4,069 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de dolor músculo esquelético en los estudiantes de 4to año de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos que llevan clases virtuales

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    Determina la prevalencia de dolor músculo esquelético en los estudiantes de 4to año de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos que llevan clases virtuales. El presente estudio es observacional no experimental, descriptivo de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. El total de encuestados fue de 44 estudiantes de 4to año de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos que llevan clases virtuales, en el año académico 2021, el instrumento que se utilizó para identificar los síntomas musculoesqueléticos fue el Cuestionario Nórdico (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach entre 0,727 y 0,816) y la Escala Visual Análoga que indica el nivel de dolor. Se aplicaron mediante un Cuestionario digital (google forms). Del total de 44 estudiantes del área de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación que pertenecen al 4to año de estudio y que han cursado clases virtuales se encontró que el 95% (n=42) de los estudiantes presentan dolor músculo esquelético y el 5% (n=2) ausencia de dolor; siendo el 56.8 % (n=25) hombres y el 38.6% (n=17) son mujeres, 42 estudiantes respondieron que el nivel de intensidad de dolor músculo esquelético de mayor prevalencia según la escala análoga visual es un Dolor Leve (1-3). El rango de edad está enmarcado entre 20 a 41 años. El primer grupo de 20 a 27 años está representando el 84% (n=37), tiene una mediana de 8 zonas afectadas con dolor, siendo mayor la cantidad de zonas afectadas con dolor a mayor rango de edad. Las zonas con mayor prevalencia de dolor son la zona lumbar o espalda inferior con 84.1% (n=37), seguido de la zona cervical o del cuello con 81.8% (n=36) y la región columna dorsal o espalda Superior con 79.5% (n=35). Existe una alta prevalencia del dolor músculo esquelético leve en la gran mayoría de estudiantes de 4to año de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos que llevan clases virtuales, donde las zonas de mayor frecuencia son la zona espalda inferior (lumbar), seguido de la zona del cuello y la zona dorsal o espalda superior

    Sequential supplementary firing in natural gas combined cycle with carbon capture: A technology option for Mexico for low-carbon electricity generation and CO<inf>2</inf> enhanced oil recovery

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    Combined cycle gas turbine power plants with sequential supplementary firing in the heat recovery steam generator could be an attractive alternative for markets with access to competitive natural gas prices, with an emphasis on capital cost reduction, and where supply of carbon dioxide for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is important. Sequential combustion makes use of the excess oxygen in gas turbine exhaust gas to generate additional CO2, but, unlike in conventional supplementary firing, allows keeping gas temperatures in the heat recovery steam generator below 820 °C, avoiding a step change in capital costs. It marginally decreases relative energy requirements for solvent regeneration and amine degradation. Power plant models integrated with capture and compression process models of Sequential Supplementary Firing Combined Cycle (SSFCC) gas-fired units show that the efficiency penalty is 8.2% points LHV compared to a conventional natural gas combined cycle power plant with the same capture technology. The marginal thermal efficiency of natural gas firing in the heat recovery steam generator can increase with supercritical steam generation to reduce the efficiency penalty to 5.7% points LHV. Although the efficiency is lower than the conventional configuration, the increment in the power output of the combined steam cycle leads a reduction of the number of gas turbines, at a similar power output to that of a conventional natural gas combined cycle. This has a positive impact on the number of absorbers and the capital costs of the post combustion capture plant by reducing the total volume of flue gas by half on a normalised basis. The relative reduction of overall capital costs is, respectively, 15.3% and 9.1% for the subcritical and the supercritical combined cycle configurations with capture compared to a conventional configuration. For a gas price of 2/MMBTU,theTotalRevenueRequirement(TRR)ametriccombininglevelisedcostofelectricityandrevenuefromEORofsubcriticalandsupercriticalsequentialsupplementaryfiringisconsistentlylowerthanthatofaconventionalNGCCby,respectively,2.2and5.72/MMBTU, the Total Revenue Requirement (TRR) - a metric combining levelised cost of electricity and revenue from EOR - of subcritical and supercritical sequential supplementary firing is consistently lower than that of a conventional NGCC by, respectively, 2.2 and 5.7 /MWh at 0 /tCO2andby4.9and6.7/t CO2 and by 4.9 and 6.7 /MWh at 50/tCO2.Atagaspriceof50/t CO2. At a gas price of 4/MMBTU and 6/MMBTU,theTRRofasubcriticalconfigurationisconsistentlylowerforanycarbonsellingpricehigherthan2.56/MMBTU, the TRR of a subcritical configuration is consistently lower for any carbon selling price higher than 2.5 /t CO2 and 37 $/t CO2 respectively

