8 research outputs found

    Heatwave breaks down the linearity between sun-induced fluorescence and gross primary production

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    Sun-induced fluorescence in the far-red region (SIF) is increasingly used as a remote and proximal-sensing tool capable of tracking vegetation gross primary production (GPP). However, the use of SIF to probe changes in GPP is challenged during extreme climatic events, such as heatwaves. Here, we examined how the 2018 European heatwave (HW) affected the GPP-SIF relationship in evergreen broadleaved trees with a relatively invariant canopy structure. To do so, we combined canopy-scale SIF measurements, GPP estimated from an eddy covariance tower, and active pulse amplitude modulation fluorescence. The HW caused an inversion of the photosynthesis-fluorescence relationship at both the canopy and leaf scales. The highly nonlinear relationship was strongly shaped by nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), that is, a dissipation mechanism to protect from the adverse effects of high light intensity. During the extreme heat stress, plants experienced a saturation of NPQ, causing a change in the allocation of energy dissipation pathways towards SIF. Our results show the complex modulation of the NPQ-SIF-GPP relationship at an extreme level of heat stress, which is not completely represented in state-of-the-art coupled radiative transfer and photosynthesis models.Peer reviewe

    Evergreen broadleaf greenness and its relationship with leaf flushing, aging, and water fluxes

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    13 PĂĄg. Departamento de Medio Ambiente y AgronomĂ­a​ (INIA)Remote sensing capabilities to monitor evergreen broadleaved vegetation are limited by the low temporal variability in the greenness signal. With canopy greenness computed from digital repeat photography (PhenoCam), we investigated how canopy greenness related to seasonal changes in leaf age and traits as well as variation of trees’ water fluxes (characterized by sap flow and canopy conductance). The results showed that sprouting leaves are mainly responsible for the rapid increase in canopy green chromatic coordinate (GCC) in spring. We found statistically significantly differences in leaf traits and spectral properties among leaves of different leaf ages. Specifically, mean GCC of young leaves was 0.385 ± 0.010 (mean ± SD), while for mature and old leaves was 0.369 ± 0.003, and 0.376 ± 0.004, respectively. Thus, the temporal dynamics of canopy GCC can be explained by changes in leaf spectral properties and leaf age. Sap flow and canopy conductance are both well explained by a combination of environmental drivers and greenness (96% and 87% of the variance explained, respectively). In particular, air temperature and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) explained most of sap flow and canopy conductance variance, respectively. Besides, GCC is an important explanatory variable for variation of canopy conductance may because GCC can represent the leaf ontogeny information. We conclude that PhenoCam GCC can be used to identify the leaf flushing for evergreen broadleaved trees, which carries important information about leaf ontogeny and traits. Thus, it can be helpful for better estimating canopy conductance which constraints water fluxes.The authors acknowledge the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for supporting this research with the Max Planck Prize to Markus Reichstein. Yunpeng Luo and Mirco Migliavacca gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the China Scholarship Council. ADR acknowledges support for the PhenoCam network from the National Science Foundation ( DEB- 1702697 ). Javier Pacheco-Labrador and Mirco Migliavacca acknowledge the German Aerospace Center (DLR) project OBEF-Accross2 “The Potential of Earth Observations to Capture Patterns of Biodiversity” (Contract No. 50EE1912). The research also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 721995 and Ministerio de EconomĂ­ay Competitividad through FLUXPEC CGL2012-34383 and SynerTGE CGL2015-G9095-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) projects.Peer reviewe

    Influencia del grado de saturacion de bases del suelo sobre el desarrollo de plantulas de abeto blanco (Abies alba Mill)

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de InformaciĂČn y DocumentaciĂČn CientĂŹficaSIGLEESSpai

    Short communication: Aqueous-acetone extraction improves the drawbacks of using dimethylsulfoxide as solvent for photometric pigment quantification in Quercus ilex leaves

