754 research outputs found

    Disability, citizenship and uncivilized society: the smooth and nomadic qualities of self-advocacy

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    People with the label of "intellectual disabilities"1 are often objectified and devalued by master narratives of deviance, tragedy and lack. In this paper, we draw on poststructuralist and feminist resources (e.g. Deleuze & Guattari 1987 and Braidotti 1994, 2002, 2006a) to argue that a disabling society is uncivilized in ways that block the becomings of citizenship. We draw upon our work with self-advocacy groups in England and Belgium where self-advocates open up different life worlds. We shed light on their politics of resistance and resilience, and map how they, as politicized citizen subjects, move in a web of oppressive disability discourses. However, we suggest, as nomads, they set foot on the landmarks of their lives in a never-ending search for smooth spaces in which something different might happen

    Enabling transition into higher education for students with asperger syndrome

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    This project report provides an insight into the lives of students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) during their transition into higher education. It details the experiences of eight students with AS. Students were interviewed multiple times at various junctures throughout their first academic year. Although they told stories of everyday disabling barriers, they also shared experiences of academic and social successes. The project was primarily focused on students with AS; however, its findings will hopefully help inform inclusive policy and practice within higher education institutions

    Disability, human rights and the limits of humanitarianism

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    The Effect of Gallium Nitrate on Arresting Blood Flow from a Wound

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    A novel application of gallium nitrate, hitherto unreported, in reducing bleeding time from an open wound is presented. Experiments performed using simple punctures in the forearm demonstrated a very substantial reduction in bleeding time when a solution of gallium nitrate was applied relative to a control. This outcome was shown to be unaffected by the anticoagulant properties of warfarin. The mechanism for such action of gallium nitrate is unknown and merits further investigation, as do the possibilities for such an application to improve both civilian and defense trauma treatment modalities

    Social Workers as Social Change Agents: Social Innovation, Social Intrapreneurship, and Social Entrepreneurship

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    This article explores and describes social innovation, social intrapreneurship, and social entrepreneurship practiced by social workers within human service organizations. Each year, the nature and complexity of clients’ problems and challenges experienced by communities continuously evolves and grows. These challenges call for social workers to lead and facilitate social change that can have a lasting impact on communities and people. The authors report findings from an exploratory, descriptive study conducted with ten social workers on these practices. The findings point to the need to develop and integrate these contents within social work education and further promote dual-degree graduate programs

    Effect of Load History on Ovine Intervertebral Disc Biomechanics

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    Loading of the intervertebral disc (IVD) alters biomechanical properties by modifying fluid distribution in the nucleus pulposus -changing hydrostatic pressure and tissue response- during force transmission along the spine. This study combines pressure, vertical displacement, and radial bulge measurements to assess biomechanical function during healthy and adverse loading of ovine lumbar motion segments. High compressive loads and simultaneous transient exertions, representative of obesity or other high-load lifestyles, are expected to limit fluid recovery and inhibit IVD biomechanical function compared to low compressive load controls with similar transient exertions. Specifically, the adverse group will (1) lose the ability to generate intradiscal pressures equivalent to control discs at equal loads and (2) exhibit a greater degree of deformation and bulge during comparable loading. This study contributes a greater understanding of the effects of load on IVD health. Findings may inform future efforts to preserve disc biomechanics and reverse IVD loss of function

    Reflecting on being an effective teacher in an age of measurement

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    This reflective study examines what effective means in terms of teaching in secondary schools in England. The article questions whether quality assurance and observations produce better teachers or better ‘fabricators’. The study explores the pressures of performativity and the resulting fabrication: the ‘ticking of boxes’ in order to be classed as ‘outstanding’ and ‘effective’. A journey to recapture the pleasure in teaching and learning through reflective diaries will be considered. Here the process leads to the outcome without an overemphasis on assessment criteria and performativity or extrinsic motivators which can counter intrinsic motivation and professional judgement