    Optimizing Long-Term Service Agreements for gas-fired units in the context of increasing penetration of intermittent generation

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    As power systems increasingly rely on gas-fired power plants (GFPP), and as thermal cycling requirements increase due to larger penetrations of intermittent generation, the long-term service agreements (LTSAs) that define the conditions and costs for GFPP maintenance are exerting more economic influence over a power system’s short-term operations. In a previous paper, the authors proposed a unit commitment formulation that explicitly represents LTSAs and showed that these operations and maintenance (O&M) contracts substantially impact the cost of economic dispatch when GFPPs are forced to intensively cycle. The authors also showed that properly modeling these contracts can substantially alter a power system’s short term optimal scheduling. Traditional LTSAs were designed assuming that (especially) combined cycle gas turbines would operate in a base-loaded regime. In new operating regimes characterized by heavy cycling, GFPPs with traditional LTSAs can incur excessive cycling costs. It may be possible for owners of these GFPPs to renegotiate their existing LTSAs for more flexible conditions that will allow their GFPPs to cycle at lower costs, even if this renegotiation requires the owner to pay an upfront expense. In this paper, we propose a formulation aimed at supporting the process of optimizing LTSAs contracts for a portfolio of GFPPs

    Norms of valence and arousal for 14,031 Spanish words

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    Most current models of research on emotion recognize valence (how pleasant a stimulus is) and arousal (the level of activation or intensity that a stimulus elicits) as important components in the classification of affective experiences (Barrett, 1998; Kuppens, Tuerlinckx, Russell, & Barrett, 2012). Here we present a set of norms for valence and arousal for a very large set of Spanish words, including items from a variety of frequencies, semantic categories, and parts of speech, including a subset of conjugated verbs. In this regard, we found that there were significant but very small differences between the ratings for conjugations of the same verb, validating the practice of applying the ratings for infinitives to all derived forms of the verb. Our norms show a high degree of reliability and are strongly correlated with those of Redondo, Fraga, Padron, and Comesana's (2007) Spanish version of the influential Affective Norms for English Words (Bradley & Lang, 1999), as well as those from Warriner, Kuperman, and Brysbaert (2013), the largest available set of emotional norms for English words. Additionally, we included measures of word prevalence-that is, the percentage of participants that knew a particular word-for each variable (Keuleers, Stevens, Mandera, & Brysbaert, 2015). Our large set of norms in Spanish not only will facilitate the creation of stimuli and the analysis of texts in that language, but also will be useful for cross-language comparisons and research on emotional aspects of bilingualism. The norms can be downloaded and available as a supplementary materials to this article

    Priapism as the initial manifestation of chronic myeloid leukemia, a rare presentation

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm with a median age of diagnosis in Mexico of 40 years. The initial manifestations are varied; however, priapism is a very rare entity associated to CML. We report the case of an 18-year-old male with an 8-hour episode of ischemic priapism managed with cavernous lavage, achieving complete flaccidity of the penis. The patient was diagnosed with CML, initiating cytoreduction with hydroxycarbamide and after having molecular confirmation, we started treatment with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The patient was discharged in excellent conditions, without sequelae of erectile dysfunction, all this attributed to the time of evolution, the adequate management of the urological emergency and the prompt identification and treatment of the precipitating condition

    Dieta mediterránea y enfermedad cardiovascular: resultados del estudio piloto del proyecto SUN

