4 research outputs found

    The double-edged toxins:how Spiroplasma Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins affect Drosophila melanogaster life history traits

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    Many insect species are associated with endosymbiotic bacteria which have the particularity of living within host tissues. Endosymbionts benefit from this stable and nutritious environment, while providing ecological advantages to their host, such as protection against parasites or thermal tolerance. Spiroplasma poulsonii is an endosymbiotic bacterium that infects natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Spiroplasma poulsonii lacks a cell wall, a fact that renders it invisible to the host immune system and allows it to thrive in the host hemolymph. It invades the female germline by co-opting the hostĂąs yolk transport and uptake machinery, which ensures its vertical transmission. Its efficient transmission is associated with a phenotype called male-killing, whereby infected male embryos die during their early development while infected females survive. The mechanisms that ensure the stability of Drosophila-Spiroplasma symbiosis are increasingly well understood, but the bacterial genes involved remain poorly known because of the intractability of Spiroplasma. This project aims at better characterizing the Drosophila-Spiroplasma interaction, with particular focus on the bacterial side. In the first part, I developed a method to cultivate Spiroplasma poulsonii in vitro by optimizing a commercially available medium. This culture method allowed comparing the transcriptome of in vitro grown versus host-grown Spiroplasma, enabling us to identify putative genes involved in the interaction with the host. Interestingly, inside its insect host, S. poulsonii up-regulates genes coding for toxins of the Ribosomal Inactivating Protein (RIP) family. RIPs were previously known for their role in host protection against macro-parasites, such as wasps and nematodes. Their up-regulation in unparasitized hosts compared to culture was thus peculiar, raising the question what effect these RIPs have on host biology. Thus, in the second part, I studied the function of S. poulsonii RIPs in the absence of parasites. I showed that two of them are constantly expressed within the host and provide evidence that these toxins shorten host life span and increase embryonic mortality. Interestingly, the expression of RIPs was more toxic to male embryos than females, suggesting that RIPs contribute to S. poulsonii-induced male-killing. Last, I studied the D. melanogaster response to RIPs, and how the host mitigates the deleterious effects of these toxins by up-regulating the cytosolic chaperone Heat-Shock-Protein 70B (HSP70B). This protein carries out essential functions in protein homeostasis under normal and stressful conditions such as folding, refolding, or increasing the half-life of proteins. Interestingly, up-regulation of Hsp70B in the presence of RIPs results in an increased lifespan and in a better tolerance to heat stress, which may be ecologically advantageous. Altogether, this work illustrates how Spiroplasma-derived RIP toxins can differentially affect Drosophila depending on the ecological context, ranging from beneficial upon parasite infection or heat shock to detrimental in the absence of such environmental pressures

    In Vitro Culture of the Insect Endosymbiont Spiroplasma poulsonii Highlights Bacterial Genes Involved in Host- Symbiont Interaction

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    Endosymbiotic bacteria associated with eukaryotic hosts are omnipresent in nature, particularly in insects. Studying the bacterial side of host-symbiont interactions is, however, often limited by the unculturability and genetic intractability of the symbionts. <i>Spiroplasma poulsonii</i> is a maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbiont that is naturally associated with several <i>Drosophila</i> species. <i>S. poulsonii</i> strongly affects its host's physiology, for example by causing male killing or by protecting it against various parasites. Despite intense work on this model since the 1950s, attempts to cultivate endosymbiotic <i>Spiroplasma in vitro</i> have failed so far. Here, we developed a method to sustain the <i>in vitro</i> culture of <i>S. poulsonii</i> by optimizing a commercially accessible medium. We also provide a complete genome assembly, including the first sequence of a natural plasmid of an endosymbiotic <i>Spiroplasma</i> species. Last, by comparing the transcriptome of the <i>in vitro</i> culture to the transcriptome of bacteria extracted from the host, we identified genes putatively involved in host-symbiont interactions. This work provides new opportunities to study the physiology of endosymbiotic <i>Spiroplasma</i> and paves the way to dissect insect-endosymbiont interactions with two genetically tractable partners. <b>IMPORTANCE</b> The discovery of insect bacterial endosymbionts (maternally transmitted bacteria) has revolutionized the study of insects, suggesting novel strategies for their control. Most endosymbionts are strongly dependent on their host to survive, making them uncultivable in artificial systems and genetically intractable. <i>Spiroplasma poulsonii</i> is an endosymbiont of <i>Drosophila</i> that affects host metabolism, reproduction, and defense against parasites. By providing the first reliable culture medium that allows a long-lasting <i>in vitro</i> culture of <i>Spiroplasma</i> and by elucidating its complete genome, this work lays the foundation for the development of genetic engineering tools to dissect endosymbiosis with two partners amenable to molecular study. Furthermore, the optimization method that we describe can be used on other yet uncultivable symbionts, opening new technical opportunities in the field of host-microbes interactions

    Functional analysis of RIP toxins from the Drosophila endosymbiont Spiroplasma poulsonii

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    Abstract Background Insects frequently live in close relationship with symbiotic bacteria that carry out beneficial functions for their host, like protection against parasites and viruses. However, in some cases, the mutualistic nature of such associations is put into question because of detrimental phenotypes caused by the symbiont. One example is the association between the vertically transmitted facultative endosymbiont Spiroplasma poulsonii and its natural host Drosophila melanogaster. Whereas S. poulsonii protects its host against parasitoid wasps and nematodes by the action of toxins from the family of Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs), the presence of S. poulsonii has been reported to reduce host’s life span and to kill male embryos by a toxin called Spaid. In this work, we investigate the harmful effects of Spiroplasma RIPs on Drosophila in the absence of parasite infection. Results We show that only two Spiroplasma RIPs (SpRIP1 and SpRIP2) among the five RIP genes encoded in the S. poulsonii genome are significantly expressed during the whole Drosophila life cycle. Heterologous expression of SpRIP1 and 2 in uninfected flies confirms their toxicity, as indicated by a reduction of Drosophila lifespan and hemocyte number. We also show that RIPs can cause the death of some embryos, including females. Conclusion Our results indicate that RIPs released by S. poulsonii contribute to the reduction of host lifespan and embryo mortality. This suggests that SpRIPs may impact the insect-symbiont homeostasis beyond their protective function against parasites

    Recent advances in the application of capillary electromigration methods for food analysis and Foodomics

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