL QSOs are in general more highly polarized than non-BAL QSOs, consistent with a more equatorial viewing direction for the former than the latter. We have identified two new highly-polarized QSOs in our sample (1232+1325 and 1333+2840). The polarization rises weakly to the blue in most objects, perhaps due to scattering and absorption by dust particles. We find that a polarization increase in the BAL troughs is a general property of polarized BAL QSOs, indicating an excess of scattered light relative to direct light, and consistent with the unification of BAL QSOs and non-BAL QSOs. We have also discovered evidence of resonantly scattered photons in the red wing of the C IV broad emission lines of a few objects. In most cases, the broad emission lines have lower polarization and a different position angle than the continuum. The polarization characteristics of low-ionization BAL QSOs are similar to those of high-ionization BAL QSOs, suggesting a similar BAL wind geometry.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures (20 .gif files), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Optical conductivity and superconductivity in LaSb2_2

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    We have measured the resistivity, optical conductivity, and magnetic susceptibility of LaSb2_2 to search for clues as to the cause of the extraordinarily large linear magnetoresistance and to explore the properties of the superconducting state. We find no evidence in the optical conductivity for the formation of a charge density wave state above 20 K despite the highly layered crystal structure. In addition, only small changes to the optical reflectivity with magnetic field are observed indicating that the MR is due to scattering rate, not charge density, variations with field. Although a superconducting ground state was previously reported below a critical temperature of 0.4 K, we observe, at ambient pressure, a fragile superconducting transition with an onset at 2.5 K. In crystalline samples, we find a high degree of variability with a minority of samples displaying a full Meissner fraction below 0.2 K and fluctuations apparent up to 2.5 K. The application of pressure stabilizes the superconducting transition and reduces the anisotropy of the superconducting phase.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figure

    Unusual metamagnetism in CeIrIn5_5

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    We report a high field investigation (up to 45 T) of the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn5_5 with resistivity and de-Haas-van-Alphen (dHvA) effect measurements in the temperature range 0.03-1 K. As the magnetic field is increased the resistivity increases, reaches a maximum at the metamagnetic critical field, and falls precipitously for fields just above the transition, while the amplitude of all measurable dHvA frequencies are significantly attenuated near the metamagnetic critical field. However, the dHvA frequencies and cyclotron masses are not substantially altered by the transition. In the low field state, the resistivity is observed to increase toward low temperatures in a singular fashion, a behavior that is rapidly suppressed above the transition. Instead, in the high field state, the resistivity monotonically increases with temperature with a dependence that is more singular than the iconic Fermi-liquid, temperature-squared, behavior. Both the damping of the dHvA amplitudes and the increased resistivity near the metamagnetic critical field indicate an increased scattering rate for charge carriers consistent with critical fluctuation scattering in proximity to a phase transition. The dHvA amplitudes do not uniformly recover above the critical field, with some hole-like orbits being entirely suppressed at high fields. These changes, taken as a whole, suggest that the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn5_5 is associated with the polarization and localization of the heaviest of quasiparticles on the hole-like Fermi surface.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Mass fluxes and isofluxes of methane (CH4) at a New Hampshire fen measured by a continuous wave quantum cascade laser spectrometer

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    We have developed a mid‐infrared continuous‐wave quantum cascade laser direct‐absorption spectrometer (QCLS) capable of high frequency (≄1 Hz) measurements of 12CH4 and 13CH4 isotopologues of methane (CH4) with in situ 1‐s RMS image precision of 1.5 ‰ and Allan‐minimum precision of 0.2 ‰. We deployed this QCLS in a well‐studied New Hampshire fen to compare measurements of CH4 isoflux by eddy covariance (EC) to Keeling regressions of data from automated flux chamber sampling. Mean CH4 fluxes of 6.5 ± 0.7 mg CH4 m−2 hr−1 over two days of EC sampling in July, 2009 were indistinguishable from mean autochamber CH4 fluxes (6.6 ± 0.8 mgCH4 m−2 hr−1) over the same period. Mean image composition of emitted CH4 calculated using EC isoflux methods was −71 ± 8 ‰ (95% C.I.) while Keeling regressions of 332 chamber closing events over 8 days yielded a corresponding value of −64.5 ± 0.8 ‰. Ebullitive fluxes, representing ∌10% of total CH4 fluxes at this site, were on average 1.2 ‰ enriched in 13C compared to diffusive fluxes. CH4 isoflux time series have the potential to improve process‐based understanding of methanogenesis, fully characterize source isotopic distributions, and serve as additional constraints for both regional and global CH4 modeling analysis
