233 research outputs found

    Reconocimiento y economía de la estima: La normatividad basal de los artefactos semánticos

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    In the structuring of the social moral grammar, Recognition [Anerkennung] plays a key role both as a subject's perception of the dignity of each psychic system, as well as of others as subjects worthy of decent treatment. Brennan and Pettit have rescued the value of the Economy of Esteem. It highlights that the subject's wishful structure involves not only the want of material goods and social power but also to seek esteem. That it is, economy would not only maximize the utility of goods or reputation through, for example, material goods and positional goods but also the competition by esteem. Persons, as semantic artifacts, compete and establish mechanisms for the distribution of esteem. Its possession or not, involve degrees of social inclusion or exclusion from a communicational perspective. Equal access to compete for it, would be a fundamental right. The present paper explores how far this entry to compete in equal conditions by Esteem is not conditioned by Recognition, which as Pettit and Brennan address, it is different from esteem. In that sense, it is possible to consider Recognition as the normative basal grammar and would constitute a conditioning element for fair democratic competition by esteem.En la estructuras de la gramática moral social, el Reconocimiento [Anerkennung] juega un papel primordial tanto en la propia percepción como sujetos de dignidad de cada sistema psíquico así como en la de los otros como sujetos merecedores de un trato digno. Brennan y Pettit han rescatado el valor de la Economía de la Estima. En ella se destaca que la estructura desiderativa del sujeto implica no sólo el querer poseer bienes materiales y el aspirar al poder sino que además el buscar estima, es así como no habría sólo una economía de la maximización de la utilidad de bienes o reputación por medio, por ejemplo, de ‘material goods' y ‘positional goods' sino que además una de la búsqueda de estima.  Las personas, como artefactos semánticos, competiríamos y establecemos mecanismos de distribución de la estima. Su  posesión o no, implicaría mayores grados de inclusión o exclusión social desde una perspectiva comunicacional. El  acceso igualitario a competir por  ella, sería un derecho fundamental. El presente artículo explora hasta dónde esta entrada en igualdad para competir por la Estima no se encuentra condicionada por el Reconocimiento, el cual como Pettit y Brennan abordan, es distinto a la Estima pero como gramática basal de la normatividad social se constituiría en elemento condicionante para una competencia equitativa y democrática por Estima

    Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times

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    Alison McQueen’s book is a significant contribution to political theory and to the use of the history of political thought as a source of categories for thinking about current problems. Her central thesis revolves around three assumptions. First, the existence of “political realism” understood as a particular approach to evaluating politics—characterized by a defense of its own autonomy,1 political agonism,2 the rejection of both utopia and moralization in politics, and the preeminence of order and stability over any other criterion, including justice, in political decisions (10–12). This definition of “political realism” allows the author to group other writers who, though from dissimilar times and circumstances, are members of the same family: Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau. The second assumption defines apocalypticism as the belief in an imminent end of the known world, the occurrence of the foregoing by means of a cataclysm, and the emergence—as a result of that end—of a radically new world. Again, this singular definition also allows her to unite in the same group phenomena as diverse as millenarianism, the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ sect, the fear of nuclear destruction, and the alarm regarding global warming and climate change.3 Third, that in three historical moments, three authors (represented by Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau), seeing realism as antithetical to apocalypticism, pursue persistent and unsettled encounters with apocalypticism. At times, their realist commitments are deepened and enriched through these encounter .... None of these thinkers merely oppose or dismiss apocalypticism. They appreciate it, they confront it, and they use it. They see its dangers and its possibilities. (12) The author argues that, beyond the politically active religious whose mission is to save the whole of humanity, there are also trends of climate catastrophism (or otherwise) that require the knowledge on the contexts in which the apocalyptic operates. In addition to this contribution, the text provides historical insight into each of its cited authors and their epochs

    Seneca’s De Clementia. An Overlooked Chapter in the Genealogies of Representation and Sovereignty

