930 research outputs found


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    Given the increasingly complex and fluid nature of organizations today, there is an urgent need to study the role that leadership can play in helping organizations to successfully navigate through difficult and turbulent times. This dissertation investigated the journey of six participants who served as leaders in organizations during periods of change and turmoil. An interpretive phenomenological approach was the primary method of data collection, analysis, and interpretation used to organize the data gathered primarily through interviews with the participants. Personal experience, as well as current leadership and change theories served as the background and frame of reference for this study. Extensive interviews were conducted with each participant. The transcripts from those interviews were carefully analyzed, resulting in a rich description of each individual lived experience. Finally, the individual lived experiences of the participants were analyzed in order to arrive at a composite review, or universal experience, of the participants. Key findings indicated that a leaders worldview is a significant determining factor in their responses to the interview questions. Some common leadership qualities that emerged from the data include: embracing change, collaboration, effective communication, thinking globally, developing others, managerial courage, and ongoing reflection. Additional results pointed to the importance of transparency, dialogue, accountability and inclusivity in an organization, especially during periods of change. Finally, the results suggest that a successful leader appreciates the value of networking, willpower, flexibility, and creative chaos in the organizations that they manage. This exploratory study warrants further investigation, especially regarding the influence of empowerment, managerial courage, reflection, systems-thinking, and creative chaos in organizations. Findings from this study may also provide leaders with suggestions on how to be more effective as they attempt to guide organizations in these unpredictable and rapidly changing times. Rooted in a systems-oriented theoretical framework and using an interpretive phenomenological approach, this qualitative exploratory study offers an example for future researchers focusing on the role leaders play in helping organizations to succeed in turbulent times

    Declaraciones de abandono tardío en la adopción de niñas, niños o adolescentes en la Casa Hogar Niña Belén - Cajamarca periodo 2017 al 2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como propósito identificar los efectos jurídicos de la declaración de abandono tardío. Para tal efecto, se realizado un estudio cualitativo, de tipo básico, correlacional, y diseño no experimental, realizado mediante guía de análisis de los expedientes judiciales de niños, niñas y adolescentes que ingresaron al CAR (Casa hogar Niña Belén) durante el periodo 2017 al 2018, las mismas que son materia de estudio para la identificación de los efectos jurídicos de las declaraciones de abandono tardías. Los resultados establecen que la declaración de abandono tardío hoy declaración judicial de desprotección familiar y adoptabilidad, durante el periodo 2017 afectado a su derecho vivir dentro de un seno familiar, vulneración al Interés Superior del Niño, retraso innecesario de los procesos de adopción y finalmente la afectación su derecho de vivir en un ambiente equilibrado.The purpose of this research is to identify the legal effects of the declaration of late abandonment.For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out, of a basic, correlational, and non-experimental design, conducted through an analysis guide of the judicial records of children and adolescents who entered the CAR (Casa Hogar Niña Belén) during the 2017 period. to 2018, which are the subject of study for the identification of the legal effects of late abandonment declarations. The results establish that the declaration of late abandonment today judicial declaration of family vulnerability and adoptability, during the 2017 period affected their right to live within a family, violation of the Higher Interest of the Child, unnecessary delay of adoption processes and finally the affect your right to live in a balanced environment

    Postal financial services, development and inclusion: Building on the past and looking to the future

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    Post offices, inherited from the Industrial Revolution, were monolithic telephone and postal administrations. They were intimately linked to the fabric of nations and made significant contributions to state finances. From the 1960s onwards, integrators, such as UPS and FEDEX, started offering end-to-end express services, thus challenging the postal monopoly in new high added value services. Gradually, the liberalization paradigm gained ground. Telecommunications and sometimes financial services were spun off from postal operations. More recently, new policies and priorities started to emerge especially on the development agenda where financial inclusion has become a top priority in the developing world. The question to be addressed is which role, if any, the posts play or could play in ensuring inclusion. Despite an exceptionally scarce research in the field, this paper provides an overview of how these shifts in paradigm have affected postal policy, the postal financial services regulatory framework, the status of the organizations delivering those services and the offerings themselves in developing as well as in developed countries. After a research review, including the regulatory dimension, the paper focuses on how postal financial services institutions in their legal framework have developed bringing to the fore a panorama of a dozen of promising transformations of financial postal services in developing countries

    Cultural Resources Intensive Survey for the Proposed Cypress Creek Hike and Bike Trail for Timber Lane Utility District, Harris County, Texas

