39 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic entanglement induced by spontaneous emission in solid-state quantum optics

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    Implementations of solid-state quantum optics provide us with devices where qubits are placed at fixed positions in photonic or plasmonic one-dimensional waveguides. We show that solely by controlling the position ofthe qubits and withthe help of a coherent driving, collective spontaneous decay may be engineered to yield an entangled mesoscopic steady state. Our scheme relies on the realization of pure superradiant Dicke models by a destructive interference that cancels dipole-dipole interactions in one dimension

    Tunable and robust long-range coherent interactions between quantum emitters mediated by Weyl bound states

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    Long-range coherent interactions between quantum emitters are instrumental for quantum information and simulation technologies, but they are generally difficult to isolate from dissipation. Here, we show how such interactions can be obtained in photonic Weyl environments due to the emergence of an exotic bound state whose wavefunction displays power-law spatial confinement. Using an exact formalism, we show how this bound state can mediate coherent transfer of excitations between emitters, with virtually no dissipation and with a transfer rate that follows the same scaling with distance as the bound state wavefunction. In addition, we show that the topological nature of Weyl points translates into two important features of the Weyl bound state, and consequently of the interactions it mediates: first, its range can be tuned without losing the power-law confinement, and, second, they are robust under energy disorder of the bath. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal of a photonic setup that combines simultaneously coherence, tunability, long-range, and robustness to disorder. These findings could ultimately pave the way for the design of more robust long-distance entanglement protocols or quantum simulation implementations for studying long-range interacting systems

    Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED

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    The discovery of topological materials has challenged our understanding of condensed matter physics and led to novel and unusual phenomena. This has motivated recent developments to export topological concepts into photonics to make light behave in exotic ways. Here, we predict several unconventional quantum optical phenomena that occur when quantum emitters interact with a topological waveguide QED bath, namely, the photonic analogue of the Su-Schrieffer-Hegger model. When the emitters frequency lies within the topological band-gap, a chiral bound state emerges, which is located at just one side (right or left) of the emitter. In the presence of several emitters, it mediates topological, long-range tunable interactions between them, that can give rise to exotic phases such as double N\'eel ordered states. On the contrary, when the emitters' optical transition is resonant with the bands, we find unconventional scattering properties and different super/subradiant states depending on the band topology. We also investigate the case of a bath with open boundary conditions to understand the role of topological edge states. Finally, we propose several implementations where these phenomena can be observed with state-of-the-art technology.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamics of open quantum systems: excitons, cavities and surface plasmons

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada . Fecha de lectura: 22-01-201

    Tunable directional emission and collective dissipation with quantum metasurfaces

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    Subwavelength atomic arrays, recently labeled as quantum metamaterials, have emerged as an exciting platform for obtaining novel quantum optical phenomena. The strong interference effects in these systems generate subradiant excitations that propagate through the atomic array with very long lifetimes. Here, we demonstrate that one can harness these excitations to obtain tunable directional emission patterns and collective dissipative couplings when placing judiciously additional atoms nearby the atomic array. For doing that, we first characterize the optimal array geometry to obtain directional emission patterns. Then, we characterize the best atomic positions to couple efficiently to the subradiant metasurface excitations, and provide several improvement strategies based on entangled atomic clusters or bilayers. Afterwards, we also show how the directionality of the emission pattern can be controlled through the relative dipole orientation between the auxiliary atoms and the one of the array. Finally, we benchmark how these directional emission patterns translate into to collective, anisotropic dissipative couplings between the auxiliary atoms by studying the lifetime modification of atomic entangled states.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Unconventional mechanism of virtual-state population through dissipation

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    Virtual states are a central concept in quantum mechanics. By definition, the probability of finding a quantum system in a virtual state should be vanishingly small at all times. In contrast to this notion, we report a phenomenon occurring in open quantum systems by which virtual states can acquire a sizable population in the long-time limit, even if they are not directly coupled to any dissipative channel. This means that the situation in which the virtual state remains unpopulated can be metastable. We describe this effect by introducing a two-step adiabatic elimination method, which we termed hierarchical adiabatic elimination, that allows one to obtain analytical expressions of the timescale of metastability in general open quantum systems. We show how these results can be relevant for practical questions such as the generation of stable and metastable entangled states in dissipative systems of interacting qubit

    Unconventional mechanism of virtual-state population through dissipation

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    Virtual states are a central concept in quantum mechanics. By definition, the probability of finding a quantum system in a virtual state should be vanishingly small at all times. In contrast to this notion, we report a phenomenon occurring in open quantum systems by which virtual states can acquire a sizable population in the long-time limit, even if they are not directly coupled to any dissipative channel. This means that the situation in which the virtual state remains unpopulated can be metastable. We describe this effect by introducing a two-step adiabatic elimination method, which we termed hierarchical adiabatic elimination, that allows one to obtain analytical expressions of the timescale of metastability in general open quantum systems. We show how these results can be relevant for practical questions such as the generation of stable and metastable entangled states in dissipative systems of interacting qubit

    Spin many-body phases in standard and topological waveguide QED simulators

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    Quantum spin models find applications in many different areas, such as spintronics, high-Tc superconductivity, and even complex optimization problems. However, studying their many-body behaviour, especially in the presence of frustration, represents an outstanding computational challenge. To overcome it, quantum simulators based on cold, trapped atoms and ions have been built, shedding light already on many non-trivial phenomena. Unfortunately, the models covered by these simulators are limited by the type of interactions that appear naturally in these systems. Waveguide QED setups have recently been pointed out as a powerful alternative due to the possibility of mediating more versatile spin-spin interactions with tunable sign, range, and even chirality. Yet, despite their potential, the many-body phases emerging from these systems have only been scarcely explored. In this manuscript, we fill this gap analyzing the ground states of a general class of spin models that can be obtained in such waveguide QED setups. Importantly, we find novel many-body phases different from the ones obtained in other platforms, e.g., symmetry-protected topological phases with large-period magnetic orderings, and explain the measurements needed to probe them