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    Fundamento: La dieta mediterránea ha sido propuesta como modelo de patrón dietético para la prevención de la cardiopatía isquémica. El proyecto SUN (“Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra”) es un estudio epidemiológico prospectivo de cohortes, que se inició en el año 2000 y que va dirigido a identificar determinantes dietéticos y no dietéticos implicados en estas enfermedades. La viabilidad del proyecto, se comprobó con un estudio piloto en dos fases. Métodos: La primera fase del estudio piloto contó con la participación de voluntarios en los que se valoraron las exposiciones dietéticas y no dietéticas mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado y por entrevista personal. Para la segunda fase, se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria de 600 graduados y se les envió el cuestionario por correo. Para estimar la variabilidad inter-sujetos se calcularon los percentiles 10, 25, 50, 75 y 90 de consumo para los principales alimentos y nutrientes considerados. Resultados: Los participantes entendieron y respondieron adecuadamente los cuestionarios. El tiempo medio empleado en contestar el cuestionario fue de 55,0 minutos (IC 95%=50,7-59,3). Se encontró una amplia variabilidad inter-sujetos entre los percentiles 10 y 90 en el consumo de los principales alimentos que pueden considerarse indicadores de la dieta mediterránea, como son el aceite de oliva, las frutas, las verduras y el vino. Conclusiones: La submuestra presentó una participación relativamente aceptable. Se halló un patrón de dieta mediterránea con una variabilidad inter-sujetos suficientemente amplia como para poder encontrar asociaciones entre el consumo de alimentos y la incidencia de las principales enfermedades cardiovasculares

    Analysis of documental heritage of CETA in standardization of the Spanish manufacturing automotive industry

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    El presente trabajo muestra el proceso de recopilación, análisis, revisión y gestión realizada sobre el conjunto de normas CETA (Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Automoción), que constituyeron un interesante proceso de normalización llevado a cabo en el sector industrial relacionado con la fabricación de vehículos automóviles y que es uno de los elementos más desconocidos del patrimonio normalizador español. Asimismo, se ha realizado una evaluación comparativa con la normativa UNE vigente. La normativa analizada presenta una serie de características que la diferencian de la normalización actual. Los resultados muestran la influencia positiva que las normas CETA ejercieron en el desarrollo del propio sector así como la importancia que las mismas tuvieron en la generación de contenidos de actuales normas UNE.Universidad de Málaga – Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Dietary patterns and total mortality in a Mediterranean cohort: the SUN project

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    BACKGROUND: Different dietary patterns have been associated with several health outcomes, including morbidity and mortality. There is little evidence on the association between empirically derived dietary patterns and all-cause mortality in Southern European populations. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to prospectively evaluate the association between an empirically derived dietary pattern and all-cause mortality. DESIGN: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project is an ongoing, multipurpose, prospective and dynamic Spanish cohort. PARTICIPANTS/SETTING: Participants were a prospective cohort of 16,008 middle-aged Spanish adults. All of them were university graduates (alumni) (59.6% women, mean age 38 years). Usual diet was assessed at baseline with a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Deaths were confirmed by review of medical records and of the National Death Index. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Dietary patterns were ascertained through a factor (principal component) analysis based on 30 predefined food groups. Participants were classified according to tertiles of adherence to the three main dietary patterns identified with factor analysis. Cox regression models were fitted to estimate multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios and 95% CIs for mortality. RESULTS: Three major dietary patterns were identified. They were labelled Western dietary pattern (rich in red and processed meat, potatoes, and fast food), Mediterranean dietary pattern (rich in vegetables, fish and seafood, fruits, and olive oil), and alcoholic beverages dietary pattern. During follow-up, 148 deaths were reported (mean age at death 54.5 years). After adjustment for potential confounders, the lowest risk of all-cause mortality was found in the tertile of highest adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern (adjusted hazard ratio for third vs first tertile 0.53, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.84) (P for trend <0.01). The Western dietary pattern and alcoholic beverages dietary pattern showed no significant association with mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Greater adherence to an empirically derived dietary pattern approaching the traditional Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality among middle-aged Mediterranean adults