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    The Timber Lane Utility District plans to construct a hike and bike trail adjacent to and across Cypress Creek in the unincorporated town of Spring, Harris County, Texas. The project would begin north of Cypress Creek with connection to the existing Timber Lane Park paved trail system and would terminate south of Cypress Creek near Werrington subdivision. The area of potential effect (APE) includes the construction limits and all areas subject to temporary disturbance during construction. The width of the proposed paved trail varies from 10 feet to 20 feet, with a 14 to 24-foot wide cleared trail corridor, and an assumed depth of 3 ft including signage, landscaping, lighting, and drainage features. Total project length is approximately 13,935 linear feet, located between Timber Lane Park and Werrington subdivision (7.76 acres). Approximately 9,500 feet of existing trail and maintained right of way (ROW) will be improved as part of the project (5.25 acres). Approximately 4,435 feet of trail would be constructed within undeveloped property (2.51 acres). Nine trail heads, five of which are at existing locations, are proposed for the project. The five existing trail heads are located at Timber Lane Park and along Rambling Brook Drive. The four new trail heads would be located at Rambling Brook Drive, Millhouse Road, the Mercer Arboretum, and at Sago Island Drive. Proposed trail head features will include benches, a drinking fountain, and a kiosk presenting a trail map and information. The trail will span across Cypress Creek via three 14-foot wide weathered steel truss bridges, including abutments. The assumed depth of impact will be 12 ft below the surface. The trail will also span a tributary of Cypress Creek, located north of Briarcreek Boulevard, via a similar truss bridge. A retaining wall is also proposed for a portion of the trail located near an unnamed intermittent stream. However, the trail will avoid impacts to stream features and other waterbodies and wetlands located along the project area. The total project cost has been approved by the Metropolitan Planning Organization of which the federal share is 80 percent. Timber Lane Utility District would be responsible for the remaining 20 percent and for all non-federal or non-state participation costs associated with the proposed project. A cultural resources survey The APE was assessed in accordance to guidelines set forth in the Antiquities Code of Texas (Section 191.0525) and those in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR Part 800). From March 5 through March 8, 2013, Paul M. Matchen (Principal Investigator) and Trisha Gonzales (Archeological Field Technician) from the Cultural Resources Department of TRC’s Austin office conducted an intensive archeological survey within the project APE. This work involved a 100 percent pedestrian survey and selective shovel testing (N = 28) across the 3.3-mile long tract. Twenty-eight shovel tests and two deep backhoe trenches were excavated. These subsurface investigations found no significant cultural deposits. In addition, no standing historic structures or cemeteries were observed within the APE during this survey. For these reasons, no eligibility considerations were made for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 800) or for nomination as a State Archeological Landmark (Chapter 191). Archeological clearance is recommended for this proposed undertaking by the Timber Lane Utility District within the proposed APE. No further cultural resources investigations are recommended. However, in the event that any human remains are encountered during the undertaking all work should cease immediately and Timber Lane Utility District should notify local law enforcement, who in turn will notify the local medical examiner’s office. If these remains are not recent, the Texas Historical Commission should be notified

    Modeling mutant phenotypes and oscillatory dynamics in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cAMP-PKA pathway

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    Background The cyclic AMP-Protein Kinase A (cAMP-PKA) pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signal transduction mechanism that regulates cellular growth and differentiation in animals and fungi. We present a mathematical model that recapitulates the short-term and long-term dynamics of this pathway in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our model is aimed at recapitulating the dynamics of cAMP signaling for wild-type cells as well as single (pde1Δ and pde2Δ) and double (pde1Δpde2Δ) phosphodiesterase mutants. Results Our model focuses on PKA-mediated negative feedback on the activity of phosphodiesterases and the Ras branch of the cAMP-PKA pathway. We show that both of these types of negative feedback are required to reproduce the wild-type signaling behavior that occurs on both short and long time scales, as well as the the observed responses of phosphodiesterase mutants. A novel feature of our model is that, for a wide range of parameters, it predicts that intracellular cAMP concentrations should exhibit decaying oscillatory dynamics in their approach to steady state following glucose stimulation. Experimental measurements of cAMP levels in two genetic backgrounds of S. cerevisiae confirmed the presence of decaying cAMP oscillations as predicted by the model. Conclusions Our model of the cAMP-PKA pathway provides new insights into how yeast respond to alterations in their nutrient environment. Because the model has both predictive and explanatory power it will serve as a foundation for future mathematical and experimental studies of this important signaling network

    Estrategias de marketing para orientar la gestión comercial de la empresa Novedades Marita en la ciudad de Piura – Año 2017

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue proponer estrategias de Marketing para orientar la gestión comercial de la empresa Novedades Marita en la ciudad de Piura-2017. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de la situación de la empresa, así como también se analizaron los factores externos que influyen a la misma; después, con los resultados se desarrolló un análisis de fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas, se determinaron las estrategias que se utilizaron para desarrollar el plan de marketing. El análisis de las estrategias de marketing brinda un panorama general de la aplicación del proceso de marketing estratégico observando el funcionamiento de las estrategias de marketing en la empresa Novedades Marita. También se contribuirá a orientar la gestión comercial para poder llevar a cabo la mejora en la empresa, logrando una ventaja sobre las demás o la competencia

    Gobernanza y organización académica en universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana

