10,773 research outputs found

    Mental health care: perceptions of people with schizophrenia and their carers

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    The current study aims to discover the opinions of patients and their (informal and formal) carers concerning the mental health care of individuals with long term schizophrenic disorders within different contexts and cultures. It's a qualitative study with focus groups, in which 6 research centers (from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, England and Venezuela) participated. Eight focus groups were conducted in each center, totaling 303 individuals in 46 groups. The data were analyzed with the aid of the Qualitative Solutions and Research/Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing program (QSR NUD*IST 4.0). The perception regarding the quality of care is influenced by the professional-patient relationship and the availability of resources. Poor quality of care is also perceived as discrimination. People with schizophrenia in general consider themselves to be ostracized by professionals and services and lacking in more humanized care. In the contexts in which community care is less advanced, the complaints center on resources and services that do not meet demands. On the other hand, in more developed contexts criticism centers more on the attitude of the professionals and the professional-patient relationship. Over and above the need for resources and services, people with schizophrenia require more humanized health care

    VLBA determination of the distance to nearby star-forming regions I. The distance to T Tauri with 0.4% accuracy

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    In this article, we present the results of a series of twelve 3.6-cm radio continuum observations of T Tau Sb, one of the companions of the famous young stellar object T Tauri. The data were collected roughly every two months between September 2003 and July 2005 with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Thanks to the remarkably accurate astrometry delivered by the VLBA, the absolute position of T Tau Sb could be measured with a precision typically better than about 100 micro-arcseconds at each of the twelve observed epochs. The trajectory of T Tau Sb on the plane of the sky could, therefore, be traced very precisely, and modeled as the superposition of the trigonometric parallax of the source and an accelerated proper motion. The best fit yields a distance to T Tau Sb of 147.6 +/- 0.6 pc. The observed positions of T Tau Sb are in good agreement with recent infrared measurements, but seem to favor a somewhat longer orbital period than that recently reported by Duchene et al. (2006) for the T Tau Sa/T Tau Sb system.Comment: 24 pages, 3 pages, AASTEX format, accepted for publication in Ap

    Clustering Improves the Goemans–Williamson Approximation for the Max-Cut Problem

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    MAX−CUT is one of the well-studied NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. It can be formulated as an Integer Quadratic Programming problem and admits a simple relaxation obtained by replacing the integer “spin” variables xi by unitary vectors v⃗ i. The Goemans–Williamson rounding algorithm assigns the solution vectors of the relaxed quadratic program to a corresponding integer spin depending on the sign of the scalar product v⃗ i⋅r⃗ with a random vector r⃗ . Here, we investigate whether better graph cuts can be obtained by instead using a more sophisticated clustering algorithm. We answer this question affirmatively. Different initializations of k-means and k-medoids clustering produce better cuts for the graph instances of the most well known benchmark for MAX−CUT. In particular, we found a strong correlation of cluster quality and cut weights during the evolution of the clustering algorithms. Finally, since in general the maximal cut weight of a graph is not known beforehand, we derived instance-specific lower bounds for the approximation ratio, which give information of how close a solution is to the global optima for a particular instance. For the graphs in our benchmark, the instance specific lower bounds significantly exceed the Goemans–Williamson guarantee

    Combining a hybrid robotic system with a bain-machine interface for the rehabilitation of reaching movements: A case study with a stroke patient

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    Reaching and grasping are two of the most affected functions after stroke. Hybrid rehabilitation systems combining Functional Electrical Stimulation with Robotic devices have been proposed in the literature to improve rehabilitation outcomes. In this work, we present the combined use of a hybrid robotic system with an EEG-based Brain-Machine Interface to detect the user's movement intentions to trigger the assistance. The platform has been tested in a single session with a stroke patient. The results show how the patient could successfully interact with the BMI and command the assistance of the hybrid system with low latencies. Also, the Feedback Error Learning controller implemented in this system could adjust the required FES intensity to perform the task

    The Low Redshift survey at Calar Alto (LoRCA)

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    The Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) feature in the power spectrum of galaxies provides a standard ruler to measure the accelerated expansion of the Universe. To extract all available information about dark energy, it is necessary to measure a standard ruler in the local, z<0.2, universe where dark energy dominates most the energy density of the Universe. Though the volume available in the local universe is limited, it is just big enough to measure accurately the long 100 Mpc/h wave-mode of the BAO. Using cosmological N-body simulations and approximate methods based on Lagrangian perturbation theory, we construct a suite of a thousand light-cones to evaluate the precision at which one can measure the BAO standard ruler in the local universe. We find that using the most massive galaxies on the full sky (34,000 sq. deg.), i.e. a K(2MASS)<14 magnitude-limited sample, one can measure the BAO scale up to a precision of 4\% and 1.2\% using reconstruction). We also find that such a survey would help to detect the dynamics of dark energy.Therefore, we propose a 3-year long observational project, named the Low Redshift survey at Calar Alto (LoRCA), to observe spectroscopically about 200,000 galaxies in the northern sky to contribute to the construction of aforementioned galaxy sample. The suite of light-cones is made available to the public.Comment: 15 pages. Accepted in MNRAS. Please visit our website: http://lorca-survey.ft.uam.es

    Primer registro de anomalía intersexual gonadal de Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) desde el Mar de Alborán.

