5,877 research outputs found

    A mechatronic shape display based on auxetic materials

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    Shape displays enable people to touch simulated surfaces. A common architecture of such devices uses a mechatronic pin-matrix. Besides their complexity and high cost, these matrix displays suffer from sharp edges due to the discreet representation which reduces their ability to render a large continuous surface when sliding the hand. We propose using an engineered auxetic material actuated by a smaller number of motors. The material bends in multiple directions, feeling smooth and rigid to touch. A prototype implementation uses nine actuators on a 220 mm square section of material. It can display a range of surface curvatures under the palm of a user without aliased edges. In this work we use an auxetic skeleton to provide rigidity on a soft material and demonstrate the potential of this class of surface through user experiments

    A silicon-based single-electron interferometer coupled to a fermionic sea

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    We study Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry under the influence of projective readout using a charge qubit tunnel-coupled to a fermionic sea. This allows us to characterise the coherent charge qubit dynamics in the strong-driving regime. The device is realised within a silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) transistor. We first read out the charge state of the system in a continuous non-demolition manner by measuring the dispersive response of a high-frequency electrical resonator coupled to the quantum system via the gate. By performing multiple fast passages around the qubit avoided crossing, we observe a multi-passage LZSM interferometry pattern. At larger driving amplitudes, a projective measurement to an even-parity charge state is realised, showing a strong enhancement of the dispersive readout signal. At even larger driving amplitudes, two projective measurements are realised within the coherent evolution resulting in the disappearance of the interference pattern. Our results demonstrate a way to increase the state readout signal of coherent quantum systems and replicate single-electron analogues of optical interferometry within a CMOS transistor

    Using Facial Animation to Increase the Enfacement Illusion and Avatar Self-Identification

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    Through avatar embodiment in Virtual Reality (VR) we can achieve the illusion that an avatar is substituting our body: the avatar moves as we move and we see it from a first person perspective. However, self-identification, the process of identifying a representation as being oneself, poses new challenges because a key determinant is that we see and have agency in our own face. Providing control over the face is hard with current HMD technologies because face tracking is either cumbersome or error prone. However, limited animation is easily achieved based on speaking. We investigate the level of avatar enfacement, that is believing that a picture of a face is one's own face, with three levels of facial animation: (i) one in which the facial expressions of the avatars are static, (ii) one in which we implement lip-sync motion and (iii) one in which the avatar presents lip-sync plus additional facial animations, with blinks, designed by a professional animator. We measure self-identification using a face morphing tool that morphs from the face of the participant to the face of a gender matched avatar. We find that self-identification on avatars can be increased through pre-baked animations even when these are not photorealistic nor look like the participant

    The Neurological Traces of Look-Alike Avatars

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    We designed an observational study where participants (n = 17) were exposed to pictures and look-alike avatars pictures of themselves, a familiar friend or an unfamiliar person. By measuring participants’ brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG), we found face-recognition event related potentials (ERPs) in the visual cortex, around 200–250 ms, to be prominent for the different familiarity levels. A less positive component was found for self-recognized pictures (P200) than pictures of others, showing similar effects in both real faces and look-alike avatars. A rapid adaptation in the same component was found when comparing the neural processing of avatar faces vs. real faces, as if avatars in general were assimilated as real face representations over time. ERP results also showed that in the case of the self-avatar, the P200 component correlated with more complex conscious encodings of self-representation, i.e., the difference in voltage in the P200 between the self-avatar and the self-picture was reduced in participants that felt the avatar looked like them. This study is put into context within the literature of self-recognition and face recognition in the visual cortex. Additionally, the implications of these results on look-alike avatars are discussed both for future virtual reality (VR) and neuroscience studies

    Using Factorial Design Methodology to Assess PLA-g-Ma and Henequen Microfibrillated Cellulose Content on the Mechanical Properties of Poly(lactic acid) Composites

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    In this work, a 22 factorial design was used to study the effect of microfibrillated henequen cellulose fibers (HENCEL) and PLA-g-MA coupling agent contents on the tensile, flexural, and impact mechanical properties and the heat deflection temperature (HDT) of biodegradable PLA composites. The results show that the principal effects of HENCEL and MA are statistically significant for the tensile, flexural, HDT, and impact strength properties of PLA composites. Regarding the interactions between the principle effects, MA-HENCEL, there are differences with respect to the mechanical property; for example, for tensile and flexural mechanical properties, there is a synergistic effect between MA and HENCEL, whereas for HDT and impact strength there is not any. The micromechanical analysis shows an excellent agreement between the measured and the estimated values for both the composite tensile strength and the elastic modulus and only slight deviations were noticed for high microfibrillated cellulose fibers content. The morphological analysis via SEM indicated that the addition of PLA-g-MA improved the fiber-matrix adhesion because of the HENCEL unbounding and pull-out decreases from the PLA matrix. The use of appropriate values of matrix strength and stiffness and considering the improved fiber-matrix adhesion of the coupling agent yield a good agreement between experimental and estimated values