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    Aim of study: We evaluated the use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for the photometric determination of chlorophyll (Chla and Chlb) and carotenoids in Quercus ilex L. leaves by comparative analysis using aqueous-acetone extraction. Area of study: a Q. ilex dehesa in Las Majadas del Tietar, CĂĄceres, Spain Material and methods: Q. ilex leaves were sampled during two vegetative periods. Field SPAD-502 Chlorophyll measurements and photometric chlorophyll determinations were performed.  Two procedures were used: extraction of intact foliar discs at 65ÂșC with DMSO and fine foliar powder with cold aqueous-acetone. Main results: DMSO produced Chlb overestimation and different fitting performance for SPAD vs pigment calibrations (R2=0.64, RMSE=0.20, p<0.0001 for Chla (”g/cm2); R2=0.33, RMSE=0.23, p<0.0001 for Chlb (”g/cm2) and R2=0.50, RMSE=0.23, p<0.0001 for carotenoids (”g/cm2)). Aqueous-acetone provided more accurate predictions (R2=0.90, RMSE=0.16, p<0.0001 for Chla and R2=0.91, RMSE=0.16, p<0.0001 for Chlb, R2=0.90, RMSE=0.02, p<0.0001 for carotenoids) and mean ratio Chla/Chlb=3.6 inside the range for sun exposed leaves. Research highlights: Oxidizing conditions and polyphenol concentrations in Q. ilex leaves generated brown colorations in the DMSO extraction procedure, interfering with the photometric measurements in the red-orange region. Aqueous-acetone extraction was free from interference. DMSO should be avoided for pigment determination in Q. ilex leaves or when comparing different tree species

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Effect on Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity in Mediterranean Grassland

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    Sun-Induced fluorescence at 760 nm (F760) is increasingly being used to predict gross primary production (GPP) through light use efficiency (LUE) modeling, even though the mechanistic processes that link the two are not well understood. We analyzed the effect of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) availability on the processes that link GPP and F760 in a Mediterranean grassland manipulated with nutrient addition. To do so, we used a combination of process-based modeling with Soil-Canopy Observation of Photosynthesis and Energy (SCOPE), and statistical analyses such as path modeling. With this study, we uncover the mechanisms that link the fertilization-driven changes in canopy nitrogen concentration (N%) to the observed changes in F760 and GPP. N addition changed plant community structure and increased canopy chlorophyll content, which jointly led to changes in photosynthetic active radiation (APAR), ultimately affecting both GPP and F760. Changes in the abundance of graminoids, (%graminoids) driven by N addition led to changes in structural properties of the canopy such as leaf angle distribution, that ultimately influenced observed F760 by controlling the escape probability of F760 (Fesc). In particular, we found a change in GPP-F760 relationship between the first and the second year of the experiment that was largely driven by the effect of plant type composition on Fesc, whose best predictor is %graminoids. The P addition led to a statistically significant increase on light use efficiency of fluorescence emission (LUEf), in particular in plots also with N addition, consistent with leaf level studies. The N addition induced changes in the biophysical properties of the canopy that led to a trade-off between surface temperature (Ts), which decreased, and F760 at leaf scale (F760leaf,fw), which increased. We found that Ts is an important predictor of the light use efficiency of photosynthesis, indicating the importance of Ts in LUE modeling approaches to predict GPP

    Heatwave breaks down the linearity between sun-induced fluorescence and gross primary production

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    Sun-induced fluorescence in the far-red region (SIF) is increasingly used as a remote and proximal-sensing tool capable of tracking vegetation gross primary production (GPP). However, the use of SIF to probe changes in GPP is challenged during extreme climatic events, such as heatwaves. Here, we examined how the 2018 European heatwave (HW) affected the GPP–SIF relationship in evergreen broadleaved trees with a relatively invariant canopy structure. To do so, we combined canopy-scale SIF measurements, GPP estimated from an eddy covariance tower, and active pulse amplitude modulation fluorescence. The HW caused an inversion of the photosynthesis–fluorescence relationship at both the canopy and leaf scales. The highly nonlinear relationship was strongly shaped by nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), that is, a dissipation mechanism to protect from the adverse effects of high light intensity. During the extreme heat stress, plants experienced a saturation of NPQ, causing a change in the allocation of energy dissipation pathways towards SIF. Our results show the complex modulation of the NPQ–SIF–GPP relationship at an extreme level of heat stress, which is not completely represented in state-of-the-art coupled radiative transfer and photosynthesis models