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    In the article, Seneca’s figure is rehabilitated as relevant to understanding the emergence of sovereignty and modern representation. The idea put forth by the author of De Clementia would become one of the bases for Bodin’s writings and is also present in Hobbes’ work. During the Renaissance, De Clementia promoted monarchical forms. In De Clementia, this Stoic philosopher presents Nero in a depersonalised form. He is not only the sovereign capable of shaping a multitude, representing it in its whole and giving it the character of “people”, but also one who secures peace and rules with justice. Thus, in Seneca, one can discern a prototheory of sovereignty and representation, with decisionism as its result. If these readings of Seneca are plausible, genealogies of modern concepts that interpret their emergence as a revolutionary Trennung (e.g. Schmitt and early Conceptual History) (Lehmann and Van Horn Melton, 1994; Lehmann and Richter, 1996) could be facing a problem of omission. The conceptual support for the process through which the medieval social and political world was destroyed and substituted by modernity does not come from Cicero’s republican tradition, but from a monarchical notion of unity among the governor and the governed; an idea defended by Seneca, according to which absolute sovereignty would guarantee private property, contracts, and a sui iuris apolitical soul

    Machiavellio revoliucija ir Kosellecko Sattelzeit

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    This article suggests that human action in Machiavelli is both materialistic and temporalized. It further argues that Reinhart Koselleck’s view of Machiavelli’s understanding of time as historical circularity is misleading. The author is making the case that Machiavelli drew from Lucretian materialism to strip political concepts of content via an animal-materialist anthropology and ontology holding that man, as any animal, is material reality acting under an atomic arrangement wherein no time, whether linear or circular, can exist. The conclusion is that Koselleck’s interpretation of the circularity of time in Machiavelli kept him from seeing his role as an antecedent of the conceptual and temporal revolution underlying the Sattelzeit.Žmogiškasis veiksmas Machiavellio darbuose apibūdinamas kaip materialistinis ir temporalizuotas. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad Reinharto Kosellecko požiūris į Machiavellio laiko kaip istorinio cikliškumo supratimą yra klaidinantis. Autorius bando pagrįsti tai, kad Machiavellis rėmėsi Lukrecijaus materializmu siekdamas politinius konceptus atskirti nuo turinio. Tai darydamas jis pasitelkė gyvūnišką-materialistinę antropologiją ir ontologiją, teigiančią, kad žmogus, kaip bet kuris kitas gyvūnas, yra materiali realybė, veikianti pagal savo atominę sąrangą, kurioje negali egzistuoti joks laikas – nei linijinis, nei ciklinis. Išvadose teigiama, kad tai, kaip Koselleckas interpretavo laiko cikliškumą šio filosofo darbuose, neleido jam įžvelgti Machiavellio vaidmens konceptualinėje ir temporalinėje revoliucijoje, davusioje pagrindą Sattelzeit

    «¡Juntos pero no revueltos!»

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    L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les conceptions ethno-territoriales à la base des alliances entre des communautés du peuple Mapuche et des organisations environnementalistes face aux conflits générés par des projets de développement dans trois régions du Chili. Cette analyse nous permettra d’identifier les traits communs et les différences entre les communautés autochtones et les organisations environnementalistes. Les discours sur le territoire et l’environnement des acteurs sont considérés comme des ethno-territoires, ce qui permet de mettre l’accent sur la conception du territoire comme un espace culturellement construit. À partir de l’analyse des trois cas la conclusion est que les alliances entre les communautés Mapuche et les organisations environnementalistes sont établies sur la base de conceptions ethno-territoriales différentes lesquelles, à partir de la formulation d’objectifs communs, deviennent des stratégies de collaboration qui se situent à des échelles et des temporalités variables.The purpose of this article is to analyze ethno-territorial conceptions at the foundation of alliances between Mapuche communities and environmentalist organizations confronted to conflicts generated by development projects in the three regions of Chile. This analysis will allow us to identify the common features and the differences between indigenous communities and environmentalist organizations. In the actors’ discourses, territory and environment are taken as ethno-territories, which allows to emphasize the conception of territory as a culturally constructed space. Based on the analysis of three cases, one may conclude that the alliance between Mapuche communities and environmentalist organizations are established on the foundation of different ethno-territorial conceptions which, for the sake of common objectives, become strategies of collaboration situated at variable levels of size and space.El propósito de este artículo es analizar las concepciones etnoterritoriales a la base de las alianzas entre comunidades del pueblo Mapuche y organizaciones ambientalistas ante conflictos con proyectos de desarrollo en tres territorios en Chile. Este análisis permitirá identificar los rasgos comunes y las diferencias entre comunidades indígenas y organizaciones ambientalistas. Los discursos sobre el territorio y el ambiente de los actores implicados son abordados desde el concepto de etnoterritorios, enfatizándose la concepción del territorio como el espacio culturalmente construido. Del análisis de estos tres casos se concluye que las alianzas entre las comunidades Mapuche y las organizaciones ambientalistas se construyen sobre la base de etnoterritorialidades diferentes, que a partir de encontrar objetivos comunes derivan en estrategias de colaboración mutua en escalas y tiempos variables