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    Surge en la actualidad la gobernanza universitaria como noción asociada al modo de di- rigir el gobierno de la universidad a las exigencias organizacionales y de educación supe- rior. La universidad organización compleja, donde gobernantes y gobernados enfrenta múltiples desafíos en un contexto contemporáneo de crisis conjuntamente con los cam- bios surgidos en el ámbito político y económico, además en marcos de producción de conocimiento y de enseñanza. La presente investigación tiene como propósito manifestar la influencia de la gobernanza institucional en la organización académica. Además de mejorar el desempeño de la ges- tión del gobierno universitario. Su importancia radica en generar reflexiones sobre la ges- tión organizacional convertida en factor reflexivo y crítico para las autoridades sobre la teoría de productividad universitaria y gobernanza universitaria presentadas como retos, además de establecer cambios con técnicas, métodos y estrategias de gestión. Para este estudio se trabajó con las 30 universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana licenciadas por la SUNEDU, de donde se escogieron a 28 colaboradores. Se utilizó el método cientí- fico con una investigación aplicada no experimental de corte transversal. Concluyó que, para el objetivo general, existe un punto crítico de la prueba Chi cua-drada de X20.95 de 7.81 con una calificación Friedman de 16.0, mostrando que existe una in- fluencia de la gobernanza institucional sobre la organización académica de las universi- dades de Lima Metropolitana y además influye sobre la productividad, la calidad y sobre la competitividad académica, en donde la calificación de Friedman resulta muy superior

    Gestión de riesgos y sanciones correctivas de SUNAFIL en empresas constructoras de la provincia de San Martín, 2022

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    La presente investigación que abarca a tres empresas constructoras en su marco de gestión de riesgos con base en la ley 29783; es de tipo básica. Para realizar ello se empleó a 15 trabajadores de cada empresa teniendo un total de 45, se aplicó una metodología que incluía la recolección y el análisis de datos, teniendo una duración aproximada de 2 meses. El presente estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo de tipología descriptivo correlacional, dado a que, las variables serán evaluadas y precisaremos los fenómenos, para proceder a la identificación y posteriormente otorgar las respectivas recomendaciones. Teniendo como resultados que no existe una correlación amplia entre la variable gestión de riesgos y la variable sanciones correctivas, estos datos recopilados se emplearon como base de la presente investigación teniendo a su vez información proveniente de instrumentos aplicados en el mencionado trabajo, los cuales se validaron por expertos en el área. Finalmente, se concluye que no existe correlación entre la variable gestión de riesgos y sanciones correctivas teniendo un valor de correlación de -0.129 y un sig. de 0.397 Por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis especifica planteada en el presente trabajo de investigación

    Relación entre el clima laboral y el desempeño de los docentes de una institución básica regular en el norte del Perú

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis, tiene como objetivo general, determinar la relación entre el clima laboral y el desempeño de los docentes de una Institución Educativa Básica Regular en el norte del Perú, este proyecto tiene una investigación de diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional – transversal. Se ha desarrollado utilizando la información obtenida de la revisión documentaria. La población, son los docentes de una Institución Educativa Básica Regular y la muestra son 34 docentes. Utilizando como técnica, la encuesta. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados alcanzados, se puede dar fe, que el clima laboral se tiene a un mayor porcentaje de los docentes que consideran que existe un nivel medio, lo que podría ser aceptable, sin embargo no es lo más adecuado, por lo tanto se cree necesario la toma de medidas correctivas, para el bienestar de la institución. Al igual que en el clima laboral, el desempeño laboral también tiene a la mayoría de los encuestados considerando que se encuentran en un nivel bajo del desempeño, sin embargo se tiene casos, en algunas dimensiones, donde los encuestados sienten un nivel medio, como por ejemplo en la dimensión factores motivacionales, donde se tiene un 91.2% de los docentes que consideran un desempeño laboral medio. PALABRAS CLAVE: Autorrealización, cambio, clima laboral, condiciones de trabajo, desempeño, estabilidad, factores motivacionales, participación, relaciones.ABSTRACT This thesis has as a general objective, to determine the relationship between the work environment and the performance of teachers of a Regular Basic Educational Institution in northern Peru, this project has a non-experimental design research of correlational - transversal type. It has been developed using the information obtained from the documentary review. The population is the teachers of a Regular Basic Educational Institution and the sample is 34 teachers. Using the survey as a technique. Taking into account the results achieved, one can attest that the work environment is a greater percentage of teachers who believe that there is a medium level, which could be acceptable, however it is not the most appropriate, therefore It is considered necessary to take corrective measures, for the welfare of the institution. As in the work climate, job performance also has the majority of respondents considering that they are at a low level of performance; however there are cases, in some dimensions, where respondents feel an average level, such as example in the dimension of motivational factors, where 91.2% of teachers consider an average work performance. Keywords: Change, motivational factors, participation, performance, relationships, self-realization, stability, work climate, working conditions
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