    How Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability Change Water Use Efficiency in a Mediterranean Savanna Ecosystem

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    Nutrient availability, especially of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), is of major importance for every organism and at a larger scale for ecosystem functioning and productivity. Changes in nutrient availability and potential stoichiometric imbalance due to anthropogenic nitrogen deposition might lead to nutrient deficiency or alter ecosystem functioning in various ways. In this study, we present 6 years (2014–2020) of flux‐, plant‐, and remote sensing data from a large‐scale nutrient manipulation experiment conducted in a Mediterranean savanna‐type ecosystem with an emphasis on the effects of N and P treatments on ecosystem‐scale water‐use efficiency (WUE) and related mechanisms. Two plots were fertilized with N (NT, 16.9 Ha) and N + P (NPT, 21.5 Ha), and a third unfertilized plot served as a control (CT). Fertilization had a strong impact on leaf nutrient stoichiometry only within the herbaceous layer with increased leaf N in both fertilized treatments and increased leaf P in NPT. Following fertilization, WUE in NT and NPT increased during the peak of growing season. While gross primary productivity similarly increased in NT and NPT, transpiration and surface conductance increased more in NT than in NPT. The results show that the NPT plot with higher nutrient availability, but more balanced N:P leaf stoichiometry had the highest WUE. On average, higher N availability resulted in a 40% increased leaf area index (LAI) in both fertilized treatments in the spring. Increased LAI reduced aerodynamic conductance and thus evaporation at both fertilized plots in the spring. Despite reduced evaporation, annual evapotranspiration increased by 10% (48.6 ± 28.3 kg H2O m−2), in the NT plot, while NPT remained similar to CT (−1%, −6.7 ± 12.2 kgH2O m−2). Potential causes for increased transpiration at NT could be increased root biomass and thus higher water uptake or rhizosphere priming to increase P‐mobilization through microbes. The annual net ecosystem exchange shifted from a carbon source in CT (75.0 ± 20.6 gC m−2) to carbon‐neutral in both fertilized treatments [−7.0 ± 18.5 gC m−2 (NT) 0.4 ± 22.6 gC m−2 (NPT)]. Our results show, that the N:P stoichiometric imbalance, resulting from N addition (without P), increases the WUE less than the addition of N + P, due to the strong increase in transpiration at NT, which indicates the importance of a balanced N and P content for WUE.Plain Language Summary: The availability of nutrients like nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) is important for every living organism on Earth. Due to human activities, especially combustion processes large amounts of N are transported into the atmosphere and ecosystems. Therefore, ecosystems receive additional N but no other nutrients. We are investigating if the addition of N alone will lead to deficits in other nutrients and thus impact the functioning of ecosystems. Hence, we set up a large‐scale ecosystem experiment in a Mediterranean tree‐grass ecosystem where we fertilized two plots with N (16.9 ha) and N + P (21.5 ha). A third plot served as the control treatment. While the N‐only treatment created an imbalance between the available N and P, this imbalance was relieved in the N + P treatment where both N and P were provided. Our measurements showed that both fertilized treatments increased their carbon uptake and turned the ecosystem from a carbon source to carbon neutral. One of the main differences between the fertilized treatments which is associated with the imbalance of available N and P is the loss of water through the vegetation (transpiration). This increase in transpiration was only observed in the N‐only but not in the N + P treatment. Our results show, that the N:P stoichiometric imbalance, resulting from N‐only addition, increases the water‐use efficiency (i.e., the carbon gain per water loss) less than the addition of N + P, due to the strong increase in transpiration at the N‐only treatment.Key Points: Stoichiometric N:P‐ratio imbalance increases ecosystem transpiration. High nitrogen availability increases carbon uptake and changed the ecosystem from a carbon source to carbon neutral. Ecosystem scale functional relationships are altered through nutrient availability and imbalance.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003329Deutsches Zentrum fĂŒr Luft‐ und Raumfahrt http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000294