    Dossier Especial: "A través de los lentes de Luhmann". Comentarios al libro "Durch Luhmanns Brille"

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    [Commented Work: Birle, P., Dewey, M. & Mascareño, A. (Eds.). (2012). Durch Luhmanns Brille. Herausforderungen an Politik und Recht in Lateinamerika und in der Weltgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.][Obra comentada: Birle, P., Dewey, M. & Mascareño, A. (Eds.). (2012). Durch Luhmanns Brille. Herausforderungen an Politik und Recht in Lateinamerika und in der Weltgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

    ¿Contingencia o justicia trascendental: Luhmann o Höffe?

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    The author presents the central arguments developed by both Höffe and Luhmann regarding the foundations of an institutional normative order to ensure political and non-metaphysical justice. Thus, presents the contributions of both philosophers; in the first section, he explains the Luhmanian ethics, and afterwards describes the criticism of Höffe to Luhmannian positivism. Finally, the author highlights the contributions of Luhmann and Höffe and statuses them as the most important ideas in recent decades in philosophy of German law.El autor expone los argumentos centrales desarrollados tanto por Höffe como porLuhmann respecto de los fundamentos de un orden normativo institucional que garanticenuna justicia política y no-metafísica. Así, presenta las contribuciones de ambos pensadores;explica -en la primera sección- la ética luhmaniana, y más adelante describe la crítica deHöffe al positivismo luhmanniano. Finalmente, el autor rescata las contribuciones deLuhmann y Höffe y las ubica como las más relevantes de las últimas décadas en materia defilosofía del derecho alemán

    Racionalidad populista versus democracia representativa

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    Populism has been commonly considered opposed to liberalism, as a contrary phenomenon to institutionalism and democracy. This pejorative view of populism is redefined by Laclau and Mouffe, who argue that the participation of the people in this type of political systems is what ensures its democratic value, despite the fact that such participation is not done by conventional means. In this paper the principles upon which liberal democracy and populism are based, are presented briefly, in order to observe the criticisms Laclau and Mouffe made on both systems, studying its feasibility and the scope of their proposals.El populismo ha sido considerado comúnmente, en oposición al liberalismo, como un fenómeno contrario a la institucionalidad y la democracia. Esta visión peyorativa del populismo es redefinida por Laclau y Mouffe, quienes sostienen que la participación del pueblo en este tipo de sistemas políticos es lo que garantiza el valor democrático del mismo, pese a que dicha participación no se produzca por medios convencionales. En este trabajo se presentarán brevemente los principios en los cuales se basan la democracia liberal y el populismo,para poder así observar las críticas que Laclau y Mouffe realizan sobre ambos sistemas, estudiando su viabilidad y el alcance de sus propuestas

    Relaciones y recursos humanos dentro de una empresa constructora

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)La buena Gestión del Desarrollo Humano contribuye a que las Empresas sean líderes en competitividad, conseguida en la medida en que se despliegue todo el potencial de la gente y de los negocios que se puedan lograr a futuro. Para lograrlo es necesario desarrollar el potencial de las personas, la gestión participativa de éstas. Sólo así, las diversas áreas clientes del negocio (Propietarios, Mandantes, Trabajadores), valorarán el aporte de Desarrollo Humano en la facilitación, colaboración y apoyo en la implementación de los grandes objetivos que enfrenta la Empresa. Los logros de la Gestión de Desarrollo Humano deben verse reflejados en los resultados siguientes. • Organización y dotación optimizada para cada proyecto. • Equipos de alto desempeño, con trabajadores competentes, motivados, comprometidos con su Empresa y con su desarrollo. • Alianza Estratégica fortalecida y buen estándar de Calidad de Vida.Good management of Human Development Enterprises leaders in competitiveness, achieved insofar as they deploy the full potential of people and businesses that can be achieved in the future. To achieve this it is necessary to develop the potential of people, participatory governance thereof. Only then, the various areas of business customers (Owner Constituents, Employees), valued the contribution of Human Development in facilitating collaboration and support in the implementation of the major goals facing the Company. The achievements of the Human Development Management should be reflected in the following results. • Organization and optimized allocation for each project. • High Performance teams, with competent workers, motivated, committed to their company and to their development. • Strategic Alliance strengthened and good standard of quality of life