198 research outputs found

    Battling Baby Brokers: A Comparative Analysis of the United States’ Versus Europe’s Adoption Policies

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    Child adoption involves the permanent transfer of parental rights from a child’s biological or legal parents to another party. Parties in the Unites States (US) have engaged in this process in various forms for centuries. Today, over one hundred thousand children are adopted by American families each year. Many of these adoptions take place privately through agencies. An agency assists in the process of matching prospective adoptive parents with birth parents from whom they will adopt a child. In exchange for this assistance, the prospective adoptive parents pay tens of thousands of dollars in fees and expenses to the agency and, in many circumstances, to the birth parents as well. Despite the inherent risks associated with a business model built upon brokering the exchange of children for money, private adoption agencies go largely unchecked by the US government. This relative freedom to contract for children perpetuates exploitation and corruption by allowing adoption agencies to prioritize profit at the expense of vulnerable populations. By contract, European countries like France, Germany, and Italy maintain stringent regulations and guidelines over the child adoption process. The countries offer more flexibility in structuring the adoption, stricter government oversight throughout the process, and greater transparency from all parties involved. This Note argues that the reason for these differences between the domestic adoption processes is that the US prioritizes profits over people while these Europe countries focus principally on the child’s best interests. The US has turned domestic adoption into a privatized business where the focus of the process is money rather than the child. Europe does not allow potential revenue to eclipse the intended purpose of adoption to give a child in need a suitable home and life. This Note argues that the US would benefit from engaging in greater oversight and enacting broader guidelines, and that the government should look to these European countries for a better model

    Role of adipocyte-derived lipoprotein lipase in adipocyte hypertrophy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A major portion of available fatty acids for adipocyte uptake is derived from lipoprotein lipase (LPL)-mediated hydrolysis of circulating lipoprotein particles. In vivo studies aimed at identifying the precise role of adipocyte-derived LPL in fat storage function of adipose tissue have been unable to provide conclusive evidence due to compensatory mechanisms that activate endogenous fatty acid synthesis. To address this gap in knowledge, we have measured the effect of reducing adipocyte LPL expression on intracellular lipid accumulation using a well-established cultured model of adipocyte differentiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>siRNA specific for mouse LPL was transfected into 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Expression of LPL was measured by quantitative real-time PCR and cell surface-associated LPL enzymatic activity was measured by colorimetric detection following substrate (p-nitrophenyl butyrate) hydrolysis. Apolipoprotein CII and CIII expression ratios were also measured by qRT-PCR. Intracellular lipid accumulation was quantified by Nile Red staining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes, LPL mRNA expression increases 6-fold resulting in a 2-fold increase in cell surface-associated LPL enzymatic activity. Parallel to this increase in LPL expression, we found that intracellular lipids increased ~10-fold demonstrating a direct correlation between adipocyte-derived LPL expression and lipid storage. We next reduced LPL expression in adipocytes using siRNA transfections to directly quantify the contributions of adipocyte-derived LPL to lipid storage, This treatment reduced LPL mRNA expression and cell surface-associated LPL enzymatic activity to ~50% of non-treated controls while intracellular lipid levels were reduced by 80%. Exogenous addition of purified LPL (to restore extracellular lipolytic activity) or palmitate (as a source of free fatty acids) to siRNA-treated cells restored intracellular lipid levels to those measured for non-treated controls. We also found that adipocytes express apolipoprotein CII and CIII and, in addition, the apoCII/apoCIII ratio remains largely unchanged in cells with reduced LPL expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We provide evidence that adipocyte-derived LPL is required for efficient fatty acid uptake and storage, and that adipocytes express their own source of apoCII and apoCIII for regulating extracellular LPL activity. These findings demonstrate that adipocytes are capable of producing the necessary enzymatic components and co-factors for efficient lipid storage independent of vascular sources.</p

    Syndecan-1 mediates internalization of apoE-VLDL through a low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP)-independent, non-clathrin-mediated pathway

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    BACKGROUND: Triacylglyerol-rich very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles are the primary carriers of fatty acids in the circulation and as such serve as a rich energy source for peripheral tissues. Receptor-mediated uptake of these particles is dependent upon prior association with apolipoprotein E (apoE-VLDL) and is brought about by cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in some cell types and by the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) in others. Although LRP's role in apoE-VLDL uptake has been well studied, the identity of the HSPG family member that mediates apoE-VLDL uptake has not been established. We investigated if syndecan-1 (Syn-1), a transmembrane cell surface HSPG, is able to mediate the internalization of apoE-VLDL and examined the relationship between Syn-1 and LRP toward apoE-VLDL uptake. For this study, we used a human fibroblast cell line (GM00701) that expresses large amounts of LRP, but possesses no LDL receptor activity to eliminate its contributions toward apoE-VLDL uptake. RESULTS: Although LRP in these cells is fully active as established by substantial α(2)macroglobulin binding and internalization, uptake of apoE-VLDL is absent. Expression of human Syn-1 cDNA restored apoE-VLDL binding and uptake by these cells. Competition for this uptake with an LRP ligand-binding antagonist had little or no effect, whereas co-incubation with heparin abolished apoE-VLDL internalization. Depleting Syn-1 expressing cells of K(+), to block clathrin-mediated endocytosis, showed no inhibition of Syn-1 internalization of apoE-VLDL. By contrast, treatment of cells with nystatin to inhibit lipid raft function, prevented the uptake of apoE-VLDL by Syn-1. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that Syn-1 is able to mediate apoE-VLDL uptake in human fibroblasts with little or no contribution from LRP and that the endocytic path taken by Syn-1 is clathrin-independent and relies upon lipid raft function. These data are consistent with previous studies demonstrating Syn-1 association with lipid raft domains

    Nivel de satisfacción de la consejería telefónica de salud sexual y reproductiva en los adolescentes atendidos en el Centro Materno Infantil Santa Luzmila II, Comas - 2021

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de satisfacción de la consejería telefónica de salud sexual y reproductiva en los adolescentes, atendidos en el Centro Materno Infantil Santa Luzmila II, Comas- 2021. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, de corte transversal y con diseño no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 95 adolescentes el cual se seleccionó por el tipo de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia; para la recolección de datos se elaboró una encuesta que tenía dos partes, la primera recogió información asociada a la variable de factores sociodemográficos y en la segunda parte, orientada a recoger el nivel de satisfacción de la consejería telefónica en salud sexual y reproductiva en los adolescentes. Resultados: Los principales factores sociodemográficos encontrados en la muestra de adolescentes son: que el 30% tiene 16 años, el 92% son de sexo femenino, el 80% cuentan con nivel de estudio secundario, el 63% eran usuarios nuevos en consulta, y el 95% tiene tipo de seguro SIS. Con respecto al nivel de satisfacción de la consejería telefónica de salud sexual y reproductiva, la dimensión con mayor satisfacción es empatía con 97,4%, seguida de la dimensión de fiabilidad con 96,1%, con mayor número de insatisfacción es la dimensión de capacidad de respuesta con 9,2% insatisfechos. Conclusiones: El 94,22% de adolescentes se encuentra satisfecho con la consejería telefónica de salud sexual y reproductiva brindada por el Centro Materno Infantil Santa Luzmila II, durante el primer semestre del 2021.Objective: To determine the level of satisfaction with the telephone counseling on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents, attended at the Santa Luzmila II Maternal and Child Center, Comas-2021. Material and Methods: A study was carried out with a quantitative, descriptive, cutting approach cross-sectional and non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 95 adolescents who were selected by the type of non-probabilistic sampling for convenience; For data collection, a survey was prepared that had two parts, the first collected information associated with the variable of sociodemographic factors and in the second part, aimed at collecting the level of satisfaction with telephone counseling on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents . Results: The main sociodemographic factors found in the sample of adolescents are: that 30% are 16 years old, 92% are female, 80% have a high school level, 63% were new users in consultation, and 95% have type of SIS insurance. Regarding the level of satisfaction with the telephone counseling on sexual and reproductive health, the dimension with the highest satisfaction is empathy with 97.4%, followed by the reliability dimension with 96.1%, with the highest number of dissatisfaction is the dimension of responsiveness with 9.2% dissatisfied. Conclusions: 94.22% of adolescents are satisfied with the telephone counseling on sexual and reproductive health provided by the Centro Materno Infantil Santa Luzmila II, during the first semester of 2021

    Un género cinematográfico para el periodismo : creación y producción del documental "La Cantuta en la Boca del Diablo"

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    En 1992 el entonces presidente del Perú, Alberto Fujimori, rompió el orden constitucional bajo el cual había sido elegido, en un acto para el que se acuñó el término “autogolpe de Estado”. Este jefe de gobierno, un civil, cerró en una noche y un día las instituciones democráticas, intervino el poder judicial, derogó la constitución, llamó a elecciones para un nuevo congreso constituyente, y gobernó hasta 1995 fuera de la ley, de la mano de las Fuerzas Armadas (luego se reelegiría hasta el 2000).Tesi

    Veículo Autônomo: Uma Visão Geral da Produção Científica baseada na Análise Bibliométrica

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    This article aims to identify the state of the art of studies on Autonomous Vehicles (AV), considering the development of the subject and its lines of research, using a Bibliometric Review in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. In the clusters, generated by the bibliographic coupling, two lines of research stand out, focused on the technological aspects and on the social and behavioral aspects of the acceptability of VA. Regarding the countries, the United States, Germany and China lead the number of publications referring to VA in the two databases.Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar el estado del arte de los estudios sobre Vehículos Autónomos (VA), considerando el desarrollo del tema y sus líneas de investigación, utilizando una Revisión Bibliométrica en las bases de datos de Web of Science y Scopus. En los clusters, generados por el acoplamiento bibliográfico, se destacan dos líneas de investigación, centradas en los aspectos tecnológicos y en los aspectos sociales y comportamentales de la aceptabilidad de AV. En cuanto a los países, Estados Unidos, Alemania y China lideran el número de publicaciones referidas a AV en las dos bases de datos.Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar o estado da arte dos estudos sobre Veículos Autônomos (AV), considerando o desenvolvimento do assunto e suas linhas de pesquisa, utilizando uma Revisão Bibliométrica nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus. Nos clusters, gerados pelo acoplamento bibliográfico, destacam-se duas linhas de pesquisa, focadas nos aspectos tecnológicos e nos aspectos sociais e comportamentais da aceitabilidade da AV. Em relação aos países, Estados Unidos, Alemanha e China lideram o número de publicações referentes a VA nas duas bases

    Experience Corps: Who Are the Members?

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    Experience Corps: Who Are the Members

    Experience Corps: Stipends

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    Experience Corps: Stipend

    Experience Corps: Benefits of Volunteering

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    Experience Corps: Benefits of Volunteerin

    Habilidades sociales y la convivencia escolar en los estudiantes de 5° grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Inca Ripaq de Ccorao, en el año 2021

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    El propósito de este trabajo de indagación fue determinar la relación de las habilidades sociales con la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Inca Ripaq de Ccorao, en el año 2021. Se empleó el método cuantitativo por que los resultados se obtuvieron a partir del análisis estadístico; la indagación fue de tipo sustantivo de manera que se comenzó a partir de un marco teórico buscando ampliar los estudios científicos y el nivel de investigación corresponde al descriptivo correlacional. La muestra final quedó compuesta por 44 escolares a los que se administró la Escala de habilidades sociales de Gismero (1996) versión adaptada a la realidad peruana y cusqueña. También se utilizó la Escala de Convivencia Escolar, basado en la “encuesta nacional de convivencia escolar y violencia en la escuela” MINEDU (2019) y las dimensiones de Convivencia Escolar planteadas por Chaparro, Caso, Fierro, & Díaz (2015). Se halló que las habilidades sociales de la mayor cantidad de estudiantes se ubican en el nivel regular y la convivencia escolar para la mayoría de estudiante es regular; así mismo, se encontró la existencia de una relación directa y considerable entre las habilidades sociales y la convivencia escolar, ocurriendo lo mismo en la relación de habilidades sociales y las dimensiones pacífica, democrática e inclusiva de convivencia escolar