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es dar a conocer el primer registro de una anomalía intersexual gonadal de Trachurus mediterraneus desde el mar de Alborán (Mediterráneo occidental). Este espécimen es el primer registro de intersexualidad para un jurel en el mundo.Postprin

    Presentación, clasificación y evolución de los pacientes con carcinoma hepatocelular en un centro de Veracruz, México

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa estadificación en el carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) otorga pronóstico y orientación terapéutica. La resección y el trasplante hepático son opciones curativas y las terapias de ablación se aplican a pacientes que no reciben tratamiento curativo. La sobrevida tras la resección hepática o terapias de ablación es variada.ObjetivoDescribir la presentación, la estadificación, el manejo y la evolución de los pacientes con CHC en nuestro centro.Pacientes y métodosCuarenta y dos pacientes fueron seguidos prospectivamente durante 7 años. La sobrevida se calculó mediante Kaplan-Meier y log-rank entre los sistemas de estadificación (Okuda, BCLC y CLIP) y tipos de tratamiento (resección hepática, ablación por radiofrecuencia y ningún tratamiento quirúrgico).ResultadosLa edad media ± desviación estándar de los pacientes fue 68,9 ± 9,5 años; el 57% fueron mujeres y el 54% cirróticos. El 31% tenía infección por VHC. El tamaño medio del tumor fue 6.48 ± 2.52cm. Los estadios CLIP 0, Okuda I y BCLC A tuvieron mejor sobrevida que otros estadios (p<0.05). La resección tuvo mejor sobrevida (mediana: 32 meses y sobrevida a 1, 3 y 5 años del 83, el 39 y 19.7%) que ablación por radiofrecuencia (25 meses, y el 90 y el 17.2% a 1 y 3 años) y que ningún tratamiento quirúrgico (1 año<5%) (p<0.05).ConclusiónLos pacientes con CHC en nuestro centro al igual que otra población en México son diagnosticados tardíamente. El pronóstico usando CLIP y BCLC es similar a la literatura. Los mejores resultados se observaron en estadios tempranos y los que tuvieron resección quirúrgica del CHC.AbstractBackgroundHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) staging provides a basis for calculating disease prognosis and therapeutic guidance. Liver resection and transplantation are curative options, and ablation therapies are applied to patients that are not candidates for curative treatment. Survival after liver resection or ablation therapies varies.AimsTo describe the presentation, staging, management, and outcome in patients with HCC in our center.Patients and methodsForty-two patients had a 7-year prospective follow-up. Survival was calculated with the Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-rank test was used for its comparison between the staging systems (Okuda, BCLC, and CLIP) and types of treatment (liver resection, radiofrequency ablation, and no surgical treatment).ResultsThe mean age of the patients was 68.9 ± 9.5 years; 57% were women. A total of 54% of the patients presented with cirrhosis and 31% were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The mean tumor size was 6.48 ± 2.52cm. The CLIP 0, Okuda I, and BCLC A stages had better survival rates than the other stages (P<0.05). Survival with resection was superior (median of 32 months and survival at 1, 3, and 5 years of 83, 39, and 19.7%, respectively) to that of both radiofrequency ablation (median of 25 months and survival at 1 and 3 years of 90 and 17.2%, respectively) and no surgical treatment (1 year < 5%) (P<0.05).ConclusionThe patients at our center were diagnosed at late stages of HCC, as is the case in other Mexican populations. Outcome in relation to CLIP and BCLC was similar to the prognoses reported in the literature. The best results were observed in the patients with early stage disease and those that underwent HCC resection surgery

    Avocado seed moth, stenoma catenifer walsingham (lepidoptera: elachistidae) in Queretaro, Mexico

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    The avocado seed moth, Stenoma catenifer Walsingham, is recorded for the first time in the State of Queretaro, Mexico. Aspects about its habits and behavior are described

    Do centenarians die healthier than younger elders? A comparative epidemiological study in Spain

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    This study aims to describe the clinical course, drug use, and health services use characteristics during the last year of life of elders who die being centenarians and to identify key aspects differentiating them from elders who die at an earlier age, with a particular focus on sex differences. We conducted an observational, population-based study in the EpiChron Cohort (Aragon, Spain). The population was stratified by sex and into three age sub-populations (80-89, 90-99, and >= 100 years), and their characteristics were described and compared. Multimorbidity was the rule in our elders, affecting up to 3 in 4 centenarians and 9 in 10 octogenarians and nonagenarians. Polypharmacy was also observed in half of the centenarian population and in most of the younger elders. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease (i.e., hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes), cerebrovascular disease and dementia were amongst the most common chronic conditions in all age groups, whereas the gastroprotective drugs and antithrombotic agents were the most dispensed drugs. Centenarians presented in general lower morbidity and treatment burden and lower use of both primary and hospital healthcare services than octogenarians and nonagenarians, suggesting a better health status. Sex-differences in their clinical characteristics were more striking in octogenarians and tended to decrease with age