    Caracterización preliminar de frutos de granada china (Passiflora ligularis Juss.) en Hueyapan y Teziutlán, Puebla

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    En la Sierra Nororiental de Puebla, México, los frutos de granada china son muy apreciados por la población local, pero existen pocos datos sobre su calidad hortofrutícola. Con el fin de iniciar la selección de individuos productores de frutos de buena calidad, se tomaron como muestra diez frutos de 20 plantas, cinco de cada localidad, Talzinta, Nexpan, Tanamacoyan y Mexcalcuautla, para analizarlos física (peso, diámetro, color, porcentaje de los componentes del fruto) y bioquímicamente (sólidos solubles totales, pH, acidez titulable, densidad del jugo). El valor medio para peso de frutos varió de 85 a 57 g; el porcentaje de pulpa de 81 a 51%; y el contenido de sólidos solubles totales (SST) fue de 17.5 a 12.2 ºB. El análisis de conglomerados, a una distancia euclidiana de 12.6, formó cinco grupos; en los grupos 2, 3 y 4 se observaron frutos de mayor tamaño (+ 75 g), con altos porcentajes de pulpa (60%) y valores aceptables de SST (14 ºB); éstos fueron los colectados en Talzinta y Nexpan. El análisis de componentes principales (CP) indicó que los primeros cinco CP explicaron el 75% de la variabilidad observada; siendo 25 y 18% la variabilidad que explican los CP 1 y CP 2, respectivamente. CP 1 estuvo altamente influenciado por el diámetro polar (0.900), luminosidad (-0.767) y el peso fresco del fruto (0.750); el CP 2 se relacionó con porcentaje de pulpa (0.866), porcentaje de cáscara (-0.866) y porcentaje de semillas (0.857). Esta información permitirá iniciar la selección de individuos productores de fruto de buena calidad, en la región de Teziutlán, PueblaEn la Sierra Nororiental de Puebla, MÈxico, los frutos de granada china son muy apreciados por la poblaciÛn local, pero existen pocos datos sobre su calidad hortofrutÌcola. Con el fin de iniciar la selecciÛn de individuos productores de frutos de buena calidad, se tomaron como muestra diez frutos de 20 plantas, cinco de cada localidad, Talzinta, Nexpan, Tanamacoyan y Mexcalcuautla, para analizarlos fÌsica (peso, di·metro, color, porcentaje de los componentes del fruto) y bioquÌmicamente (sÛlidos solubles totales, pH, acidez titulable, densidad del jugo). El valor medio para peso de frutos variÛ de 85 a 57 g; el porcentaje de pulpa de 81 a 51%; y el contenido de sÛlidos solubles totales (SST) fue de 17.5 a 12.2 ºB. El an·lisis de conglomerados, a una distancia euclidiana de 12.6, formÛ cinco grupos; en los grupos 2, 3 y 4 se observaron frutos de mayor tamaÒo (+ 75 g), con altos porcentajes de pulpa (60%) y valores aceptables de SST (14 ºB); Èstos fueron los colectados en Talzinta y Nexpan. El an·lisis de componentes principales (CP) indicÛ que los primeros cinco CP explicaron el 75% de la variabilidad observada; siendo 25 y 18% la variabilidad que explican los CP 1 y CP 2, respectivamente. CP 1 estuvo altamente influenciado por el di·metro polar (0.900), luminosidad ( 0.767) y el peso fresco del fruto (0.750); el CP 2 se relacionÛ con porcentaje de pulpa (0.866), porcentaje de c·scara ( 0.866) y porcentaje de semillas (0.857). Esta informaciÛn permitir· iniciar la selecciÛn de individuos productores de fruto de buena calidad, en la regiÛn de Teziutl·n, Puebla


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    In the title compound, C16H18N4O2, the two carbonyl groups are in an anti­periplanar conformation with an O=C—C=O torsion angle of 173.86 (17)°. In the crystal, a pair of inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming an R 2 2(10) ring motif, connect the mol­ecules into an inversion dimer. The dimers are further linked by N—H⋯N and C—H⋯π inter­actions, forming a zigzag chain along the b axis

    Alternative fast quantum logic gates using nonadiabatic Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana transitions

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    A conventional realization of quantum logic gates and control is based on resonant Rabi oscillations of the occupation probability of the system. This approach has certain limitations and complications, like counter-rotating terms. We study an alternative paradigm for implementing quantum logic gates based on Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry with non-resonant driving and the alternation of adiabatic evolution and non-adiabatic transitions. Compared to Rabi oscillations, the main differences are a non-resonant driving frequency and a small number of periods in the external driving. We explore the dynamics of a multilevel quantum system under LZSM drives and optimize the parameters for increasing single- and two-qubit gates speed. We define the parameters of the external driving required for implementing some specific gates using the adiabatic-impulse model. The LZSM approach can be applied to a large variety of multi-level quantum systems and external driving, providing a method for implementing quantum logic gates on them.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure